CFP: What Remains: Living Through Ruins, Thinking Through Empire (grad) (3/31/06; 5/11/06-5/12/06)
Graduate Student Conference:
The New School for Social Research
CFP: What Remains: Living Through Ruins, Thinking Through Empire
(grad) (3/31/06; 5/11/06-5/12/06)
"What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow out of this stony
rubbish?" ~ T.S. Eliot, 'The Wasteland'
Call for Papers
We are soliciting papers from graduate students in anthropology,
history, geography, literature, sociology, and other relevant
disciplines related to our focus on empire and ruins. The deadline for
submission of abstracts is March 31, 2006. For more information,
questions or submissions, please e-mail David Bond or Joseph DeStefano