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CFP: Theatre and Globalization (10/31/03; journal issue)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:17pm
Jen Harvie


Contemporary Theatre Review: Theatre and Globalization We are inviting
submission proposals for a special issue of Contemporary Theatre Review
(February 2005) on 'Theatre and Globalization'.

Globalization is transforming our world: compressing time and space,
challenging the power of the nation-state, juxtaposing and erasing
cultural differences, replacing geographical boundaries with the
weightless flows of global capital, giving new life to ancient forms of
cultural rivalry, bringing all areas of personal, social, and cultural
life within its awesome reach.

CFP: Theatre and Globalization (10/31/03; journal issue)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:17pm
Jen Harvie


Contemporary Theatre Review: Theatre and Globalization We are inviting
submission proposals for a special issue of Contemporary Theatre Review
(February 2005) on 'Theatre and Globalization'.

Globalization is transforming our world: compressing time and space,
challenging the power of the nation-state, juxtaposing and erasing
cultural differences, replacing geographical boundaries with the
weightless flows of global capital, giving new life to ancient forms of
cultural rivalry, bringing all areas of personal, social, and cultural
life within its awesome reach.

CFP: Theatre and Globalization (10/31/03; journal issue)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:17pm
Jen Harvie


Contemporary Theatre Review: Theatre and Globalization We are inviting
submission proposals for a special issue of Contemporary Theatre Review
(February 2005) on 'Theatre and Globalization'.

Globalization is transforming our world: compressing time and space,
challenging the power of the nation-state, juxtaposing and erasing
cultural differences, replacing geographical boundaries with the
weightless flows of global capital, giving new life to ancient forms of
cultural rivalry, bringing all areas of personal, social, and cultural
life within its awesome reach.

UPDATE: Mary Manley (no deadline; collection)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:08pm
joni goddard

Please note deadline change.

Call for Contributors for a forthcoming text entitled:
‘Scandalosissima Scoundrelia:’ A Collection of Critical Essays on Mary
Delarivier Manley

Edited by Joni Goddard, Mills College, Oakland CA

UPDATE: Mary Manley (no deadline; collection)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:08pm
joni goddard

Please note deadline change.

Call for Contributors for a forthcoming text entitled:
‘Scandalosissima Scoundrelia:’ A Collection of Critical Essays on Mary
Delarivier Manley

Edited by Joni Goddard, Mills College, Oakland CA

CFP: Women's Autobiography (ASAP; encyclopedia)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:00pm
Jo Malin

Supplemental entries to Encyclopedia

Jo Malin

Victoria Boynton


         The editors of the two-volume Encyclopedia of Women's
Autobiography, to be published by Greenwood Press in 2005, are expanding
their list of entries with the addition of more entries on Women's
Autobiography from specific geographic regions and countries. Scholars are
invited to contribute one or more entries from the following list, which is
arranged in alphabetical order:

CFP: Women's Autobiography (ASAP; encyclopedia)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:00pm
Jo Malin

Supplemental entries to Encyclopedia

Jo Malin

Victoria Boynton


         The editors of the two-volume Encyclopedia of Women's
Autobiography, to be published by Greenwood Press in 2005, are expanding
their list of entries with the addition of more entries on Women's
Autobiography from specific geographic regions and countries. Scholars are
invited to contribute one or more entries from the following list, which is
arranged in alphabetical order:

CFP: Modernism's Jews/Jewish Modernisms (9/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:00pm
Maren Linett

_Modern Fiction Studies_ invites submissions for a special issue on
"Modernism's Jews / Jewish Modernisms" guest edited by Maren Linett. We seek
essays focusing on the period 1890 - 1939 that analyze inscriptions of
Jewish "difference" in fiction, film, and other forms of narrative or
examine the ways Jewish writers and critics negotiated literary and social
terrains. Essays might, for example, trace the aesthetic or political work
accomplished by representations of Jewishness in particular texts; map
intersections among disparate cultural and linguistic contexts; consider
what it means to read prewar texts from our post-Shoah vantage point; or ask

CFP: Modernism's Jews/Jewish Modernisms (9/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, September 19, 2003 - 5:00pm
Maren Linett

_Modern Fiction Studies_ invites submissions for a special issue on
"Modernism's Jews / Jewish Modernisms" guest edited by Maren Linett. We seek
essays focusing on the period 1890 - 1939 that analyze inscriptions of
Jewish "difference" in fiction, film, and other forms of narrative or
examine the ways Jewish writers and critics negotiated literary and social
terrains. Essays might, for example, trace the aesthetic or political work
accomplished by representations of Jewishness in particular texts; map
intersections among disparate cultural and linguistic contexts; consider
what it means to read prewar texts from our post-Shoah vantage point; or ask

CFP: 20th C. American Nature Poets (no deadline noted; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:58pm
Thompson, Roger

We are seeking contributors for a new volume of the Dictionary of Literary
Biography on Twentieth-century American Nature Poets. It is the second part
of a series of three (possibly four) volumes on American Nature Writers, the
first of which is now out. Many of our entries have already been assigned,
but the ones listed below still require writers. Most of the remaining
selections are short entries, and all contributors are paid for each entry,
the amount depending on the size of the piece. If you would be interested
in contributing one or more entries to the DLB, please email either J. Scott
Bryson at <> or Roger Thompson

CFP: 20th C. American Nature Poets (no deadline noted; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:58pm
Thompson, Roger

We are seeking contributors for a new volume of the Dictionary of Literary
Biography on Twentieth-century American Nature Poets. It is the second part
of a series of three (possibly four) volumes on American Nature Writers, the
first of which is now out. Many of our entries have already been assigned,
but the ones listed below still require writers. Most of the remaining
selections are short entries, and all contributors are paid for each entry,
the amount depending on the size of the piece. If you would be interested
in contributing one or more entries to the DLB, please email either J. Scott
Bryson at <> or Roger Thompson

CFP: 20th C. American Nature Poets (no deadline noted; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:58pm
Thompson, Roger

We are seeking contributors for a new volume of the Dictionary of Literary
Biography on Twentieth-century American Nature Poets. It is the second part
of a series of three (possibly four) volumes on American Nature Writers, the
first of which is now out. Many of our entries have already been assigned,
but the ones listed below still require writers. Most of the remaining
selections are short entries, and all contributors are paid for each entry,
the amount depending on the size of the piece. If you would be interested
in contributing one or more entries to the DLB, please email either J. Scott
Bryson at <> or Roger Thompson

CFP: Computers &amp; Composition Online: Sexualities/Technologies (11/1/03; e-journal issue)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:58pm
Jacqueline Rhodes


"Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing"
as part of the C&C print issue (Fall 2004)

Computers and Composition Online will publish a special issue on
Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing to supplement the
Fall 2004 print issue, which will explore the many varied and productive
ways in which issues of sexuality are discussed, debated, constructed,
and critiqued in computer-assisted writing courses.

CFP: Computers &amp; Composition Online: Sexualities/Technologies (11/1/03; e-journal issue)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:58pm
Jacqueline Rhodes


"Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing"
as part of the C&C print issue (Fall 2004)

Computers and Composition Online will publish a special issue on
Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing to supplement the
Fall 2004 print issue, which will explore the many varied and productive
ways in which issues of sexuality are discussed, debated, constructed,
and critiqued in computer-assisted writing courses.

CFP: Sarah Kane (12/15/03; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:42pm
Laurens De Vos





Pariahs of reason. Sarah Kane's torture chambers (provisional)




CFP: Sarah Kane (12/15/03; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:42pm
Laurens De Vos





Pariahs of reason. Sarah Kane's torture chambers (provisional)




CFP: Postcolonial and the Global: Connections, Conflicts, Complicities (10/5/03 &amp; 12/30/03; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:39pm
John Hawley

We are seeking three strong essays to round out an edited book
collection as described below. We would need a one-page abstract by
10/5, and full paper by end of December. We are planning an edited
volume of essays exploring the intersection between postcolonial and
globalization studies. We believe that such an exploration is important
to undertake at this time to counter the hegemonizing/homogenizing
tendencies we sense emerging in dominant strands of contemporary
cultural theory. It is unclear whether contemporary globalization theory
has been made possible by the postcolonial challenge to older
Eurocentric forms of globalization premised on the centrality of the

CFP: Postcolonial and the Global: Connections, Conflicts, Complicities (10/5/03 &amp; 12/30/03; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:39pm
John Hawley

We are seeking three strong essays to round out an edited book
collection as described below. We would need a one-page abstract by
10/5, and full paper by end of December. We are planning an edited
volume of essays exploring the intersection between postcolonial and
globalization studies. We believe that such an exploration is important
to undertake at this time to counter the hegemonizing/homogenizing
tendencies we sense emerging in dominant strands of contemporary
cultural theory. It is unclear whether contemporary globalization theory
has been made possible by the postcolonial challenge to older
Eurocentric forms of globalization premised on the centrality of the

CFP: Book Culture in Composition Studies (1/15/04; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:39pm
Peter Vandenberg

Original essays examining the emergence, evolution, and consequences of
book publishing in composition studies are sought for a collection titled
_Book Culture in Composition Studies_. The editors are interested in
contributions that address the rise of the book in composition scholarship
from theoretical perspectives (e.g., materialist, feminist,
multicultural), various locations in the academic hierarchy (e.g.,
graduate students, adjunct faculty, tenure-track and tenured faculty) and
the publishing industry (commercial and academic presses), and in relation
to composition's institutional, departmental, and disciplinary history.
Possible topics might include the following: book culture and the

CFP: Book Culture in Composition Studies (1/15/04; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:39pm
Peter Vandenberg

Original essays examining the emergence, evolution, and consequences of
book publishing in composition studies are sought for a collection titled
_Book Culture in Composition Studies_. The editors are interested in
contributions that address the rise of the book in composition scholarship
from theoretical perspectives (e.g., materialist, feminist,
multicultural), various locations in the academic hierarchy (e.g.,
graduate students, adjunct faculty, tenure-track and tenured faculty) and
the publishing industry (commercial and academic presses), and in relation
to composition's institutional, departmental, and disciplinary history.
Possible topics might include the following: book culture and the

CFP: Eroticism in American Culture (11/2/03; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:39pm
Jopi Nyman

Due to last-minute cancellations, we seek 2-3 essays for a collection of
essays on the representation of the erotic/eroticism in American cultural
texts (literature, film, media, music video etc). While we remain open to
all suggestions, we particularly encourage prospective authors to submit
provocative readings of canonical texts and contemporary US popular culture.

Since we will only consider completed work, essays (ca. 5,000 words; MLA
style) should be accompanied with a short bio and sent to both editors as
soon as possible, but no later than 2 November 2003.

CFP: Eroticism in American Culture (11/2/03; collection)

Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 9:39pm
Jopi Nyman

Due to last-minute cancellations, we seek 2-3 essays for a collection of
essays on the representation of the erotic/eroticism in American cultural
texts (literature, film, media, music video etc). While we remain open to
all suggestions, we particularly encourage prospective authors to submit
provocative readings of canonical texts and contemporary US popular culture.

Since we will only consider completed work, essays (ca. 5,000 words; MLA
style) should be accompanied with a short bio and sent to both editors as
soon as possible, but no later than 2 November 2003.

CFP: M/C Journal: 'text' issue (10/13/03; journal issue)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 8:58am
M/C - Media and Culture

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 3 September 2003

                          M/C - Media and Culture
            is calling for contributors to the 'text' issue of

                                M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

CFP: Matheliende: Fact and/or Fantasy: Medieval Literature in the New Millennium (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 4:04am
Winter Elliott

Call for Papers

Matheliende: The Online Journal of Medieval Studies at the
University of Georgia

Deadline: December 1, 2003

The editors of the about-to-be resurrected Matheliende are
seeking essays for our Fall 2003 revival issue. Our theme
is “Fact and/or Fantasy: Medieval Literature in the New
Millennium.” Contributors may focus, for example, on the
Tolkien phenomenon, the continuing relevance of the works of
C.S. Lewis, or the many areas in which medieval and modern
culture overlap. We especially welcome submissions on topics
which re-envision canonical medieval literature.

CFP: Matheliende: Fact and/or Fantasy: Medieval Literature in the New Millennium (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 4:04am
Winter Elliott

Call for Papers

Matheliende: The Online Journal of Medieval Studies at the
University of Georgia

Deadline: December 1, 2003

The editors of the about-to-be resurrected Matheliende are
seeking essays for our Fall 2003 revival issue. Our theme
is “Fact and/or Fantasy: Medieval Literature in the New
Millennium.” Contributors may focus, for example, on the
Tolkien phenomenon, the continuing relevance of the works of
C.S. Lewis, or the many areas in which medieval and modern
culture overlap. We especially welcome submissions on topics
which re-envision canonical medieval literature.

CFP: Undergraduate Literary e-Journal (undergrad) (12/1/03; e-journal)

Monday, September 8, 2003 - 4:04am
Lydia Kualapai


Schreiner University is pleased to announce the January 2004 launch of

Illuminations, a peer-reviewed international literary e-journal, offers
undergraduate students an opportunity to publish works both critical and
creative. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of three undergraduate
student editors.


· Scholarly Critical Articles
· Creative Non-Fiction
 · Book and Movie Reviews
· Short Fiction
· Poetry
