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CFP: William Faulkner Society (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
John Matthews

The William Faulkner Society invites proposals for individual papers or
complete panels, topics open, for the 2007 Modern Language Association
Convention to be held in Chicago. Abstracts (250 words maximum) should be
directed to John Matthews, President, The Faulkner Society, at
<> Deadline for submissions: March
1, 2007. Preliminary inquiries welcomed.

CFP: Encountering New Worlds of Adoption (3/1/07; 10/11/07-10/14/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm
Marianne Novy

CFP: Encountering New Worlds of Adoption (March 1; October 11-14)

CFP: Encountering New Worlds of Adoption: 2nd International Conference
on Adoption and Culture
Conference date: October 11-14 at the University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh PA 15260
Proposal deadline: March 1, 2007

Organized by the Alliance for the Study of Adoption, Identity, and Kinship
Conference Organizer: Marianne Novy (University of Pittsburgh)

CFP: Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context (3/2/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Call for Papers

Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the
Global Context

Issue Two, Spring 2007
"Transnational Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship"

The editorial staff for the new peer-reviewed journal Ethnoscapes: An
Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context
invites submissions for its second issue on the subject of "Transnational
Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship." Ethnoscapes maps the
development of important themes in the field of race and ethnic studies by
using a "classic" piece as a point of departure for a reconsideration of
critical issues within the contemporary economic, political, and cultural

CFP: Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context (3/2/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Call for Papers

Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the
Global Context

Issue Two, Spring 2007
"Transnational Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship"

The editorial staff for the new peer-reviewed journal Ethnoscapes: An
Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context
invites submissions for its second issue on the subject of "Transnational
Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship." Ethnoscapes maps the
development of important themes in the field of race and ethnic studies by
using a "classic" piece as a point of departure for a reconsideration of
critical issues within the contemporary economic, political, and cultural

CFP: Faith and the Body: Victorian Evangelicals (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  Faith and the Body: Victorian Evangelicals
  "Occasionally peeping inside the leaves to see that Venus's arm was not broken, [Sue] entered with her heathen load into the most Christian city in the country by an obscure street running parallel to the main one, and round a corner to the side door of the establishment to which she was attached. Her purchases were taken straight up to her own chamber, and she at once attempted to lock them in a box that was her very own property; but finding them too cumbersome she wrapped them in large sheets of brown paper, and stood them on the floor in a corner." – Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure, 1895

CFP: Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context (3/2/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Call for Papers

Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the
Global Context

Issue Two, Spring 2007
"Transnational Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship"

The editorial staff for the new peer-reviewed journal Ethnoscapes: An
Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context
invites submissions for its second issue on the subject of "Transnational
Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship." Ethnoscapes maps the
development of important themes in the field of race and ethnic studies by
using a "classic" piece as a point of departure for a reconsideration of
critical issues within the contemporary economic, political, and cultural

CFP: Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context (3/2/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Call for Papers

Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the
Global Context

Issue Two, Spring 2007
"Transnational Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship"

The editorial staff for the new peer-reviewed journal Ethnoscapes: An
Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context
invites submissions for its second issue on the subject of "Transnational
Migration, Globalization, and Citizenship." Ethnoscapes maps the
development of important themes in the field of race and ethnic studies by
using a "classic" piece as a point of departure for a reconsideration of
critical issues within the contemporary economic, political, and cultural

CFP: Faith and the Body: Victorian Evangelicals (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  Faith and the Body: Victorian Evangelicals
  "Occasionally peeping inside the leaves to see that Venus's arm was not broken, [Sue] entered with her heathen load into the most Christian city in the country by an obscure street running parallel to the main one, and round a corner to the side door of the establishment to which she was attached. Her purchases were taken straight up to her own chamber, and she at once attempted to lock them in a box that was her very own property; but finding them too cumbersome she wrapped them in large sheets of brown paper, and stood them on the floor in a corner." – Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure, 1895

UPDATE: Angry Young (Wo)Men: Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  "Angry Young (Wo)Men": Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate

In late 1995, two significant events changed the theatrical landscape:
John Osborne (Look Back in
Anger) died, and Sarah Kane's play Blasted premiered at the Royal Court
Theatre in London. The timing
was somewhat serendipitous—as one of the original "Angry Young Men"
left this world, one of the "New
Brutalists" made her mark on it.

UPDATE: Angry Young (Wo)Men: Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  "Angry Young (Wo)Men": Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate

In late 1995, two significant events changed the theatrical landscape:
John Osborne (Look Back in
Anger) died, and Sarah Kane's play Blasted premiered at the Royal Court
Theatre in London. The timing
was somewhat serendipitous—as one of the original "Angry Young Men"
left this world, one of the "New
Brutalists" made her mark on it.

UPDATE: Angry Young (Wo)Men: Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  "Angry Young (Wo)Men": Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate

In late 1995, two significant events changed the theatrical landscape:
John Osborne (Look Back in
Anger) died, and Sarah Kane's play Blasted premiered at the Royal Court
Theatre in London. The timing
was somewhat serendipitous—as one of the original "Angry Young Men"
left this world, one of the "New
Brutalists" made her mark on it.

UPDATE: Angry Young (Wo)Men: Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  "Angry Young (Wo)Men": Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate

In late 1995, two significant events changed the theatrical landscape:
John Osborne (Look Back in
Anger) died, and Sarah Kane's play Blasted premiered at the Royal Court
Theatre in London. The timing
was somewhat serendipitous—as one of the original "Angry Young Men"
left this world, one of the "New
Brutalists" made her mark on it.

UPDATE: Angry Young (Wo)Men: Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

Final Extension

    13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2007
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  "Angry Young (Wo)Men": Theatrical Violence as Ethical Debate

In late 1995, two significant events changed the theatrical landscape:
John Osborne (Look Back in
Anger) died, and Sarah Kane's play Blasted premiered at the Royal Court
Theatre in London. The timing
was somewhat serendipitous—as one of the original "Angry Young Men"
left this world, one of the "New
Brutalists" made her mark on it.

UPDATE: Border Ethics in Literature (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

  Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  Arizona State University
  February 16 - 18 2007
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  Final Extension:
  Border Ethics in Literature

UPDATE: Border Ethics in Literature (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

  Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  Arizona State University
  February 16 - 18 2007
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  Final Extension:
  Border Ethics in Literature

UPDATE: Border Ethics in Literature (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

  Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  Arizona State University
  February 16 - 18 2007
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  Final Extension:
  Border Ethics in Literature

UPDATE: Border Ethics in Literature (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:26pm

  Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  Arizona State University
  February 16 - 18 2007
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  Final Extension:
  Border Ethics in Literature

CFP: Fili the Buster: Political Satire and the Public (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  "Fili" the "Buster": Political Satire and the Public
  From Jonathan Swift to Jon Stewart, political satire evokes visceral responses, whether from love or hate. But why? What is it about this satire that appeals to or repulses the public? Can we distinguish an ethics of political satire, or is it marked by the lack of ethics completely? How should we engage this satire – if we should engage it at all?
  This panel seeks papers and presentations that discuss various forms, methods, writers, outlets, responses, and/or refutations of political satire throughout history, from Aristophanes to Steven Colbert.

CFP: Fili the Buster: Political Satire and the Public (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  "Fili" the "Buster": Political Satire and the Public
  From Jonathan Swift to Jon Stewart, political satire evokes visceral responses, whether from love or hate. But why? What is it about this satire that appeals to or repulses the public? Can we distinguish an ethics of political satire, or is it marked by the lack of ethics completely? How should we engage this satire – if we should engage it at all?
  This panel seeks papers and presentations that discuss various forms, methods, writers, outlets, responses, and/or refutations of political satire throughout history, from Aristophanes to Steven Colbert.

CFP: LGBT Theatre Debut Panel (2/15/07; ATHE, 7/26/06-7/29/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

CFP: LGBT Theatre Debut Panel / ATHE 2007 (2/15/07; 7/26/06-7/29/07)

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Theatre Focus Group of the
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) invites submissions
for its Debut Panel from scholars who have not yet published articles
or presented at a national conference. The deadline for submissions is
February 15, 2007.

CFP: Fili the Buster: Political Satire and the Public (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  "Fili" the "Buster": Political Satire and the Public
  From Jonathan Swift to Jon Stewart, political satire evokes visceral responses, whether from love or hate. But why? What is it about this satire that appeals to or repulses the public? Can we distinguish an ethics of political satire, or is it marked by the lack of ethics completely? How should we engage this satire – if we should engage it at all?
  This panel seeks papers and presentations that discuss various forms, methods, writers, outlets, responses, and/or refutations of political satire throughout history, from Aristophanes to Steven Colbert.

CFP: LGBT Theatre Debut Panel (2/15/07; ATHE, 7/26/06-7/29/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

CFP: LGBT Theatre Debut Panel / ATHE 2007 (2/15/07; 7/26/06-7/29/07)

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Theatre Focus Group of the
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) invites submissions
for its Debut Panel from scholars who have not yet published articles
or presented at a national conference. The deadline for submissions is
February 15, 2007.

CFP: Fili the Buster: Political Satire and the Public (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  "Fili" the "Buster": Political Satire and the Public
  From Jonathan Swift to Jon Stewart, political satire evokes visceral responses, whether from love or hate. But why? What is it about this satire that appeals to or repulses the public? Can we distinguish an ethics of political satire, or is it marked by the lack of ethics completely? How should we engage this satire – if we should engage it at all?
  This panel seeks papers and presentations that discuss various forms, methods, writers, outlets, responses, and/or refutations of political satire throughout history, from Aristophanes to Steven Colbert.

CFP: Fili the Buster: Political Satire and the Public (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  "Fili" the "Buster": Political Satire and the Public
  From Jonathan Swift to Jon Stewart, political satire evokes visceral responses, whether from love or hate. But why? What is it about this satire that appeals to or repulses the public? Can we distinguish an ethics of political satire, or is it marked by the lack of ethics completely? How should we engage this satire – if we should engage it at all?
  This panel seeks papers and presentations that discuss various forms, methods, writers, outlets, responses, and/or refutations of political satire throughout history, from Aristophanes to Steven Colbert.

CFP: Fili the Buster: Political Satire and the Public (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm

Southwest Graduate English Symposium – 2007
  "Fili" the "Buster": Political Satire and the Public
  From Jonathan Swift to Jon Stewart, political satire evokes visceral responses, whether from love or hate. But why? What is it about this satire that appeals to or repulses the public? Can we distinguish an ethics of political satire, or is it marked by the lack of ethics completely? How should we engage this satire – if we should engage it at all?
  This panel seeks papers and presentations that discuss various forms, methods, writers, outlets, responses, and/or refutations of political satire throughout history, from Aristophanes to Steven Colbert.

CFP: Gender and Illness (3/31/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm
gender forum

For the completion of a special issue on "Gender and Illness," the
multidisciplinary online journal "gender forum"
(, affiliated with the University of
Cologne, Germany, seeks 2-3 articles discussing the intersection and
mutual implications of gender and illness. We welcome contributions all

CFP: Gender and Illness (3/31/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm
gender forum

For the completion of a special issue on "Gender and Illness," the
multidisciplinary online journal "gender forum"
(, affiliated with the University of
Cologne, Germany, seeks 2-3 articles discussing the intersection and
mutual implications of gender and illness. We welcome contributions all

CFP: Gender and Illness (3/31/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm
gender forum

For the completion of a special issue on "Gender and Illness," the
multidisciplinary online journal "gender forum"
(, affiliated with the University of
Cologne, Germany, seeks 2-3 articles discussing the intersection and
mutual implications of gender and illness. We welcome contributions all
