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CFP: Faulkner in the World (9/30/03; collection)

Monday, February 10, 2003 - 12:27am
Paula Pinto Elyseu Mesquita

                        Faulkner In The World

Scholars from Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania are
invited to submit their proposals for a compilation of international
essays on the reception of William Faulkner’s fiction in specific
national, political and historical contexts, to be published in 2004.

CFP: Faulkner in the World (9/30/03; collection)

Monday, February 10, 2003 - 12:27am
Paula Pinto Elyseu Mesquita

                        Faulkner In The World

Scholars from Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania are
invited to submit their proposals for a compilation of international
essays on the reception of William Faulkner’s fiction in specific
national, political and historical contexts, to be published in 2004.

CFP: Faulkner in the World (9/30/03; collection)

Monday, February 10, 2003 - 12:27am
Paula Pinto Elyseu Mesquita

                        Faulkner In The World

Scholars from Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania are
invited to submit their proposals for a compilation of international
essays on the reception of William Faulkner’s fiction in specific
national, political and historical contexts, to be published in 2004.

CFP: Atenea: Violence & Aggression (8/7/03; journal issue)

Monday, February 10, 2003 - 12:20am

Atenea is a multidisciplinary bilingual journal on the humanities and
social sciences, published twice a year by the University of Puerto Rico
at Mayaguez. It features essays, books reviews, and some fiction and
poetry. The editorial board invites submissions for publication for a
special issue (June 2004) on the topic of violence and aggression.
Essays may focus on any aspect of the topic, including (but not limited
to) representations, causes, functions, history. Submissions in either
English or Spanish are welcome (see the guidelines below):

CFP: Translation and Adaptation (4/15/03; e-journal issue)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:53pm
Kirsten C. Uszkalo

Since the middle ages, the process of translation has sought to bring the
text to a new audience by translating the text literally, or for its
meaning. The tradition of translation was long carried on by men, and in the
early modern period became an approved arena for women to exercise their
pens. While negotiating social, political, and historical contexts and
considerations, the text necessarily took on aspects of the translator's

CFP: The Cinema of Tod Browning (12/?/03; collection)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:33pm
Bernd Herzogenrath

 THE CINEMA OF TOD BROWNING (Collection, 2005)

I am looking for high-quality contributions to a volume on THE CINEMA OF TOD
BROWNING - a major press (Wallflower Press) has already expressed interest
in this project.

CFP: The Cinema of Tod Browning (12/?/03; collection)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:33pm
Bernd Herzogenrath

 THE CINEMA OF TOD BROWNING (Collection, 2005)

I am looking for high-quality contributions to a volume on THE CINEMA OF TOD
BROWNING - a major press (Wallflower Press) has already expressed interest
in this project.

CFP: Radical Teacher: Progressive Education (9/1/03; journal issue)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:30pm
J. Elizabeth Clark


A movement that called itself “progressive education” took shape more than
100 years ago, with an ideal of self-actualizing learners defining their
environment that mirrored the liberal political ideal. In the 1960s,
progressive approaches reappeared (though not under the same name), again
promising democratic and emancipatory learning. Today’s constructivists,
too, assert that student-centered learning foreshadows democratic living.

CFP: Translation: Mediation, Manipulation, Power (6/1/03 & 9/1/03; journal issue)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:25pm
Sebastien Cote

CFP: Translation: mediation, manipulation, power/Traduction: médiation,
manipulation, pouvoir (06/01/03; 09/01/03)
Revue de recherche interdisciplinaire en textes et médias
Appel d'articles (an English translation follows):

«Gilt eine Übersetzung den Lesern, die das Original nicht verstehen?»
‹Walter Benjamin

UPDATE: New England Regional Cultures (6/1/03; collection)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:06pm
Solomon Davidoff


The Greenwood Publishing Group, an award-winning publisher of reference
books and monographs, is developing a major new reference series that will
provide an invaluable and unprecedented tool in the field of Regional
Studies. The series will be marketed to college, high school, and public
libraries throughout the United States, and will be offered for sale as
individual volumes and as a complete set.

I am seeking contributors for the volume dealing with the New England
region, made up of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode
Island and Vermont, for each of the following topical chapters:

UPDATE: New England Regional Cultures (6/1/03; collection)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 10:06pm
Solomon Davidoff


The Greenwood Publishing Group, an award-winning publisher of reference
books and monographs, is developing a major new reference series that will
provide an invaluable and unprecedented tool in the field of Regional
Studies. The series will be marketed to college, high school, and public
libraries throughout the United States, and will be offered for sale as
individual volumes and as a complete set.

I am seeking contributors for the volume dealing with the New England
region, made up of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode
Island and Vermont, for each of the following topical chapters:

CFP: Film-Philosophy (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 9:59pm

[Sincere apologies if you receive this more than once.]

.', :. .
.. , ..' : ..
.. '. .. ,. ..: ..
.. .: .'.. ,. . ... F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y
. ' ...,... . . .:. . .
. .. . : ... .'.. ..,.. ISSN 1466-4615
. ., . . :... . . '.. Journal : Salon : Portal
. .'. , : ..... . PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD
. .:..'...,. .
.. :.,.. '....
....:,. '.
.' :. .



The following books have been received and need reviewers:

CFP: Film-Philosophy (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 9:59pm

[Sincere apologies if you receive this more than once.]

.', :. .
.. , ..' : ..
.. '. .. ,. ..: ..
.. .: .'.. ,. . ... F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y
. ' ...,... . . .:. . .
. .. . : ... .'.. ..,.. ISSN 1466-4615
. ., . . :... . . '.. Journal : Salon : Portal
. .'. , : ..... . PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD
. .:..'...,. .
.. :.,.. '....
....:,. '.
.' :. .



The following books have been received and need reviewers:

CFP: Film-Philosophy (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 9:59pm

[Sincere apologies if you receive this more than once.]

.', :. .
.. , ..' : ..
.. '. .. ,. ..: ..
.. .: .'.. ,. . ... F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y
. ' ...,... . . .:. . .
. .. . : ... .'.. ..,.. ISSN 1466-4615
. ., . . :... . . '.. Journal : Salon : Portal
. .'. , : ..... . PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD
. .:..'...,. .
.. :.,.. '....
....:,. '.
.' :. .



The following books have been received and need reviewers:

CFP: Tween Culture in Girlhood Studies (1/?/04; collection)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 9:57pm
Claudia Mitchell

Seven going on seventeen: Tween culture in girlhood studies


Claudia Mitchell
Faculty of Education
McGill University
Tel. 514 398 1318
Fax 514 398 8260

Jacqueline Reid-Walsh
McGill Centre for Research and Teaching on Women
Tel 514 398-3680
Fax 514 398-3986


CFP: AEQ: Writing and Social Awareness (3/31/03; journal issue)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 9:57pm
Natalie Friedman

Academic Exchange Quarterly Summer '03 Special Issue

Call for Papers: Writing and Social Awareness

This message is being cross-posted; please excuse duplication.

The Academic Exchange Quarterly is looking for articles for the Summer 2003
expanded issue, with a special section on WRTING AND SOCIAL AWARENESS.

CFP: Terror/ism and the Postmodern Novel (3/1/03; journal issue)

Monday, February 3, 2003 - 9:57pm
Jacqueline Foertsch

Special Issue: Terror/ism and the Postmodern Novel

For an upcoming special issue of Studies in the Novel, I seek critical
studies of novels since the mid-20th century dealing with terror or
terrorism in a postmodern, globalist, biological/nuclear, and/or
high-tech context. All analyses of contemporary novels (or fiction by
contemporary novelists) dealing with the disturbing implications of "the
global village" are welcome, as are theoretical considerations of terror
(and horror?) in the postmodern age, as opposed to their pre-nuclear (or
pre-9/11) conceptualizations. Analyses of novels whose themes include
intra-state terrorism inflicted upon ethnic and sexual minorities are
also sought.

CFP: Americana: American Popular Culture, 1900-present (4/15/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 6:14pm

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) is
currently accepting submissions for its spring 2003 edition due out in May
and published online at

The deadline for submissions is 15 April 2003. Please see the call for
papers link at
for additional requirements.

CFP: Americana: American Popular Culture, 1900-present (4/15/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 6:14pm

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) is
currently accepting submissions for its spring 2003 edition due out in May
and published online at

The deadline for submissions is 15 April 2003. Please see the call for
papers link at
for additional requirements.

UPDATE: The US through the Prism of American and British Popular Music (5/1/03; journal)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 6:05pm
Eric Gonzalez


The United States through the Prism of American and British Popular Music.

For over a century and in modes ranging from hagiography to protest, popular
music has been a prime theatre of observation and representations of the
United States on record, in concert and more generally in the performing
arts. Studying this field, with its senders-artists and their
productions-and its receivers-gatekeepers and audiences-could enable us to
cast a different light on the USA as a source of inspiration, rejection and
attraction for musicians on both sides of the Atlantic in order to explore
certain visions of that country, or at least to examine some of the forces
that shape and/or distort it.

UPDATE: The US through the Prism of American and British Popular Music (5/1/03; journal)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 6:05pm
Eric Gonzalez


The United States through the Prism of American and British Popular Music.

For over a century and in modes ranging from hagiography to protest, popular
music has been a prime theatre of observation and representations of the
United States on record, in concert and more generally in the performing
arts. Studying this field, with its senders-artists and their
productions-and its receivers-gatekeepers and audiences-could enable us to
cast a different light on the USA as a source of inspiration, rejection and
attraction for musicians on both sides of the Atlantic in order to explore
certain visions of that country, or at least to examine some of the forces
that shape and/or distort it.

CFP: Essays in Criticism on Arbuthnot (12/1/03; collection)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 5:51pm

Proposals for a collection of essays on Dr. John Arbuthnot are sought; the
collection, Essays in Criticism on John Arbuthnot, is scheduled to be
published at the beginning of 2004 (February). Essays may deal with any
aspect of Arbuthnot’s (literary) career as an influential critic and
satirist who had strong ties with the Scriblerus club.

Proposals of about 500 words should be sent to the editor, Sandro Jung at by March 2003. Completed essays of about
5000-8000 words are due by 1 December 2003.

Proposals are especially encouraged that deal with the very diverse
correspondence of Arbuthnot.

CFP: Asian Literature (3/24/03; 7/24/03-7/28/03 & journal issue)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 5:50pm
Li Zeng

Call for Papers

We are organizing panels and seeking papers for them on Asian
literature, including Asian film, for the 9th International Conference
on Intercultural Communication to be held at California State
University, Fullerton, July 24-28, 2003. Papers on any topic relevant
to Asian literature and film are invited, but we are particularly
interested in those which focus on over-crossing phenomena in Asian
literature and film, such as:

International relationships
Inter-Asian influences
Literary affinities between the old and new

CFP: Asian Literature (3/24/03; 7/24/03-7/28/03 & journal issue)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 5:50pm
Li Zeng

Call for Papers

We are organizing panels and seeking papers for them on Asian
literature, including Asian film, for the 9th International Conference
on Intercultural Communication to be held at California State
University, Fullerton, July 24-28, 2003. Papers on any topic relevant
to Asian literature and film are invited, but we are particularly
interested in those which focus on over-crossing phenomena in Asian
literature and film, such as:

International relationships
Inter-Asian influences
Literary affinities between the old and new

CFP: Asian Literature (3/24/03; 7/24/03-7/28/03 & journal issue)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 5:50pm
Li Zeng

Call for Papers

We are organizing panels and seeking papers for them on Asian
literature, including Asian film, for the 9th International Conference
on Intercultural Communication to be held at California State
University, Fullerton, July 24-28, 2003. Papers on any topic relevant
to Asian literature and film are invited, but we are particularly
interested in those which focus on over-crossing phenomena in Asian
literature and film, such as:

International relationships
Inter-Asian influences
Literary affinities between the old and new

CFP: Walden (10/1/03; journal issue)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 5:50pm

Call for Papers

In 2004 we will be celebrating the sesquicentennial of the
publication of Henry David Thoreau's Walden. To celebrate that
anniversary the 2004 issue of The Concord Saunterer will be a special
issue devoted to

Walden, the book,
Walden Pond, the place.

The editor of The Concord Saunterer invites papers for possible
publication in this issue on a variety of related topics, such as

=85 the literary significance of Walden
=85 structures and themes in Walden
=85 readers' responses to Walden
=85 the history of Walden Pond and the Walden Woods
=85 the ecology of Walden Pond and the Walden Woods

CFP: Walden (10/1/03; journal issue)

Friday, January 31, 2003 - 5:50pm

Call for Papers

In 2004 we will be celebrating the sesquicentennial of the
publication of Henry David Thoreau's Walden. To celebrate that
anniversary the 2004 issue of The Concord Saunterer will be a special
issue devoted to

Walden, the book,
Walden Pond, the place.

The editor of The Concord Saunterer invites papers for possible
publication in this issue on a variety of related topics, such as

=85 the literary significance of Walden
=85 structures and themes in Walden
=85 readers' responses to Walden
=85 the history of Walden Pond and the Walden Woods
=85 the ecology of Walden Pond and the Walden Woods

CFP: Women of Color Respond to Violence (8/15/03; collection)

Monday, January 27, 2003 - 10:01pm
Maria Ochoa

Call for Contributors: Seeking 500 - 600 word proposals for essays in an
anthology tentatively titled Resistance and Rage: Women of Color Respond
to Violence. This constellation of work seeks to explore topics such as
the dialectical approaches to the relationship among individual action,
selfhood and collective identity; womenís rights and feminist struggle
as articulated by women of color; traditions of resistance; legal
discursive formulations of rape and self-defense as applied to cases
involving women of color. Essays that expressly address the cases of
Inez Garcia, Joann Little, Yvonne Wanrow, Dessie Woods are encouraged.
Persons invited to submit completed essays will be asked to meet an

CFP: Women of Color Respond to Violence (8/15/03; collection)

Monday, January 27, 2003 - 10:01pm
Maria Ochoa

Call for Contributors: Seeking 500 - 600 word proposals for essays in an
anthology tentatively titled Resistance and Rage: Women of Color Respond
to Violence. This constellation of work seeks to explore topics such as
the dialectical approaches to the relationship among individual action,
selfhood and collective identity; womenís rights and feminist struggle
as articulated by women of color; traditions of resistance; legal
discursive formulations of rape and self-defense as applied to cases
involving women of color. Essays that expressly address the cases of
Inez Garcia, Joann Little, Yvonne Wanrow, Dessie Woods are encouraged.
Persons invited to submit completed essays will be asked to meet an
