all recent posts

CFP: Teaching and Literary Theory (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:46pm
Rugoff, Kathy

CFP: Teaching and Literary Theory (3/15) MLA'06

College English Association sponsored panel of MLA Conference,
Philadelphia, 12/27-12/30

"What's Theory Got to Do With It? Literary Theory and Future

CFP: Teaching and Literary Theory (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:46pm
Rugoff, Kathy

CFP: Teaching and Literary Theory (3/15) MLA'06

College English Association sponsored panel of MLA Conference,
Philadelphia, 12/27-12/30

"What's Theory Got to Do With It? Literary Theory and Future

CFP: Service Learning (3/3/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:46pm
Susan Hays Bussey

 The English Major at Large:
Service Learning, Community Involvement, and Discipline Relevance in
Tomorrow's Academy.

CFP: Western Literary Studies: Traditions, Trends, and Topics (7/15/06; collection)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:46pm
LIN, Jian-Zhong \(English\)



Western Literary Studies: Traditions, Trends, and Topics is a collection =
of essays on literature in North America and Western Europe. The =
co-editors are seeking chapter authors from scholars and advanced Ph.D. =
students who are able to present an overview of scholarship in the =
chosen topic. All critical approaches are welcome.


The book has been tentatively scheduled for publication by Peking =
University Press at the end of 2006. Chapter authors must be able to =
send the final draft to the co-editors by July 15, 2006.


UPDATE: Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Literature and History (4/1/06; USACLALS, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
John Hawley

Deadline change:

Fissures and Sutures:
Sources of Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Reflections
on History and Literature

Confirmed speakers at this time
 Bill Ashcroft, Aijaz Ahmad, R. Radhakrishnan, Amritjit Singh, Tess Onwueme, Emmanuel Dongala, Kalyan Ray, and Shu-mei Shih

Oct. 27-29 2006
United States Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
4th International Conference (USACLALS)
Santa Clara University (40 miles south of San Francisco; one mile from San Jose airport)

UPDATE: Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Literature and History (4/1/06; USACLALS, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
John Hawley

Deadline change:

Fissures and Sutures:
Sources of Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Reflections
on History and Literature

Confirmed speakers at this time
 Bill Ashcroft, Aijaz Ahmad, R. Radhakrishnan, Amritjit Singh, Tess Onwueme, Emmanuel Dongala, Kalyan Ray, and Shu-mei Shih

Oct. 27-29 2006
United States Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
4th International Conference (USACLALS)
Santa Clara University (40 miles south of San Francisco; one mile from San Jose airport)

UPDATE: Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Literature and History (4/1/06; USACLALS, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
John Hawley

Deadline change:

Fissures and Sutures:
Sources of Division and Mutual Aid in Postcolonial Reflections
on History and Literature

Confirmed speakers at this time
 Bill Ashcroft, Aijaz Ahmad, R. Radhakrishnan, Amritjit Singh, Tess Onwueme, Emmanuel Dongala, Kalyan Ray, and Shu-mei Shih

Oct. 27-29 2006
United States Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies
4th International Conference (USACLALS)
Santa Clara University (40 miles south of San Francisco; one mile from San Jose airport)

CFP: Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive (3/1/06; collection)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Maria Mcgarrity

                                    Call For Papers: Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive
                                                Maria McGarrity and Claire Culleton, Eds.

CFP: Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive (3/1/06; collection)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Maria Mcgarrity

                                    Call For Papers: Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive
                                                Maria McGarrity and Claire Culleton, Eds.

CFP: Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive (3/1/06; collection)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Maria Mcgarrity

                                    Call For Papers: Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive
                                                Maria McGarrity and Claire Culleton, Eds.

UPDATE: Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2006 (2/21/06; 9/27/06-9/30/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
M/C - Media and Culture


International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of
Internet Researchers

Brisbane, Australia
28-30 September 2006

Pre-Conference Workshops: 27 September 2006


By popular demand, we have extended the deadline for paper abstracts to 21
February - for full details, see below.


UPDATE: Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2006 (2/21/06; 9/27/06-9/30/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
M/C - Media and Culture


International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of
Internet Researchers

Brisbane, Australia
28-30 September 2006

Pre-Conference Workshops: 27 September 2006


By popular demand, we have extended the deadline for paper abstracts to 21
February - for full details, see below.


UPDATE: Association of Internet Researchers Conference 2006 (2/21/06; 9/27/06-9/30/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
M/C - Media and Culture


International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of
Internet Researchers

Brisbane, Australia
28-30 September 2006

Pre-Conference Workshops: 27 September 2006


By popular demand, we have extended the deadline for paper abstracts to 21
February - for full details, see below.


CFP: Lilith: Feminist History Journal (3/20/06; journal issue)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Katie Sutton

Lilith: A Feminist History Journal

Call for Papers, Edition 15, 2006

Lilith is a fully refereed academic journal based in the History
Department at the University of Melbourne. Since the early 1980s,
Lilith has provided a valuable forum for new and established scholars
to present research in feminist history. The journal is published
annually in November and includes a substantial book review section.
The editorial board is currently seeking articles for Edition 15.

CFP: Lilith: Feminist History Journal (3/20/06; journal issue)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Katie Sutton

Lilith: A Feminist History Journal

Call for Papers, Edition 15, 2006

Lilith is a fully refereed academic journal based in the History
Department at the University of Melbourne. Since the early 1980s,
Lilith has provided a valuable forum for new and established scholars
to present research in feminist history. The journal is published
annually in November and includes a substantial book review section.
The editorial board is currently seeking articles for Edition 15.

CFP: Lilith: Feminist History Journal (3/20/06; journal issue)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Katie Sutton

Lilith: A Feminist History Journal

Call for Papers, Edition 15, 2006

Lilith is a fully refereed academic journal based in the History
Department at the University of Melbourne. Since the early 1980s,
Lilith has provided a valuable forum for new and established scholars
to present research in feminist history. The journal is published
annually in November and includes a substantial book review section.
The editorial board is currently seeking articles for Edition 15.

UPDATE: Spinning the World: Myths and Legends (3/25/06; 4/28/06-4/30/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Ben Ovando

Deadline extended:

First Interdisciplinary Conference-California State
University Fresno
Department of English and Students of English Studies
(SESA) April 28-30

Spinning the World-Myths and Legends

The graduate students in English at Fresno State have
produced a stellar year of events, ranging from the
appearance of legendary writer, Joyce Carol Oates,
through a series of colloquia hosted by SESA. These
colloquia have taken as their over-arching theme,
Myths and Legends, and have featured keynote speakers
on a variety of topics, including "Myths of Origin and
Place," Myths of the Workforce," and "Myths of

UPDATE: Spinning the World: Myths and Legends (3/25/06; 4/28/06-4/30/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Ben Ovando

Deadline extended:

First Interdisciplinary Conference-California State
University Fresno
Department of English and Students of English Studies
(SESA) April 28-30

Spinning the World-Myths and Legends

The graduate students in English at Fresno State have
produced a stellar year of events, ranging from the
appearance of legendary writer, Joyce Carol Oates,
through a series of colloquia hosted by SESA. These
colloquia have taken as their over-arching theme,
Myths and Legends, and have featured keynote speakers
on a variety of topics, including "Myths of Origin and
Place," Myths of the Workforce," and "Myths of

CFP: Morgan Spurlock (8/1/06; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm

Call for Papers
The Documentary Tradition:
Contemporary Documentary Maker â€" Morgan Spurlock

The Documentary Tradition - 2006 Film and History Conference
Dallas, Texas, United States

8thâ€"12th November 2006
Deadline for Proposals - 1st August 2006
The Documentary Tradition and its many permutations will be the topic of the
Fall, 2006 Film and History Conference.
Proposals are now being accepted for The Documentary Tradition looking
specifically at the contemporary documentary maker Morgan Spurlock.
Listed below are some suggestions for possible proposals, but all other
perspectives and aspects will be considered.

UPDATE: Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (3/15/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Salah Khan

Dear Upenncfp site host,

We would very much appreciate it if you could add this update to your
site. The PAMLA conference dates have changed. The conference was to
take place Nov 3, 4. It has now been rescheduled for Nov 10, 11.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Best Regards,
Salah Khan
Executive Director, Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association

CFP: MLA Literature and Science Division (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Martha Stoddard-Holmes

1. Sessions for 2005 meeting

Session 1: Peak Oil and Post-Prosperity: Discourses of Depletion
Organizer: Martha Stoddard Holmes
CFP: Papers on rhetorics and narratives of peak-/post-oil and energy
issues in geoscience, literature, film, cultural commentary:
neo-Malthusianism (the great die-off), neopastoralism, etc. Abstracts or
8-page papers and brief bio by March 15 to Martha Stoddard Holmes,

CFP: MLA Literature and Science Division (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Martha Stoddard-Holmes

1. Sessions for 2005 meeting

Session 1: Peak Oil and Post-Prosperity: Discourses of Depletion
Organizer: Martha Stoddard Holmes
CFP: Papers on rhetorics and narratives of peak-/post-oil and energy
issues in geoscience, literature, film, cultural commentary:
neo-Malthusianism (the great die-off), neopastoralism, etc. Abstracts or
8-page papers and brief bio by March 15 to Martha Stoddard Holmes,

CFP: MLA Literature and Science Division (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm
Martha Stoddard-Holmes

1. Sessions for 2005 meeting

Session 1: Peak Oil and Post-Prosperity: Discourses of Depletion
Organizer: Martha Stoddard Holmes
CFP: Papers on rhetorics and narratives of peak-/post-oil and energy
issues in geoscience, literature, film, cultural commentary:
neo-Malthusianism (the great die-off), neopastoralism, etc. Abstracts or
8-page papers and brief bio by March 15 to Martha Stoddard Holmes,

CFP: Americana: Readings in Popular Culture (5/1/06; collection)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture seeks
outstanding essays to round out its book collection Americana: Readings
in Popular Culture

Please attach MLA formatted manuscripts to an explanatory email/cover
letter by 1 May
2006. Send to

The book is divided into sections. Submitted manuscripts should fall into
one of the
following categories.

What We Watch (Essays on Film, Television, and Video Games)

What We Read (Essays on Bestsellers, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet
Articles, Comic Books, and Cereal Boxes)

What We Hear (Essays on Music)

Where We Go (Essays on Public Spaces)

CFP: Americana: Readings in Popular Culture (5/1/06; collection)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture seeks
outstanding essays to round out its book collection Americana: Readings
in Popular Culture

Please attach MLA formatted manuscripts to an explanatory email/cover
letter by 1 May
2006. Send to

The book is divided into sections. Submitted manuscripts should fall into
one of the
following categories.

What We Watch (Essays on Film, Television, and Video Games)

What We Read (Essays on Bestsellers, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet
Articles, Comic Books, and Cereal Boxes)

What We Hear (Essays on Music)

Where We Go (Essays on Public Spaces)

CFP: Americana: Readings in Popular Culture (5/1/06; collection)

Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 7:45pm

Americana: The Institute for the Study of American Popular Culture seeks
outstanding essays to round out its book collection Americana: Readings
in Popular Culture

Please attach MLA formatted manuscripts to an explanatory email/cover
letter by 1 May
2006. Send to

The book is divided into sections. Submitted manuscripts should fall into
one of the
following categories.

What We Watch (Essays on Film, Television, and Video Games)

What We Read (Essays on Bestsellers, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet
Articles, Comic Books, and Cereal Boxes)

What We Hear (Essays on Music)

Where We Go (Essays on Public Spaces)
