The Handbook of Body Horror--Call for Additional Proposals
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The Handbook of Body Horror
Dear Scholars, Educators, and Practitioners,
Due to numerous requests, we are pleased to extend the submission deadline for abstracts for the book Soft Skills Unscripted: Lessons from Literature and Films to 30 January 2025.
We kindly urge all contributors to carefully review the theme of the book and ensure that your abstract aligns with the subject. The anthology seeks to explore how literature and films provide valuable insights into soft skills development, bridging the gap between academic perspectives and practical applications.
We look forward to receiving your thoughtful and subject-relevant submissions. For more details
Warm regards,
Editorial Team
April 25-26, 2025
57th Comparative Literature Symposium Going Virtual
Call for Papers
The symposium is generously funded by the TTU College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Media & Communication, The Harris Institute, Departments of English, CMLL, and History
“50 Years after the Fall of Saigon: Colonialism, Interventionism, and Critical Refugee Studies”
Keynote Speakers:
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Long T. Bui, Associate Professor of Global and International Studies, the University of California at Irvine
Dr. Patricia Pelley, Associate Professor of History, Texas Tech University
Dr. Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, Professor of English and Asian American Studies, the University of Texas at Austin
Special Guest Speaker
Ms. Callie Wright, Education Director, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
The Comparative Literature Program at Texas Tech University will host the 2023 symposium on “Pandemic, Environment, and Life Writing” on campus on April 21-22, 2023.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Jennifer Ho, Eaton Professor of Ethnic Studies and Director of the Center for
Humanities & the Arts, University of Colorado at Boulder
Dr. Laura Hyun Yi Kang, Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of
California at Irvine
Dr. Muhsin al-Musawi, Professor of Classic and Modern Arabic Literature and of
Comparative and Cultural Studies, Columbia University
Dr. Aretha Phiri, Associate Professor of English, University of Rhodes, South Africa
The 2024 TTU Symposium on “Transnational American Studies Revisited”
The Comparative Literature Program at Texas Tech University will host its 2024 annual symposium on “Transnational American Studies Revisited” on April 12-13, 2024.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Joseph S. Atha Professor of Humanities, Professor of English, and Director of American Studies Program, Stanford University, USA
Dr. Alfred Hornung, Professor and Chair of American Studies, Editor-in-chief of Journal Of Transnational American Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany
The recent development in Digital Humanities marks a transformative era in academia, where the humanities are increasingly integrating with digital technologies, computational methods, and AI, enhancing research, teaching, and creative outputs. This conference explores how DH sees such development and the evolving relationship between humanities and digital technologies. It focuses on topics that reshape humanities scholarship, from data analysis and pedagogy to creative production. This fosters interdisciplinary dialogues and examines innovations and implications in fields traditionally centered around humanistic inquiry.
This American Studies Association 2025 panel seeks papers that consider the role of children and childhood in histories of medicine. From experiments across medical, scientific, and social scientific disciplines to issues of consent and privacy to interventions that delimit trajectories of child development, histories of medicine have helped shape childhoods–its bounds, temporalities, and norms–and children have helped to shape medicine–its protocols, rationales, and knowledges.
For a volume that will be part of Lexington Books' series "Villains and Creatures" that will soon be under consideration by the publisher, we are looking for chapters (6,000 to 7,000 words long) on the representation of witches in popular media such as comics, TV series and videogames. We are particularly interested in the representation of witches in the OZ films and novels as well as in Marvel comics.
Please send 300 word abstracts to Dr. Antonio Sanna at by the 15th of January 2025. Chapters will be due quite later this year.
For any further question, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately.
Call for Abstracts: Edited Volume on The Politics of the Soundtrack
Editors: K. J. Donnelly (University of Southampton, UK), Jady Jiang (Wenzhou University of Technology, China), and Ling Zhang (SUNY Purchase College, US)
Papers (20 minutes) and round-tables are invited for a 1-day conference on Friday 11 July 2025 at Wilton's Music Hall, London.
The conference aims to explore theatre in the 1920s across a spectrum of genres and locations. The focus is on theatre in a broad sense, encompassing a range of performance cultures and demonstrating some of the major ways in which theatre operated within the broader culture and society of the time.
Topics might include (but are not limited to):
The dramatic legacy of WWI
Different genres (e.g. melodramas, thrillers, comedies)
Individual plays
Avant garde theatre
Grand guignol
American imports
“Monarch of All I Survey:” Literary Posterity and Cultural Legacies
International Conference
Date: Nov. 20-21, 2025
Venue: ENS de Lyon, France
Keynote speakers:
- Julia Kühn (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Nicholas Spengler (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
“I am monarch of all I survey,
My right there is none to dispute,
From the center all round to the sea,
Bradford Arts Centre*
Saturday 6 September 2025
Early Modern Temporalities
Graduate Early Modern Student Society Eighth Annual Symposium
Friday, April 25, 2025
TBD, UW-Madison & Hybrid over Zoom
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jessica Keating (Associate Professor of Art History, Art and Art History, Carleton College)
Telling the Story of Oceans and Archives: Rethinking the Novel Form
Date: 18-19 September 2025
Venue: Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, 8 Place Paul-Ricoeur, Paris
CFP: SEL Studies in English Literature 1500–1900: Living Discourse Initiative
SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 invites proposals for each of the three features of its new Living Discourse Initiative. In keeping with the journal’s mission to publish readable, high caliber, and field-leading thinking, the Living Discourse Initiative seeks scholars actively working on pressing social, political, and groundbreaking issues germane to English literature 1500–1900.
Call for Proposals: The Living Discourse Initiative
AI, Art, and Ethics
The Polish Journal of Aesthetics 78 (1/2027)
Editor: Ted Nannicelli (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Call for Papers: Susan Stryker and Trans Studies, A Special Issue of Australian Feminist Studies
Call for Submissions for “Ariel’s Corner” (Miranda e-journal)
Submissions for ‘Ariel’s Corner’ section of Miranda e-journal are open.
Miranda is a scholarly e-journal focusing on a wide range of social and cultural practices of the English-speaking world and encouraging the broadest possible spectrum of scholarly approaches. A special section, called ‘Ariel’s Corner,’ is dedicated to the arts in the English-speaking world.
Conference on Community Writing™
“Designing Justice Across Space, Place, and Time”Detroit, MI
October 23-25, 2025Sponsored by Wayne State University and Michigan State UniversityCall for Proposals Submit a Proposal Here Deadline for proposal submissions: Monday, February 17, 2025
Annual Academic Conference 2025
15th - 17th March, 2025
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institue of Technology Madras
Conference Theme: Risk, Precarity, and Vulnerability
The Sleeping Well in the Early Modern Worldteam invites papers for our end-of-project conference on the topic of ‘Bodies and Environments’ in early modernity.
Keynote speakers: Marcy Norton (University of Pennsylvania) & Sara Miglietti (The Warburg Institute)
Lagos Studies Association Conference 2025
Nigerian Digital Entertainment: The Cultural and Social Implications of Drama Skits
The 9th Annual Lagos Studies Association Conference
Conference Theme: Continuities and Discontinuities in African Studies
Date: June 17-21, 2025
Format: Hybrid (In Person, University of Lagos/Zoom)
Abstract Deadline: January 1, 2025.
Panel Organizers & Chair: Kolawole Olaiya, Anderson University, South Carolina (Email: and Anthony Adah, Minnesota State University, (Email:
Papers for an edited volume on how Korean dramas and other forms of Korean popular culture reflect, reproduce, and challenge social inequities. We are particularly interested in South Korea’s use of ethnic and racial others in its media with a particular focus on Blackness, Islam, and immigration as well as class/capitalism, gender, and sexualities. Intersectional approaches appreciated.
The International David Foster Wallace Society will sponsor two panels at this year’s ALA; one will be a roundtable focusing on the 20th anniversary of This is Water, and the other is a traditional panel of papers.
Please send abstracts no more than 300 words, a short biography, and any a/v needs to no later than January 10, 2025. Please indicate ALA25 in your subject line. Updates will be posted to and the society’s social media pages (@dfwsociety).
Imagined Theatres
Physical Scale - Conceptual Scale - Relational Scale - Collaborative Scale - Cultural Scale - Historical Scale - Performance Scale - Spatial Scale - Durational Scale
The Nineteenth-Century section of Jagiellonian University’s Comparative Literature Student Society cordially invites students and PhD researchers to the international conference entitled ‘Nineteenth-Century Minor Literatures’. We seek to create a space to explore texts existing outside the mainstream of the long nineteenth century.
We welcome papers related to the following research areas: