all recent posts

UPDATE: Medieval Drama and Vernacular Theology at Kalamazoo (9/26/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5/7/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
David Lavinsky

CFP: Two Sponsored Sessions for the 41st International
Congress in Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, 4-7 May


The Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, invites
interdisciplinary, comparative, and global
perspectives on English drama and vernacular theology
in the Middle Ages.

1. New Approaches to Medieval English Drama:
Performing the Religious Other

Possible topics might include but are not limited to:

UPDATE: Medieval Drama and Vernacular Theology at Kalamazoo (9/26/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5/7/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
David Lavinsky

CFP: Two Sponsored Sessions for the 41st International
Congress in Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, 4-7 May


The Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, invites
interdisciplinary, comparative, and global
perspectives on English drama and vernacular theology
in the Middle Ages.

1. New Approaches to Medieval English Drama:
Performing the Religious Other

Possible topics might include but are not limited to:

UPDATE: Literature and Criminal Justice (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and Criminal

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature

CFP: Woolfian Boundaries (1/4/06; 6/22/06-6/25/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
Kathryn Simpson

CFP: 16th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf 2006,
Birmingham, UK (1.4.06; 6/22/06 - 6/25/06)

Amendment to contact details and submission procedures for the call for
papers for WOOLFIAN BOUNDARIES. The 16th Annual International Conference
on Virginia Woolf. 22 - 25 June 2006 hosted by the University of

CFP: Woolfian Boundaries (1/4/06; 6/22/06-6/25/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
Kathryn Simpson

CFP: 16th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf 2006,
Birmingham, UK (1.4.06; 6/22/06 - 6/25/06)

Amendment to contact details and submission procedures for the call for
papers for WOOLFIAN BOUNDARIES. The 16th Annual International Conference
on Virginia Woolf. 22 - 25 June 2006 hosted by the University of

CFP: Tranforming Textualities: The Evolution of Early Modern Texts (12/9/05; 3/26/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
Ambereen Dadabhoy

Claremont Graduate University is sponsoring its seventh interdisciplinary Early Modern Studies Graduate Symposium, to be held in Claremont, CA, on Saturday, March 26. This year's theme is "Transforming Textualities: The Evolution of Early Modern Texts from Caxton's Morte Darthur to Branagh's Hamlet." We are accepting abstracts for papers from graduate students that deal with any aspect of early modern textual history, book history/print culture, later reworkings of early modern texts, such as T.H. White's Once and Future King, or representations of texts in other media, including but not limited to art, music, drama, and film. We are especially interested in papers and/or panels that take a transdisciplinary approach to early modern studies.

CFP: Tranforming Textualities: The Evolution of Early Modern Texts (12/9/05; 3/26/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
Ambereen Dadabhoy

Claremont Graduate University is sponsoring its seventh interdisciplinary Early Modern Studies Graduate Symposium, to be held in Claremont, CA, on Saturday, March 26. This year's theme is "Transforming Textualities: The Evolution of Early Modern Texts from Caxton's Morte Darthur to Branagh's Hamlet." We are accepting abstracts for papers from graduate students that deal with any aspect of early modern textual history, book history/print culture, later reworkings of early modern texts, such as T.H. White's Once and Future King, or representations of texts in other media, including but not limited to art, music, drama, and film. We are especially interested in papers and/or panels that take a transdisciplinary approach to early modern studies.

UPDATE: Depicting Contact in Literature (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm

Deadline extended:

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Depicting
Contact in Literature: Encounters Among Peoples, Places and Things"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

UPDATE: Depicting Contact in Literature (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm

Deadline extended:

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Depicting
Contact in Literature: Encounters Among Peoples, Places and Things"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

UPDATE: Literature and Labor (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and Labor: Writing
and Work"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature

CFP: Prison Life on Film (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
Miner, Madonne

Call for Papers: Film and History SW/TX PCA/ACA (11/01/05; 2/8-11/06)=20
Special Topic: Prison Life in Film=20

2006 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 27th=20
Annual Conference, The Hyatt Regency Conference Hotel, Albuquerque, NM,=20
February 8-11, 2006.=20

Film and History area organizers invite papers for panels dealing with
prison life as represented in film. Papers might consider how such
representations have changed over time, how historical prison situations
affect film, how film encourages viewers to imagine prison life
according to filmic conventions, and so on.=20

UPDATE: Cartographies (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a special session on "Cartographies:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speaker will be WJT Mitchell; our diversity luncheon speaker will
be Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

UPDATE: Cartographies (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a special session on "Cartographies:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speaker will be WJT Mitchell; our diversity luncheon speaker will
be Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CFP: Holy Land(s) in American Lit (10/5/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Yothers, Brian

Paper proposals are invited for a proposed panel on the topic of "Holy =
Land(s) in the American Literary Imagination" at the College English =
Association conference in San Antonio, TX (April 6-8, 2006).
The term "Holy Land(s)" in the title is broadly conceived, so proposals =
that deal with U.S. representations or discussions of landscapes =
designated as "sacred" anywhere in the world are welcomed. Proposals =
that deal in some way with literary representations or discussions of =
Ottoman Palestine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are =
particularly welcome, as are discussions of the role that the idea of a =
"Holy Land" may have played in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. =

CFP: Holy Land(s) in American Lit (10/5/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Yothers, Brian

Paper proposals are invited for a proposed panel on the topic of "Holy =
Land(s) in the American Literary Imagination" at the College English =
Association conference in San Antonio, TX (April 6-8, 2006).
The term "Holy Land(s)" in the title is broadly conceived, so proposals =
that deal with U.S. representations or discussions of landscapes =
designated as "sacred" anywhere in the world are welcomed. Proposals =
that deal in some way with literary representations or discussions of =
Ottoman Palestine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are =
particularly welcome, as are discussions of the role that the idea of a =
"Holy Land" may have played in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. =

CFP: Holy Land(s) in American Lit (10/5/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Yothers, Brian

Paper proposals are invited for a proposed panel on the topic of "Holy =
Land(s) in the American Literary Imagination" at the College English =
Association conference in San Antonio, TX (April 6-8, 2006).
The term "Holy Land(s)" in the title is broadly conceived, so proposals =
that deal with U.S. representations or discussions of landscapes =
designated as "sacred" anywhere in the world are welcomed. Proposals =
that deal in some way with literary representations or discussions of =
Ottoman Palestine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are =
particularly welcome, as are discussions of the role that the idea of a =
"Holy Land" may have played in eighteenth and nineteenth century U.S. =

UPDATE: Chairing the English Department (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Chairing the English
Department of the 21st Century: Critical Issues, Critical Challenges"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith.

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using a
proposal submission site (submissions URL indicated below), for the
panel described below.

UPDATE: Literature and Law (11/1/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm

2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas
April 6-April 8, 2006

The NYCEA is sponsoring a Special session on "Literature and Law"

Please note the following updates:
Our keynote speakers will be WJT Mitchell and Rolondo Hinojosa-Smith

We have also changed our submission procedure, now using an online
proposal submission website.

CEA is a lively organization and its annual conference has always
celebrated scholarly activity in many forms: through sessions on
literary theory and literary interpretation, on writing theory, and on
pedagogical approaches and innovation in the writing and literature

CFP: Permeability and Selfhood (10/21/05; 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Lindsay Holmgren

Permeability and Selfhood.

McGill University, Montreal

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature

March 11-12, 2006


The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.


Call for Panels

CFP: Permeability and Selfhood (10/21/05; 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Lindsay Holmgren

Permeability and Selfhood.

McGill University, Montreal

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature

March 11-12, 2006


The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.


Call for Panels

CFP: Permeability and Selfhood (10/21/05; 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Lindsay Holmgren

Permeability and Selfhood.

McGill University, Montreal

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature

March 11-12, 2006


The English Graduate Students Association at McGill University is soliciting
panels for its upcoming Conference on Language and Literature. The
conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on March 11-12, 2006. We
are pleased to announce that Dr. Terry Castle, Walter A. Haas Professor in
the Humanities at Stanford University, will be the plenary speaker.


Call for Panels
