CFP: Queer Television (9/15/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
Queer Eyes: Reading the "Must See" Queer Television Phenomenon
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Queer Eyes: Reading the "Must See" Queer Television Phenomenon
Queer Eyes: Reading the "Must See" Queer Television Phenomenon
The New England Saga Society is currently seeking papers for two sponsored
sessions at the 2006 41st International Congress at Kalamazoo in 2006.
Session I: The Problem of Revenge: Cultural Critiques in the Icelandic Sagas
The theme of Icelandic nationalism is undeniably important in the sagas, but
readers must not neglect the inherent cultural critiques which arise as
well. NESS will take up this discussion in a session that asks what
critiques we might find in the sagas, especially with regards to the
constant and violent feuds that erupt over Iceland's medieval landscape.
Session II: The World of Women in the Icelandic Sagas
The Eleventh International Conference on the
Literature of Region and Nation
28-31 July 2006
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Because this is the first time our conference has been held in the
United States, and we are meeting in Kansas, the heart of America¡¦s
farming frontier, we invite papers on topics relating to frontiers.
Call for Submissions: The Critic, the journal of the College English
Association, is preparing a special issue on Food and the Literary Imagination.
Scholars interested are invited to submit essays of 5,000 words. Topics are
flexible and may include such as food as symbol; food and character or theme; food
and ideology; conversation at meals; cultural preferences, taboos, and
social roles; food and social currency; food and sexuality; food, fasting, and
spirituality, and of course, the pleasure of it all. Deadline is October 31,
2005. For further information, contact Walter Levy at _wlevy129_at_aol.com_
( .
41st International Congress on Medieval Studies
Kalamazoo, MI
May 4-7, 2006
"Literary Renovations in Middle English Texts: The Old Made New?"
James Simpson's new literary history, Reform and Cultural Revolution (Oxford,
2004), redefines the conventional periodic boundaries along the lines of
cultural practice. The 'medieval' period emerges as a culture of 'reform'
against the 'revolutionary' tendencies of the 'Renaissance' or 'early modern'
period. "Each deals differently with artefacts and buildings of the past,"
Simpson explains. "[T]he revolutionary model works by iconoclasm and
demolition, while the reformist model operates by accretive bricolage" (35).
Subject: CFP: God-Heads and Christ Figures in African-American Literature
(9/10/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
Panel Title: The Reflection of God and Christ: God-Heads and Christ Figures in
African-American Literature
Call for Papers for the second edition of JUNG: The e-Journal of the
Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies, a peer-reviewed, academic journal.
Opens: August 1, 2005
Deadline: December 1, 2005
To be published on-line April 2006
Papers of up to 7500 words on any topic that implements, utilizes, or
critiques the relevance and application of Jungian and post-Jungian theory
for scholarly study. Topics may include (but need not be constrained to)
the arts, humanities, and sciences, such as literature, the arts, drama,
Subject: CFP: God-Heads and Christ Figures in African-American Literature
(9/10/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
Panel Title: The Reflection of God and Christ: God-Heads and Christ Figures in
African-American Literature
Contributions are sought for essays on the topic of African-American
faculty and administrators (current of former) at Appalachian colleges
or universities. This critical anthology seeks to explore the plethora
of situations and circumstances that affect African American faculty and
administrators in the Appalachian region. We are looking for abstracts
that will RESULT IN SCHOLARLY ESSAYS. We are not seeking poetry, art or
similar material.
Send 2-page limit abstracts to either:
Keith Johnson, Ph.D.
Contributions are sought for essays on the topic of African-American
faculty and administrators (current of former) at Appalachian colleges
or universities. This critical anthology seeks to explore the plethora
of situations and circumstances that affect African American faculty and
administrators in the Appalachian region. We are looking for abstracts
that will RESULT IN SCHOLARLY ESSAYS. We are not seeking poetry, art or
similar material.
Send 2-page limit abstracts to either:
Keith Johnson, Ph.D.
Subject: CFP: God-Heads and Christ Figures in African-American Literature
(9/10/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
Panel Title: The Reflection of God and Christ: God-Heads and Christ Figures in
African-American Literature
Contributions are sought for essays on the topic of African-American
faculty and administrators (current of former) at Appalachian colleges
or universities. This critical anthology seeks to explore the plethora
of situations and circumstances that affect African American faculty and
administrators in the Appalachian region. We are looking for abstracts
that will RESULT IN SCHOLARLY ESSAYS. We are not seeking poetry, art or
similar material.
Send 2-page limit abstracts to either:
Keith Johnson, Ph.D.
Subject: CFP: God-Heads and Christ Figures in African-American Literature
(9/10/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
Panel Title: The Reflection of God and Christ: God-Heads and Christ Figures in
African-American Literature
Call for guest Peer Reviewers
The international Film Journal "Studies in European Cinema" is
looking to update its list of guest Peer Reviewers.
The journal peer reviews articles that are submitted to it, using its
Peer Review Board. But also aims to encourage occasional guest Peer
If you would like to be considered as a possible guest Peer Reviewer
you are welcome to send an email to the Editors, Professor Graeme
Harper and Dr Owen Evans. You should include a summary cv (max 400
words, as Word attachment).
This can be sent to
Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) seeks
submissions for the fall 2005 edition.
Deadline: 15 October 2005
Please send submissions to:
To submit to the journal, as well as to Magazine Americana and Newsletter
Americana, you must be a member of Americana: The Institute for the Study of
American Popular Culture. Please visit for
Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) seeks
submissions for the fall 2005 edition.
Deadline: 15 October 2005
Please send submissions to:
To submit to the journal, as well as to Magazine Americana and Newsletter
Americana, you must be a member of Americana: The Institute for the Study of
American Popular Culture. Please visit for
thresholds, the bi-annual critical journal of architecture, art and media
culture of the department of architecture at MIT invites submissions for
issue 31 'ephemera'
DUE: 31 October 2005
(please see details for submissions below)
thresholds, the bi-annual critical journal of architecture, art and media
culture of the department of architecture at MIT invites submissions for
issue 31 'ephemera'
DUE: 31 October 2005
(please see details for submissions below)
UPDATE: English Long Distance Trade, 1550-1700 (9/30/05; collection)
CALL FOR PAPERS -- Northeast Modern Language Association
Philadelphia, PA -- March 2-5, 2006
For this panel, I invite papers considering any aspect of Truman Capote's
work or persona. Fresh analyses of his stories, novels, essyas, letters or
screenplays are welcome. What sorts of claims might we make to label Capote a
"major" American writer? Whta did he contribute to the American canon? What were
his particular literary gifts? Papers dissecting Capote's public
appearances, his marketing of self or work, his various (and incessant) portrayals in the
media will also be welcome.
Please send 250-word abstracts by SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 to
Gayle Gullett
Associate Professor
History Department
Arizona State University
PO Box 872501
Tempe, AZ 85287-4302
(480) 965-4787
fax (480) 965-0310
CFP: Domestic Frontiers: Domestic Colonization (12/31/05; journal issue)
A Special Issue of Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
Guest editors
Victoria K Haskins (Flinders University of South Australia)
Margaret Jacobs (University of Nebraska)
Call for papers
De la page blanche aux salles obscures : l=92adaptation =20
cin=E9matographique dans le domaine anglophone
=46rom the Blank Page to the Silver Screen: Film Adaptations in the =20
English-Speaking World
Universit=E9 de Bretagne Sud (University of South Brittany)
Lorient, France
June 8-10, 2006
For a long time, adaptations have been evaluated according to their =20
=93faithfulness=94 to the =93original=94 work, but the limits of this =20=
De la page blanche aux salles obscures : l=92adaptation =20
cin=E9matographique dans le domaine anglophone
=46rom the Blank Page to the Silver Screen: Film Adaptations in the =20
English-Speaking World
Universit=E9 de Bretagne Sud (University of South Brittany)
Lorient, France
June 8-10, 2006
For a long time, adaptations have been evaluated according to their =20
=93faithfulness=94 to the =93original=94 work, but the limits of this =20=
Panel Title: The Construction of Folk: Traditions, Interpretations, and Appropriations in African American Literature
Conference: Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA March 2-5, 2005
I am accepting paper proposals until September 1, 2005 for the aforementioned panel. Before submitting your proposal, please consider the following short panel description.
Panel Title: The Construction of Folk: Traditions, Interpretations, and Appropriations in African American Literature
Conference: Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA March 2-5, 2005
I am accepting paper proposals until September 1, 2005 for the aforementioned panel. Before submitting your proposal, please consider the following short panel description.
Panel Title: The Construction of Folk: Traditions, Interpretations, and Appropriations in African American Literature
Conference: Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA March 2-5, 2005
I am accepting paper proposals until September 1, 2005 for the aforementioned panel. Before submitting your proposal, please consider the following short panel description.
For a future issue of the Shakespeare Yearbook, "Shakespeare and the
Lacanian Renaissance" -- to be co-edited by Douglas A. Brooks (Texas
A&M University) and Kristin Lacefield (University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill) -- the journal seeks articles that examine the
intersections between Lacanian theory and the literary production of
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries.
For a future issue of the Shakespeare Yearbook, "Shakespeare and the
Lacanian Renaissance" -- to be co-edited by Douglas A. Brooks (Texas
A&M University) and Kristin Lacefield (University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill) -- the journal seeks articles that examine the
intersections between Lacanian theory and the literary production of
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries.
The Abandoned House in Twentieth-Century Poetry and Visual Art
I am seeking papers for a panel on abandoned houses in twentieth century
poetry and visual art, to be presented at a conference on "Space,
Haunting, Discourse," at Karlstad University in Sweden, June 15-18, 2005.
On this theme, submissions are invited that offer insight into the
phenomelogical, historical, and/or cultural valences of the image of the
abandoned house in contemporary (inter)national traditions and/or in the
work of individual poets or artists.