CFP: Romanticism and Translation (2/15/06; NASSR, 8/31/06-9/3/06)
Romanticism and Translation - special session for NASSR 2006
The purpose of the panel is to explore ways that translation has affected =20
and continues to affect the production and dissemination of Romanticism. The=
problems of translation=E2=80=93denotation versus connotation; word-for-word=
versus =20
sense-for-sense; cultural differences; ideological implications, to name a =20=
have become so commonplace that we tend to overlook the real impact =20
translation has on both the creation and exchange of knowledge. Therefore, t=
he =20
Conference topics=E2=80=93techne and scientia=E2=80=93provide two prisms thr=
ough which the subject=20