CFP: Theory of Mind and Literature Conference (5/1/07; 11/1/07-11/3/07)
Theory of Mind and Literature Conference Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, November 1-3, 2007.
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Theory of Mind and Literature Conference Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, November 1-3, 2007.
'Tyndale, More and their circles: Persecution and martyrdom under the
Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom, 3-6 July 2008
This will be an interdisciplinary conference which will bring together
scholars interested in the religious history and literature of the Tudor
period. Although there will be a focus on lives, works and reputations of
Tyndale and More, papers are sought on martyrdom, religious persecution and
inter-Christian conflict generally and thus may range in subject from Anne
Askew to Edmund Campion.
Robert Penn Warren and Race (4/20/07; SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)
The Robert Penn Warren Circle invites proposals for papers that will =
focus on any aspect of race in Warren's works (prose fiction, poetry, =
and/or non-fiction prose). Abstracts of up to 500 words for =
twenty-minute papers should be submitted by e-mail to Sean Heuston at = <> by April 20, =
2007. =20
Dr. Sean Heuston
Department of English
The Citadel
Deadline Extention: April 15, 2007
Midwest Conference on British Studies 53rd Annual Meeting
September 28-30, 2007 at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.
The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its
fifty-third annual meeting will be hosted by Wright State University at
the Doubletree Suites Hotel in Dayton, Ohio.
*******PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY**************
Call for Papers: The Analytic Scene: Translations and Transferences
Deadline for Submissions: April 9th, 2007
The Psychoanalysis and Sexuality Research Unit of the Institute for
Humanities Research (IHR) at the University of California, Santa Cruz
invites submissions for its May 2007 graduate student conference, "The
Analytic Scene: Translations and Transferences," tentatively scheduled for
Saturday May 26th. The Psychoanalysis and Sexuality RU, now in its third
year, is an interdisciplinary faculty-graduate student research group that
reads psychoanalytic work together and
occasionally sponsors speakers and conferences.
Teaching the 18th Century: a one-day workshop sponsored by the English
Subject Centre
13 September 2007
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Eighteenth-century studies have recently undergone exciting changes.
Research has expanded to include many non-canonical texts and a variety of
interdisciplinary approaches, while new electronic resources (especially
Eighteenth-Century Collections Online) with the potential to revolutionise
both research and teaching have become available. At the same time, students
seem to find it increasingly difficult to relate to the period.
'Tyndale, More and their circles: Persecution and martyrdom under the
Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom, 3-6 July 2008
This will be an interdisciplinary conference which will bring together
scholars interested in the religious history and literature of the Tudor
period. Although there will be a focus on lives, works and reputations of
Tyndale and More, papers are sought on martyrdom, religious persecution and
inter-Christian conflict generally and thus may range in subject from Anne
Askew to Edmund Campion.
Deadline Extention: April 15, 2007
Midwest Conference on British Studies 53rd Annual Meeting
September 28-30, 2007 at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.
The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its
fifty-third annual meeting will be hosted by Wright State University at
the Doubletree Suites Hotel in Dayton, Ohio.
Teaching the 18th Century: a one-day workshop sponsored by the English
Subject Centre
13 September 2007
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Eighteenth-century studies have recently undergone exciting changes.
Research has expanded to include many non-canonical texts and a variety of
interdisciplinary approaches, while new electronic resources (especially
Eighteenth-Century Collections Online) with the potential to revolutionise
both research and teaching have become available. At the same time, students
seem to find it increasingly difficult to relate to the period.
Theory of Mind and Literature Conference Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, November 1-3, 2007.
Robert Penn Warren and Race (4/20/07; SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)
The Robert Penn Warren Circle invites proposals for papers that will =
focus on any aspect of race in Warren's works (prose fiction, poetry, =
and/or non-fiction prose). Abstracts of up to 500 words for =
twenty-minute papers should be submitted by e-mail to Sean Heuston at = <> by April 20, =
2007. =20
Dr. Sean Heuston
Department of English
The Citadel
Teaching the 18th Century: a one-day workshop sponsored by the English
Subject Centre
13 September 2007
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Eighteenth-century studies have recently undergone exciting changes.
Research has expanded to include many non-canonical texts and a variety of
interdisciplinary approaches, while new electronic resources (especially
Eighteenth-Century Collections Online) with the potential to revolutionise
both research and teaching have become available. At the same time, students
seem to find it increasingly difficult to relate to the period.
'Tyndale, More and their circles: Persecution and martyrdom under the
Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom, 3-6 July 2008
This will be an interdisciplinary conference which will bring together
scholars interested in the religious history and literature of the Tudor
period. Although there will be a focus on lives, works and reputations of
Tyndale and More, papers are sought on martyrdom, religious persecution and
inter-Christian conflict generally and thus may range in subject from Anne
Askew to Edmund Campion.
During the English and American industrial eras (1840-1910), =
homelessness was more than a lack of home ownership. It often implied a =
lack of opportunity, a lack of identity, a lack of acceptance. During =
this era, how did individuals negotiate their space (or lack thereof)? =
How did their homes - or lack thereof - aid or hinder their own =
development and position in society? What spaces did they transform, =
and in what ways did they manage to maintain, create, or reconstitute =
their homes?=20
During the English and American industrial eras (1840-1910), =
homelessness was more than a lack of home ownership. It often implied a =
lack of opportunity, a lack of identity, a lack of acceptance. During =
this era, how did individuals negotiate their space (or lack thereof)? =
How did their homes - or lack thereof - aid or hinder their own =
development and position in society? What spaces did they transform, =
and in what ways did they manage to maintain, create, or reconstitute =
their homes?=20
Atenea, a multidisciplinary bilingual journal on the humanities and=20
social sciences, features essays, books reviews, and some fiction and=20
ISSN 0885-6079
Indexed by MLA.
The editorial board invites submission of essays and book reviews to be =
considered for publication in the next open topic issue=20
issue (December 2007).
Submissions in either English or Spanish are welcome (see the guidelines =
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Heller-Roazen
Department of Comparative Literature
Cornell University
October 12-14, 2007
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Heller-Roazen
Department of Comparative Literature
Cornell University
October 12-14, 2007
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Heller-Roazen
Department of Comparative Literature
Cornell University
October 12-14, 2007
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Heller-Roazen
Department of Comparative Literature
Cornell University
October 12-14, 2007
Call for Papers: Conference 2007
Deadline extended
You are cordially invited to the 3rd biennial International Rebecca West
Conference, in New York City at the Mercantile Library on 47th street,
September 28-30, 2007.
The International Rebecca West Society invites proposals for
fifteen-twenty minute talks about any aspect of Rebecca West and her
work. You may distribute papers to interested participants, but in the
past we have found that conference goers respond enthusiastically to the
spoken rather than written word.=20
I’m welcoming papers for a panel on literary naturalism and film noir for
the American Literature Association Symposium on American Literary
Naturalism to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Newport Beach, CA on October
5-6 2007.
Proposals for this panel can address any aspect of the intersections of
naturalism and noir. I am particularly interested in papers that examine the
ways in which naturalist principles and motifs pervade the film noir genre
and specific films. Topics can include but are not limited to:
--effects of the city/urban landscape
--the roles of environment and heredity
--concerns with fate, chance, and free will
--the roles of machines and mechanization
I’m welcoming papers for a panel on literary naturalism and film noir for
the American Literature Association Symposium on American Literary
Naturalism to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Newport Beach, CA on October
5-6 2007.
Proposals for this panel can address any aspect of the intersections of
naturalism and noir. I am particularly interested in papers that examine the
ways in which naturalist principles and motifs pervade the film noir genre
and specific films. Topics can include but are not limited to:
--effects of the city/urban landscape
--the roles of environment and heredity
--concerns with fate, chance, and free will
--the roles of machines and mechanization
Topic: "Wanted Dead Or Alive: Positioning Contemporary Women's Writing"
Deadline Extended: April 13th, 2007
Conference Title: Inaugural Postgraduate Contemporary Women's Writing Network (PGCWWN) Conference
Place and Date of Conference: University of Warwick, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th June 2007
Confirmed Plenary Speakers: Mary Eagleton and Ali Smith
Topic: "Wanted Dead Or Alive: Positioning Contemporary Women's Writing"
Deadline Extended: April 13th, 2007
Conference Title: Inaugural Postgraduate Contemporary Women's Writing Network (PGCWWN) Conference
Place and Date of Conference: University of Warwick, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th June 2007
Confirmed Plenary Speakers: Mary Eagleton and Ali Smith
Topic: "Wanted Dead Or Alive: Positioning Contemporary Women's Writing"
Deadline Extended: April 13th, 2007
Conference Title: Inaugural Postgraduate Contemporary Women's Writing Network (PGCWWN) Conference
Place and Date of Conference: University of Warwick, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th June 2007
Confirmed Plenary Speakers: Mary Eagleton and Ali Smith
I’m welcoming papers for a panel on literary naturalism and film noir for
the American Literature Association Symposium on American Literary
Naturalism to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Newport Beach, CA on October
5-6 2007.
Proposals for this panel can address any aspect of the intersections of
naturalism and noir. I am particularly interested in papers that examine the
ways in which naturalist principles and motifs pervade the film noir genre
and specific films. Topics can include but are not limited to:
--effects of the city/urban landscape
--the roles of environment and heredity
--concerns with fate, chance, and free will
--the roles of machines and mechanization
Topic: "Wanted Dead Or Alive: Positioning Contemporary Women's Writing"
Deadline Extended: April 13th, 2007
Conference Title: Inaugural Postgraduate Contemporary Women's Writing Network (PGCWWN) Conference
Place and Date of Conference: University of Warwick, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th June 2007
Confirmed Plenary Speakers: Mary Eagleton and Ali Smith
MPCA/MACA - Regional Conference
Oct 12-14, 2007
Radisson Hotel & Suites Kansas City-City Center, 1301 Wyandotte Ave., Kansas
City MO 64105
Special Area for 2007!
The Harry Potter and Hypermedia/Hypertext areas of the Midwestern Popular
Culture Association are accepting submissions for a special section on
Harry Potter and the Internet
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2007.
Topics are open, but can include:
- Fan Fiction
- Slash
- Promotion
- J. K. Rowling's website
- Relationship between book/film/website
- Children's reaction to online experience
- Shifts in narrative
- Or any other topics
MPCA/MACA - Regional Conference
Oct 12-14, 2007
Radisson Hotel & Suites Kansas City-City Center, 1301 Wyandotte Ave., Kansas
City MO 64105
Special Area for 2007!
The Harry Potter and Hypermedia/Hypertext areas of the Midwestern Popular
Culture Association are accepting submissions for a special section on
Harry Potter and the Internet
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2007.
Topics are open, but can include:
- Fan Fiction
- Slash
- Promotion
- J. K. Rowling's website
- Relationship between book/film/website
- Children's reaction to online experience
- Shifts in narrative
- Or any other topics