CFP: Fantasy Fiction into Film (5/15/06; collection)
Fantasy Fiction into Film
A Collection
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Fantasy Fiction into Film
A Collection
Call for Papers (Sprachen: deutsch, englisch, französisch)
Deadline: 10.04.2006
Interdisziplinärer Workshop des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs Geschlecht als
Wissenskategorie an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 27. und 28. Oktober
2006, zum Thema
Geschlecht als Tabu: Orte, Dynamiken und Funktionen
Organisation: Dr. Ute Frietsch, Dr. Sabine Grenz, Dr. Lidia Guzy, Jennifer
John, M.A., Beatrice Michaelis, M.A.
„Geschlecht“ ist zugleich ein Tabu und ein Feld des Wissens. Geschlecht als
Tabu und Geschlecht als Wissenskategorie bedingen sich gegenseitig, sie
bilden ein Paar â€" ähnlich wie Implizites und Explizites, Geheimnis und
Skandal, Gesagtes und Nicht-Gesagtes.
Call for Papers (Sprachen: deutsch, englisch, französisch)
Deadline: 10.04.2006
Interdisziplinärer Workshop des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs Geschlecht als
Wissenskategorie an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 27. und 28. Oktober
2006, zum Thema
Geschlecht als Tabu: Orte, Dynamiken und Funktionen
Organisation: Dr. Ute Frietsch, Dr. Sabine Grenz, Dr. Lidia Guzy, Jennifer
John, M.A., Beatrice Michaelis, M.A.
„Geschlecht“ ist zugleich ein Tabu und ein Feld des Wissens. Geschlecht als
Tabu und Geschlecht als Wissenskategorie bedingen sich gegenseitig, sie
bilden ein Paar â€" ähnlich wie Implizites und Explizites, Geheimnis und
Skandal, Gesagtes und Nicht-Gesagtes.
Call for Papers (Sprachen: deutsch, englisch, französisch)
Deadline: 10.04.2006
Interdisziplinärer Workshop des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs Geschlecht als
Wissenskategorie an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 27. und 28. Oktober
2006, zum Thema
Geschlecht als Tabu: Orte, Dynamiken und Funktionen
Organisation: Dr. Ute Frietsch, Dr. Sabine Grenz, Dr. Lidia Guzy, Jennifer
John, M.A., Beatrice Michaelis, M.A.
„Geschlecht“ ist zugleich ein Tabu und ein Feld des Wissens. Geschlecht als
Tabu und Geschlecht als Wissenskategorie bedingen sich gegenseitig, sie
bilden ein Paar â€" ähnlich wie Implizites und Explizites, Geheimnis und
Skandal, Gesagtes und Nicht-Gesagtes.
Fantasy Fiction into Film
A Collection
22-23 June 2006
Organised by doctoral students for doctoral students
Graduate School in Humanities, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The convenors of the panels listed below are now inviting abstracts for papers which examine the concept of identity, and encourage submissions from those examining aspects of personal, linguistic, national and cultural identity. Proposals examining the following areas are especially welcome:
22-23 June 2006
Organised by doctoral students for doctoral students
Graduate School in Humanities, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The convenors of the panels listed below are now inviting abstracts for papers which examine the concept of identity, and encourage submissions from those examining aspects of personal, linguistic, national and cultural identity. Proposals examining the following areas are especially welcome:
MLA Committee on the New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare
Call for Papers
2006 MLA Convention
The Electronic New Variorum Winter's Tale in Use
We are interested in papers discussing readers' experience of this
electronic edition as a research or teaching tool. Possible topics:
comparisons with the book version; discussion of accessibility and
navigability; possible further developments. Please send 2-page abstracts
by 1 March 2006 to Paul Werstine (
MLA Committee on the New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare
Call for Papers
2006 MLA Convention
The Electronic New Variorum Winter's Tale in Use
We are interested in papers discussing readers' experience of this
electronic edition as a research or teaching tool. Possible topics:
comparisons with the book version; discussion of accessibility and
navigability; possible further developments. Please send 2-page abstracts
by 1 March 2006 to Paul Werstine (
22-23 June 2006
Organised by doctoral students for doctoral students
Graduate School in Humanities, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The convenors of the panels listed below are now inviting abstracts for papers which examine the concept of identity, and encourage submissions from those examining aspects of personal, linguistic, national and cultural identity. Proposals examining the following areas are especially welcome:
22-23 June 2006
Organised by doctoral students for doctoral students
Graduate School in Humanities, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The convenors of the panels listed below are now inviting abstracts for papers which examine the concept of identity, and encourage submissions from those examining aspects of personal, linguistic, national and cultural identity. Proposals examining the following areas are especially welcome:
22-23 June 2006
Organised by doctoral students for doctoral students
Graduate School in Humanities, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The convenors of the panels listed below are now inviting abstracts for papers which examine the concept of identity, and encourage submissions from those examining aspects of personal, linguistic, national and cultural identity. Proposals examining the following areas are especially welcome:
22-23 June 2006
Organised by doctoral students for doctoral students
Graduate School in Humanities, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The convenors of the panels listed below are now inviting abstracts for papers which examine the concept of identity, and encourage submissions from those examining aspects of personal, linguistic, national and cultural identity. Proposals examining the following areas are especially welcome:
MLA Committee on the New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare
Call for Papers
2006 MLA Convention
The Electronic New Variorum Winter's Tale in Use
We are interested in papers discussing readers' experience of this
electronic edition as a research or teaching tool. Possible topics:
comparisons with the book version; discussion of accessibility and
navigability; possible further developments. Please send 2-page abstracts
by 1 March 2006 to Paul Werstine (
MLA Committee on the New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare
Call for Papers
2006 MLA Convention
The Electronic New Variorum Winter's Tale in Use
We are interested in papers discussing readers' experience of this
electronic edition as a research or teaching tool. Possible topics:
comparisons with the book version; discussion of accessibility and
navigability; possible further developments. Please send 2-page abstracts
by 1 March 2006 to Paul Werstine (
22-23 June 2006
Organised by doctoral students for doctoral students
Graduate School in Humanities, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The convenors of the panels listed below are now inviting abstracts for papers which examine the concept of identity, and encourage submissions from those examining aspects of personal, linguistic, national and cultural identity. Proposals examining the following areas are especially welcome:
Call For Papers
Gender and the Humanities
April 21-23, 2006
Austin College invites submission of essays related to gender, especially
in the humanities.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Call For Papers
Gender and the Humanities
April 21-23, 2006
Austin College invites submission of essays related to gender, especially
in the humanities.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Call For Papers
Gender and the Humanities
April 21-23, 2006
Austin College invites submission of essays related to gender, especially
in the humanities.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Call for Papers for 2006 Midwest Conference on British Studies, Indianapolis,
IN, Oct 27-29
"Reimagining History in Post-Imperial Britain"
Contemporary British literature has seen a resurgence of historical fiction
(broadly understood) that that re-visits and re-narrates iconic moments of
English history. These historical questions ultimately engage the ways in which
England's post-imperial experiences have changed our perception of what it
means, and has meant, to be British. This proposed panel will explore recent
literary articulations of England's history that interrogate and reframe British
identity. Papers addressing literature after 1990 are especially encouraged.
Call For Papers
Gender and the Humanities
April 21-23, 2006
Austin College invites submission of essays related to gender, especially
in the humanities.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Call for Papers for 2006 Midwest Conference on British Studies, Indianapolis,
IN, Oct 27-29
"Reimagining History in Post-Imperial Britain"
Contemporary British literature has seen a resurgence of historical fiction
(broadly understood) that that re-visits and re-narrates iconic moments of
English history. These historical questions ultimately engage the ways in which
England's post-imperial experiences have changed our perception of what it
means, and has meant, to be British. This proposed panel will explore recent
literary articulations of England's history that interrogate and reframe British
identity. Papers addressing literature after 1990 are especially encouraged.
First Call for Papers
Centre for the Book, Cape Town
A World Elsewhere: Orality, Manuscript and Print in Colonial and
Post-Colonial Cultures
An international conference to be held at the Centre for the Book,
Cape Town, 2-4 April 2007
Please send abstracts (500 words maximum) or proposals for sessions by
1 September 2006 to Mark Espin, PO Box 15254, Vlaeberg, Cape Town
8018, South Africa; or ideally by e-mail to, and
cc to A preliminary programme should be announced by
1 December 2006.
Shakespeare and Shakespeare Criticism: "Trans-Atlantic
First Call for Papers
Centre for the Book, Cape Town
A World Elsewhere: Orality, Manuscript and Print in Colonial and
Post-Colonial Cultures
An international conference to be held at the Centre for the Book,
Cape Town, 2-4 April 2007
Please send abstracts (500 words maximum) or proposals for sessions by
1 September 2006 to Mark Espin, PO Box 15254, Vlaeberg, Cape Town
8018, South Africa; or ideally by e-mail to, and
cc to A preliminary programme should be announced by
1 December 2006.
Shakespeare and Shakespeare Criticism: "Trans-Atlantic
Shakespeare and Shakespeare Criticism: "Trans-Atlantic
First Call for Papers
Centre for the Book, Cape Town
A World Elsewhere: Orality, Manuscript and Print in Colonial and
Post-Colonial Cultures
An international conference to be held at the Centre for the Book,
Cape Town, 2-4 April 2007
Please send abstracts (500 words maximum) or proposals for sessions by
1 September 2006 to Mark Espin, PO Box 15254, Vlaeberg, Cape Town
8018, South Africa; or ideally by e-mail to, and
cc to A preliminary programme should be announced by
1 December 2006.
Shakespeare and Shakespeare Criticism: "Trans-Atlantic
Superheroes and Trauma (book collection) (7 Apr. 2006; 30 Sept. 2006)
Vanessa Raney, Southern Connecticut State University
Peter F. Coogan, Fontbonne University