all recent posts

UPDATE: Print Culture and the Novel: 1850-1900 (UK) (10/1/06; 1/20/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:54pm
Beth Palmer


'Print Culture and the Novel: 1850-1900'

A One-Day Conference, English Faculty, University of Oxford

20th January 2007


 - Laurel Brake, Professor of Literature and Print Culture, Birkbeck,
University of London

  - Simon Eliot, Professor of History of the Book, IES, University of

Exhibition of nineteenth-century print media materials from the Bodleian
Library's John Johnson collection.

Sponsored by the British Association for Victorian Studies

Wine Reception sponsored by Proquest

UPDATE: Print Culture and the Novel: 1850-1900 (UK) (10/1/06; 1/20/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:54pm
Beth Palmer


'Print Culture and the Novel: 1850-1900'

A One-Day Conference, English Faculty, University of Oxford

20th January 2007


 - Laurel Brake, Professor of Literature and Print Culture, Birkbeck,
University of London

  - Simon Eliot, Professor of History of the Book, IES, University of

Exhibition of nineteenth-century print media materials from the Bodleian
Library's John Johnson collection.

Sponsored by the British Association for Victorian Studies

Wine Reception sponsored by Proquest

UPDATE: Print Culture and the Novel: 1850-1900 (UK) (10/1/06; 1/20/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:54pm
Beth Palmer


'Print Culture and the Novel: 1850-1900'

A One-Day Conference, English Faculty, University of Oxford

20th January 2007


 - Laurel Brake, Professor of Literature and Print Culture, Birkbeck,
University of London

  - Simon Eliot, Professor of History of the Book, IES, University of

Exhibition of nineteenth-century print media materials from the Bodleian
Library's John Johnson collection.

Sponsored by the British Association for Victorian Studies

Wine Reception sponsored by Proquest

CFP: Philament: Surveillance (10/31/06; online journal issue)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:54pm

From Philament <>
Date 31st August, 2006
CFP: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary Arts
Deadline: October 31st, 2006 (critique and opinion for online journal)
Publication: June 2007

Philament, the online journal of cultural studies and literary arts
affiliated with the University of Sydney , invites
postgraduate scholars to contribute articles, fictocriticism, reviews,
and opinions for:-

Issue 10: Surveillance

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 31st, 2006
send to:

CFP: Philament: Surveillance (10/31/06; online journal issue)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:54pm

From Philament <>
Date 31st August, 2006
CFP: Philament: Cultural Studies and Literary Arts
Deadline: October 31st, 2006 (critique and opinion for online journal)
Publication: June 2007

Philament, the online journal of cultural studies and literary arts
affiliated with the University of Sydney , invites
postgraduate scholars to contribute articles, fictocriticism, reviews,
and opinions for:-

Issue 10: Surveillance

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 31st, 2006
send to:

CFP: Early Modern Feminist Philosophers (10/7/06; NWSA, 6/28/07-7/1/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Alice Sowaal

CALL FOR PAPERS for a panel on


Sponsored by the Early Modern Women Interest Group
National Women’s Studies Association
28th Annual Conference
June 28 â€" July 1, 2007
Pheasant Run, St. Charles, Illinois

CFP: Early Modern Feminist Philosophers (10/7/06; NWSA, 6/28/07-7/1/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Alice Sowaal

CALL FOR PAPERS for a panel on


Sponsored by the Early Modern Women Interest Group
National Women’s Studies Association
28th Annual Conference
June 28 â€" July 1, 2007
Pheasant Run, St. Charles, Illinois

CFP: Mythology in Contemporary Culture (11/1/06; 4/4/06-4/7/06)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Anais Spitzer

The "Mythology in Contemporary Culture" panel of the Popular Culture
Association invites submissions for the 2007 ACA/PCA national conference, t=
be held in Boston, Massachusetts April 4-7, 2007.

The Mythology in Contemporary Culture area is dedicated to exploring
mythological figures and motifs (from all cultures and historical periods)
in all areas of popular culture=97from movies, video games and television t=
novels, politics and blogs=97and the significance of these mythological
figures and motifs in contemporary, postmodern culture.

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

=B7 Mythological monsters and the monstrous

CFP: Mythology in Contemporary Culture (11/1/06; 4/4/06-4/7/06)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Anais Spitzer

The "Mythology in Contemporary Culture" panel of the Popular Culture
Association invites submissions for the 2007 ACA/PCA national conference, t=
be held in Boston, Massachusetts April 4-7, 2007.

The Mythology in Contemporary Culture area is dedicated to exploring
mythological figures and motifs (from all cultures and historical periods)
in all areas of popular culture=97from movies, video games and television t=
novels, politics and blogs=97and the significance of these mythological
figures and motifs in contemporary, postmodern culture.

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

=B7 Mythological monsters and the monstrous

CFP: T. S. Eliot (10/7/06; 20th-C., 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm

The T. S. Eliot Society invites proposals for 20-minute papers for presentation at the Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture meeting in Louisville, KY, February 22-24, 2007. If response warrants, the society will arrange a special session on Eliot and Auden (who was born in February 1907).

Proposals should include presenter’s name, home address, E-mail address, telephone number, academic affiliation (if applicable), title of paper, and personal biographical note (100-50 words).

Please send proposals and questions to William Harmon (

CFP: American History and Culture (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Kelli Shapiro

Call for Papers: American History and Culture area
  Southwest/Texas Popular Culture / American Culture Associations
  28th Annual Conference, February 14-17, 2007 in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  The 2007 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in vibrant downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, just steps from historic Route 66. Further details about the conference are available at

CFP: American History and Culture (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Kelli Shapiro

Call for Papers: American History and Culture area
  Southwest/Texas Popular Culture / American Culture Associations
  28th Annual Conference, February 14-17, 2007 in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  The 2007 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in vibrant downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, just steps from historic Route 66. Further details about the conference are available at

CFP: American History and Culture (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Kelli Shapiro

Call for Papers: American History and Culture area
  Southwest/Texas Popular Culture / American Culture Associations
  28th Annual Conference, February 14-17, 2007 in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  The 2007 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in vibrant downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, just steps from historic Route 66. Further details about the conference are available at

CFP: T. S. Eliot (10/7/06; 20th-C., 2/22/07-2/24/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm

The T. S. Eliot Society invites proposals for 20-minute papers for presentation at the Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture meeting in Louisville, KY, February 22-24, 2007. If response warrants, the society will arrange a special session on Eliot and Auden (who was born in February 1907).

Proposals should include presenter’s name, home address, E-mail address, telephone number, academic affiliation (if applicable), title of paper, and personal biographical note (100-50 words).

Please send proposals and questions to William Harmon (

CFP: Romanticism and the Gothic (9/15/06; ASECS; 3/22/07-3/25/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm

This panel invites papers investigating the slippery boundary between
Romanticism and popular gothic fiction from the late eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries. Possible papers could examine gothic dramas
by seminal figures in Romantic poetry (Coleridge's /Osorio/,
Wordsworth's /Borderers/), the use of gothic motifs in Romantic poetry,
the appearance of Romantic poetry within gothic prose (in Radcliffe's or
Smith's novels), reception history and Romantic poets' self-positioning
in relation to gothic writing, the gendering of these two simultaneous
movements, and personal relationships among these writers (Matthew
Lewis's friendships with Scott and Byron). Papers with an inter-generic

CFP: Romanticism and the Gothic (9/15/06; ASECS; 3/22/07-3/25/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm

This panel invites papers investigating the slippery boundary between
Romanticism and popular gothic fiction from the late eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries. Possible papers could examine gothic dramas
by seminal figures in Romantic poetry (Coleridge's /Osorio/,
Wordsworth's /Borderers/), the use of gothic motifs in Romantic poetry,
the appearance of Romantic poetry within gothic prose (in Radcliffe's or
Smith's novels), reception history and Romantic poets' self-positioning
in relation to gothic writing, the gendering of these two simultaneous
movements, and personal relationships among these writers (Matthew
Lewis's friendships with Scott and Byron). Papers with an inter-generic

CFP: Medieval Association of the Pacific (11/1/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Matthew Fisher

Medieval Association of the Pacific - Call for Papers

The Medieval Association of the Pacific is now accepting proposals
for the 41st annual MAP Conference to be held 2-3 March 2007 at the
University of California, Los Angeles, under the auspices of the UCLA
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. We welcome proposals for
individual 20-minute papers in any area of medieval studies, as well
as organized sessions of three 20-minute papers. In the latter
category, we strongly encourage the submission of interdisciplinary
proposals with presenters from more than one institution.

CFP: American Art and Cinema of the Late 1960s and 1970s (10/9/06; 11/17/06-11/18/06)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm


Documentation, Demonstration, Dematerialization:
American Art and Cinema of the Late 1960s and 1970s

November 17 - 18, 2006
University of California, Berkeley

Hosted by the Graduate Film Working Group, UC Berkeley

The late 1960s and 1970s mark a period of dramatic change in the visual
culture of the United States, from avant-garde art and filmmaking
practices to documentary, Hollywood cinema, and the dissemination of
video. This is, after all, the period when:

* Modernist painting gives way to pop, minimalism, and the language-,
photography-, process-, and performance-based activities of conceptual art

CFP: American Art and Cinema of the Late 1960s and 1970s (10/9/06; 11/17/06-11/18/06)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm


Documentation, Demonstration, Dematerialization:
American Art and Cinema of the Late 1960s and 1970s

November 17 - 18, 2006
University of California, Berkeley

Hosted by the Graduate Film Working Group, UC Berkeley

The late 1960s and 1970s mark a period of dramatic change in the visual
culture of the United States, from avant-garde art and filmmaking
practices to documentary, Hollywood cinema, and the dissemination of
video. This is, after all, the period when:

* Modernist painting gives way to pop, minimalism, and the language-,
photography-, process-, and performance-based activities of conceptual art

UPDATE: Composition &amp; Copyright (10/15/06; collection)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Westbrook, Stephen

Deadline extended to October 15, 2006.

Composition, Copyright, and IP Law (edited collection)

Eds. Steve Westbrook, Ph.D. & Timothy Hodge, Esq.

We are seeking 500-word proposals for an interdisciplinary collection of
articles that examines the relationship between copyright law and the
activities of writing, researching, teaching, and learning. Regardless
of the particular activity or combination of activities under
discussion, we are concerned primarily with the legal, questionably
legal, and illegal production and distribution of texts, which we define
broadly to include verbal, print, auditory, visual, and new media, as
well as computer code.

UPDATE: Composition &amp; Copyright (10/15/06; collection)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Westbrook, Stephen

Deadline extended to October 15, 2006.

Composition, Copyright, and IP Law (edited collection)

Eds. Steve Westbrook, Ph.D. & Timothy Hodge, Esq.

We are seeking 500-word proposals for an interdisciplinary collection of
articles that examines the relationship between copyright law and the
activities of writing, researching, teaching, and learning. Regardless
of the particular activity or combination of activities under
discussion, we are concerned primarily with the legal, questionably
legal, and illegal production and distribution of texts, which we define
broadly to include verbal, print, auditory, visual, and new media, as
well as computer code.

UPDATE: Composition &amp; Copyright (10/15/06; collection)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Westbrook, Stephen

Deadline extended to October 15, 2006.

Composition, Copyright, and IP Law (edited collection)

Eds. Steve Westbrook, Ph.D. & Timothy Hodge, Esq.

We are seeking 500-word proposals for an interdisciplinary collection of
articles that examines the relationship between copyright law and the
activities of writing, researching, teaching, and learning. Regardless
of the particular activity or combination of activities under
discussion, we are concerned primarily with the legal, questionably
legal, and illegal production and distribution of texts, which we define
broadly to include verbal, print, auditory, visual, and new media, as
well as computer code.

CFP: 'Popular Romance' and 'Arthurian cities' at IMC Leeds (9/15/06; Leeds, 7/9/07-7/12/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
Raluca Radulescu

14th International Medieval Congress, Leeds (9-12 July 2007)

Special sessions sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of
Wales, Bangor

Session titles: 'Popular romance: Cities and Merchants' and 'Arthurian cities'
Paper proposals on all aspects, literary, historical, cultural are welcome for
the above sessions. It is envisaged that 'Arthurian cities' might become a Round
Table and thus would accommodate shorter presentations on suitable topics.
Abstracts should be 250 words max. E-mail submissions are acceptable.
submissions to:

Deadline: 15 September 2006.


UPDATE: Literary Journalism/Documentary Book Reviews for DoubleTake (10/7/06; journal issue)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:53pm
John Hartsock

Update: "DoubleTake/Points of Entry" call for book reviews on narrative/literary journalism and documentary

The recent announcement seeking book reviews for the journal "DoubleTake/Points of Entry" listed the wrong date for when reviews are due for the next issue. The correct deadline date is October 7, 2006.

Submission guidelines:
