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CFP: Caribbean Panels (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:32pm
Elizabeth Abele


*Caribbean Panels*

38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland

* *

NeMLA members have proposed the following panels and invite abstracts that
examine authors and texts from the Caribbean:

* *

*From Negritude to Creolization * Board-Sponsored Panel. This panel invites
papers that explore theories of identity in the French Caribbean. Send
abstracts to Carinne Mardorossian, SUNY-Buffalo:

* *

CFP: Documentaries vs. Features (8/1/06; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:32pm
keith wheelock

Call for Papers

2006 Film & History Conference on


8-12 November, 2006

Dolce Conference Center-Dallas, Texas

AREA: Documentary vs. Feature Interpretations

DEADLINE: August 1, 2006

The objective of a documentary differs greatly from that of a feature
film intended

for a cinema audience. We are soliciting proposals that select
documentaries and

feature films that permit a scholarly assessment of the purposes of both
and of how

well they achieve their historical and/or mass audience objectives.

CFP: International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts Scholarship Award (11/30/06; online publication)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Christine Mains

The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts Announces its

**1st Annual Award for the Best Non-English Language Scholarly Essay on the Fantastic**

We define the fantastic to include science fiction, folklore, and related genres in literature, drama, film, art and graphic design, and related disciplines.

Prize: $250 U.S. and one year's free membership in the IAFA to be awarded at the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in March 2007
Winning essay to be published online at the IAFA website

Deadline: November 30, 2006

CFP: International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts Scholarship Award (11/30/06; online publication)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Christine Mains

The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts Announces its

**1st Annual Award for the Best Non-English Language Scholarly Essay on the Fantastic**

We define the fantastic to include science fiction, folklore, and related genres in literature, drama, film, art and graphic design, and related disciplines.

Prize: $250 U.S. and one year's free membership in the IAFA to be awarded at the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in March 2007
Winning essay to be published online at the IAFA website

Deadline: November 30, 2006

UPDATE: Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's Writing (9/15/06; collection)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Jen Chambers

*** Please note the updated deadline for papers***


"Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's
Writing" (collection)
UPDATED DEADLINE: September 15, 2006

This spring's Congress conference call for papers on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
yielded the attention of Cambridge Scholars Press
(, who is
interested in publishing an edited collection of
essays on the subject. This is a call for complete,
developed, critical essays on diversity and change in
early Canadian women's writing for this collection of

UPDATE: Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's Writing (9/15/06; collection)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Jen Chambers

*** Please note the updated deadline for papers***


"Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's
Writing" (collection)
UPDATED DEADLINE: September 15, 2006

This spring's Congress conference call for papers on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
yielded the attention of Cambridge Scholars Press
(, who is
interested in publishing an edited collection of
essays on the subject. This is a call for complete,
developed, critical essays on diversity and change in
early Canadian women's writing for this collection of

UPDATE: Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's Writing (9/15/06; collection)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Jen Chambers

*** Please note the updated deadline for papers***


"Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's
Writing" (collection)
UPDATED DEADLINE: September 15, 2006

This spring's Congress conference call for papers on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
yielded the attention of Cambridge Scholars Press
(, who is
interested in publishing an edited collection of
essays on the subject. This is a call for complete,
developed, critical essays on diversity and change in
early Canadian women's writing for this collection of

UPDATE: Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's Writing (9/15/06; collection)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Jen Chambers

*** Please note the updated deadline for papers***


"Diversity and Change in Early Canadian Women's
Writing" (collection)
UPDATED DEADLINE: September 15, 2006

This spring's Congress conference call for papers on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
yielded the attention of Cambridge Scholars Press
(, who is
interested in publishing an edited collection of
essays on the subject. This is a call for complete,
developed, critical essays on diversity and change in
early Canadian women's writing for this collection of

CFP: Journal of African Literature (12/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
IRCALC Editors

The editors of the international research confederacy on African literature and culture (IRCALC) welcome submissions of research papers on recent literatures /existing oratures of Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone Africa generally focussed around the boundaries of Culture, Oral Tradition and Aesthetics; History, Progress and Transition; War, Conflicts, Trauma and Reconciliation; Individuality vs Fringe /Marginal Identities; Masculinist /Feminist (Re)Inscriptions; Present-Past /Future-Present Temporality; Contemporary Modernity and Citizenship (Re)Definitions; Post-Colony and Nation-State Dilemmas.

CFP: Journal of African Literature (12/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
IRCALC Editors

The editors of the international research confederacy on African literature and culture (IRCALC) welcome submissions of research papers on recent literatures /existing oratures of Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone Africa generally focussed around the boundaries of Culture, Oral Tradition and Aesthetics; History, Progress and Transition; War, Conflicts, Trauma and Reconciliation; Individuality vs Fringe /Marginal Identities; Masculinist /Feminist (Re)Inscriptions; Present-Past /Future-Present Temporality; Contemporary Modernity and Citizenship (Re)Definitions; Post-Colony and Nation-State Dilemmas.

CFP: Journal of African Literature (12/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
IRCALC Editors

The editors of the international research confederacy on African literature and culture (IRCALC) welcome submissions of research papers on recent literatures /existing oratures of Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone Africa generally focussed around the boundaries of Culture, Oral Tradition and Aesthetics; History, Progress and Transition; War, Conflicts, Trauma and Reconciliation; Individuality vs Fringe /Marginal Identities; Masculinist /Feminist (Re)Inscriptions; Present-Past /Future-Present Temporality; Contemporary Modernity and Citizenship (Re)Definitions; Post-Colony and Nation-State Dilemmas.

CFP: Pearl-Poet at Kalamazoo (9/15/06; Kalamazoo, 5/10/07-5/13/07)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Kimberly Jack

Apologies for cross posting

The Pearl-Poet Society is sponsoring the following four sessions at the 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, 10-13 May 2007 at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI.

1. "Masculinities in the Pearl-Poems"

2. "Humor and Play in the Pearl-Poems"

3. "Promiscuity and Decorum in the Pearl-Poems"

4. "Performance in/of the Pearl-Poems"

We invite abstracts from scholars of all levels—from graduate student to senior academic.

Please submit a one-page abstract to the desired session (please include complete contact information as required by the Congress).

CFP: Multiculturalism in Girl Sleuth Fiction (9/1/06; Nancy Drew, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm

A panel or panels on multiculturalism and representations of race and ethnic
identity is being constructed for the Wilson College conference on Nancy Drew
and Girl Sleuths. The goal of the panel is to examine representations of race
and ethnic identity in girl sleuth literature, both past and present; since
most characters in girl sleuth stories are generally white, this panel is
concerned about how other races and ethnic identities are depicted and
represented in contrast to the whiteness that seems to inform the majority of
the characters in these texts.

To submit an abstract, send it to the address listed for the conference below.

CFP: Doris Lessing and Canon Formation (UK) (8/31/06; 7/6/07-7/8/07)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:31pm
Tonya Krouse

CFP for Panel on Doris Lessing and Canon Formation for the Second
International Doris Lessing Conference, Leeds Metropolitan University,
U.K, to be held July 6-8, 2007.

Proposed Panel: "Putting the 'Woman of Letters' in Her Place: Canon
Formation and the Lessing Canon"

In the past 30 years, the canon of "great literature" has expanded,
shifted, and changed. No longer primarily a list of privileged, white,
male authors, the canon as we know it in the 21st century includes
writers who represent a range of identity categories. Spaces have been
carved out for women, gay, lesbian, working-class, postcolonial, and
multicultural writers.
