CFP: Reflections on Animality in German Culture (4/15/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)
For session at M/MLA Conference, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 8-11, 2007
Proposed panel: Reflections on Animality in German Culture
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For session at M/MLA Conference, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 8-11, 2007
Proposed panel: Reflections on Animality in German Culture
For a proposed panel on Suzan-Lori Parks's 365 Days / 365 Plays project at the Modern Language
Association Convention to be held December 27-30, 2007.
Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV by March 28, 2007 to Gregory Miller, University of
California at Davis (
Dr. Gregory Leon Miller
Department of English / University Writing Program
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
For a proposed panel on Suzan-Lori Parks's 365 Days / 365 Plays project at the Modern Language
Association Convention to be held December 27-30, 2007.
Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV by March 28, 2007 to Gregory Miller, University of
California at Davis (
Dr. Gregory Leon Miller
Department of English / University Writing Program
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
For a proposed panel on Suzan-Lori Parks's 365 Days / 365 Plays project at the Modern Language
Association Convention to be held December 27-30, 2007.
Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV by March 28, 2007 to Gregory Miller, University of
California at Davis (
Dr. Gregory Leon Miller
Department of English / University Writing Program
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Transgendering Human Rights: A Postcolonial Reading of Subcultures of
Call for papers for 2007 MLA, Chicago, December 27-30
Transgendering Human Rights: A Postcolonial Reading of Subcultures of
Call for papers for 2007 MLA, Chicago, December 27-30
Transgendering Human Rights: A Postcolonial Reading of Subcultures of
Call for papers for 2007 MLA, Chicago, December 27-30
Southern Connecticut State University
Women's Studies Program
The Seventeenth Annual Women's Studies Conference
Global & Local Women's Studies:
Going on Forty
To be held on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University
Friday and Saturday, October 19 and 20, 2007
Southern Connecticut State University
Women's Studies Program
The Seventeenth Annual Women's Studies Conference
Global & Local Women's Studies:
Going on Forty
To be held on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University
Friday and Saturday, October 19 and 20, 2007
The Creative Nonfiction special session of SCMLA (November 1-3 in
Memphis, Tennessee) is accepting nonfiction thematic essays that render
an aspect of the 2007 conference theme: currents. We encourage widely
imaginative engagement and seek inventive interpretation of the theme,
which could be treated as a metaphor (for example: water, electricity,
music) or a motif for the form of the essay itself (for example: thought
currents). Email abstracts or complete essays, a bio and contact
information by March 15, 2007 to MaryJo Mahoney, Dept. of English,
Elmira Coll.; Email: <>=20
English III (Eng. Lit after 1900) Permanent Session: "Contemporary Realisms and Realities"
49th Annual Midwest Modern Language Association Convention
November 8-11, 2007
Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio
2007 Convention Theme: "Revisiting Realisms"
The Queensland Society for the Study of Religion (QSSR) in conjunction with
the School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia presents
***Alternative Expressions of the Numinous***
**Date: Friday 17 - Sunday 19 August 2007
**Venue: School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University
of Queensland, St Lucia Campus, Brisbane, Australia
**Conference Chairs:
Helen Farley
Danielle Kirby, and
Julie Washington
***Call for Papers:
Abstracts (250 words) are invited for, but not limited to, the following
The Queensland Society for the Study of Religion (QSSR) in conjunction with
the School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia presents
***Alternative Expressions of the Numinous***
**Date: Friday 17 - Sunday 19 August 2007
**Venue: School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University
of Queensland, St Lucia Campus, Brisbane, Australia
**Conference Chairs:
Helen Farley
Danielle Kirby, and
Julie Washington
***Call for Papers:
Abstracts (250 words) are invited for, but not limited to, the following
Hi folks,
Please consider this CFP, and forward it to anyone interested.
Deadline is March 15th. Thank you.
Conference Panel Call for Papers:
Against Embodiment (or, Embodiment and its Discontents)
21st Annual Conference for the Society for Literature,
Science and the Arts
November 1 – November 4, 2007
Portland, Maine, USA
Hi folks,
Please consider this CFP, and forward it to anyone interested.
Deadline is March 15th. Thank you.
Conference Panel Call for Papers:
Against Embodiment (or, Embodiment and its Discontents)
21st Annual Conference for the Society for Literature,
Science and the Arts
November 1 – November 4, 2007
Portland, Maine, USA
Hi folks,
Please consider this CFP, and forward it to anyone interested.
Deadline is March 15th. Thank you.
Conference Panel Call for Papers:
Against Embodiment (or, Embodiment and its Discontents)
21st Annual Conference for the Society for Literature,
Science and the Arts
November 1 – November 4, 2007
Portland, Maine, USA
Hi folks,
Please consider this CFP, and forward it to anyone interested.
Deadline is March 15th. Thank you.
Conference Panel Call for Papers:
Against Embodiment (or, Embodiment and its Discontents)
21st Annual Conference for the Society for Literature,
Science and the Arts
November 1 – November 4, 2007
Portland, Maine, USA
Papers are sought for a book/special issue of a journal on the topic of
"working-class humor" in any discipline (literary studies, cinema, art,
folklore, anthropology, history, etc.) and using any theoretical
approach. The focus of the collection is the interplay of the category
of humor (roughly defined as anything that can be perceived as funny,
amusing, etc.) with the working-class. Of particular interest are essays
that pursue the topic of working-class humor in relation to genre,
ethnicity, race, geography, and history. Both papers that deal with the
representation of the working class in humorous discourse and/or on the
use of humor by the working class are welcome. Expressions of interest
Call for Papers
National and European Contexts
University of Leuven, Belgium
Wednesday 24 October =96 Saturday 27 October 2007
Confirmed Plenary speakers: Patricia Coughlan,=20
Ann Owen Weekes, Anne Fogarty and Sin=E9ad Morrissey
Call for Papers
National and European Contexts
University of Leuven, Belgium
Wednesday 24 October =96 Saturday 27 October 2007
Confirmed Plenary speakers: Patricia Coughlan,=20
Ann Owen Weekes, Anne Fogarty and Sin=E9ad Morrissey
Call for Papers
National and European Contexts
University of Leuven, Belgium
Wednesday 24 October =96 Saturday 27 October 2007
Confirmed Plenary speakers: Patricia Coughlan,=20
Ann Owen Weekes, Anne Fogarty and Sin=E9ad Morrissey
Fourth Australian International Academic Conference on Motherhood
The Mother: Images, Issues and Practices
Thursday 5th July 2007 - Saturday 7th July 2007
The University of Queensland, St Lucia Q 4072, Brisbane, Australia
This Conference will explore, examine, critique, theorise, and respond to
key issues and recent research into images and their effects on mothers,
maternal issues and how these issues have been theorised by mothers
themselves, and how mothers see their practices when rearing their children.
Fourth Australian International Academic Conference on Motherhood
The Mother: Images, Issues and Practices
Thursday 5th July 2007 - Saturday 7th July 2007
The University of Queensland, St Lucia Q 4072, Brisbane, Australia
This Conference will explore, examine, critique, theorise, and respond to
key issues and recent research into images and their effects on mothers,
maternal issues and how these issues have been theorised by mothers
themselves, and how mothers see their practices when rearing their children.
2007 MLA in Chicago
The Poetics of Architecture
How do Germans writing around 1800 represent the experience of
constructed space? How is the perception of architecture related to
travel? What aesthetic aspirations do Goethe and his contemporaries
associate with idealized buildings? How does Goethe help construct a
history of architectural styles? What is the relationship between
Classicist aesthetics and German architectural histories written in
the nineteenth century? Please submit 200 word proposals to Daniel
Purdy ( by 15 March 2007.
2007 MLA in Chicago
The Poetics of Architecture
How do Germans writing around 1800 represent the experience of
constructed space? How is the perception of architecture related to
travel? What aesthetic aspirations do Goethe and his contemporaries
associate with idealized buildings? How does Goethe help construct a
history of architectural styles? What is the relationship between
Classicist aesthetics and German architectural histories written in
the nineteenth century? Please submit 200 word proposals to Daniel
Purdy ( by 15 March 2007.
2007 MLA in Chicago
The Poetics of Architecture
How do Germans writing around 1800 represent the experience of
constructed space? How is the perception of architecture related to
travel? What aesthetic aspirations do Goethe and his contemporaries
associate with idealized buildings? How does Goethe help construct a
history of architectural styles? What is the relationship between
Classicist aesthetics and German architectural histories written in
the nineteenth century? Please submit 200 word proposals to Daniel
Purdy ( by 15 March 2007.
February 28 - March 1, 2008
Historically, the action of beholding is linked to spectatorship and
theatricality in viewing. In the scene of beholding, one is often
captivated by the image before which one is placed. The viewer reacts
to the image and this reaction has political implications. Beholding
also carries with it elements of debt, duty, and responsibility.
Often the beholder of violence is placed in a precarious position
with regard to aesthetic and ethical questions.
February 28 - March 1, 2008
Historically, the action of beholding is linked to spectatorship and
theatricality in viewing. In the scene of beholding, one is often
captivated by the image before which one is placed. The viewer reacts
to the image and this reaction has political implications. Beholding
also carries with it elements of debt, duty, and responsibility.
Often the beholder of violence is placed in a precarious position
with regard to aesthetic and ethical questions.
New Texas: A Journal of Literature and the Arts
( seeks submissions as follows:
/New Texas/ is open to fiction either by Texans, focused on Texas, or
featuring Texas as a backdrop. We allow *creative latitude*; the
fictional pieces may focus on the *spiritual landscape* of Texas as its
connection to place.
The pieces should not exceed 25 double spaced pages. Short shorts will
be considered.
* The Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction, forthcoming in 2008 from Facts on
File, is seeking contributors. We encourage prospective authors to consult
our website (see below) for available entries.
Our encyclopedia is intended as a guide to bestselling contemporary
fiction, covering those works typically neglected by more "literary"
guides. We include entries on authors whose work has reached, or
consistently come very close to, the annual "top 10" list of bestsellers
during roughly the past 25 years (1980 to the present), along with entries
on a representative selection of individual works which have reached "top
10" bestseller status in a particular year during this period. Some works