CFP: Animals in the Americas (12/1/05; ASA, 10/12/06-10/15/06)
Animals in the Americas
Proposed Panel (not yet approved)
American Studies Association Annual Meeting
October 12-15, 2006
Oakland, CA
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Animals in the Americas
Proposed Panel (not yet approved)
American Studies Association Annual Meeting
October 12-15, 2006
Oakland, CA
This year, I am accepting paper proposals for several panels on early modern literature to be delivered at the Thirty-Seventh Annual CEA Conference on Reading the Regions / Writing the Regions / Teaching the Regions to be held from 6-8 April 2006.
Papers are especially welcome that deal with ways in which early modern writers dismantled, elaborated, heightened, or constructed ideas of regional identity. Topics that are particularly welcome might address:
intersections between gendered self-fashioning and regional identity
imagined regions (utopias, fantasies, romances)
liminal regions
ecocritical perspectives on place and region
geography and identity
domestic "regions"
This year, I am accepting paper proposals for several panels on early modern literature to be delivered at the Thirty-Seventh Annual CEA Conference on Reading the Regions / Writing the Regions / Teaching the Regions to be held from 6-8 April 2006.
Papers are especially welcome that deal with ways in which early modern writers dismantled, elaborated, heightened, or constructed ideas of regional identity. Topics that are particularly welcome might address:
intersections between gendered self-fashioning and regional identity
imagined regions (utopias, fantasies, romances)
liminal regions
ecocritical perspectives on place and region
geography and identity
domestic "regions"
Call for Papers for Conference for Medieval Studies (Grad)
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the fourth annual
Conference for Medieval Studies, a graduate conference sponsored by
Comitatus, the Purdue Medieval interest group, to be held at Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana from February 17-18, 2006. The theme for
this year's conference is "(Re)Imagining Arthur: Cultural and Theoretical
Contexts of the Arthurian Legends."
Bonnie Wheeler, Professor of English and Medieval Studies at Southern
Methodist University and Editor of Arthuriana, will be the plenary speaker
for this year's conference.
Call for Papers for Conference for Medieval Studies (Grad)
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the fourth annual
Conference for Medieval Studies, a graduate conference sponsored by
Comitatus, the Purdue Medieval interest group, to be held at Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana from February 17-18, 2006. The theme for
this year's conference is "(Re)Imagining Arthur: Cultural and Theoretical
Contexts of the Arthurian Legends."
Bonnie Wheeler, Professor of English and Medieval Studies at Southern
Methodist University and Editor of Arthuriana, will be the plenary speaker
for this year's conference.
COST A20 Conference
“The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in Europe”
Delphi, Greece, 26-28 April 2006
COST Action A20 on “The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in
Europe” invites proposals for papers to be presented at its
concluding conference, to be held in Delphi, Greece, 26-28 April 2006.
Call for Papers: American Indians Today
Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Popular Culture Associations 27th
Annual Conference =20
Albuquerque, NM. February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
Call for Papers: American Indians Today
Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Popular Culture Associations 27th
Annual Conference =20
Albuquerque, NM. February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
COST A20 Conference
“The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in Europe”
Delphi, Greece, 26-28 April 2006
COST Action A20 on “The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in
Europe” invites proposals for papers to be presented at its
concluding conference, to be held in Delphi, Greece, 26-28 April 2006.
COST A20 Conference
“The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in Europe”
Delphi, Greece, 26-28 April 2006
COST Action A20 on “The Impact of the Internet on the Mass Media in
Europe” invites proposals for papers to be presented at its
concluding conference, to be held in Delphi, Greece, 26-28 April 2006.
CFP: Anime/Manga Research Roundtable
Conference: PCA/ACA 2006 National Conference
Place: Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA
Dates: April 12-15
This is the national meeting of the Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Association and this submission is under the area "Asian Popular Culture."
Title: A roundtable on the future of research in anime and manga.
Submission Deadline: October 1, 2005.
=46irst Call for Abstracts/Papers
Spectres, Screens, Shadows, Mirrors
Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) Conference
The University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, July 3-5 2006
Nobby's story has its roots way back. It's part of a bigger
historical picture and a longer story of hardship passed down from
one generation to another. This story continues today.
Ruby Langford Ginibi (from Haunted by the Past)
History breaks down into images, not into stories. Walter Benjamin
There is no word or image that is not haunted by history. Eduardo Cadava
=46irst Call for Abstracts/Papers
Spectres, Screens, Shadows, Mirrors
Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) Conference
The University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, July 3-5 2006
Nobby's story has its roots way back. It's part of a bigger
historical picture and a longer story of hardship passed down from
one generation to another. This story continues today.
Ruby Langford Ginibi (from Haunted by the Past)
History breaks down into images, not into stories. Walter Benjamin
There is no word or image that is not haunted by history. Eduardo Cadava
=46irst Call for Abstracts/Papers
Spectres, Screens, Shadows, Mirrors
Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) Conference
The University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, July 3-5 2006
Nobby's story has its roots way back. It's part of a bigger
historical picture and a longer story of hardship passed down from
one generation to another. This story continues today.
Ruby Langford Ginibi (from Haunted by the Past)
History breaks down into images, not into stories. Walter Benjamin
There is no word or image that is not haunted by history. Eduardo Cadava
23nd Annual Meeting of the
24-25 February 2006
Newberry Library, Chicago
Conference Theme:
"Peace and Power in Medieval Europe"
Keynote Speaker:
Thomas Head, Hunter College, CUNY
Perhaps "imperative" seems too insistent a term to describe the spread of
contractual logic and rhetoric in the English 18th century; yet, the "will
to influence the behavior of another" is evident in 18th century
periodicals, conduct manuals and novels. Are there terms that better
describe this phenomena, or analyses that better illuminate it?
CFP: South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Cocoa Beach, Florida, 23-26 February 2006
"'Monsters of inhumanity': Mothers, Cruel and Unusual"
Proposals from all disciplines invited on cruel or unusual mothers in fact or fiction. Possible topics include: infanticide, child abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, mothers with unusual professions, very young or very old mothers, extraordinary births, or other types of mothers whose lifestyle or mothering practices may have been cruel, illegal, or just out of the mainstream.
250-word proposals, email preferred, by 25 October 2005 to
Judith Broome
Department of Languages and Literature
CFP: South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Cocoa Beach, Florida, 23-26 February 2006
"'Monsters of inhumanity': Mothers, Cruel and Unusual"
Proposals from all disciplines invited on cruel or unusual mothers in fact or fiction. Possible topics include: infanticide, child abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, mothers with unusual professions, very young or very old mothers, extraordinary births, or other types of mothers whose lifestyle or mothering practices may have been cruel, illegal, or just out of the mainstream.
250-word proposals, email preferred, by 25 October 2005 to
Judith Broome
Department of Languages and Literature
H_NGM_N, an online journal of poetry & poetics, is currently looking for
critical essays or personally appreciative accounts that deal with the
history of any particular, & particularly influential, literary journal.
Essays can confine their scope to particular runs of the given journal
(year or years, volume #, editor) but should include appropriate
historical background as well as an articulation of the aesthetics of
the journal & its most lasting effects.
Please query the editor with the title of the journal you're interested
in as well as a brief description of what you hope to isolate in the
H_NGM_N, an online journal of poetry & poetics, is currently looking for
critical essays or personally appreciative accounts that deal with the
history of any particular, & particularly influential, literary journal.
Essays can confine their scope to particular runs of the given journal
(year or years, volume #, editor) but should include appropriate
historical background as well as an articulation of the aesthetics of
the journal & its most lasting effects.
Please query the editor with the title of the journal you're interested
in as well as a brief description of what you hope to isolate in the
"Loss and Foundlings"
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 2-5, 2006
"Loss and Foundlings"
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 2-5, 2006
CFP: Modern Fiction, Medieval Themes: Teaching the Middle Ages Using Modern
Fiction (conference panel)
"Loss and Foundlings"
Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 2-5, 2006
CFP: Modern Fiction, Medieval Themes: Teaching the Middle Ages Using Modern
Fiction (conference panel)
CFP: Modern Fiction, Medieval Themes: Teaching the Middle Ages Using Modern
Fiction (conference panel)
Adaptation: The State of the Field, Call for Papers
For the 2006 Popular Culture Association (PCA)/American Culture Association (ACA) conference in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis, from April 12th to April 15th.
Adaptation: The State of the Field
It's likely that both literature and film owe a great deal more to the notion of adaptation than practitioners of either discipline are likely to admit. Bakhtin suggested that "European novel prose is born and shaped in the process of a free (that is reformulating) translation of others' works." Literary prose, and perhaps the very idea of literature, he suggests, was developed in an act of adaptation.
Evolution, Revolution and Change: Social and Natural Forces in Jeffers's
Brazil Ranch, Big Sur, California, Friday-Sunday, February 17-19, 2006
Evolution, Revolution and Change: Social and Natural Forces in Jeffers's
Brazil Ranch, Big Sur, California, Friday-Sunday, February 17-19, 2006
CFP: Contributors sought for American Literary Characters, a
four-volume work to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on
File. Contributors will be paid and credited in the volume. For wants
list and style sheet, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter Street,
Columbia, SC 29201 .