CFP: Literary Illustration and the Web (3/31/06; online journal)
Image (&) Narrative, a refereed online journal based at K.U. Leuven in=20
Belgium, seeks contributions on the topic of =E2=80=9CLiterary illustration=
: pros and cons.
=E2=80=9D Several years ago, we published an issue on =E2=80=9CIllustration=
,=E2=80=9D and we are=20
now seeking to deepen our understanding of the relationships between litera=
reading, illustration, and the web.=20
We are, therefore, seeking two types of contributions. First, we would like=
to see a very specific type of illustration, namely online =E2=80=9Cindepen=
illustrative networks=E2=80=9D that function not as simple =E2=80=9Cillustr=
ations,=E2=80=9D but as=20