CFP: Ecofeminism and Pacific Northwest Literature (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Assocition Annual Conference
Tuscon, Arizona October 12-14 2006
Special Topic Session: Ecofeminism and Pacific Northwest Literature
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Rocky Mountain Modern Language Assocition Annual Conference
Tuscon, Arizona October 12-14 2006
Special Topic Session: Ecofeminism and Pacific Northwest Literature
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Assocition Annual Conference
Tuscon, Arizona October 12-14 2006
Special Topic Session: Ecofeminism and Pacific Northwest Literature
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Assocition Annual Conference
Tuscon, Arizona October 12-14 2006
Special Topic Session: Ecofeminism and Pacific Northwest Literature
1968: Global Resistance and Local Knowledge
Graduate Student Conference
Modern History and Literature Program, Casperson School of Graduate Studies
Drew University, Madison New Jersey
November 3-4, 2006
1968: Global Resistance and Local Knowledge
Graduate Student Conference
Modern History and Literature Program, Casperson School of Graduate Studies
Drew University, Madison New Jersey
November 3-4, 2006
Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays tentatively
titled "Teaching the Novel in the (English) Major and Across the
Curriculum." Submissions by emergent as well as established scholars are
welcome. (An editor at one of the leading educational presses has shown
strong interest in the project.) <>As it stands, the collection will be
broken into five chapters, or sections: 1) English, 2) Humanities, 3)
Natural Sciences and Mathematics, 4) Social and Behavioral Sciences and,
5) Professional Studies.
Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays tentatively
titled "Teaching the Novel in the (English) Major and Across the
Curriculum." Submissions by emergent as well as established scholars are
welcome. (An editor at one of the leading educational presses has shown
strong interest in the project.) <>As it stands, the collection will be
broken into five chapters, or sections: 1) English, 2) Humanities, 3)
Natural Sciences and Mathematics, 4) Social and Behavioral Sciences and,
5) Professional Studies.
CFP: A Cinema of Love. A Cinema of Hate. The Post-Romance in
Contemporary Film.
Editors: Antje Ascheid (University of Georgia) and Nina Martin (Emory
CFP: A Cinema of Love. A Cinema of Hate. The Post-Romance in
Contemporary Film.
Editors: Antje Ascheid (University of Georgia) and Nina Martin (Emory
L?exception française: Negotiating Identity in the French National Imaginary
November 2 and 3, 2006
University of California, Los Angeles
We are pleased to announce our annual conference with keynote speakers
Dudley Andrew and Kristin Ross (Yale University) (New York University)
L?exception française: Negotiating Identity in the French National Imaginary
November 2 and 3, 2006
University of California, Los Angeles
We are pleased to announce our annual conference with keynote speakers
Dudley Andrew and Kristin Ross (Yale University) (New York University)
L?exception française: Negotiating Identity in the French National Imaginary
November 2 and 3, 2006
University of California, Los Angeles
We are pleased to announce our annual conference with keynote speakers
Dudley Andrew and Kristin Ross (Yale University) (New York University)
"What Editors Need: The Value (and Headaches) of Awards, Ads, Funding, and Grants for Journals (and Writers)."
CELJ panel (Council of Editors of Learned Journals), SAMLA 2006
Paper proposals for the Council of Editors of Learned Journals Session at SAMLA, November 10-12, 2006, are now being accepted. The annual conference will be held this year at the Hilton Charlotte Center City in Charlotte, NC. The topic of this panel session will be "What Editors Need: The Value (and Headaches) of Awards, Ads, Funding, and Grants for Journals (and Writers)."
Some topics to be addressed by the panel might include:
* CELJ and other awards for journals
* Creative writing contests and entry fees
(cross-posted to filmatpenn server) Hello, and I hope you had a restful hol=
iday season. My name is Daniel Smith-Rowsey and I'm the new Film Reviews E=
ditor for Scope Magazine. My experience includes a year as the Book Review=
s Editor for Film International ( I am replacing Anthony M=
cKenna at this position, so from now on please direct all film review corre=
spondence to me.
(cross-posted to filmatpenn server) Hello, and I hope you had a restful hol=
iday season. My name is Daniel Smith-Rowsey and I'm the new Film Reviews E=
ditor for Scope Magazine. My experience includes a year as the Book Review=
s Editor for Film International ( I am replacing Anthony M=
cKenna at this position, so from now on please direct all film review corre=
spondence to me.
The deadline for submissions has changed from 06/01/06 to 07/01/06.
All SALA Membership and Conference Registration inquiries should be directed to:
Pennie Ticen
Treasurer, SALA
P. O. Box 253
Lexington, VA 24450
Call for Papers for SALA's (South Asian Literary Association) 7th Annual Conference (December 26 and 27, 2006; to be held in conjunction with the MLA)
For its 7th annual conference, the South Asian Literature Association invites proposals (of no more than 200-300 words) on the subject: Postcolonialism and South Asian Diasporas.
The deadline for submissions has changed from 06/01/06 to 07/01/06.
All SALA Membership and Conference Registration inquiries should be directed to:
Pennie Ticen
Treasurer, SALA
P. O. Box 253
Lexington, VA 24450
Call for Papers for SALA's (South Asian Literary Association) 7th Annual Conference (December 26 and 27, 2006; to be held in conjunction with the MLA)
For its 7th annual conference, the South Asian Literature Association invites proposals (of no more than 200-300 words) on the subject: Postcolonialism and South Asian Diasporas.
The deadline for submissions has changed from 06/01/06 to 07/01/06.
All SALA Membership and Conference Registration inquiries should be directed to:
Pennie Ticen
Treasurer, SALA
P. O. Box 253
Lexington, VA 24450
Call for Papers for SALA's (South Asian Literary Association) 7th Annual Conference (December 26 and 27, 2006; to be held in conjunction with the MLA)
For its 7th annual conference, the South Asian Literature Association invites proposals (of no more than 200-300 words) on the subject: Postcolonialism and South Asian Diasporas.
The deadline for submissions has changed from 06/01/06 to 07/01/06.
All SALA Membership and Conference Registration inquiries should be directed to:
Pennie Ticen
Treasurer, SALA
P. O. Box 253
Lexington, VA 24450
Call for Papers for SALA's (South Asian Literary Association) 7th Annual Conference (December 26 and 27, 2006; to be held in conjunction with the MLA)
For its 7th annual conference, the South Asian Literature Association invites proposals (of no more than 200-300 words) on the subject: Postcolonialism and South Asian Diasporas.
Storytelling, Self, Society:
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies
Call for Submissions
Storytelling, Self, Society is a bi-annual,
interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that
publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics
related to storytelling as interpersonal, performance,
or public discourse. Papers may represent disciplines
including but not limited to storytelling, folklore,
cultural studies, communication, English, education,
library science, health care, business, peace studies,
psychology, sociology, anthropology, pop culture,
theater and performance studies.
Storytelling, Self, Society:
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies
Call for Submissions
Storytelling, Self, Society is a bi-annual,
interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that
publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics
related to storytelling as interpersonal, performance,
or public discourse. Papers may represent disciplines
including but not limited to storytelling, folklore,
cultural studies, communication, English, education,
library science, health care, business, peace studies,
psychology, sociology, anthropology, pop culture,
theater and performance studies.
Storytelling, Self, Society:
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies
Call for Submissions
Storytelling, Self, Society is a bi-annual,
interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that
publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics
related to storytelling as interpersonal, performance,
or public discourse. Papers may represent disciplines
including but not limited to storytelling, folklore,
cultural studies, communication, English, education,
library science, health care, business, peace studies,
psychology, sociology, anthropology, pop culture,
theater and performance studies.
Film I Panel of the Midwest Modern Language Association:
Panel Title: Film Genre and Criticism
This panel will consider film's capacity to revisit and revise genre in =
a critical fashion. How do genre forms and conventions inhibit or =
enhance a film's critical potential? What does a film gain by combining =
and redefining genres and subgenres? Abstracts for this panel should =
explore the interconnections between film genre and criticism through =
analyses that perform critical redefinitions themselves.=20
Some possible topics to consider include:
-the connections between genre formations and questions of nationality, =
culture, class, race, and gender
Please announce:
9th Annual
Southern Appalachian Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
The University of North Carolina at Asheville
The Liberal Arts Campus of the University of North Carolina
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Please announce:
9th Annual
Southern Appalachian Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
The University of North Carolina at Asheville
The Liberal Arts Campus of the University of North Carolina
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I welcome self-nominations, by January 24, for
participating in this interdisciplinary
Roundtable I'm PROPOSING for this May's American
Literature Association conference in San Francisco:
"Colloquy with Wendy Martin: An American
Triptych and, Now, a Dickinson Biography"
I welcome self-nominations, by January 24, for
participating in this interdisciplinary
Roundtable I'm PROPOSING for this May's American
Literature Association conference in San Francisco:
"Colloquy with Wendy Martin: An American
Triptych and, Now, a Dickinson Biography"
Topic announced:
Topic announced:
Topic announced: