Strange Bedfellows
Tufts Graduate Humanities Conference 2024
Call for Papers: Strange Bedfellows
“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows”
- William Shakespeare, The Tempest
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Tufts Graduate Humanities Conference 2024
Call for Papers: Strange Bedfellows
“Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows”
- William Shakespeare, The Tempest
PAMLA will meet next within a year of the sixtieth anniversary of Frank Herbert’s Dune, which appeared in August of 1965. We will also be within a year since the appearance of the second part of Denis Villeneuve’s widely praised adaptation of it, in anticipation of part three of his projected trilogy adapting its sequel Dune Messiah (1969).
The last few years have seen a resurgence of interest in the nuclear – as both material reality and cultural phenomenon. On the one hand, the war in Ukraine has evoked memories of the previous nuclear disasters and stoked fears of a continued Cold War. On the other hand, politicians and economists are debating nuclear technology as a sustainable alternative to carbon-intense and fossil-based forms of energy. At the same time, popular texts such as the Oscar-winning movie Oppenheimer (2023) or the miniseries Chernobyl (2019) indicate a renewed fascination with both nuclear capabilities and post-apocalyptic scenarios. Have we entered a new nuclear age, or have we never truly been post-nuclear?
November 7-10, 2024
If you are a graduate student interested in talking about your graduate experience via a roundtable, this session is for you! This roundtable is still seeking sessions until June 16th or when there is enough submissions to fill a roundtable. All graduate students at all stages of their degree programs are heavily encouraged to submit an abstract! If you are a graduate student interested in presenting in a traditional paper panel, do not fear. You are also allowed to present in a roundtable.
Centering belonging, identity, and equity in our hiring practices requires potentially profound changes within the profession and across our institutions. Undoubtedly, departments, service-based offices, and institutions may struggle to identify the kinds of changes that can be made and may meet resistance to these changes. This collection aims to identify key points in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies’ (RCWS) hiring practices that can be adjusted or revised to enhance the inclusivity and equity of the job market experience for both applicants and hiring committee members.
The Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) Romance and Popular Romance Fiction Area invites submissions for NEPCA’s annual conference to be held online October 3 – 5, 2024, and in person at Nichols College, MA. Virtual sessions will take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning via Zoom. In-person sessions will take place on Friday evening and Saturday morning via Zoom.
In the U.S., immigrants of Asian origin have historically fallen victim to both extreme violent legal measures and racist stereotype labels—such as the infamous “Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882” and/or other major laws against the naturalization of Asians voted in 1924 and 1934, as well as the notorious use of Orientalist terms such as “inferior race,” “yellow peril,” “perpetual foreigner,” and “model minority,” etc—all of which either aim to “unsee” or to “wrongfully see” Asian presence in the United States of America. Yet, even now two decades into the 21st century, this issue is clearly still ongoing, as the title of scholar Sharon S.
Extended Call for Papers: Sixteenth International Robert Graves Conference (deadline 12 July)
Organised by the Robert Graves Society with St John’s College Oxford, Sheffield Hallam University and the Fundació Robert Graves
Keynote speakers include Jean Moorcroft Wilson and Patrick McGuinness. With poetry readings to include David Harsent and Sean O'Brien.
Plans are becoming advanced for the Sixteenth International Robert Graves Conference, to be held at St John’s College, Oxford, 15-18 September 2024. The theme of the conference will be ‘Robert Graves and the Popular Imagination’.
Call for Reviews
For 2025 Journal Publication
We are pleased to announce a call for reviews for Volume 4 of our journal to be published in 2025.
Indian Literatures and Cultures: New Theories and Reflections: An International Conference organized by The Department of English, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia Dates: September 11 and 12, 2024 The evolution of the studying and understanding of Indian Literatures and Cultures has always accompanied the global social, political or aesthetic theories. Starting from assuming nationalist trends in determining the horizons of Indian literature rooted to ancient myths, legends or epics and creating a cultural heritage against the superiority of the colonialist culture, various theories of determining the “Indianness” of the Indian literature and culture have been invoked.
SAMLA 96Seen and UnseenFriday, November 15 to Sunday, November 17, 2024Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront | Jacksonville, FL
Call for Papers
“Interdisciplinary Asia: Bridges to New Opportunities”
52nd Annual Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Conference
November 2nd-3rd, 2024
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Call for papers
Who/What Counts
“What Matters” is an invitation to rethink the weight of habits, established structures and validated categories. Arguing that someone/something counts goes against economic/budgetary/financial accounting, which is typically the work of a dominant power that keeps precise accounts, compiling or capitalising, trying to contain or control. What matters is an invitation to give an account of what does not seem to count, what is unthought of or invisible (Fricker 2007, Le Blanc 2009).
This year's theme is “Translation in Action.” While most scholarship about translation deals with the interlingual, we welcome scholarship on the other areas discussed by Roman Jakobson such as intralingual and intersemiotic translation. We plan on celebrating the work of a wide range of scholars and translators such as Michael Cronin, Moira Inghilleri, and many others. We seek proposals dealing with translation as a diverse set of practices, a dynamic field of study, and a set of complex networks that affect our lives. Once again, we are open to a variety of interests, but for this year, we are especially interested in proposals on the theme of “Translation in Action.”
Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, one of the major global publications exploring the reception history of religious texts, is making plans for a special issue devoted to the Bible and Contemporary Fiction
I will serve as the guest editor.
I hope to feature 4-6 essays (8000 words each, including references) on how biblical patterns, themes, and trajectories surface in works of contemporary fiction, broadly construed, from the non-western as well as western world.
Teaching English in the Two-Year College and College EnglishSymposium“Equity and Material Conditions in Access-Intensive College English Programs”I feel like what we do and who we are is overlooked.
—Jason C. Evans, 2023 TYCA Conference Chair's Address
The perception that the work occurring in two-year colleges and reports of it in TETYC are relevant only to those spaces means that the new knowledge the journal offers can be overlooked, even when it clearly contributes to a larger disciplinary conversation.
—Holly Hassel, Mark Reynolds, Jeff Sommers and Howard Tinberg, “Editorial Perspectives on Teaching English in the Two-Year College,” p. 332
In the world of Tomb Raider adventure awaits around every corner, waiting for the extraordinary to be uncovered. This has been the story of Lara Croft for nearly 30 years. Recent announcements regarding the upcoming live-action series by Amazon Prime (Maas & Otterson, 2024) and an officially redesigned character hinting at a new game release (Dinsdale, 2024) have thrust Tomb Raider back into the forefront of mainstream public consciousness. Since its inception in 1996, fans of the game series and the iconic Lara Croft have embarked on a journey together, solidifying her status as one of the most iconic game characters ever created.
The editors of the volume are calling for chapter abstracts for a volume focused on the representation of disability in superhero film and media, with a particular focus on intersectional discourses of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, power, and beyond. The volume will provide perspectives on the growing field of superheroes and disability by placing a specific focus on screen representations. As such, the collections will engage with critical debates over super-identities and super-bodies as politicized spaces in the 21st centuries.
Crossed Borders, Changed Lives: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Twenty-First Century Young Adult Immigrant & Refugee Literature seeks scholarly and artistic articles for publication in a collection that focuses on depictions of images of immigrants and refugees in American Young Adult (YA) novels published, preferably after 2001 (9/11).
Topics (not exclusive):
A Special Issue of Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power
Guest Editors: Victoria Allen, Harald Pittel and Garret Scally
Where can love (or any other emotion or affect) be found in educational theory and practice? Should feelings be schooled or unlearned?
Research in Education Curriculum and Pedagogy: Global Perspectives (RECAP) [ISSN: 2977-1633] is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal to encourage scholarly dialogues and build a bridge between theory and practice. This journal serves as a forum for all relevant issues from a global perspective with a multidisciplinary approach and a portal for dissemination of outcomes. We invite submissions of original work from research, studies and insights from practice. The journal considers a broad range of topics related to education systems, policies and practices, changes and challenges to educational purpose and meaning.
**Extended DEadline - June 16**
Fantasy and the supernatural, broadly defined, shape many popular narratives and universes—from Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones, from World of Warcraft to The Witcher, from classical and medieval tales of monsters and dragons to the worlds of N.K. Jemisin, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Nnedi Okorafor, and Ursula K. Le Guin. As a genre, fantasy engages with questions of rhetoric, identity, and power in multiple ways, across media, subgenres, and cultural traditions; the enchantment of fantastic and supernatural narratives casts a persistent and global spell.
Death and the Irish Diaspora
Special Issue of Éire-Ireland
Special-Issue Editors:
Chris Cusack, Radboud University
Sophie Cooper, Queen's University Belfast
Éire-Ireland: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Irish Studies welcomes submissions for a Spring/Summer 2026 special issue on death and the Irish diaspora.
Although a monster with a head of swarming snakes, Medusa has been firmly embraced as a snake sister by more women. In her 1975 essay “The Laugh of the Medusa,” Hélène Cixous pioneeringly urges women to re-visit their mythological snake sister - Medusa - who has long been (mis)construed as ugly and sinful. Cixous writes, "You only have to look at the Medusa straight on to see her. And she’s not deadly. She’s beautiful and she’s laughing” (885). In current feminist terms, Medusa is often read sympathetically: “The ugliness she first experienced as an unjust punishment” is transformed into her greatest strength she “learned to use as a weapon” (Zimmerman 3).
Call for Papers
“Time after Time: On Cruising the Past,” a special issue of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
Co-Editors: Adrián Emmanuel Hernández-Acosta (Yale University) and Kris Trujillo (University of Chicago)
Zentrumstage 2024
The Historicities of Security and Peace
Philipps University Marburg (Germany)
October 9-11, 2024
Deadline for paper submission is June 16, 2024
Conference Topic
Call for Proposals for a Special Issue of Peitho, Summer 2025:
Girlhood and Menstruation
This volume of essays would like to celebrate the role played by writers and other artists in initiating the kind of intercultural conversations necessary to transcend the political, geographical and cultural borders erected in the name of nationalism. The collection is based on a conference held on the theme in April 2024. I have a contract with a publisher and am looking for a final few essays to complete the collection.
The Fantasy and Science Fiction area of Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) seeks papers for presentation at our annual conference this fall which will run as a hybrid conference from Thursday, October 3 – Saturday, October 5. Virtual sessions will take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning via Zoom, and in-person sessions will take place on Friday evening and Saturday morning at Nichols College, Dudley, Massachusetts.