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CFP: Queer Cinema in Europe (10/1/02 & 7/1/03; collection)

Tuesday, August 6, 2002 - 6:24pm

CFP: Queer Cinema in Europe

Contributions are sought for 'Queer Cinema in Europe', an edited anthology of
critical essays to be published by Intellect Books in 2004. The collection
will explore the varying deployments of lesbian, gay and queer representation
to re-define and deconstruct notions of national identity and culture from
within a unique and diverse European context.

Suggested subjects include:

CFP: Queer Cinema in Europe (10/1/02 & 7/1/03; collection)

Tuesday, August 6, 2002 - 6:24pm

CFP: Queer Cinema in Europe

Contributions are sought for 'Queer Cinema in Europe', an edited anthology of
critical essays to be published by Intellect Books in 2004. The collection
will explore the varying deployments of lesbian, gay and queer representation
to re-define and deconstruct notions of national identity and culture from
within a unique and diverse European context.

Suggested subjects include:

CFP: William Morris and the Book Arts (3/31/03; journal issue)

Friday, July 26, 2002 - 5:42pm
Rosie Miles

The Journal of the William Morris Society is planning a special Winter 2003
edition on 'Morris and the Book Arts'. Articles are thus solicited on any
aspect of Morris's relationship to, or influence upon book art and design.
Possible topics might include: Morris and calligraphy; the Kelmscott Press,
specific editions of note of Morris's work; Morris' relationship to other
Victorian book illustrators and designers; the Kelmscott legacy and
influence; other Morris-influenced book illustrators, designers or binders.

CFP: William Morris and the Book Arts (3/31/03; journal issue)

Friday, July 26, 2002 - 5:42pm
Rosie Miles

The Journal of the William Morris Society is planning a special Winter 2003
edition on 'Morris and the Book Arts'. Articles are thus solicited on any
aspect of Morris's relationship to, or influence upon book art and design.
Possible topics might include: Morris and calligraphy; the Kelmscott Press,
specific editions of note of Morris's work; Morris' relationship to other
Victorian book illustrators and designers; the Kelmscott legacy and
influence; other Morris-influenced book illustrators, designers or binders.

CFP: William Morris and the Book Arts (3/31/03; journal issue)

Friday, July 26, 2002 - 5:42pm
Rosie Miles

The Journal of the William Morris Society is planning a special Winter 2003
edition on 'Morris and the Book Arts'. Articles are thus solicited on any
aspect of Morris's relationship to, or influence upon book art and design.
Possible topics might include: Morris and calligraphy; the Kelmscott Press,
specific editions of note of Morris's work; Morris' relationship to other
Victorian book illustrators and designers; the Kelmscott legacy and
influence; other Morris-influenced book illustrators, designers or binders.

CFP: European Cultural Theorists (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, July 12, 2002 - 9:54pm
Paul Hansom

I am currently editing a Dictionary of Literary
Biography volume on European Cultural Theorists
(second series), and I have an article available:

Pierre Macherey -- 6,000 words.

The article comes with a small honorarium and a copy
of the volume on completion. Also, please note that
project deadlines are tight -- so kindly make sure you
are committed to finishing the piece before signing
Those familiar with DLB format or who can write for
deadline are encouraged to drop me a line.

Please send a brief cv as email, outlining your
publications, experience, etc.

Look forward to your replies,


Dr. Paul Hansom

CFP: Early American Theology, History, and Culture (journal)

Saturday, July 6, 2002 - 1:54pm
Michael Schuldiner

Studies in Puritan American Spirituality is an interdisciplinary annual that
focuses on the history and theology of Puritan America; the form that
spirituality was given by the writers, artists, artisans, and composers of
Puritan America; and the influence of Puritan America on later generations.
In the past, this journal has provided a venue not only for articles about
such Puritan figures as Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, John Cotton, Ezra
Ripley, William Billings, Johann Beissel, and others, but has also published
numerous articles about such later figures as Emily Dickinson, Rebecca
Harding Davis, William James, etc. We invite you to submit your article for

CFP: Early American Theology, History, and Culture (journal)

Saturday, July 6, 2002 - 1:54pm
Michael Schuldiner

Studies in Puritan American Spirituality is an interdisciplinary annual that
focuses on the history and theology of Puritan America; the form that
spirituality was given by the writers, artists, artisans, and composers of
Puritan America; and the influence of Puritan America on later generations.
In the past, this journal has provided a venue not only for articles about
such Puritan figures as Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, John Cotton, Ezra
Ripley, William Billings, Johann Beissel, and others, but has also published
numerous articles about such later figures as Emily Dickinson, Rebecca
Harding Davis, William James, etc. We invite you to submit your article for

CFP: Early American Theology, History, and Culture (journal)

Saturday, July 6, 2002 - 1:54pm
Michael Schuldiner

Studies in Puritan American Spirituality is an interdisciplinary annual that
focuses on the history and theology of Puritan America; the form that
spirituality was given by the writers, artists, artisans, and composers of
Puritan America; and the influence of Puritan America on later generations.
In the past, this journal has provided a venue not only for articles about
such Puritan figures as Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, John Cotton, Ezra
Ripley, William Billings, Johann Beissel, and others, but has also published
numerous articles about such later figures as Emily Dickinson, Rebecca
Harding Davis, William James, etc. We invite you to submit your article for

CFP: "Smart Kids": Class and Education (4/1/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 7:20pm
Laura Rotunno

Call for Papers
"Smart Kids"
(n.s. 59-60, Fall 2003)

_the minnesota review_ is planning a special issue "Smart Kids,"
guest-edited by Renny Christopher and seeks essays from "smart kids" who
entered English or other humanities fields as adults. More
specifically, this issue's focus will be the class rise education
represents. Potential contributors might discuss the experience of
working-class academics as presented in literature, contemporary media,
and/or their own lives; address issues of "smart" and how it and/or our
textually-oriented selves are constructed; or, more generally, explore
interconnections between class and education. The deadline for
submissions is 1 April 2003.

CFP: SOAS Literary Review: African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Lit. (grad) (e-journal)

Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 7:07pm

SOAS Literary Review Issue 4, November 2002

Call for Journal Articles
Deadline 1st August 2002

SOAS Literary Review ( is an online journal of
postgraduate research. It seeks to provide an international forum for
research students working on the literatures of Africa, Asia, and the Middle
East. We welcome contributions on all aspects of postgraduate literary
research including articles, translations, fieldwork commentaries, and book
and media reviews. We hope to stimulate dialogue between research students
and scholars and forge links across institutions.

CFP: SOAS Literary Review: African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Lit. (grad) (e-journal)

Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 7:07pm

SOAS Literary Review Issue 4, November 2002

Call for Journal Articles
Deadline 1st August 2002

SOAS Literary Review ( is an online journal of
postgraduate research. It seeks to provide an international forum for
research students working on the literatures of Africa, Asia, and the Middle
East. We welcome contributions on all aspects of postgraduate literary
research including articles, translations, fieldwork commentaries, and book
and media reviews. We hope to stimulate dialogue between research students
and scholars and forge links across institutions.

CFP: SOAS Literary Review: African, Asian, and Middle Eastern Lit. (grad) (e-journal)

Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 7:07pm

SOAS Literary Review Issue 4, November 2002

Call for Journal Articles
Deadline 1st August 2002

SOAS Literary Review ( is an online journal of
postgraduate research. It seeks to provide an international forum for
research students working on the literatures of Africa, Asia, and the Middle
East. We welcome contributions on all aspects of postgraduate literary
research including articles, translations, fieldwork commentaries, and book
and media reviews. We hope to stimulate dialogue between research students
and scholars and forge links across institutions.

CFP: Writing Macao: Teaching, Creative Writing, Non-Native Contexts (journal)

Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 2:22am

Writing Macao
creative text and teaching

Writing Macao is a new publication sponsored by the English Department at
the University of Macao.
Writing Macao publishes creative writing and theoretical work related to
the teaching of creative writing in English in non-native contexts.
Writing Macao is a peer-reviewed on-line international English language
journal appearing twice annually.

CFP: Writing Macao: Teaching, Creative Writing, Non-Native Contexts (journal)

Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 2:22am

Writing Macao
creative text and teaching

Writing Macao is a new publication sponsored by the English Department at
the University of Macao.
Writing Macao publishes creative writing and theoretical work related to
the teaching of creative writing in English in non-native contexts.
Writing Macao is a peer-reviewed on-line international English language
journal appearing twice annually.

CFP: Writing Macao: Teaching, Creative Writing, Non-Native Contexts (journal)

Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 2:22am

Writing Macao
creative text and teaching

Writing Macao is a new publication sponsored by the English Department at
the University of Macao.
Writing Macao publishes creative writing and theoretical work related to
the teaching of creative writing in English in non-native contexts.
Writing Macao is a peer-reviewed on-line international English language
journal appearing twice annually.

CFP: Victorian Press in India (9/1/02 & 3/1/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 9:17pm
Julie Codell

 CFP: Victorian Press in India. Special issue of Victorian Periodicals
 Review (2004). Abtract and CV deadline 9/1/02. Final papers due 3/1/03.
 Will consider essays on Indian and Anglo-Indian periodicals published in
 India in the 19th c. and in any subject or field. Send, fax or email
 2-page abstracts and 2-page CVs to Prof. Julie F. Codell, School of Art,
 Box 871505, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1505. Fax:
 480-965-8338. Email:
Julie F. Codell
Professor, Art History
School of Art
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1505
PH: 480-965-3400
FAX: 480-965-8338

CFP: Victorian Press in India (9/1/02 & 3/1/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 9:17pm
Julie Codell

 CFP: Victorian Press in India. Special issue of Victorian Periodicals
 Review (2004). Abtract and CV deadline 9/1/02. Final papers due 3/1/03.
 Will consider essays on Indian and Anglo-Indian periodicals published in
 India in the 19th c. and in any subject or field. Send, fax or email
 2-page abstracts and 2-page CVs to Prof. Julie F. Codell, School of Art,
 Box 871505, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1505. Fax:
 480-965-8338. Email:
Julie F. Codell
Professor, Art History
School of Art
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1505
PH: 480-965-3400
FAX: 480-965-8338

CFP: Victorian Press in India (9/1/02 & 3/1/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 9:17pm
Julie Codell

 CFP: Victorian Press in India. Special issue of Victorian Periodicals
 Review (2004). Abtract and CV deadline 9/1/02. Final papers due 3/1/03.
 Will consider essays on Indian and Anglo-Indian periodicals published in
 India in the 19th c. and in any subject or field. Send, fax or email
 2-page abstracts and 2-page CVs to Prof. Julie F. Codell, School of Art,
 Box 871505, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1505. Fax:
 480-965-8338. Email:
Julie F. Codell
Professor, Art History
School of Art
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1505
PH: 480-965-3400
FAX: 480-965-8338
