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Call for Papers for a Special Issue of The Hemingway Review
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Call for Papers for a Special Issue of The Hemingway Review
Emerson Society at the Thoreau Annual Gathering CFP
The Emerson Society will sponsor a panel at the Thoreau Society Annual Gathering this summer in Concord, Mass. (July 9-13, 2025). This year’s conference theme is Thoreau’s Revolutions. We will consider papers both on the topic below and on the conference theme more generally.
“Emersonian Revolutions Today”
CFP: American Literature Association 36th Annual Conference May 21-24, 2025, The Westin Copley Place 10 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02116
The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society invites proposals for two panels at the upcoming ALA conference in Boston.
"Emerson's Like-Minded Transcendentalists."
Call for Papers: Short Film Studies Issue 15.2
Deadline for manuscripts: 15 May 2025
Length requirements: 1500 to 4000 words, double-spaced
View the full call here>>
Call for Book Chapters
Temperate Rainforests in Literature and Culture:
Text, Image, Sound
Editors: Dr. Vera Fibisan and Dr. John Miller
Deadline for abstracts: 1st April 2025
After years of financial crisis and politics of austerity, as well as a pandemic that brought ordinary life to a halt, culture today is laden with excess. This excess can take many different shapes and foster diverse readings, some of them positive, focusing on excess as an opportunity, while others reflect on its pernicious effects.
Conference Overview
The International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation (ICERMediation) is pleased to announce the 10th Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. The 10th conference will explore the crucial role of identity in contemporary conflicts, emphasizing the importance of historical context, collective memory, and transformative learning in understanding and addressing these issues.
Food transcends its role as sustenance, serving as a powerful lens through which to examine identity, memory, and power dynamics. From hunger-driven narratives to the celebratory and symbolic depictions of meals in contemporary cinema and television, food occupies a central place in Hispanic cultural productions. It can represent tradition and identity, critique societal norms, or even subvert power structures.
Contributions of 4000 words are invited for the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Doctor Who. Under contract with Routledge and edited by Catriona Mills, Russell Sandberg and Marcus Harmes, this large-scale Handbook will be a generational work encompassing all aspects of the global phenomenon Doctor Who. The purpose of the work is to further academic research and the interdisciplinary approach that fuses the exploration of the official and the fan made.
The below table of contents indicates which chapters still require contributors. Please also review the notes below on what the overall focus of each section will be and tailor your abstract to this focus.
Vermillion Writing and Literature Conference at University of South Dakota
Boundaries: Preserving and Creating Space (October 9–11, 2025)
University of South Dakota (Vermillion, SD)
Featured Readers: Laird Hunt and Eleni Sikelianos
Call for Papers
How does your creative work and/or scholarship engage with boundaries? Which boundaries mark its edges? How extensive are its stakes? What limits—aesthetic, geographical, social, political, ethical—does your work challenge, secure, or redraw? What spaces do you seek to preserve? What spaces need creating—and for whom? And how porous will their boundaries be?
“The House of the Seven Gables in Ink, Wood, and Stone: A Roundtable Discussion”
The 23rd Annual UAlbany English Graduate Conference:
Back To the Future: Historical Reflections on Contemporary issues
April 11th, 2025 / 9 am - 4 pm EST
Official site:
CFP: 2025 SSAWW Conference“Understanding Histories, Imagining Futures: 25 Years of SSAWW”November 6-9, 2025 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Marriott Old City
For the 2025 SSAWW Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we invite proposals on the theme “Understanding Histories, Imagining Futures” as we commemorate twenty-five years of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers.
This conference explores haunted modernities and spectral futures of all sorts. Looking back to the past as a haunted space and forward to the ‘spectres’ of the future, we want ‘Haunted Modernities’ to be indicative of wide open spaces and fruitful intersections in scholarship and practice. Whether work is hyper-local, global, or interstellar we welcome imaginative, creative, ethical, and diverse discussions from all disciplines and subject areas. As well as traditional papers, creative practice work is also invited in whatever form - written, film, audio, performance, exhibitions etc.
Dear Colleagues:
My forthcoming collection, Imperial Debt: Colonial Theft, Postcolonial Reparations, is in contract and due out in 2025.
Please review the original CFP for the book, copied below, and let me know if you have work that would be appropriate for it and fits within the rubric (see below). I have lost a chapter at the last minute, and need to replace it.
The full chapter is needed by Dec. 31 2024. I will respond right away to any and all inquiries. Please email me to let me know of your interest and/or to submit the chapter:
Thank you considering this important project--my very best,
Stories shape the way that we view the world and understand our relationship with it. One of the oldest and most universal kind of story features the hero. The hero is an inspirational and aspirational figure who saves individuals or communities from hostile forces, misfortune, or ruin. Some heroes do this by means of supernatural powers, while others rely on strength, courage, wisdom, or cunning.
We seek original contributions in English or Spanish from scholars across disciplines for the
forthcoming De Gruyter volume Spanish Identity and Eurovision: Media, Politics, and Cultural
Performance. Please submit a 300–500-word abstract in English or Spanish to editors Marina
Cuzovic-Severn ( and José Eduardo Villalobos Graillet
( by February 28, 2025.
“To be neurodivergent is to reclaim the pathologizing aspects of a long-term cognitive diagnosis and to reclaim one’s neuro-status as a possible position from which to claim resources, representation and recognition” (Stenning and Bertisldottir Rosqvist 1535).
Call for Papers
The Mechademia conference began in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2001, as a new forum for people hoping to establish the English-language academic study of anime and manga while still keeping ties with the creative energy of the fan cultures that these vibrant media were creating. Since then, Mechademia has taken on many forms, including two academic journal series, conferences in various locales and venues around the world, and a widening network of collaboration between academics, fans, and creators, while pursuing the study of anime, manga, and related media as an interconnected trans-local nexus of cultural practice.
CFP - Postcolonial coming-of-age novels in the Indian and Pacific Ocean worlds
Open Group Session at the 2025 ICLA Conference
Nancy Drew and Sookie Stackhouse. The Executioner and Sweet Valley High. Warhammer or Star Wars tie-in novels. Franchise series like these occupy a unique position, inspiring voracious (often young) readers while often complicating traditional scholarly approaches to literature.
We seek 15-minute papers for a prospective panel on franchise fiction, mass market books, and pulp at the American Literature Association conference in Boston, May 21-24, 2025.
Call for Papers: Journal of Illustration
Special Issue: ‘ILLUSTRATION & HERITAGE: Sharing Histories to Draw Out Futures’
View the full call here>>
On 22 and 23 November 2024, the 14th Annual International Illustration Research Symposium explored the role that illustration plays in cultural heritage: Illustration & Heritage: Sharing Histories to Draw Out Futures.
The So What welcomes proposals for short, public-facing pieces — whether critical, pedagogical, or creative — on social media accounts that engage with the medieval period for a special issue of TSW planned for on-line publication in 2025 or early 2026.
Iperstoria no. 26 Call for Papers
Special Issue: Parties, Luxury and American Celebrity: From Gatsby to Instagram
Guest editors: Alessandro Clericuzio, University of Perugia (; Cinzia Schiavini, University of Milan (
Re-Defining Boundaries: Exploring Writing Program Administration Identities
Editors: Kristi Murray Costello, Old Dominion University, and Jacob Babb, Appalachian State University
This call emerges from our understanding that over the past five years, something has changed about how writing program administrators relate to their work.
Or maybe we’ve changed.
Maybe it’s both.
Wednesday 18th June 2025 to Friday 20th June 2025
Falmouth University, UK
The Contemporary Women’s Writing Association’s 2025 conference will be an interdisciplinary and global exploration of the role and impact of women’s writing. This conference is dedicated to the discussion of a broad range of women’s writing, including the popular and the literary; bestsellers and genres; poetry and prose; screen and script; writing for games and digital spaces; creative non-fiction; life-writing, biography, and memoir; and journalism and other forms of cultural production.
7-8 February 2025
A two-day hybrid conference organized by the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Performance and Politics, Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, University of Milan, Italy
Novel: A Forum on Fiction is accepting submissions. Founded in 1967 at Brown University, Novel is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best new criticism and theory in novel studies. After several decades under the editorship of Nancy Armstrong, Kevin McLaughlin took over as the chief editor in Summer 2023. Novel holds to these general principles:
The study and analysis of creative fan production (e.g., fanfiction, fanart, cosplay, etc.) is a cornerstone of fandom studies. These practices enable fans to assert a level of authorship over their favorite media – to reimagine, recontextualize, and reconceptualize their canons to better reflect their desires, wants, interests, and demands. They provide voice to individuals who cannot necessarily shape source texts directly (Vinney & Dill-Shackleford, 2018), allowing fans to carve out space for themselves within the pop-culture landscape that celebrates/embraces their identities. This is particularly poignant for marginalized fans.