all recent posts

UPDATE: Medievalism Transformed (grad) (UK) (5/8/06; 6/3/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Medievalism Transformed

Call for Papers


Medievalism Transformed:
Imagining the Medieval World

An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference,3 June 2006.

Submissions due 8 May, 2006.

Your proposal for a 20-minute paper should be no longer than 300 words. Please
make submissions electronically to by 8
May 2006. Proposals should be accompanied by your name, institutional
affiliation, email address, and contact information.

UPDATE: Medievalism Transformed (grad) (UK) (5/8/06; 6/3/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Medievalism Transformed

Call for Papers


Medievalism Transformed:
Imagining the Medieval World

An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference,3 June 2006.

Submissions due 8 May, 2006.

Your proposal for a 20-minute paper should be no longer than 300 words. Please
make submissions electronically to by 8
May 2006. Proposals should be accompanied by your name, institutional
affiliation, email address, and contact information.

CFP: Le Sofa (ongoing; online journal)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Bénédicte Coste

Le Sofa (quaterly online publication, ongoing)

Le Sofa is a new peer-reviewed online journal which=20
publishesbook-reviews, fiction, essays on contemporay topics, and=20
culture . Although Le Sofa is mainly a French-speaking journal you=20
might consider sending material in English.

Le Sofa is a quaterly publication but the editors welcome submissions=20
year-round. Mail us a project with a cover letter citing publications=20
and awards, if any. We will consider anything so long as the work is=20
compelling. Work considered experimental is strongly encouraged.

Unsolicited book reviews are also welcome.

UPDATE: Medievalism Transformed (grad) (UK) (5/8/06; 6/3/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Medievalism Transformed

Call for Papers


Medievalism Transformed:
Imagining the Medieval World

An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference,3 June 2006.

Submissions due 8 May, 2006.

Your proposal for a 20-minute paper should be no longer than 300 words. Please
make submissions electronically to by 8
May 2006. Proposals should be accompanied by your name, institutional
affiliation, email address, and contact information.

CFP: Henry James & Women Writers (5/12/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Geraldine Murphy

Dear Subscribers:

I need one more paper for a panel on "Henry James and Women Writers" for the Midwest MLA in Chicago, Nov. 9-12, 2006. Abstracts of 250 words or less should be submitted by May 12 at the very latest to

Thank you,
Geraldine Murphy

CFP: Henry James & Women Writers (5/12/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Geraldine Murphy

Dear Subscribers:

I need one more paper for a panel on "Henry James and Women Writers" for the Midwest MLA in Chicago, Nov. 9-12, 2006. Abstracts of 250 words or less should be submitted by May 12 at the very latest to

Thank you,
Geraldine Murphy

CFP: Henry James & Women Writers (5/12/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Geraldine Murphy

Dear Subscribers:

I need one more paper for a panel on "Henry James and Women Writers" for the Midwest MLA in Chicago, Nov. 9-12, 2006. Abstracts of 250 words or less should be submitted by May 12 at the very latest to

Thank you,
Geraldine Murphy

CFP: Caribbean Literature: Racialized Voices, Hybridized Identities (8/06; anthology)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Jaspal K. Singh

Calls for Papers: Caribbean Literature: Racialized Voices, Hybridized

We invite essays on the diasporic implications of multiracial and
multicultural characters and their hybrid cultural consciousness in
Afro-Caribbean and Indo-Caribbean texts. The site of the diasporic cultures
may be in the Caribbean itself or in transnational locations--in the
Metropole or in the various sites of migration common to Caribbean nationals.

CFP: Caribbean Literature: Racialized Voices, Hybridized Identities (8/06; anthology)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Jaspal K. Singh

Calls for Papers: Caribbean Literature: Racialized Voices, Hybridized

We invite essays on the diasporic implications of multiracial and
multicultural characters and their hybrid cultural consciousness in
Afro-Caribbean and Indo-Caribbean texts. The site of the diasporic cultures
may be in the Caribbean itself or in transnational locations--in the
Metropole or in the various sites of migration common to Caribbean nationals.

CFP: Caribbean Literature: Racialized Voices, Hybridized Identities (8/06; anthology)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Jaspal K. Singh

Calls for Papers: Caribbean Literature: Racialized Voices, Hybridized

We invite essays on the diasporic implications of multiracial and
multicultural characters and their hybrid cultural consciousness in
Afro-Caribbean and Indo-Caribbean texts. The site of the diasporic cultures
may be in the Caribbean itself or in transnational locations--in the
Metropole or in the various sites of migration common to Caribbean nationals.

CFP: Black Poetry Out of the Archive (5/6/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Grant Jenkins

Call for Papers


Panel for Modernist Studies Association 8

University of Tulsa

Oct 19-22


Black Poetry Out of the Archive


Because poetry written by blacks in the United States since the turn of
the 20^th Century has mainly been defined in terms of its oral or
experiential power, little attention has been given to the literate
aspects of that poetry's development, production, or publication.
Archives, of course, are the record of such literate processes, and many
of the archives of some of modernism and postmodernism's most important
black writers have yet to be adequately studied for the critical light
they can shed on the poetic work.


CFP: Black Poetry Out of the Archive (5/6/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Grant Jenkins

Call for Papers


Panel for Modernist Studies Association 8

University of Tulsa

Oct 19-22


Black Poetry Out of the Archive


Because poetry written by blacks in the United States since the turn of
the 20^th Century has mainly been defined in terms of its oral or
experiential power, little attention has been given to the literate
aspects of that poetry's development, production, or publication.
Archives, of course, are the record of such literate processes, and many
of the archives of some of modernism and postmodernism's most important
black writers have yet to be adequately studied for the critical light
they can shed on the poetic work.


CFP: Black Poetry Out of the Archive (5/6/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Grant Jenkins

Call for Papers


Panel for Modernist Studies Association 8

University of Tulsa

Oct 19-22


Black Poetry Out of the Archive


Because poetry written by blacks in the United States since the turn of
the 20^th Century has mainly been defined in terms of its oral or
experiential power, little attention has been given to the literate
aspects of that poetry's development, production, or publication.
Archives, of course, are the record of such literate processes, and many
of the archives of some of modernism and postmodernism's most important
black writers have yet to be adequately studied for the critical light
they can shed on the poetic work.


CFP: Black Poetry Out of the Archive (5/6/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Grant Jenkins

Call for Papers


Panel for Modernist Studies Association 8

University of Tulsa

Oct 19-22


Black Poetry Out of the Archive


Because poetry written by blacks in the United States since the turn of
the 20^th Century has mainly been defined in terms of its oral or
experiential power, little attention has been given to the literate
aspects of that poetry's development, production, or publication.
Archives, of course, are the record of such literate processes, and many
of the archives of some of modernism and postmodernism's most important
black writers have yet to be adequately studied for the critical light
they can shed on the poetic work.


CFP: The Spaces Between and Betwixt - Border Crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English (7/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
ABC Journal

The Academic Anglophone Society of Romania seeks contributions for the forthcoming issue of its journal,
American, British and Canadian Studies. In September, ABC will be publishing a Special Issue focusing on The
Spaces between and betwixt: Border crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English. We are thus calling
for submissions on any relevant topic in linguistics, literary and cultural studies involving translation theory
and practice, including theoretical interventions, creative-critical essays on emergent subfields, and
pedagogical approaches to working with translation. We are especially eager for academic articles addressing

CFP: The Spaces Between and Betwixt - Border Crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English (7/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
ABC Journal

The Academic Anglophone Society of Romania seeks contributions for the forthcoming issue of its journal,
American, British and Canadian Studies. In September, ABC will be publishing a Special Issue focusing on The
Spaces between and betwixt: Border crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English. We are thus calling
for submissions on any relevant topic in linguistics, literary and cultural studies involving translation theory
and practice, including theoretical interventions, creative-critical essays on emergent subfields, and
pedagogical approaches to working with translation. We are especially eager for academic articles addressing

CFP: The Spaces Between and Betwixt - Border Crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English (7/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
ABC Journal

The Academic Anglophone Society of Romania seeks contributions for the forthcoming issue of its journal,
American, British and Canadian Studies. In September, ABC will be publishing a Special Issue focusing on The
Spaces between and betwixt: Border crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English. We are thus calling
for submissions on any relevant topic in linguistics, literary and cultural studies involving translation theory
and practice, including theoretical interventions, creative-critical essays on emergent subfields, and
pedagogical approaches to working with translation. We are especially eager for academic articles addressing

CFP: The American Environment, Within and Without (grad) (6/30/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Rebecca Onion

The American Studies Graduate Committee at the University of Texas at Austin calls for papers for
its upcoming graduate conference, "The American Environment: Within and Without," to be held in
Austin on September 28-29, 2006.

"Environment" is a term which invites myriad interpretations in varied contexts. Our conference
theme urges participants to explore the American environment both inside and across these
different contexts. We encourage the consideration of all types of environments, including the
musical, literary, religious, political, psychological, natural, built, social, and transnational,
and those which merge or transcend these types.

CFP: The American Environment, Within and Without (grad) (6/30/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Rebecca Onion

The American Studies Graduate Committee at the University of Texas at Austin calls for papers for
its upcoming graduate conference, "The American Environment: Within and Without," to be held in
Austin on September 28-29, 2006.

"Environment" is a term which invites myriad interpretations in varied contexts. Our conference
theme urges participants to explore the American environment both inside and across these
different contexts. We encourage the consideration of all types of environments, including the
musical, literary, religious, political, psychological, natural, built, social, and transnational,
and those which merge or transcend these types.

CFP: The American Environment, Within and Without (grad) (6/30/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Rebecca Onion

The American Studies Graduate Committee at the University of Texas at Austin calls for papers for
its upcoming graduate conference, "The American Environment: Within and Without," to be held in
Austin on September 28-29, 2006.

"Environment" is a term which invites myriad interpretations in varied contexts. Our conference
theme urges participants to explore the American environment both inside and across these
different contexts. We encourage the consideration of all types of environments, including the
musical, literary, religious, political, psychological, natural, built, social, and transnational,
and those which merge or transcend these types.

CFP: The American Environment, Within and Without (grad) (6/30/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Rebecca Onion

The American Studies Graduate Committee at the University of Texas at Austin calls for papers for
its upcoming graduate conference, "The American Environment: Within and Without," to be held in
Austin on September 28-29, 2006.

"Environment" is a term which invites myriad interpretations in varied contexts. Our conference
theme urges participants to explore the American environment both inside and across these
different contexts. We encourage the consideration of all types of environments, including the
musical, literary, religious, political, psychological, natural, built, social, and transnational,
and those which merge or transcend these types.

CFP: The American Environment, Within and Without (grad) (6/30/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Rebecca Onion

The American Studies Graduate Committee at the University of Texas at Austin calls for papers for
its upcoming graduate conference, "The American Environment: Within and Without," to be held in
Austin on September 28-29, 2006.

"Environment" is a term which invites myriad interpretations in varied contexts. Our conference
theme urges participants to explore the American environment both inside and across these
different contexts. We encourage the consideration of all types of environments, including the
musical, literary, religious, political, psychological, natural, built, social, and transnational,
and those which merge or transcend these types.

CFP: The "F" Word: The Next Season (5/24/06; Women and Theatre, 8/1/06-8/2/06)

Friday, April 21, 2006 - 4:12pm
Jennifer-Scott Mobley

***please feel free to forward this to any interested students, colleagues
or list-serves *****


Graduate Student Working Group- The "F" Word: The Next Season

Call for Participants

2006 Women and Theatre Conference August 1-2, Chicago

Deadline for Submission May 24th


The mission of this working group is to create a student-driven roundtable
as part of an effort to engage more grad students in the conversation
surrounding feminism, as well as to establish a stronger network, and an
ongoing discussion amongst graduate scholars in WTP related fields
surrounding the following questions:

