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CFP: Saying the Unsayable: Examining Discursive Silence in American Literature (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Kristin Moriah

New Worlds, Lost Worlds: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature
13th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature: McGill
University, Montreal

March 10-11, 2007

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at New Worlds, Lost Worlds: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which will take place March 10th to 11th, 2007 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.



Saying the Unsayable: Examining Discursive Silence in American Literature



CFP: Saying the Unsayable: Examining Discursive Silence in American Literature (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Kristin Moriah

New Worlds, Lost Worlds: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature
13th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature: McGill
University, Montreal

March 10-11, 2007

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at New Worlds, Lost Worlds: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which will take place March 10th to 11th, 2007 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.



Saying the Unsayable: Examining Discursive Silence in American Literature



CFP: Saying the Unsayable: Examining Discursive Silence in American Literature (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Kristin Moriah

New Worlds, Lost Worlds: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature
13th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature: McGill
University, Montreal

March 10-11, 2007

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at New Worlds, Lost Worlds: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which will take place March 10th to 11th, 2007 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.



Saying the Unsayable: Examining Discursive Silence in American Literature



CFP: Christopher Marlowe (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Brandt, Bruce

The Marlowe Society of America solicits papers on any aspect of
Christopher Marlowe's plays, poetry, or biography (including
performance-based criticism and theater history, ) for an open-topic
session to be held at the MLA Convention in Chicago on Dec.27-30, 2007.
Send detailed abstracts or papers of 15-minute reading length by e-mail,
e-mail attachment, or hard copy to Bruce Brandt,
( <> )
President, Marlowe Society of America, English Dept., Box 504, South
Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007. Deadline: March 1, 2007.

CFP: Performance and Consciousness (South Africa) (3/1/07; IFTR, 7/10/07-7/14/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Dr Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe

The working group "Performance and Consciousness" within the IFTR
(International Federation for Theatre Research) invites papers for
presentation at the working group meetings at the 2007 IFTR annual
conference, to be held at The H.B. Thom Theatre Centre and the Arts
Building, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 10-14 July

Please see the conference website for further details about the conference
and registration

CFP: Performance and Consciousness (South Africa) (3/1/07; IFTR, 7/10/07-7/14/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Dr Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe

The working group "Performance and Consciousness" within the IFTR
(International Federation for Theatre Research) invites papers for
presentation at the working group meetings at the 2007 IFTR annual
conference, to be held at The H.B. Thom Theatre Centre and the Arts
Building, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 10-14 July

Please see the conference website for further details about the conference
and registration

UPDATE: Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language and Media (12/15/06; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Kathleen Turner, Cortney Barko, and Angela Grimaldi MCLLM co-chairs

We have received some really great submissions to the conference already,
and we are extending our deadline.


The Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media (MCLLM) is
hosting its annual conference on March 30 and 31, 2007. The conference
will be held at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. We would
like to solicit proposals for 20 minute papers from scholars at all career
stages, from beginning graduate students to established and senior scholars.

UPDATE: Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language and Media (12/15/06; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Kathleen Turner, Cortney Barko, and Angela Grimaldi MCLLM co-chairs

We have received some really great submissions to the conference already,
and we are extending our deadline.


The Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media (MCLLM) is
hosting its annual conference on March 30 and 31, 2007. The conference
will be held at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. We would
like to solicit proposals for 20 minute papers from scholars at all career
stages, from beginning graduate students to established and senior scholars.

UPDATE: Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language and Media (12/15/06; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Kathleen Turner, Cortney Barko, and Angela Grimaldi MCLLM co-chairs

We have received some really great submissions to the conference already,
and we are extending our deadline.


The Midwestern Conference on Literature, Language, and Media (MCLLM) is
hosting its annual conference on March 30 and 31, 2007. The conference
will be held at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. We would
like to solicit proposals for 20 minute papers from scholars at all career
stages, from beginning graduate students to established and senior scholars.

CFP: Paper prize for Graduate Students in Postcolonial Studies (grad) (Ireland) (4/1/07; 9/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Jennifer M Regan

CFP: Paper prize for graduate students

What is the future of postcolonial studies?

The Postcolonial Forum at Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
seeks to encourage work in postcolonial studies and would like to announce
an essay competition for graduate students (MA/PhD). Essays should address
the question of the future of postcolonial studies: what is the relevance
of postcolonial studies, how can it be useful, and how should it progress?
Writers may consider the question through the use of specific case studies
from their own research, although they must address the question in a way
that will be meaningful to those outside their discipline.

CFP: Paper prize for Graduate Students in Postcolonial Studies (grad) (Ireland) (4/1/07; 9/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Jennifer M Regan

CFP: Paper prize for graduate students

What is the future of postcolonial studies?

The Postcolonial Forum at Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
seeks to encourage work in postcolonial studies and would like to announce
an essay competition for graduate students (MA/PhD). Essays should address
the question of the future of postcolonial studies: what is the relevance
of postcolonial studies, how can it be useful, and how should it progress?
Writers may consider the question through the use of specific case studies
from their own research, although they must address the question in a way
that will be meaningful to those outside their discipline.

CFP: Paper prize for Graduate Students in Postcolonial Studies (grad) (Ireland) (4/1/07; 9/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Jennifer M Regan

CFP: Paper prize for graduate students

What is the future of postcolonial studies?

The Postcolonial Forum at Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
seeks to encourage work in postcolonial studies and would like to announce
an essay competition for graduate students (MA/PhD). Essays should address
the question of the future of postcolonial studies: what is the relevance
of postcolonial studies, how can it be useful, and how should it progress?
Writers may consider the question through the use of specific case studies
from their own research, although they must address the question in a way
that will be meaningful to those outside their discipline.

CFP: F. Scott Fitzgerald Sessions (1/10/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Gail Sinclair

Please post the following call for papers, and address any questions to = =20
Thank you,=20
Gail Sinclair, ALA Fitzgerald Session Chair=20

                                 F. Scott Fitzgerald Society=20
      Call for Papers=20

American Literature Association=20
18th Annual Conference: Boston=20
    Dates: May 24-27, 2007=20

CFP: MnSCU Conference on Composition (2/1/07; 3/16/07-3/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
McClure, Randall W

"English Composition: Crossing Lines, Forging Connections & Extending
Opportunities," MnSCU Conference on Composition, March 16 & 17, 2007,
hosted by Century College <>=20

Keynote Speakers: Mike Palmquist, Colorado State University & Will
Hochman, Southern Connecticut State University=20

CFP: The Golden Age of Science Fiction (4/1/07; SFRA, 8/5/07-8/7/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Lisa Yaszek

Call for Papers and Panels at SFRA 2007 – The Science Fiction Research
Association's Annual Meeting

Westin Crown Center Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri July 5 – 7, 2007.

Papers on any SF-related topic are welcome. Papers on our guest authors – Fred
Pohl, James Gunn, or Allen Steele – are particularly encouraged, as are papers
on Robert A. Heinlein and the conference theme, Celebrating the Golden Age of
Science Fiction.

Deadline for Proposal Submission: April 1, 2007.

Conference Participants do not have to be members of SFRA.

Send a copy of your proposal to each Program Co-Chair (two letters/emails):

CFP: The Golden Age of Science Fiction (4/1/07; SFRA, 8/5/07-8/7/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:47pm
Lisa Yaszek

Call for Papers and Panels at SFRA 2007 – The Science Fiction Research
Association's Annual Meeting

Westin Crown Center Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri July 5 – 7, 2007.

Papers on any SF-related topic are welcome. Papers on our guest authors – Fred
Pohl, James Gunn, or Allen Steele – are particularly encouraged, as are papers
on Robert A. Heinlein and the conference theme, Celebrating the Golden Age of
Science Fiction.

Deadline for Proposal Submission: April 1, 2007.

Conference Participants do not have to be members of SFRA.

Send a copy of your proposal to each Program Co-Chair (two letters/emails):

CFP: Transitional Nabokov (UK) (3/8/07; 7/6/07-7/7/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Will Norman

Call for Papers

Transitional Nabokov
A two day international conference to be held at the Rothermere American Institute, Oxford University, UK on 6th-7th July 2007.

Plenary Speakers:
        Michael Wood (Princeton)
        Alexander Dolinin (University of Madison-Wisconsin)

"Across the dark sky of exile, Sirin passed . . . like a meteor, and disappeared, leaving nothing much else behind him than a vague sense of uneasiness." (Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory).
