CFP: English-language Perspectives on Flemish Culture (no deadline noted; journal issue)
I am writing as an Associate Editor of Sirena, an international, =20
multilingual journal of poetry, art, and criticism. Our journal is =20
produced twice yearly by Dickinson College and is distributed by =20
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Within the next year we will be publishing a special edition of the =20
journal devoted to Flemish poetry, art, and culture. We have =20
received funding for this project from the Flemish Literary Fund for =20
the translation and publication of poems by Benno Barnard, Luuk =20
Gruwez, Stefan Hertmans, Roland Jooris, Leonard Nolens, Miriam Van =20
Hee and Stefaan Van den Bremt. I have included biographies of these =20
poets below