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CFP: Renaissance Comparative Prose Conference (7/15/07; 11/1/07-11/2/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm


Purdue University's Renaissance Comparative Prose Conference
(deadline: July 15, 2007; conference: November 1-2, 2007)

Held this year at Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio

Keynote address: Thomas L. Martin, Florida Atlantic University
"C.S. Lewis as Renaissance Critic"

Papers are invited for a conference exploring any aspect of Renaissance prose.
Submissions are encouraged from scholars investigating texts in languages other
than English, as well as texts that explore transatlantic connections.

CFP: Modernist Misogyny (5/1/07; MSA, 11/1/07-11/4/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Pearl James

call for papers for MSA 9 in Long Beach, California 1-4 November 2007
Modernist Misogynies
This panel will address the various roles misogyny plays in the formation of
modernism, in particular texts, in the broader cultural movement, and in
subsequent canon-formation.
Possible topics might include:
-What forms does misogyny take in work by modernist writers, particularly or
generally, and how does misogyny during the modernist period differ from
that expressed in other historical periods?
-How have and how should feminists respond to or redefine the modernist
-Are there modernist masculinities that do NOT depend on renouncing or
otherwise vilifying the feminine?

CFP: Modernist Misogyny (5/1/07; MSA, 11/1/07-11/4/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Pearl James

call for papers for MSA 9 in Long Beach, California 1-4 November 2007
Modernist Misogynies
This panel will address the various roles misogyny plays in the formation of
modernism, in particular texts, in the broader cultural movement, and in
subsequent canon-formation.
Possible topics might include:
-What forms does misogyny take in work by modernist writers, particularly or
generally, and how does misogyny during the modernist period differ from
that expressed in other historical periods?
-How have and how should feminists respond to or redefine the modernist
-Are there modernist masculinities that do NOT depend on renouncing or
otherwise vilifying the feminine?

CFP: Renaissance Virtues (4/20/07; RSA, 4/3/08-4/5/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Aaron Spooner

Renaissance Virtues

We welcome papers touching on all aspects of virtue in the Renaissance for a
panel at the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) 2008 meeting in Chicago
(April 3-5). Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged, and papers
touching on some aspect of literature and/or England are especially welcome.
Possible questions to examine include:

CFP: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images (UK) (grad) (5/7/07; 6/20/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Gordon Spark

 Invisibilities: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and ImagesCall For =
Papers Wednesday 20th June 2007School of Humanities: EnglishUniversity of =
Dundee Plenary Speaker: Dr Darryl JonesTrinity College Dublin The Fifth =
Annual English Postgraduate Conference will be held at the University of =
Dundee on Wednesday June 20th 2007. This interdisciplinary postgraduate =
conference invites proposals for papers under the heading =91InVisibilities=
: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images=92. What are the =
roles, forms and conditions of representation and exclusion in our culture =
and its diverse media? Suggested topics include (but are not limited to): =

CFP: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images (UK) (grad) (5/7/07; 6/20/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Gordon Spark

 Invisibilities: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and ImagesCall For =
Papers Wednesday 20th June 2007School of Humanities: EnglishUniversity of =
Dundee Plenary Speaker: Dr Darryl JonesTrinity College Dublin The Fifth =
Annual English Postgraduate Conference will be held at the University of =
Dundee on Wednesday June 20th 2007. This interdisciplinary postgraduate =
conference invites proposals for papers under the heading =91InVisibilities=
: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images=92. What are the =
roles, forms and conditions of representation and exclusion in our culture =
and its diverse media? Suggested topics include (but are not limited to): =

CFP: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images (UK) (grad) (5/7/07; 6/20/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Gordon Spark

 Invisibilities: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and ImagesCall For =
Papers Wednesday 20th June 2007School of Humanities: EnglishUniversity of =
Dundee Plenary Speaker: Dr Darryl JonesTrinity College Dublin The Fifth =
Annual English Postgraduate Conference will be held at the University of =
Dundee on Wednesday June 20th 2007. This interdisciplinary postgraduate =
conference invites proposals for papers under the heading =91InVisibilities=
: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images=92. What are the =
roles, forms and conditions of representation and exclusion in our culture =
and its diverse media? Suggested topics include (but are not limited to): =

CFP: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images (UK) (grad) (5/7/07; 6/20/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Gordon Spark

 Invisibilities: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and ImagesCall For =
Papers Wednesday 20th June 2007School of Humanities: EnglishUniversity of =
Dundee Plenary Speaker: Dr Darryl JonesTrinity College Dublin The Fifth =
Annual English Postgraduate Conference will be held at the University of =
Dundee on Wednesday June 20th 2007. This interdisciplinary postgraduate =
conference invites proposals for papers under the heading =91InVisibilities=
: Absence and Presence in Cultural Texts and Images=92. What are the =
roles, forms and conditions of representation and exclusion in our culture =
and its diverse media? Suggested topics include (but are not limited to): =

CFP: Collaboration and the Writing Workshop (4/9/07; CCCC, 4/2/08-4/5/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Dvornik, Christine

Call for papers: Collaboration and the Writing Workshop CCCC 2008

The small group workshop holds promise in that by sharing work with peers, students world-views are expanded. In brining together different people, backgrounds, and experiences, the successful small group workshop bridges the private and the public and establishes a new sense of reality for students. Yet, often times the workshop is used by instructors and students with little positive effect. Theorists seem to have figured out the theoretical implications of pedagogy of collaboration, but today we find ourselves requiring and employing workshops out of habit that don't seem to be very productive.

CFP: The Multi-modal, Multimedia, Multicultural Classroom (4/25/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Jennalyn ___

The New York State English Council's scholarly journal, The English Record,
is seeking submissions on the following topic: The Multi-modal, Multimedia,
Multicultural Classroom
Whether it is the invented spellings rapidly typed with thumbs into a phone
or the deftly interpreted visual cues of a complex video game, many of the
students we are now teaching, and most of those in our future, have a need
for skills in areas commonly ignored by traditional classrooms. How do we
meet the needs of students who are more skilled on a computer than we are?
In what ways are canonical texts merging into media and attracting student
attention? How does employing multi-modal techniques help teachers reach

CFP: The Multi-modal, Multimedia, Multicultural Classroom (4/25/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Jennalyn ___

The New York State English Council's scholarly journal, The English Record,
is seeking submissions on the following topic: The Multi-modal, Multimedia,
Multicultural Classroom
Whether it is the invented spellings rapidly typed with thumbs into a phone
or the deftly interpreted visual cues of a complex video game, many of the
students we are now teaching, and most of those in our future, have a need
for skills in areas commonly ignored by traditional classrooms. How do we
meet the needs of students who are more skilled on a computer than we are?
In what ways are canonical texts merging into media and attracting student
attention? How does employing multi-modal techniques help teachers reach

CFP: The Multi-modal, Multimedia, Multicultural Classroom (4/25/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm
Jennalyn ___

The New York State English Council's scholarly journal, The English Record,
is seeking submissions on the following topic: The Multi-modal, Multimedia,
Multicultural Classroom
Whether it is the invented spellings rapidly typed with thumbs into a phone
or the deftly interpreted visual cues of a complex video game, many of the
students we are now teaching, and most of those in our future, have a need
for skills in areas commonly ignored by traditional classrooms. How do we
meet the needs of students who are more skilled on a computer than we are?
In what ways are canonical texts merging into media and attracting student
attention? How does employing multi-modal techniques help teachers reach

CFP: Practice Theory (7/1/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm

SOUNDINGS: An Interdisciplinary Journal invites article submissions on the
notion of "practice" from across the disciplines. Contemporary social
theorists often invoke notions of practice and tradition to explain the
regularity and continuity of social behavior. Yet, these practices remain
mysterious, and many claim, lack a firm theoretical foundation. SOUNDINGS is
seeking articles which engage practice theory from an interdisciplinary
perspective with a special emphasis on the ways in which practice theory might
illuminate understandings of moral and political values.

CFP: Practice Theory (7/1/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:53pm

SOUNDINGS: An Interdisciplinary Journal invites article submissions on the
notion of "practice" from across the disciplines. Contemporary social
theorists often invoke notions of practice and tradition to explain the
regularity and continuity of social behavior. Yet, these practices remain
mysterious, and many claim, lack a firm theoretical foundation. SOUNDINGS is
seeking articles which engage practice theory from an interdisciplinary
perspective with a special emphasis on the ways in which practice theory might
illuminate understandings of moral and political values.

CFP: Screen Choreography Conference (UK) (5/11/07; 6/12/07-6/13/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:20pm
Paul Booth

CFP: Moves Screen Choreography Conference, Manchester, UK, 12 â€" 13 June 2007.

Papers are now invited for the ‘Moves: Choreography on the Screen’ conference to be held at Manchester Metropolitan University. Paper are invited for any area of discussion on anything that contains a choreographic intention, ideas could be:

Moves would cover choreographed movement on screen. This could be areas such as:

CFP: Screen Choreography Conference (UK) (5/11/07; 6/12/07-6/13/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:20pm
Paul Booth

CFP: Moves Screen Choreography Conference, Manchester, UK, 12 â€" 13 June 2007.

Papers are now invited for the ‘Moves: Choreography on the Screen’ conference to be held at Manchester Metropolitan University. Paper are invited for any area of discussion on anything that contains a choreographic intention, ideas could be:

Moves would cover choreographed movement on screen. This could be areas such as:

CFP: Practical Approaches to Teaching Film (4/6/07; RMMLA, 4/10/07-6/10/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:20pm
Rachel Ritterbusch

Dear Colleague,


I would like to encourage you to submit a proposal for the session
entitled "Practical Approaches to Teaching Film", which I will be
chairing this year at the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Language
Association convention. This session dedicated to using film in the
classroom has met with great enthusiasm in the past and led to a
fruitful exchange of ideas among teachers from a wide range of
institutions. =20


CFP: Practical Approaches to Teaching Film (4/6/07; RMMLA, 4/10/07-6/10/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:20pm
Rachel Ritterbusch

Dear Colleague,


I would like to encourage you to submit a proposal for the session
entitled "Practical Approaches to Teaching Film", which I will be
chairing this year at the 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Language
Association convention. This session dedicated to using film in the
classroom has met with great enthusiasm in the past and led to a
fruitful exchange of ideas among teachers from a wide range of
institutions. =20


CFP: Alternative Mentoring for People of Color (4/17/07; 1/30/08-2/3/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:20pm
Lydia Melvin

>> Call for Papers: AWP Panel, In Praise of: 13 Ways to Be Mentored
>> Mentoring often happens in private, between a person and a book, one
>> writer
>> alone with a few pages of someone's text, another writer she feels
>> inexplicably
>> drawn to. Who are the writers we return to? And for what reasons? How
>> do writers
>> enter an alternative form of mentorship with writers they've only met

CFP: Alternative Mentoring for People of Color (4/17/07; 1/30/08-2/3/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:20pm
Lydia Melvin

>> Call for Papers: AWP Panel, In Praise of: 13 Ways to Be Mentored
>> Mentoring often happens in private, between a person and a book, one
>> writer
>> alone with a few pages of someone's text, another writer she feels
>> inexplicably
>> drawn to. Who are the writers we return to? And for what reasons? How
>> do writers
>> enter an alternative form of mentorship with writers they've only met

CFP: Alternative Mentoring for People of Color (4/17/07; 1/30/08-2/3/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:20pm
Lydia Melvin

>> Call for Papers: AWP Panel, In Praise of: 13 Ways to Be Mentored
>> Mentoring often happens in private, between a person and a book, one
>> writer
>> alone with a few pages of someone's text, another writer she feels
>> inexplicably
>> drawn to. Who are the writers we return to? And for what reasons? How
>> do writers
>> enter an alternative form of mentorship with writers they've only met
