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CFP: Literature in the African Diaspora (no deadline noted; journal)

Monday, February 28, 2000 - 6:54pm
Afaa Michael Weaver

Obsidian Is in Its 25th Anniversary Year

Founded in 1975 by Alvin Aubert at SUNY-Purchase,
Obsidian, the academic journal of black creative writing,
is now in its 25th anniversary year.

Each Editor changes the numbering of the journal.
The new editor is Afaa M. Weaver (b.Michael S. Weaver),
the poet and playwright. As the third Editor, after
Alvin Aubert and Jerry Barax, Obsidian is now:
Obsidian III/Literature in the African Diaspora. The
journal is based in Raleigh, North Carolina at
NC State University.


CFP: Literature in the African Diaspora (no deadline noted; journal)

Monday, February 28, 2000 - 6:54pm
Afaa Michael Weaver

Obsidian Is in Its 25th Anniversary Year

Founded in 1975 by Alvin Aubert at SUNY-Purchase,
Obsidian, the academic journal of black creative writing,
is now in its 25th anniversary year.

Each Editor changes the numbering of the journal.
The new editor is Afaa M. Weaver (b.Michael S. Weaver),
the poet and playwright. As the third Editor, after
Alvin Aubert and Jerry Barax, Obsidian is now:
Obsidian III/Literature in the African Diaspora. The
journal is based in Raleigh, North Carolina at
NC State University.


CFP: Literature in the African Diaspora (no deadline noted; journal)

Monday, February 28, 2000 - 6:54pm
Afaa Michael Weaver

Obsidian Is in Its 25th Anniversary Year

Founded in 1975 by Alvin Aubert at SUNY-Purchase,
Obsidian, the academic journal of black creative writing,
is now in its 25th anniversary year.

Each Editor changes the numbering of the journal.
The new editor is Afaa M. Weaver (b.Michael S. Weaver),
the poet and playwright. As the third Editor, after
Alvin Aubert and Jerry Barax, Obsidian is now:
Obsidian III/Literature in the African Diaspora. The
journal is based in Raleigh, North Carolina at
NC State University.


CFP: Experimental Fiction by American Women (no deadline noted; collection)

Monday, February 28, 2000 - 5:46pm
Jeffrey DeShell

(Un)Sexing the Text: Experimental Fiction by American Women.
We are putting together a collection of essays on experimental fiction by
American Women, and need an essay on Rikki Ducornet and an essay on Kathy
Acker to complete the volume. A university press has expressed interest in
this project. Please email completed essays and vitae, or letters of
interest to: <> or <>

Jeffrey DeShell
Fulbright Lecturer
American Studies Department
Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest, H-1146

CFP: Experimental Fiction by American Women (no deadline noted; collection)

Monday, February 28, 2000 - 5:46pm
Jeffrey DeShell

(Un)Sexing the Text: Experimental Fiction by American Women.
We are putting together a collection of essays on experimental fiction by
American Women, and need an essay on Rikki Ducornet and an essay on Kathy
Acker to complete the volume. A university press has expressed interest in
this project. Please email completed essays and vitae, or letters of
interest to: <> or <>

Jeffrey DeShell
Fulbright Lecturer
American Studies Department
Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest, H-1146

CFP: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (journal)

Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 11:11pm
Michael E. Cornett


                   Published by Duke University Press

             Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner

       1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement

The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website

CFP: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (journal)

Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 11:11pm
Michael E. Cornett


                   Published by Duke University Press

             Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner

       1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement

The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website

CFP: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (journal)

Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 11:11pm
Michael E. Cornett


                   Published by Duke University Press

             Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner

       1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement

The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website

CFP: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (journal)

Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 11:11pm
Michael E. Cornett


                   Published by Duke University Press

             Council of Editors of Learned Journals Winner

       1998 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement

The editors invite submissions to our calls for papers for each
issue of the journal (Winter, Spring, Fall). The Winter and Fall
issues are on special-topics, while the Spring issue is open. For
current calls for submissions with deadlines and directions for
submitting, see the most recent issue of the journal or our website

CFP: Estuary: Contemporary Art and Literature (journal)

Wednesday, February 16, 2000 - 6:43pm
Thomas Lavazzi


Estuary: A journal of Contemporary Art and Literature

Seeks criticism, critical reviews, creative nonfiction, poetry, short
fiction, one-act plays, b/w line art, b/w photography, in experimental or
conventional formats. Critical essays should demonstrate familiarity with
current trends in literary and cultural theory; reviews and articles
focusing on installations, performance art, experimental theater,
experimental writing, and cultural studies especially welcome. Works
by/about African-Americans and other U.S. minority cultures are encouraged.
 Deadline: May 15 for fall, 2000 issue. Submission and brief bio.
including relevant publications to:

CFP: Dictionary of Literary Biography (immediate; collection)

Monday, February 14, 2000 - 8:20pm
Joseph McNicholas

Call for Papers
Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Short Story Writers since
World War II. 4th Series.

The Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB) is widely used in libraries
as a reliable source of information about the lives and careers of
authors. The DLB is written to make literature and its creators better
understood and more accessible to students and the reading public, while
satisfying the standards of teachers and scholars. Entries writers will
be compensated.

We seek critical biographies on the following authors:

CFP: Explorations in Renaissance Culture (no deadline; journal)

Monday, February 14, 2000 - 8:20pm
Baumlin, Tita

Now in its 26th year, the formerly annual journal Explorations in
Renaissance Culture announces that, beginning with the current year 2000, it
will be a biannual publication. Each year's issues will appear in June and
late December.

We therefore heartily encourage the submission of articles on subjects in
any discipline in Early Modern studies: literature, art and iconography,
music, history, gender studies, languages, culture, etc.

CFP: Cormac McCarthy Journal Online (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 8:55pm
John Wegner

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online invites scholarly submissions in current
MLA style on any aspect of Cormac McCarthy's works. Reviews, Notes up to
500 words, and articles up to 5,000 words are welcome.

The Journal is a peer reviewed scholarly journal and a Member of the
Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

Submit cover letter (with email address), three printed copies, and an SASE
for return of ms.

For submissions and inquiries contact

Dr. John Wegner, Editor
Department of English
Angelo State University
P.O. Box 10894, ASU Station
San Angelo, TX 76909


CFP: Cormac McCarthy Journal Online (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 8:55pm
John Wegner

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online invites scholarly submissions in current
MLA style on any aspect of Cormac McCarthy's works. Reviews, Notes up to
500 words, and articles up to 5,000 words are welcome.

The Journal is a peer reviewed scholarly journal and a Member of the
Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

Submit cover letter (with email address), three printed copies, and an SASE
for return of ms.

For submissions and inquiries contact

Dr. John Wegner, Editor
Department of English
Angelo State University
P.O. Box 10894, ASU Station
San Angelo, TX 76909


CFP: Cormac McCarthy Journal Online (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 8:55pm
John Wegner

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online invites scholarly submissions in current
MLA style on any aspect of Cormac McCarthy's works. Reviews, Notes up to
500 words, and articles up to 5,000 words are welcome.

The Journal is a peer reviewed scholarly journal and a Member of the
Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

Submit cover letter (with email address), three printed copies, and an SASE
for return of ms.

For submissions and inquiries contact

Dr. John Wegner, Editor
Department of English
Angelo State University
P.O. Box 10894, ASU Station
San Angelo, TX 76909


CFP: Cormac McCarthy Journal Online (no deadline; e-journal)

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 8:55pm
John Wegner

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online invites scholarly submissions in current
MLA style on any aspect of Cormac McCarthy's works. Reviews, Notes up to
500 words, and articles up to 5,000 words are welcome.

The Journal is a peer reviewed scholarly journal and a Member of the
Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

Submit cover letter (with email address), three printed copies, and an SASE
for return of ms.

For submissions and inquiries contact

Dr. John Wegner, Editor
Department of English
Angelo State University
P.O. Box 10894, ASU Station
San Angelo, TX 76909


CFP: Studies in American Humor (rolling deadline; journal)

Monday, January 24, 2000 - 6:58pm
Professor Karen Kilcup

Founded in 1974, Studies in American Humor (ISSN 0095-280X) publishes
essays, review essays, and book reviews on all aspects of American humor.
Submissions of essay manuscripts of between 5000 and 8000 words are
welcome. The journal also invites individuals to send books for review;
books and essays for our feature, “The Year’s Work in American Humor
 Studies”; and primary texts with short analytical essays (such as those
found in the 1999 special issue) for “The Recovery Room.” Contributors
interested in submitting manuscripts should review the 1999 issue or contact
the editor if they have questions.

CFP: Studies in American Humor (rolling deadline; journal)

Monday, January 24, 2000 - 6:58pm
Professor Karen Kilcup

Founded in 1974, Studies in American Humor (ISSN 0095-280X) publishes
essays, review essays, and book reviews on all aspects of American humor.
Submissions of essay manuscripts of between 5000 and 8000 words are
welcome. The journal also invites individuals to send books for review;
books and essays for our feature, “The Year’s Work in American Humor
 Studies”; and primary texts with short analytical essays (such as those
found in the 1999 special issue) for “The Recovery Room.” Contributors
interested in submitting manuscripts should review the 1999 issue or contact
the editor if they have questions.

CFP: Xavier Review (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, January 19, 2000 - 12:12am
Richard Collins


The XAVIER REVIEW (established in its present form in 1980) is
undergoing a process of self-reflection and refurbishment in keeping
with the spirit of the new millennium. Our sense is that, in addition
to publishing high quality works on any topic, we still have interests
in creative and critical works on Southern literature, literature and
religion, Latin-Caribbean literature, and African-American literature,
areas which reflect some of the Xavier library's collections.

CFP: Xavier Review (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, January 19, 2000 - 12:12am
Richard Collins


The XAVIER REVIEW (established in its present form in 1980) is
undergoing a process of self-reflection and refurbishment in keeping
with the spirit of the new millennium. Our sense is that, in addition
to publishing high quality works on any topic, we still have interests
in creative and critical works on Southern literature, literature and
religion, Latin-Caribbean literature, and African-American literature,
areas which reflect some of the Xavier library's collections.

CFP: South(ern) Africa and Postcolonial (journal)

Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 11:27pm
L De Kock

scrutiny2 is a scholarly journal, based in english studies, which is
seeking quality submissions from scholars in international contexts.
Submissions which touch on South(ern) Africa, whether directly, obliquely,
or by implication, and whose theoretical concerns are of interest to a
postcolonial context generally, are invited. scrutiny2 is indexed by the
MLA, among others, and is a peer-review journal.

Recent issues and their contents can be viewed online at

Queries to the Editor, Leon de Kock, at

CFP: South(ern) Africa and Postcolonial (journal)

Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 11:27pm
L De Kock

scrutiny2 is a scholarly journal, based in english studies, which is
seeking quality submissions from scholars in international contexts.
Submissions which touch on South(ern) Africa, whether directly, obliquely,
or by implication, and whose theoretical concerns are of interest to a
postcolonial context generally, are invited. scrutiny2 is indexed by the
MLA, among others, and is a peer-review journal.

Recent issues and their contents can be viewed online at

Queries to the Editor, Leon de Kock, at

CFP: South(ern) Africa and Postcolonial (journal)

Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 11:27pm
L De Kock

scrutiny2 is a scholarly journal, based in english studies, which is
seeking quality submissions from scholars in international contexts.
Submissions which touch on South(ern) Africa, whether directly, obliquely,
or by implication, and whose theoretical concerns are of interest to a
postcolonial context generally, are invited. scrutiny2 is indexed by the
MLA, among others, and is a peer-review journal.

Recent issues and their contents can be viewed online at

Queries to the Editor, Leon de Kock, at

CFP: Sex 2000 (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Wednesday, January 12, 2000 - 8:52pm
Priya Vigneswaran

Antithesis is an interdisciplinary journal of critical theory and creative
cultural production. It is Australia's longest standing postgraduate
journal and is published by University of Melbourne, the leading research

Volume 11, 'SEX 2000' seeks to explore the various terrains through which
'sex' might remain or become both intelligible and possible. This project
can be realised through a consideration of libidinal investments across
visual and discursive practices, corporeal enactments and virtual
identifications. Accordingly, these provisional locations will imply a
constitutive and reflexive negativity or absence, in the form of
banalities, repulsions and failures.
