CFP: Home and Abroad: Transnational England, 1750-1850 (UK) (5/26/06; 7/28/06)
*Home and Abroad: Transnational **England**, 1750-1850*
* *A One-Day, Summer Conference at Holywell Manor, Oxford University
Friday, 28 July 2006
_Invited Speakers_:
Ros Ballaster (Mansfield College, Oxford University)
Michael Eberle-Sinatra (Université de Montréal)
Susan Manning (University of Edinburgh)
Fiona Stafford (Somerville College, Oxford University)
This interdisciplinary conference aims to examine discourses between
England and other countries from 1750-1850 through the lens of the
national and the global. 'Home and Abroad: Transnational England'
invites discussions concerning the formation of English identity or