CFP: Current Trends in Narratology (Germany) (5/30/07; 6/14/07-6/16/07)
Current Trends in Narratology, University of Freiburg, Germany
(June 14 - 16, 2007)
This workshop provides an overview of state-of-the-art research in =
narratology by leading scholars in four major areas of research. The =
conference will include the following sections:=20
=B7 Thursday afternoon, June 14: "Narrative and Mediality" =
concentrates not so much on fiction and film (already over-researched) =
but on drama, poetry and other media, or issues of mediality per se in =
narrative and/or narratology. Lectures include:
v Brian Richardson (University of Maryland, College Park) "The =
Poetics of Beginnings and Endings in Drama"=20