all recent posts

CFP: Nebula: Generalist/All Topics (5/15/04; online publication)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am

-Nebula is an international, unique, first-class
publication. The project of Nebula is to provide an
interface between specialist and highly sophisticated ideas
and their articulation into a comprehensible medium of
layman’s terms. Unlike many academic publications, Nebula
is not limited to a specific school, faculty, or subject.
On the contrary we encourage diversity and multiplicity of
themes and topics presented in our issues. Nebula aims to
provide news and information about cutting edge research
(whether in Physics, History, Cultural Studies or
Microbiology etc.) in terms that anyone is able to
understand. We are also interested in providing an

CFP: Victorian Medievalism (6/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Jennifer Palmgren

Call for Essays: Victorian Medievalism (6/1/04; collection)

Essays with a focus on Swinburne or Browning or religion are solicited for a
Victorian medievalism collection under contract with Palgrave. Essays
should be appropriate for interdisciplinary undergraduate courses dealing
with Victorian medievalism and should not concern Arthurian or gothic
material. Please send questions and essays to and Completed essays (4000-5000 words) in Chicago
style should be received by June 1.

Jennifer Palmgren
Asst. Prof. of English
Saint Paul's College
115 College Dr.
Lawrenceville, VA 23868

CFP: Victorian Medievalism (6/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Jennifer Palmgren

Call for Essays: Victorian Medievalism (6/1/04; collection)

Essays with a focus on Swinburne or Browning or religion are solicited for a
Victorian medievalism collection under contract with Palgrave. Essays
should be appropriate for interdisciplinary undergraduate courses dealing
with Victorian medievalism and should not concern Arthurian or gothic
material. Please send questions and essays to and Completed essays (4000-5000 words) in Chicago
style should be received by June 1.

Jennifer Palmgren
Asst. Prof. of English
Saint Paul's College
115 College Dr.
Lawrenceville, VA 23868

CFP: Victorian Medievalism (6/1/04; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Jennifer Palmgren

Call for Essays: Victorian Medievalism (6/1/04; collection)

Essays with a focus on Swinburne or Browning or religion are solicited for a
Victorian medievalism collection under contract with Palgrave. Essays
should be appropriate for interdisciplinary undergraduate courses dealing
with Victorian medievalism and should not concern Arthurian or gothic
material. Please send questions and essays to and Completed essays (4000-5000 words) in Chicago
style should be received by June 1.

Jennifer Palmgren
Asst. Prof. of English
Saint Paul's College
115 College Dr.
Lawrenceville, VA 23868

CFP: Globalising the English Renaissance (5/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
PP Frassinelli



Deadline for submissions: 1 SEPTEMBER 2004

Deadline for proposals/abstracts: 1 MAY 2004

Guest editor: Pier Paolo Frassinelli (University of the Witwatersrand)

This issue will host papers that address the issue of globalisation in =
relation to the new directions in teaching and research in the field of =
Renaissance Literature, Drama and Cultural Studies.

CFP: 20th Century American Gothic and Romance Writers (12/30/04; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Fishburn, Haley F

I am currently seeking contributors for a new volume in the Dictionary of Literary Biography series, 20th Century American Gothic and Romance Writers, to be published by Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc. in 2006.

The entries vary in length from 3,000-12,000 words, but each entry should combine a biographical/bibliographical narrative with a critical assessment of the author's works.

Please send a letter of interest and brief CV (no attachments please) via e-mail to or by post to:
Haley F. Fishburn

Department of English

Texas Tech University

P.O. Box 43091

Lubbock, TX 79409-3091

In the letter of interest, please provide full mailing address and indicate preferred entry/ies.

CFP: Globalising the English Renaissance (5/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
PP Frassinelli



Deadline for submissions: 1 SEPTEMBER 2004

Deadline for proposals/abstracts: 1 MAY 2004

Guest editor: Pier Paolo Frassinelli (University of the Witwatersrand)

This issue will host papers that address the issue of globalisation in =
relation to the new directions in teaching and research in the field of =
Renaissance Literature, Drama and Cultural Studies.

CFP: Globalising the English Renaissance (5/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
PP Frassinelli



Deadline for submissions: 1 SEPTEMBER 2004

Deadline for proposals/abstracts: 1 MAY 2004

Guest editor: Pier Paolo Frassinelli (University of the Witwatersrand)

This issue will host papers that address the issue of globalisation in =
relation to the new directions in teaching and research in the field of =
Renaissance Literature, Drama and Cultural Studies.

CFP: 20th Century American Gothic and Romance Writers (12/30/04; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Fishburn, Haley F

I am currently seeking contributors for a new volume in the Dictionary of Literary Biography series, 20th Century American Gothic and Romance Writers, to be published by Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc. in 2006.

The entries vary in length from 3,000-12,000 words, but each entry should combine a biographical/bibliographical narrative with a critical assessment of the author's works.

Please send a letter of interest and brief CV (no attachments please) via e-mail to or by post to:
Haley F. Fishburn

Department of English

Texas Tech University

P.O. Box 43091

Lubbock, TX 79409-3091

In the letter of interest, please provide full mailing address and indicate preferred entry/ies.

CFP: Encyclopedia of Documentary Film (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Kristen M. Holt

Calling for authors to write for the Encyclopedia of Documentary Film,
to be published by Routledge (a division of Taylor & Francis Books) in
September 2005. The Encyclopedia will be a three-volume work and will
contain over 800 entries describing individual films, directors,
producers, theorists, production companies, and publications. It will
also address broad themes such as modernism, Marxism, and feminism, and
key concepts including reflexivity and autobiography.

Entries will also cover style techniques, technical issues, and types of
documentaries. Overviews of the documentary film traditions of specific
countries and regions will also be provided.

CFP: Encyclopedia of Documentary Film (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Kristen M. Holt

Calling for authors to write for the Encyclopedia of Documentary Film,
to be published by Routledge (a division of Taylor & Francis Books) in
September 2005. The Encyclopedia will be a three-volume work and will
contain over 800 entries describing individual films, directors,
producers, theorists, production companies, and publications. It will
also address broad themes such as modernism, Marxism, and feminism, and
key concepts including reflexivity and autobiography.

Entries will also cover style techniques, technical issues, and types of
documentaries. Overviews of the documentary film traditions of specific
countries and regions will also be provided.

CFP: Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (5/31/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Elizabeth Hale


  Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (AVSJ) Volume 10 for 2004

The AVSJ is an annual interdisciplinary journal devoted to Victorian
Studies. We are now calling for articles for consideration by our
referees for publication in AVSJ Volume 10 2004.

If you wish to submit a paper please send it to the editors no later
than 31 MAY 2004, keeping the following guidelines in mind.

CFP: Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (5/31/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am
Elizabeth Hale


  Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (AVSJ) Volume 10 for 2004

The AVSJ is an annual interdisciplinary journal devoted to Victorian
Studies. We are now calling for articles for consideration by our
referees for publication in AVSJ Volume 10 2004.

If you wish to submit a paper please send it to the editors no later
than 31 MAY 2004, keeping the following guidelines in mind.

CFP: Space, Travel, and Identity (10/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am


Theme Issue: Space, Travel, and Identity
Taiwan Journal of English Literature

Taiwan Journal of English Literature announces an open call for papers for the first theme issue of the journal to be published in the Fall. The theme is Space, Travel, and Identity.

CFP: Space, Travel, and Identity (10/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 1:36am


Theme Issue: Space, Travel, and Identity
Taiwan Journal of English Literature

Taiwan Journal of English Literature announces an open call for papers for the first theme issue of the journal to be published in the Fall. The theme is Space, Travel, and Identity.

CFP: Philological Quarterly (journal)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Philological Quarterly

Philological Quarterly would like to receive more submissions. We can
consider articles on all literary periods and and we interpret the
term "literary" rather broadly. Articles in MSWord format may be sent
to us at by attached file. We try to
decide on acceptance within two months.

CFP: Philological Quarterly (journal)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Philological Quarterly

Philological Quarterly would like to receive more submissions. We can
consider articles on all literary periods and and we interpret the
term "literary" rather broadly. Articles in MSWord format may be sent
to us at by attached file. We try to
decide on acceptance within two months.

CFP: Multiple Children's Lit & Studies Calls (various; journal issues)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Elizabeth Pandolfo Briggs

_The Looking Glass_ invites submissions to all columns and sections for
the following special issues:

Displaced Children (publication date April 2005; deadline for
submissions 1 October 2004)

Japanese Children's Literature and Culture (publication date April
2006; deadline for submissions 1 October 2005).

_The Looking Glass_ also invites scholarly submissions for the following
special topics to be highlighted in Alice's Academy, its scholarly
refereed section:

International Children's Mysteries (publication date January 2005;
submission deadline 1 September 2004)

Magic Realism in Children's Literature (publication date January
2006; submission deadline 1 September 2005).

CFP: Multiple Children's Lit & Studies Calls (various; journal issues)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Elizabeth Pandolfo Briggs

_The Looking Glass_ invites submissions to all columns and sections for
the following special issues:

Displaced Children (publication date April 2005; deadline for
submissions 1 October 2004)

Japanese Children's Literature and Culture (publication date April
2006; deadline for submissions 1 October 2005).

_The Looking Glass_ also invites scholarly submissions for the following
special topics to be highlighted in Alice's Academy, its scholarly
refereed section:

International Children's Mysteries (publication date January 2005;
submission deadline 1 September 2004)

Magic Realism in Children's Literature (publication date January
2006; submission deadline 1 September 2005).

CFP: Perspectives on African American Literature (7/31/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Harry Olufunwa

After some three centuries of recognised existence, the time is ripe to take a comprehensive look at the nature of African American literature. From being one aspect of the residual tradition of enslaved Africans to the distinguished corpus of literary works that are available today, it can be said that the literature has come a long way from its humble origins. Barriers peculiar to African Americans, especially racial prejudice, have been largely overcome, and a literary tradition worthy of its greatest exponents has come into being. What has been the driving force of this literature? What are the themes and motifs that shape it?

CFP: MA in English Studies (10/1/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Peter Vandenberg

_Is it Terminal?: Reinventing the Master's Degree in English Studies_

Enrollments in MA programs across the country are up dramatically, and
non-PhD granting institutions are turning to the MA as a locus of
programmatic growth. Changes in hiring patterns at the high school and
community college level have enlivened possibilities for the MA. What
can or should the MA in English be? To what and whom is it appropriate?
What are its limitations?

CFP: Perspectives on African American Literature (7/31/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Harry Olufunwa

After some three centuries of recognised existence, the time is ripe to take a comprehensive look at the nature of African American literature. From being one aspect of the residual tradition of enslaved Africans to the distinguished corpus of literary works that are available today, it can be said that the literature has come a long way from its humble origins. Barriers peculiar to African Americans, especially racial prejudice, have been largely overcome, and a literary tradition worthy of its greatest exponents has come into being. What has been the driving force of this literature? What are the themes and motifs that shape it?

CFP: Current Affairs: The Life and Death of Development (5/20/04; journal issue)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Colin Wright

Situation Analysis: A Forum for Critical Thought & International Current Affairs.
Issue 4 - "The Life and Death of Development"
Deadline for Submission: 20th May 2004

Situation Analysis is a peer-reviewed journal which appears on-line and in a hard-copy format, and currently reaches approximately 3,000 academics, activists and interested parties around the world.

CFP: MTV and Philosophy (5/30/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Epiphanie Bloom

Do the philosophical implications of MTV really get you going?

If so, you are invited to submit an abstract for a collection of essays on
'MTV and Philosophy'. I seek to obtain the permission of Open Court Books in
publishing the result as part of their trendy Popular Culture and Philosophy
series. The series has spawned six successful volumes since its 2001 debut
with 'Seinfeld and Philosophy', including the best-selling 'The Matrix and
Philosophy', and is noted for revitalising philosophical narratives through
its celebration of pop culture as worthy of in-depth analysis.

CFP: MTV and Philosophy (5/30/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Epiphanie Bloom

Do the philosophical implications of MTV really get you going?

If so, you are invited to submit an abstract for a collection of essays on
'MTV and Philosophy'. I seek to obtain the permission of Open Court Books in
publishing the result as part of their trendy Popular Culture and Philosophy
series. The series has spawned six successful volumes since its 2001 debut
with 'Seinfeld and Philosophy', including the best-selling 'The Matrix and
Philosophy', and is noted for revitalising philosophical narratives through
its celebration of pop culture as worthy of in-depth analysis.

CFP: MTV and Philosophy (5/30/04; collection)

Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:08pm
Epiphanie Bloom

Do the philosophical implications of MTV really get you going?

If so, you are invited to submit an abstract for a collection of essays on
'MTV and Philosophy'. I seek to obtain the permission of Open Court Books in
publishing the result as part of their trendy Popular Culture and Philosophy
series. The series has spawned six successful volumes since its 2001 debut
with 'Seinfeld and Philosophy', including the best-selling 'The Matrix and
Philosophy', and is noted for revitalising philosophical narratives through
its celebration of pop culture as worthy of in-depth analysis.
