CFP: American Exceptionalism (3/31/06; CAAS, 10/19/06-10/22/06)
The Canadian Association of American Studies (CAAS) will be holding its
2006 conference in Kingston, Ontario, October 19-22. The theme will be
"American exceptionalism." De Toqueville's post-revolutionary definition
of America's special status among nations in fact characterizes American
rhetoric—in history, religion, politics, literature--from its colonial
beginnings to the present. It is implicit in the Puritans' "city on a
hill," O'Sullivan's "manifest destiny" and, most recently, President
Bush's identification of America as "a force for good in the world."
Proposals for papers and panels (max. 250 words) that deal with the
rhetoric of American exceptionalism past and present from any disciplinary