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CFP: Religion & Theatre One-Act Play Festival (2/15/07; ATHE, 7/24/07-7/29/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Laura G. Pattillo

Call for Plays: ATHE Religion and Theatre Focus Group
"Sore Spots"

In the human body, soreness is a symptom of stress. It can indicate rapid
growth or long neglect, the beginning of repair or the end of exertion.
Religion both generates and heals sore spots. Not only institutional
religions but all forms of spiritual practices and beliefs can be used to
probe wounds, or as a salve; they can medicate, or can celebrate recovery.

CFP: Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2006
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders

"Ecological thinking about literature requires us to take the nonhuman
world as seriously as previous modes of criticism have taken the human realm of society and culture. That, it seems to me, is ecocriticism's greatest challenge and its greatest opportunity."
- Glen A. Love, "Ecocriticism and Science"

CFP: Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2006
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders

"Ecological thinking about literature requires us to take the nonhuman
world as seriously as previous modes of criticism have taken the human realm of society and culture. That, it seems to me, is ecocriticism's greatest challenge and its greatest opportunity."
- Glen A. Love, "Ecocriticism and Science"

CFP: Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2006
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders

"Ecological thinking about literature requires us to take the nonhuman
world as seriously as previous modes of criticism have taken the human realm of society and culture. That, it seems to me, is ecocriticism's greatest challenge and its greatest opportunity."
- Glen A. Love, "Ecocriticism and Science"

CFP: Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

13th Annual Southwest Graduate English Symposium
  The Violent (Re)turn to Ethics?: Implications, Complications, and Situations
  February 15-17, 2006
  Arizona State University—Tempe Arizona
  Off the Map: Ecocriticism Beyond Borders

"Ecological thinking about literature requires us to take the nonhuman
world as seriously as previous modes of criticism have taken the human realm of society and culture. That, it seems to me, is ecocriticism's greatest challenge and its greatest opportunity."
- Glen A. Love, "Ecocriticism and Science"

UPDATE: Afro-Caribbean Lit. (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Laura Barrio-Vilar

College English Association National Conference
April 12-14, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana

We invite papers on Afro-Caribbean literature for the 38th annual meeting of the CEA.

We welcome individual and panel presentation proposals that address Afro-Caribbean literatures in general, includingâ€"but not limited toâ€"the following possible themes:

UPDATE: Afro-Caribbean Lit. (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Laura Barrio-Vilar

College English Association National Conference
April 12-14, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana

We invite papers on Afro-Caribbean literature for the 38th annual meeting of the CEA.

We welcome individual and panel presentation proposals that address Afro-Caribbean literatures in general, includingâ€"but not limited toâ€"the following possible themes:

UPDATE: Afro-Caribbean Lit. (11/30/06; CEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Laura Barrio-Vilar

College English Association National Conference
April 12-14, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana

We invite papers on Afro-Caribbean literature for the 38th annual meeting of the CEA.

We welcome individual and panel presentation proposals that address Afro-Caribbean literatures in general, includingâ€"but not limited toâ€"the following possible themes:

UPDATE: Emerging Paradigms in the Spanish-Speaking World (grad) (11/15/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Estefania Olid

 First Annual Graduate Conference on Transatlantic and Cultural Studies
*Georgia** State University** and **the Center for Latin American and Latin=
*February 23-24, 2006

*Keynote speaker*

Dr. Ana del Sarto (Ohio State University)

"The Politics of Criticism: Beyond Latin American Cultural Studies?"

Proposals are especially encouraged on ( but not limited to) any aspect of
Literature, Linguistics, Culture, History, and Women Studies.

* *


Get a Registration form online at:


UPDATE: Emerging Paradigms in the Spanish-Speaking World (grad) (11/15/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Estefania Olid

 First Annual Graduate Conference on Transatlantic and Cultural Studies
*Georgia** State University** and **the Center for Latin American and Latin=
*February 23-24, 2006

*Keynote speaker*

Dr. Ana del Sarto (Ohio State University)

"The Politics of Criticism: Beyond Latin American Cultural Studies?"

Proposals are especially encouraged on ( but not limited to) any aspect of
Literature, Linguistics, Culture, History, and Women Studies.

* *


Get a Registration form online at:


UPDATE: Emerging Paradigms in the Spanish-Speaking World (grad) (11/15/06; 2/23/07-2/24/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Estefania Olid

 First Annual Graduate Conference on Transatlantic and Cultural Studies
*Georgia** State University** and **the Center for Latin American and Latin=
*February 23-24, 2006

*Keynote speaker*

Dr. Ana del Sarto (Ohio State University)

"The Politics of Criticism: Beyond Latin American Cultural Studies?"

Proposals are especially encouraged on ( but not limited to) any aspect of
Literature, Linguistics, Culture, History, and Women Studies.

* *


Get a Registration form online at:


CFP: bpNichol + 20 (4/1/07; journal issue)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Lori Emerson

CFP: bpNichol + 20 (04/01/2007; journal issue)


Deadlines: 1 December 2006 for proposals; 1 April 2007 for finished essays
Journal: Open Letter, A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory
Guest Editor: Lori Emerson

CFP: bpNichol + 20 (4/1/07; journal issue)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Lori Emerson

CFP: bpNichol + 20 (04/01/2007; journal issue)


Deadlines: 1 December 2006 for proposals; 1 April 2007 for finished essays
Journal: Open Letter, A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory
Guest Editor: Lori Emerson

CFP: Rhetorical relationships morality and ethics (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:06:27 EST

CFP: Rhetorical relationships morality and ethics (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:06:27 EST

CFP: Rhetorical relationships morality and ethics (11/30/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 03 2006 - 18:06:27 EST

CFP: C.S. Lewis: Critic, Christian and creative writer (UK) (11/24/06; 4/13/06-4/14/06)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Crawford Gribben

Call for papers: 'C.S. Lewis: Critic, Christian and creative writer', April
13-14, 2006, University of Manchester, UK

Contributions are invited for a major international and interdisciplinary
conference reassessing the critical, creative and theological work of C. S.
Lewis. This conference is being hosted by the University of Manchester, UK, and
is being planned in conjuction with the Centre for Literature and Belief,
University of Ulster, UK.

Contributors should send a 100-word abstract and brief CV to crawford.gribben
[at] by Friday November 24 2006.

CFP: C.S. Lewis: Critic, Christian and creative writer (UK) (11/24/06; 4/13/06-4/14/06)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Crawford Gribben

Call for papers: 'C.S. Lewis: Critic, Christian and creative writer', April
13-14, 2006, University of Manchester, UK

Contributions are invited for a major international and interdisciplinary
conference reassessing the critical, creative and theological work of C. S.
Lewis. This conference is being hosted by the University of Manchester, UK, and
is being planned in conjuction with the Centre for Literature and Belief,
University of Ulster, UK.

Contributors should send a 100-word abstract and brief CV to crawford.gribben
[at] by Friday November 24 2006.

CFP: C.S. Lewis: Critic, Christian and creative writer (UK) (11/24/06; 4/13/06-4/14/06)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Crawford Gribben

Call for papers: 'C.S. Lewis: Critic, Christian and creative writer', April
13-14, 2006, University of Manchester, UK

Contributions are invited for a major international and interdisciplinary
conference reassessing the critical, creative and theological work of C. S.
Lewis. This conference is being hosted by the University of Manchester, UK, and
is being planned in conjuction with the Centre for Literature and Belief,
University of Ulster, UK.

Contributors should send a 100-word abstract and brief CV to crawford.gribben
[at] by Friday November 24 2006.

UPDATE: Using Digital Archives in the Classroom (11/20/06; SHARP, 7/11/07-7/15/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Katherine Harris

  UPDATE: Proposals due by November 20 (deadline extended from October 20)
  "Using Digital Archives in the Classroom"
  SHARP 2007 Conference
  Minneapolis, Minnesota
  July 11-15, 2007
  This year's SHARP conference theme is "Open the Book, Open the Mind," which will highlight how books develop and extend minds and cultures, and also how they are opened to new media and new purposes. With this in mind, I will propose a panel on the most current form of literary media: digital archives. Subject to acceptance by the SHARP conference committee.)

UPDATE: Using Digital Archives in the Classroom (11/20/06; SHARP, 7/11/07-7/15/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Katherine Harris

  UPDATE: Proposals due by November 20 (deadline extended from October 20)
  "Using Digital Archives in the Classroom"
  SHARP 2007 Conference
  Minneapolis, Minnesota
  July 11-15, 2007
  This year's SHARP conference theme is "Open the Book, Open the Mind," which will highlight how books develop and extend minds and cultures, and also how they are opened to new media and new purposes. With this in mind, I will propose a panel on the most current form of literary media: digital archives. Subject to acceptance by the SHARP conference committee.)

UPDATE: Using Digital Archives in the Classroom (11/20/06; SHARP, 7/11/07-7/15/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Katherine Harris

  UPDATE: Proposals due by November 20 (deadline extended from October 20)
  "Using Digital Archives in the Classroom"
  SHARP 2007 Conference
  Minneapolis, Minnesota
  July 11-15, 2007
  This year's SHARP conference theme is "Open the Book, Open the Mind," which will highlight how books develop and extend minds and cultures, and also how they are opened to new media and new purposes. With this in mind, I will propose a panel on the most current form of literary media: digital archives. Subject to acceptance by the SHARP conference committee.)

CFP: James Fenimore Cooper (12/31/06; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Matthew Sivils

Call for Papers

18th Annual Conference

American Literature Association

May 24-27, 2007

Boston, Massachusetts

The James Fenimore Cooper Society welcomes submissions for its panel at
the 18th Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, to be
held in Boston, May 24-27, 2007.

UPDATE: Fifth Fifteenth-Century Conference (11/3/06; 5/6/07-5/9/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Rob Barrett

Apologies for cross-posting . . .

This message is an updated CFP for the Fifth Fifteenth-Century =20
Conference (sponsored by the Richard III Society and the Program in =20
Medieval Studies and the English Department of the University of =20
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).

This triennial conference will be held from 5/6/07-5/9/07, the days =20
leading up to the Forty-Second International Medieval Congress at =20
Western Michigan University (5/10/07-5/13/07).

CFP: Justice/Ethics and the Postcolonial location (11/15/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

of graduate student scholarship.
  Along with your abstract attachment, please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail address, AV requirements, and professional affiliation. E-mail submissions are encouraged and more information is available online:
  Please send no more 350 word abstracts, attention Stacey, to:
Precedence: bulk

CFP: Justice/Ethics and the Postcolonial location (11/15/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

of graduate student scholarship.
  Along with your abstract attachment, please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail address, AV requirements, and professional affiliation. E-mail submissions are encouraged and more information is available online:
  Please send no more 350 word abstracts, attention Stacey, to:
Precedence: bulk

CFP: Justice/Ethics and the Postcolonial location (11/15/06; SGES, 2/16/07-2/18/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm

of graduate student scholarship.
  Along with your abstract attachment, please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail address, AV requirements, and professional affiliation. E-mail submissions are encouraged and more information is available online:
  Please send no more 350 word abstracts, attention Stacey, to:
Precedence: bulk

CFP: Comics Arts Conference 2007 (3/1/07; 7/26/07-29/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Peter Coogan

Call for Papers, Presentations, and Participation


Abstracts for papers, panels, poster sessions, and slide talks are being =
accepted for a for a joint meeting of scholars and professionals during

Comic-Con International
San Diego, California July 26-29, 2007

We seek proposals from a broad range of disciplinary and theoretical =
perspectives, and welcome the participation of academic, independent, =
and fan scholars. We welcome professionals from all areas of the comics =
industry, including creators, editors, publishers, retailers, =
distributors, and journalists.

CFP: Comics Arts Conference 2007 (3/1/07; 7/26/07-29/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Peter Coogan

Call for Papers, Presentations, and Participation


Abstracts for papers, panels, poster sessions, and slide talks are being =
accepted for a for a joint meeting of scholars and professionals during

Comic-Con International
San Diego, California July 26-29, 2007

We seek proposals from a broad range of disciplinary and theoretical =
perspectives, and welcome the participation of academic, independent, =
and fan scholars. We welcome professionals from all areas of the comics =
industry, including creators, editors, publishers, retailers, =
distributors, and journalists.

CFP: Comics Arts Conference 2007 (3/1/07; 7/26/07-29/07)

Friday, November 3, 2006 - 11:06pm
Peter Coogan

Call for Papers, Presentations, and Participation


Abstracts for papers, panels, poster sessions, and slide talks are being =
accepted for a for a joint meeting of scholars and professionals during

Comic-Con International
San Diego, California July 26-29, 2007

We seek proposals from a broad range of disciplinary and theoretical =
perspectives, and welcome the participation of academic, independent, =
and fan scholars. We welcome professionals from all areas of the comics =
industry, including creators, editors, publishers, retailers, =
distributors, and journalists.
