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CFP: Special Panel on Pedagogy (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:37am
Staci Stone

College English Association National Conference
April 12-14, 2007
New Orleans
We invite pedagogical papers on teaching literature, empathy, and/or ethics
for the 38th annual meeting of the CEA. The primary conference theme for
2007 is ³Empathy and Ethics²‹geographical, historical, cultural, ideological
aspects well matched, though not limited to, our conference site. We invite
papers or panels on literature, film, composition, and pedagogy responding
to this conference theme. This CFP is specifically for papers that
emphasize pedagogy.
Proposals should be submitted via the online database at

UPDATE: The "Drama" of James Purdy (1/1/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:37am


"The "Drama" of James Purdy"

American Literature Association (ALA) Conference
Westin Copley Place
Boston Massachusetts
May 24-27, 2007

The James Purdy Society will sponsor a session at the 18th Annual ALA
conference. Individuals whose proposals are accepted will join some of the
nation's leading James Purdy scholars for 15-20 minute presentations to
explore multiple facets of this major American author's dramatic works.

UPDATE: The "Drama" of James Purdy (1/1/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:37am


"The "Drama" of James Purdy"

American Literature Association (ALA) Conference
Westin Copley Place
Boston Massachusetts
May 24-27, 2007

The James Purdy Society will sponsor a session at the 18th Annual ALA
conference. Individuals whose proposals are accepted will join some of the
nation's leading James Purdy scholars for 15-20 minute presentations to
explore multiple facets of this major American author's dramatic works.

CFP: Secrets and Lies and/or the Irish in Newfoundland (12/22/06; CAIS, 6/20/07-6/23/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Danine Farquharson

Call For Papers: CAIS 2007

  Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland)

Secrets and Lies


The Irish in Newfoundland

The 2007 Canadian Association for Irish Studies is holding it annual =20
conference and AGM from June 20-23rd in St. John=92s, Newfoundland, =20
Canada. Conference organizers are calling for 20-minute contributions =20=

on any aspect connected with or suggested by the titles of the =20

Topics may include but are not limited to: conspiracy and espionage; =20
secret societies within a cultural context; exclusivity and occlusion =20=

CFP: Secrets and Lies and/or the Irish in Newfoundland (12/22/06; CAIS, 6/20/07-6/23/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Danine Farquharson

Call For Papers: CAIS 2007

  Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland)

Secrets and Lies


The Irish in Newfoundland

The 2007 Canadian Association for Irish Studies is holding it annual =20
conference and AGM from June 20-23rd in St. John=92s, Newfoundland, =20
Canada. Conference organizers are calling for 20-minute contributions =20=

on any aspect connected with or suggested by the titles of the =20

Topics may include but are not limited to: conspiracy and espionage; =20
secret societies within a cultural context; exclusivity and occlusion =20=

CFP: Secrets and Lies and/or the Irish in Newfoundland (12/22/06; CAIS, 6/20/07-6/23/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Danine Farquharson

Call For Papers: CAIS 2007

  Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland)

Secrets and Lies


The Irish in Newfoundland

The 2007 Canadian Association for Irish Studies is holding it annual =20
conference and AGM from June 20-23rd in St. John=92s, Newfoundland, =20
Canada. Conference organizers are calling for 20-minute contributions =20=

on any aspect connected with or suggested by the titles of the =20

Topics may include but are not limited to: conspiracy and espionage; =20
secret societies within a cultural context; exclusivity and occlusion =20=

CFP: Secrets and Lies and/or the Irish in Newfoundland (12/22/06; CAIS, 6/20/07-6/23/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Danine Farquharson

Call For Papers: CAIS 2007

  Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland)

Secrets and Lies


The Irish in Newfoundland

The 2007 Canadian Association for Irish Studies is holding it annual =20
conference and AGM from June 20-23rd in St. John=92s, Newfoundland, =20
Canada. Conference organizers are calling for 20-minute contributions =20=

on any aspect connected with or suggested by the titles of the =20

Topics may include but are not limited to: conspiracy and espionage; =20
secret societies within a cultural context; exclusivity and occlusion =20=

CFP: College English Association: Association of Advisors of English (no deadline noted; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Walter Levy

The *Association of Advisors of English* invites submissions for panels to
be conducted at the College English Association annual meeting in New
Orleans, April 2007. Suggested presentation topics include: Professional
Development ;Advice to Graduate Students; Viability of the English Major;
Writing Programs and the Traditional Major; Internships and their Value
Distance Learning Outcomes for the English Major; English in the Community
College; Designing Learning Outcomes for the English Major; Problems with
Publishing; Community-Based Service Learning in English; Problem-Based
Learning and Student Engagement. Contact: Walter Levy at

CFP: Literature of the Sea (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Robert Madison

Call for Papers



Literature of the Sea at the College English Association 38th Annual


12-14 April 2007

New Orleans, Louisiana


PIRATES! of the Gulf



FROM Captain Singleton to Jack Sparrow, literary pirates have been a cut
above (argh, what a pun!), a breed whose vices seldom succeed in
extinguishing their virtues. In the context of this year's CEA theme of
"Empathy and Ethics," SEA at CEA calls for papers that examine the topos of
the pirate ethic throughout our literary culture.


CFP: Literature of the Sea (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Robert Madison

Call for Papers



Literature of the Sea at the College English Association 38th Annual


12-14 April 2007

New Orleans, Louisiana


PIRATES! of the Gulf



FROM Captain Singleton to Jack Sparrow, literary pirates have been a cut
above (argh, what a pun!), a breed whose vices seldom succeed in
extinguishing their virtues. In the context of this year's CEA theme of
"Empathy and Ethics," SEA at CEA calls for papers that examine the topos of
the pirate ethic throughout our literary culture.


UPDATE: IRCALC Journal of African Literature and Culture JALC 2007: A Widening Frontier (12/31/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
IRCALC Editors

Contributors whose Abstracts on Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone African Oral literary Traditions and Aesthetics; History, Progress and Transition; War, Conflicts, and Trauma; Individuality vs Fringe/Marginal Identities; Masculinist/Feminist (Re)Inscriptions; Present-Past/Future-Present Temporality; Contemporary Modernity and Citizenship (Re)Definitions; and Dilemmas of the Post-Colony/ Nation-States, among others, have been approved are, irrespective of December 31st deadline for final submission of materials, requested to turn in their papers for initial reading and assessment as from October 31st 2006. Please note the changes in website address below. New Contributions may also be considered.

UPDATE: IRCALC Journal of African Literature and Culture JALC 2007: A Widening Frontier (12/31/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
IRCALC Editors

Contributors whose Abstracts on Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone African Oral literary Traditions and Aesthetics; History, Progress and Transition; War, Conflicts, and Trauma; Individuality vs Fringe/Marginal Identities; Masculinist/Feminist (Re)Inscriptions; Present-Past/Future-Present Temporality; Contemporary Modernity and Citizenship (Re)Definitions; and Dilemmas of the Post-Colony/ Nation-States, among others, have been approved are, irrespective of December 31st deadline for final submission of materials, requested to turn in their papers for initial reading and assessment as from October 31st 2006. Please note the changes in website address below. New Contributions may also be considered.

UPDATE: IRCALC Journal of African Literature and Culture JALC 2007: A Widening Frontier (12/31/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
IRCALC Editors

Contributors whose Abstracts on Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone African Oral literary Traditions and Aesthetics; History, Progress and Transition; War, Conflicts, and Trauma; Individuality vs Fringe/Marginal Identities; Masculinist/Feminist (Re)Inscriptions; Present-Past/Future-Present Temporality; Contemporary Modernity and Citizenship (Re)Definitions; and Dilemmas of the Post-Colony/ Nation-States, among others, have been approved are, irrespective of December 31st deadline for final submission of materials, requested to turn in their papers for initial reading and assessment as from October 31st 2006. Please note the changes in website address below. New Contributions may also be considered.

UPDATE: Writing Workshop Model: Is it Still Working? (11/30/06; collection)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am

Deadline extended to 11/30/06:

We are seeking contributions for a collection of essays (to present for
publication in 2007) which will address the status of the workshop model in
creative writing and composition. The workshop model has been around for a
long time. Has it become static or is it alive and well in our writing
classes? What's working and what's not? What is its aim, purpose, and
future? How do teachers keep workshops fresh and productive? What innovative
techniques are used in conjunction with the workshop model?

Contributors should send completed essays to Dianne Donnelly-Smith at

Deadline for submission is now 11/30/06.

UPDATE: Writing Workshop Model: Is it Still Working? (11/30/06; collection)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am

Deadline extended to 11/30/06:

We are seeking contributions for a collection of essays (to present for
publication in 2007) which will address the status of the workshop model in
creative writing and composition. The workshop model has been around for a
long time. Has it become static or is it alive and well in our writing
classes? What's working and what's not? What is its aim, purpose, and
future? How do teachers keep workshops fresh and productive? What innovative
techniques are used in conjunction with the workshop model?

Contributors should send completed essays to Dianne Donnelly-Smith at

Deadline for submission is now 11/30/06.

CFP: Time and the Victorian Press (2/1/07; 9/14/07-9/16/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Mark Turner



The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (RSVP) will be holding =
annual conference at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, =
from 14-16 September 2007.


In addition to considering proposals on all aspects of research into
nineteenth century periodicals and serials, RSVP particularly welcomes
papers that address the broad topic =91Time and the Victorian Press=92 =
areas such as:


* periodical rhythms and periodicities

* local, national, global time

* modernities

* technologies and time

* memory

CFP: Time and the Victorian Press (2/1/07; 9/14/07-9/16/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Mark Turner



The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (RSVP) will be holding =
annual conference at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, =
from 14-16 September 2007.


In addition to considering proposals on all aspects of research into
nineteenth century periodicals and serials, RSVP particularly welcomes
papers that address the broad topic =91Time and the Victorian Press=92 =
areas such as:


* periodical rhythms and periodicities

* local, national, global time

* modernities

* technologies and time

* memory

CFP: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (3/1/07; 4/13/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Anna Lillios

20th Annual Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Conference

Cedar Key, Florida
April 13-14, 2007

Sponsored by the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Society and
the University of Central Florida

CFP: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (3/1/07; 4/13/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Anna Lillios

20th Annual Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Conference

Cedar Key, Florida
April 13-14, 2007

Sponsored by the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Society and
the University of Central Florida

CFP: Studies in American Culture (4/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
McDonald, Rob

Studies in American Culture welcomes the submission of essays on all
aspects of American culture and from all scholarly and critical
approaches. We especially invite interdisciplinary studies of the
literature, language, visual arts, and history of the United States.*


Our diverse readership includes academics and non-academics who come
from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. We prefer fresh,
innovative essays that are informed by research and current critical
theories but which avoid alienating jargon.


CFP: Studies in American Culture (4/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
McDonald, Rob

Studies in American Culture welcomes the submission of essays on all
aspects of American culture and from all scholarly and critical
approaches. We especially invite interdisciplinary studies of the
literature, language, visual arts, and history of the United States.*


Our diverse readership includes academics and non-academics who come
from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. We prefer fresh,
innovative essays that are informed by research and current critical
theories but which avoid alienating jargon.


CFP: Studies in American Culture (4/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
McDonald, Rob

Studies in American Culture welcomes the submission of essays on all
aspects of American culture and from all scholarly and critical
approaches. We especially invite interdisciplinary studies of the
literature, language, visual arts, and history of the United States.*


Our diverse readership includes academics and non-academics who come
from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. We prefer fresh,
innovative essays that are informed by research and current critical
theories but which avoid alienating jargon.


CFP: African-American Literature (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Shelia Collins

College English Association National Conference
Thursday, April 12-Saturday, April 14
New Orleans, Louisiana

We invite paper and panel proposals on African-American literature for the
38th annual meeting of CEA. This years general conference theme is "Empathy
and Ethics." Proposals that offer new and inventive readings on
African-American literature will also be considered. Please interpret the
conference theme broadly including but not limited to the following areas:

CFP: African-American Literature (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Shelia Collins

College English Association National Conference
Thursday, April 12-Saturday, April 14
New Orleans, Louisiana

We invite paper and panel proposals on African-American literature for the
38th annual meeting of CEA. This years general conference theme is "Empathy
and Ethics." Proposals that offer new and inventive readings on
African-American literature will also be considered. Please interpret the
conference theme broadly including but not limited to the following areas:

CFP: African-American Literature (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 1:36am
Shelia Collins

College English Association National Conference
Thursday, April 12-Saturday, April 14
New Orleans, Louisiana

We invite paper and panel proposals on African-American literature for the
38th annual meeting of CEA. This years general conference theme is "Empathy
and Ethics." Proposals that offer new and inventive readings on
African-American literature will also be considered. Please interpret the
conference theme broadly including but not limited to the following areas:
