CFP: Firefly and Serenity (9/1/06; collection)
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Firefly and Serenity
CFP: Nuestra América, nuestra literatura: National and Literary Perspectives
of the Latin American Writer Abroad, a proposed panel for LASA 2007.
XXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association: "After
the Washington Consensus: Collaborative Scholarship for a New América,"
September 6 – 8, 2007, Montreal, Canada.
CFP: Nuestra América, nuestra literatura: National and Literary Perspectives
of the Latin American Writer Abroad, a proposed panel for LASA 2007.
XXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association: "After
the Washington Consensus: Collaborative Scholarship for a New América,"
September 6 – 8, 2007, Montreal, Canada.
The authors of _Writing with a Thesis_, an introductory college writing
textbook that is under contract for its 10th edition, seek several
student essays to serve as examples of good student writing.
The authors of _Writing with a Thesis_, an introductory college writing
textbook that is under contract for its 10th edition, seek several
student essays to serve as examples of good student writing.
The authors of _Writing with a Thesis_, an introductory college writing
textbook that is under contract for its 10th edition, seek several
student essays to serve as examples of good student writing.
A panel or panels on parodies, spoofs, and burlesques of Girl Sleuth fictions
is being organized for the Wilson College conference on Nancy Drew and Girl
Sleuths. The panel looks to examine how girl sleuth fictions are parodied.
What values are being satirized in these works, and for what purpose? In what
ways do parodical representations of characters like Nancy Drew, Cherry Ames,
etc. alter the originals? The panel looks to exmaine this question in light of
such works as Mabel Maney's Nancy Clue and Cherry Aimless series, Kate
Emburg's Susan Slutt series, recent single-title works by Chelsea Cain, Susan
Kandel, and others.
To submit an abstract, send it to the address listed for the conference below.
A panel or panels on the use of science and/or science fiction in Girl Sleuth
literature is being solicited for the Wilson College "Nancy Drew and Girl
Sleuths" conference. Science and science fiction are often seen as the purview
of boys' series, such as Tom Swift, Rick Brant, and even the Hardy Boys;
rarely do girl sleuths venture fully into the realm of the hard sciences as
the boys do. In light of the recent controversy surrounding former Harvard
President Lawrence Summers' recent comments about girls in science and the
continuing stereotype that girls are "bad" in science in general, this panel
looks to exmaine how science and/or science fiction is represented in girl
sleuth fiction.
A panel or panels on parodies, spoofs, and burlesques of Girl Sleuth fictions
is being organized for the Wilson College conference on Nancy Drew and Girl
Sleuths. The panel looks to examine how girl sleuth fictions are parodied.
What values are being satirized in these works, and for what purpose? In what
ways do parodical representations of characters like Nancy Drew, Cherry Ames,
etc. alter the originals? The panel looks to exmaine this question in light of
such works as Mabel Maney's Nancy Clue and Cherry Aimless series, Kate
Emburg's Susan Slutt series, recent single-title works by Chelsea Cain, Susan
Kandel, and others.
To submit an abstract, send it to the address listed for the conference below.
A panel or panels on the use of science and/or science fiction in Girl Sleuth
literature is being solicited for the Wilson College "Nancy Drew and Girl
Sleuths" conference. Science and science fiction are often seen as the purview
of boys' series, such as Tom Swift, Rick Brant, and even the Hardy Boys;
rarely do girl sleuths venture fully into the realm of the hard sciences as
the boys do. In light of the recent controversy surrounding former Harvard
President Lawrence Summers' recent comments about girls in science and the
continuing stereotype that girls are "bad" in science in general, this panel
looks to exmaine how science and/or science fiction is represented in girl
sleuth fiction.
Call for paper
A panel or panels on parodies, spoofs, and burlesques of Girl Sleuth fictions
is being organized for the Wilson College conference on Nancy Drew and Girl
Sleuths. The panel looks to examine how girl sleuth fictions are parodied.
What values are being satirized in these works, and for what purpose? In what
ways do parodical representations of characters like Nancy Drew, Cherry Ames,
etc. alter the originals? The panel looks to exmaine this question in light of
such works as Mabel Maney's Nancy Clue and Cherry Aimless series, Kate
Emburg's Susan Slutt series, recent single-title works by Chelsea Cain, Susan
Kandel, and others.
To submit an abstract, send it to the address listed for the conference below.
A panel or panels on the use of science and/or science fiction in Girl Sleuth
literature is being solicited for the Wilson College "Nancy Drew and Girl
Sleuths" conference. Science and science fiction are often seen as the purview
of boys' series, such as Tom Swift, Rick Brant, and even the Hardy Boys;
rarely do girl sleuths venture fully into the realm of the hard sciences as
the boys do. In light of the recent controversy surrounding former Harvard
President Lawrence Summers' recent comments about girls in science and the
continuing stereotype that girls are "bad" in science in general, this panel
looks to exmaine how science and/or science fiction is represented in girl
sleuth fiction.
Call for paper
Call for Papers and Panels
Frederick Wiseman and the Institution Area
2006 Film & History Conference
“The Documentary Traditionâ€
8-12 November, 2006
Dolce Conference Center â€" Dallas, TX
Deadline: August 10th, 2006
AREA: Frederick Wiseman and the Institution
Performing Brazil
Performing Brazil
Performing Brazil
Performing Brazil
Style and Re-vision in Tolkien
While Edmund Wilson lampooned Tolkien's style, even more sympathetic critics
such as Burton Raffel have argued that Tolkien's style is not sufficiently
literary ,while some dismiss his writing as artless. More recently, Tom
Shippey has argued that the hybrid styles of The Lord of the Rings are
purposefully chosen for aesthetic effects. With the publication of the
History of Middle-earth, we can study the development of Tolkien's style and
analyze his writing process, both of which changed dramatically over time
and among literary works.
Style and Re-vision in Tolkien
While Edmund Wilson lampooned Tolkien's style, even more sympathetic critics
such as Burton Raffel have argued that Tolkien's style is not sufficiently
literary ,while some dismiss his writing as artless. More recently, Tom
Shippey has argued that the hybrid styles of The Lord of the Rings are
purposefully chosen for aesthetic effects. With the publication of the
History of Middle-earth, we can study the development of Tolkien's style and
analyze his writing process, both of which changed dramatically over time
and among literary works.
Call for Papers
2006 Film & History Conference on
8-12 November, 2006
Dolce Conference Center-Dallas, Texas
AREA: Edward R. Murrow
DEADLINE: August 1, 2006
We welcome a wide range of documentary-related presentations on Edward
Murrow. Mr. Murrow, first on radio, then on television, established an
record for reportorial integrity. With See It Now, Murrow and Fred
Friendly initiated
television's investigative reporting. His Person to Person was also a
television first,
Deadline for submission for the following special session is September 15, 2006.
Special Session: The Panoptic and The Middle Ages Revisited
CFP: Gender and Ethnicity in Tolkien (Kalamazoo, 9-15-2006; 5-10-13-07)
Gender and Ethnicity in Tolkien
Proposals on Tolkien's legendarium, including but not limited to The Lord of
the Rings, are sought for a sponsored session on "Gender and Ethnicity in
Tolkien" for the 2007 International Congress on medieval studies.
CFP: Gender and Ethnicity in Tolkien (Kalamazoo, 9-15-2006; 5-10-13-07)
Gender and Ethnicity in Tolkien
Proposals on Tolkien's legendarium, including but not limited to The Lord of
the Rings, are sought for a sponsored session on "Gender and Ethnicity in
Tolkien" for the 2007 International Congress on medieval studies.
CFP: Gender and Ethnicity in Tolkien (Kalamazoo, 9-15-2006; 5-10-13-07)
Gender and Ethnicity in Tolkien
Proposals on Tolkien's legendarium, including but not limited to The Lord of
the Rings, are sought for a sponsored session on "Gender and Ethnicity in
Tolkien" for the 2007 International Congress on medieval studies.
Call for Papers:
Nothing But Good Times Ahead: the Novels of Jennifer Crusie
Edited by Eric Murphy Selinger and Laura Vivanco
Contributions are invited for a collection of critical essays on the =
work of Jennifer Crusie. Nothing But Good Times Ahead: the Novels of =
Jennifer Crusie will mark a turning point in the critical study of =
romance fiction, even as it demonstrates the richness of Crusie=92s work =
as both an innovator in, and theorist of, her chosen genre. =20
Call for Papers:
Nothing But Good Times Ahead: the Novels of Jennifer Crusie
Edited by Eric Murphy Selinger and Laura Vivanco
Contributions are invited for a collection of critical essays on the =
work of Jennifer Crusie. Nothing But Good Times Ahead: the Novels of =
Jennifer Crusie will mark a turning point in the critical study of =
romance fiction, even as it demonstrates the richness of Crusie=92s work =
as both an innovator in, and theorist of, her chosen genre. =20
CFP: "/Justine /at 50: Durrell's Novel and its Times" (15 September
2006; 22 – 24 February 2007)
The Thirty-fifth Annual 20th-Century Literature and Culture Conference
University of Louisville
22 - 24 February 2007
The years between the early 1950s and the mid 1960s witnessed a strange
rich after-blooming of literary Modernism. An impressive array of new
works—striking in conceptual scope and ambitious in narrative
experimentation—signaled that the search for bold fictional forms had by
no means died out with what was once called "High Modernism":
After putting together some terrific MLA panels on this subject,
we're inviting additional authors to contribute to a volume on the
depictions of age in the media. The working title is
Aging and Staging
Theorists argue that age is a performative construction, which is
nowhere more evident than on the stage and screen. This volume will
examine the performance of age in theatre, film, television, and
other media. These are among many possible questions that
contributors may choose to consider: