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CFP: Sound in Stevens: Special Edition of WSJ (7/15/07; journal issue)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:29pm

The Wallace Stevens Journal: special issue on Sound in Stevens (7/15/07; =
journal issue)


Given Wallace Stevens' pronouncements about the significance of sound =
and the prominent attention to sound and sonic phenomena throughout his =
poetry, it is time again to devote attention to this important facet of =
his poetics. This special issue of The Wallace Stevens Journal welcomes =
papers on any aspect of the expressivity of sound in Stevens. =
Particularly welcome are papers on the rhythms of Stevens' verse as well =
as articles that introduce new scholarly directions since the Fall 1991 =
WSJ volume, "Stevens and Structures of Sound." Suggested topics follow:


CFP: Entries for Early American Literature Volume (no deadline noted; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:29pm
Andrea King

Call For Contributors
Facts on File is a publishing house based in New York that specializes
 in research materials for secondary and college students and
 instructors. For a first volume of early American literature, which
 is under contract and will be published soon, the volume editor is
 looking for writers to complete submissions on the following entries
 in a timely manner. If interested, please contact

CFP: Entries for Early American Literature Volume (no deadline noted; collection)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:29pm
Andrea King

Call For Contributors
Facts on File is a publishing house based in New York that specializes
 in research materials for secondary and college students and
 instructors. For a first volume of early American literature, which
 is under contract and will be published soon, the volume editor is
 looking for writers to complete submissions on the following entries
 in a timely manner. If interested, please contact

UPDATE: George Herbert's Family Network (UK) (2/23/07; 10/5/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:29pm
Herbert Conferences HERBCONF


George Herbert’s Pastoral: Poetry and Priesthood, Past and Future
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference
Sarum College, Salisbury, England
5-6 October, 2007

Panel Topic: George Herbert's Family Network

Plenary Speakers:
Helen Wilcox of the University of Wales, Bangor, Cristina Malcolmson of
Bates College, and David Jasper of the University of Glasgow.

Two University Presses have expressed interest in publication of conference

UPDATE: George Herbert and Laudian Church Politics (UK) (2/23/07; 10/5/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:29pm
Herbert Conferences HERBCONF


George Herbert’s Pastoral: Poetry and Priesthood, Past and Future
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference
Sarum College, Salisbury, England
5-6 October, 2007

Panel Topic: George Herbert and Laudian Church Politics

Plenary Speakers:
Helen Wilcox of the University of Wales, Bangor, Cristina Malcolmson of
Bates College, and David Jasper of the University of Glasgow.

Two University Presses have expressed interest in publication of conference

CFP: Sound in Stevens: Special Edition of WSJ (7/15/07; journal issue)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 - 6:29pm

The Wallace Stevens Journal: special issue on Sound in Stevens (7/15/07; =
journal issue)


Given Wallace Stevens' pronouncements about the significance of sound =
and the prominent attention to sound and sonic phenomena throughout his =
poetry, it is time again to devote attention to this important facet of =
his poetics. This special issue of The Wallace Stevens Journal welcomes =
papers on any aspect of the expressivity of sound in Stevens. =
Particularly welcome are papers on the rhythms of Stevens' verse as well =
as articles that introduce new scholarly directions since the Fall 1991 =
WSJ volume, "Stevens and Structures of Sound." Suggested topics follow:


UPDATE: Representing Segregation (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, February 3, 2007 - 10:12pm

Updated CFP
Update=3A The guest editors of a special issue of African American Revie=
w on Representing Segregation are still looking for proposals for projec=
ts that address the special issue topic in the late nineteenth century=2E=
 The original call for papers is appended below=2E =


The extended deadline for proposals on the late nineteenth century is Ma=
rch 15=2C 2007=2E Send inquiries or proposals to Brian Norman (normbria=40=
isu=2Eedu) and Piper Kendrix Williams (williamp=40tcnj=2Eedu)=2E Complet=
ed papers will due by May 1=2C 2007=2E More information=2C including a l=
ink to the special issue website at http=3A//aar=2Eslu=2Eedu/=2E

UPDATE: Representing Segregation (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, February 3, 2007 - 10:12pm

Updated CFP
Update=3A The guest editors of a special issue of African American Revie=
w on Representing Segregation are still looking for proposals for projec=
ts that address the special issue topic in the late nineteenth century=2E=
 The original call for papers is appended below=2E =


The extended deadline for proposals on the late nineteenth century is Ma=
rch 15=2C 2007=2E Send inquiries or proposals to Brian Norman (normbria=40=
isu=2Eedu) and Piper Kendrix Williams (williamp=40tcnj=2Eedu)=2E Complet=
ed papers will due by May 1=2C 2007=2E More information=2C including a l=
ink to the special issue website at http=3A//aar=2Eslu=2Eedu/=2E

UPDATE: Representing Segregation (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, February 3, 2007 - 10:12pm

Updated CFP
Update=3A The guest editors of a special issue of African American Revie=
w on Representing Segregation are still looking for proposals for projec=
ts that address the special issue topic in the late nineteenth century=2E=
 The original call for papers is appended below=2E =


The extended deadline for proposals on the late nineteenth century is Ma=
rch 15=2C 2007=2E Send inquiries or proposals to Brian Norman (normbria=40=
isu=2Eedu) and Piper Kendrix Williams (williamp=40tcnj=2Eedu)=2E Complet=
ed papers will due by May 1=2C 2007=2E More information=2C including a l=
ink to the special issue website at http=3A//aar=2Eslu=2Eedu/=2E

UPDATE: Representing Segregation (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, February 3, 2007 - 10:12pm

Updated CFP
Update=3A The guest editors of a special issue of African American Revie=
w on Representing Segregation are still looking for proposals for projec=
ts that address the special issue topic in the late nineteenth century=2E=
 The original call for papers is appended below=2E =


The extended deadline for proposals on the late nineteenth century is Ma=
rch 15=2C 2007=2E Send inquiries or proposals to Brian Norman (normbria=40=
isu=2Eedu) and Piper Kendrix Williams (williamp=40tcnj=2Eedu)=2E Complet=
ed papers will due by May 1=2C 2007=2E More information=2C including a l=
ink to the special issue website at http=3A//aar=2Eslu=2Eedu/=2E

UPDATE: Representing Segregation (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, February 3, 2007 - 10:12pm

Updated CFP
Update=3A The guest editors of a special issue of African American Revie=
w on Representing Segregation are still looking for proposals for projec=
ts that address the special issue topic in the late nineteenth century=2E=
 The original call for papers is appended below=2E =


The extended deadline for proposals on the late nineteenth century is Ma=
rch 15=2C 2007=2E Send inquiries or proposals to Brian Norman (normbria=40=
isu=2Eedu) and Piper Kendrix Williams (williamp=40tcnj=2Eedu)=2E Complet=
ed papers will due by May 1=2C 2007=2E More information=2C including a l=
ink to the special issue website at http=3A//aar=2Eslu=2Eedu/=2E

UPDATE: Representing Segregation (3/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, February 3, 2007 - 10:12pm

Updated CFP
Update=3A The guest editors of a special issue of African American Revie=
w on Representing Segregation are still looking for proposals for projec=
ts that address the special issue topic in the late nineteenth century=2E=
 The original call for papers is appended below=2E =


The extended deadline for proposals on the late nineteenth century is Ma=
rch 15=2C 2007=2E Send inquiries or proposals to Brian Norman (normbria=40=
isu=2Eedu) and Piper Kendrix Williams (williamp=40tcnj=2Eedu)=2E Complet=
ed papers will due by May 1=2C 2007=2E More information=2C including a l=
ink to the special issue website at http=3A//aar=2Eslu=2Eedu/=2E

CFP: Signposts of Fictionality (3/10/07; MLA '07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:01am
David Gorman

Discussions solicited of linguistic or other conventional means used to
indicate that a stretch of discourse is fictional. Discussion of such
markers can also address how they can be defeated and otherwise
exploited by narrative writers, obviously: the working assumption will
be that there is no device that, of itself, GUARANTEES the fictional
status of the discourse in which it appears. ...Or perhaps there is?
Since this question stands at the frontier of current research, it needs
a thorough discussion. Inaugurating one is the goal of the panel.
Proposals mixing generalities with multiple examples will be preferred.
Critiques of previous treatments are also pertinent.

CFP: Signposts of Fictionality (3/10/07; MLA '07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:01am
David Gorman

Discussions solicited of linguistic or other conventional means used to
indicate that a stretch of discourse is fictional. Discussion of such
markers can also address how they can be defeated and otherwise
exploited by narrative writers, obviously: the working assumption will
be that there is no device that, of itself, GUARANTEES the fictional
status of the discourse in which it appears. ...Or perhaps there is?
Since this question stands at the frontier of current research, it needs
a thorough discussion. Inaugurating one is the goal of the panel.
Proposals mixing generalities with multiple examples will be preferred.
Critiques of previous treatments are also pertinent.

CFP: Signposts of Fictionality (3/10/07; MLA '07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:01am
David Gorman

Discussions solicited of linguistic or other conventional means used to
indicate that a stretch of discourse is fictional. Discussion of such
markers can also address how they can be defeated and otherwise
exploited by narrative writers, obviously: the working assumption will
be that there is no device that, of itself, GUARANTEES the fictional
status of the discourse in which it appears. ...Or perhaps there is?
Since this question stands at the frontier of current research, it needs
a thorough discussion. Inaugurating one is the goal of the panel.
Proposals mixing generalities with multiple examples will be preferred.
Critiques of previous treatments are also pertinent.

CFP: Asian and Asian American Lit at PAMLA 07 (3/1/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:01am
John Goshert

Asian and Asian American Literature Panel-PAMLA 2007

Proposals for individual presentations are invited for the Asian and Asian American Literature panel at the 2007 meeting of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). The panel topic is open, but I am especially interested in papers that explore relationships between Asian American experiences, writing, identity, and so on and the larger Asian diaspora. These relationships might include, but are not limited to

CFP: Asian and Asian American Lit at PAMLA 07 (3/1/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:01am
John Goshert

Asian and Asian American Literature Panel-PAMLA 2007

Proposals for individual presentations are invited for the Asian and Asian American Literature panel at the 2007 meeting of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). The panel topic is open, but I am especially interested in papers that explore relationships between Asian American experiences, writing, identity, and so on and the larger Asian diaspora. These relationships might include, but are not limited to

CFP: Asian and Asian American Lit at PAMLA 07 (3/1/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:01am
John Goshert

Asian and Asian American Literature Panel-PAMLA 2007

Proposals for individual presentations are invited for the Asian and Asian American Literature panel at the 2007 meeting of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA). The panel topic is open, but I am especially interested in papers that explore relationships between Asian American experiences, writing, identity, and so on and the larger Asian diaspora. These relationships might include, but are not limited to

UPDATE: American Bodies, American Violence (Finland) (2/16/07; NAAS, 5/24/07-5/26/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:00am
Maarit Piipponen


The 20th Biennial Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS)
Conference 2007
The 11th Biennial Tampere North American Studies Conference

"American Bodies, American Violence"

University of Tampere, Finland
May 24-26, 2007

Keynote speakers:

Professor Judith Halberstam, University of Southern California
Professor Scott Slovic, University of Nevada

UPDATE: American Bodies, American Violence (Finland) (2/16/07; NAAS, 5/24/07-5/26/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:00am
Maarit Piipponen


The 20th Biennial Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS)
Conference 2007
The 11th Biennial Tampere North American Studies Conference

"American Bodies, American Violence"

University of Tampere, Finland
May 24-26, 2007

Keynote speakers:

Professor Judith Halberstam, University of Southern California
Professor Scott Slovic, University of Nevada

UPDATE: American Bodies, American Violence (Finland) (2/16/07; NAAS, 5/24/07-5/26/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:00am
Maarit Piipponen


The 20th Biennial Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS)
Conference 2007
The 11th Biennial Tampere North American Studies Conference

"American Bodies, American Violence"

University of Tampere, Finland
May 24-26, 2007

Keynote speakers:

Professor Judith Halberstam, University of Southern California
Professor Scott Slovic, University of Nevada

UPDATE: American Bodies, American Violence (Finland) (2/16/07; NAAS, 5/24/07-5/26/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:00am
Maarit Piipponen


The 20th Biennial Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS)
Conference 2007
The 11th Biennial Tampere North American Studies Conference

"American Bodies, American Violence"

University of Tampere, Finland
May 24-26, 2007

Keynote speakers:

Professor Judith Halberstam, University of Southern California
Professor Scott Slovic, University of Nevada

UPDATE: American Bodies, American Violence (Finland) (2/16/07; NAAS, 5/24/07-5/26/07)

Friday, February 2, 2007 - 12:00am
Maarit Piipponen


The 20th Biennial Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS)
Conference 2007
The 11th Biennial Tampere North American Studies Conference

"American Bodies, American Violence"

University of Tampere, Finland
May 24-26, 2007

Keynote speakers:

Professor Judith Halberstam, University of Southern California
Professor Scott Slovic, University of Nevada
