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CFP: Melville in the Popular Imagination (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Inge, M. Thomas \(Tom\)

Call for Papers

The Melville Society Panel of the MLA

27-30 December 2006-Philadelphia

Melville in the Popular Imagination

Herman Melville, along with Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain, has always
held a special place in popular culture, as the man who lived among the
cannibals in his own day or the author of difficult works that challenge
the minds and imaginations of readers today. Nearly all of his novels
and many of his stories have been adapted more than once to the motion
picture screen, radio, television, comic books, graphic novels, and
other media, and Moby-Dick, the great but often-unread American novel,
remains the subject of countless jokes and cartoons.

CFP: Male sexuality in the Female Mind (4/15/06; collection)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Anna Fåhraeus

Male Sexuality in the Female Mind =96 from Aphra Behn to Slash Fan =

This is an open call for proposal abstracts. We are putting together a=20=

collection of essays that focus on how male sexuality has been=20
represented by women writers, from Aphra Behn=92s post-Restoration drama=20=

to cyber space fan fiction (slash specifically). The objective of the=20
study is to highlight, trace and analyze representations of male desire=20=

and sexuality through texts (literary, cinematic, cyber, etc) in order=20=

to explore how male sexuality is and has been imagined and re-imagined=20=

CFP: Male sexuality in the Female Mind (4/15/06; collection)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Anna Fåhraeus

Male Sexuality in the Female Mind =96 from Aphra Behn to Slash Fan =

This is an open call for proposal abstracts. We are putting together a=20=

collection of essays that focus on how male sexuality has been=20
represented by women writers, from Aphra Behn=92s post-Restoration drama=20=

to cyber space fan fiction (slash specifically). The objective of the=20
study is to highlight, trace and analyze representations of male desire=20=

and sexuality through texts (literary, cinematic, cyber, etc) in order=20=

to explore how male sexuality is and has been imagined and re-imagined=20=

CFP: Male sexuality in the Female Mind (4/15/06; collection)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Anna Fåhraeus

Male Sexuality in the Female Mind =96 from Aphra Behn to Slash Fan =

This is an open call for proposal abstracts. We are putting together a=20=

collection of essays that focus on how male sexuality has been=20
represented by women writers, from Aphra Behn=92s post-Restoration drama=20=

to cyber space fan fiction (slash specifically). The objective of the=20
study is to highlight, trace and analyze representations of male desire=20=

and sexuality through texts (literary, cinematic, cyber, etc) in order=20=

to explore how male sexuality is and has been imagined and re-imagined=20=

CFP: History and Memory in the Literature of the U.S. South (12/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
David A. Davis

For a special issue planned for Spring 2008, the editors of the Southern
Literary Journal invite essays with new approaches to the long-discussed
topics of history, cultural memory, and mourning in southern literature. We
are especially interested in essays that reread southern writers' emphasis
on the past in terms of other literatures and other pasts, address the
convergences of the burgeoning field of trauma studies with southern
studies, or reconsider the encounters of literary texts with specific
historical events. Other possible essays might work with questions of
aesthetics or genre, memory and memorializing, the impacts of critical race

CFP: History and Memory in the Literature of the U.S. South (12/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
David A. Davis

For a special issue planned for Spring 2008, the editors of the Southern
Literary Journal invite essays with new approaches to the long-discussed
topics of history, cultural memory, and mourning in southern literature. We
are especially interested in essays that reread southern writers' emphasis
on the past in terms of other literatures and other pasts, address the
convergences of the burgeoning field of trauma studies with southern
studies, or reconsider the encounters of literary texts with specific
historical events. Other possible essays might work with questions of
aesthetics or genre, memory and memorializing, the impacts of critical race

CFP: History and Memory in the Literature of the U.S. South (12/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
David A. Davis

For a special issue planned for Spring 2008, the editors of the Southern
Literary Journal invite essays with new approaches to the long-discussed
topics of history, cultural memory, and mourning in southern literature. We
are especially interested in essays that reread southern writers' emphasis
on the past in terms of other literatures and other pasts, address the
convergences of the burgeoning field of trauma studies with southern
studies, or reconsider the encounters of literary texts with specific
historical events. Other possible essays might work with questions of
aesthetics or genre, memory and memorializing, the impacts of critical race

CFP: History and Memory in the Literature of the U.S. South (12/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
David A. Davis

For a special issue planned for Spring 2008, the editors of the Southern
Literary Journal invite essays with new approaches to the long-discussed
topics of history, cultural memory, and mourning in southern literature. We
are especially interested in essays that reread southern writers' emphasis
on the past in terms of other literatures and other pasts, address the
convergences of the burgeoning field of trauma studies with southern
studies, or reconsider the encounters of literary texts with specific
historical events. Other possible essays might work with questions of
aesthetics or genre, memory and memorializing, the impacts of critical race

CFP: Queer Canadian Cinema (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Julia A. Mendenhall

CFP: "Blame Canada"? Queer Canadian Cinema.
Special Session Proposal
MLA 2006, Philadelphia

Papers exploring extra-ordinary desires, refractory subjectivities, unruly
narratives, curious genre
crossings, subversive genders and sexualities, or other queer provocations
in Canadian feature films.
1-page abstracts by 15 March 2006 to Julia Mendenhall (

Julia A. Mendenhall
Temple University, English
University of Toronto, Cinema Studies

CFP: Queer Canadian Cinema (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Julia A. Mendenhall

CFP: "Blame Canada"? Queer Canadian Cinema.
Special Session Proposal
MLA 2006, Philadelphia

Papers exploring extra-ordinary desires, refractory subjectivities, unruly
narratives, curious genre
crossings, subversive genders and sexualities, or other queer provocations
in Canadian feature films.
1-page abstracts by 15 March 2006 to Julia Mendenhall (

Julia A. Mendenhall
Temple University, English
University of Toronto, Cinema Studies

CFP: Queer Canadian Cinema (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:47pm
Julia A. Mendenhall

CFP: "Blame Canada"? Queer Canadian Cinema.
Special Session Proposal
MLA 2006, Philadelphia

Papers exploring extra-ordinary desires, refractory subjectivities, unruly
narratives, curious genre
crossings, subversive genders and sexualities, or other queer provocations
in Canadian feature films.
1-page abstracts by 15 March 2006 to Julia Mendenhall (

Julia A. Mendenhall
Temple University, English
University of Toronto, Cinema Studies

CFP: Brokeback Mountain (3/31/06; collection)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Jesse Matz

Call for Papers:

For a collection of essays and reflections on the Annie Proulx story and/or the
Ang Lee film.

Please send 300-500 word abstracts (or questions) to:

William Handley <>
Jesse Matz <>

Deadline: March 31, 2006

CFP: Brokeback Mountain (3/31/06; collection)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Jesse Matz

Call for Papers:

For a collection of essays and reflections on the Annie Proulx story and/or the
Ang Lee film.

Please send 300-500 word abstracts (or questions) to:

William Handley <>
Jesse Matz <>

Deadline: March 31, 2006

CFP: Brokeback Mountain (3/31/06; collection)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Jesse Matz

Call for Papers:

For a collection of essays and reflections on the Annie Proulx story and/or the
Ang Lee film.

Please send 300-500 word abstracts (or questions) to:

William Handley <>
Jesse Matz <>

Deadline: March 31, 2006

CFP: William James (4/7/06; online journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm

William James. WILLIAM JAMES STUDIES, a peer-reviewed online publication of
the William James Society, welcomes papers from scholars in any field on the
life, work, and influence of William James. Submission guidelines may be found
at Papers may be sent electronically
to Mark Moller ( or Linda Simon (
Deadline for the second issue is April 7, 2006.

Thank you!

CFP: Faith, Belief and Community (2/28/06; online journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Julie Barr

eSharp is the online journal for social sciences, arts and humanities postgraduates based at the University of Glasgow. It is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the world of academic publishing.

The first six issues are currently online at and we are now looking for submissions for the seventh edition to be launched in May 2006. We welcome papers from postgraduates working in all areas.

The theme of the seventh edition is:

Faith, Belief and Community

Topics may include but are not limited to:

CFP: Faith, Belief and Community (2/28/06; online journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Julie Barr

eSharp is the online journal for social sciences, arts and humanities postgraduates based at the University of Glasgow. It is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the world of academic publishing.

The first six issues are currently online at and we are now looking for submissions for the seventh edition to be launched in May 2006. We welcome papers from postgraduates working in all areas.

The theme of the seventh edition is:

Faith, Belief and Community

Topics may include but are not limited to:

CFP: Faith, Belief and Community (2/28/06; online journal issue)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Julie Barr

eSharp is the online journal for social sciences, arts and humanities postgraduates based at the University of Glasgow. It is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a critical but supportive entry into the world of academic publishing.

The first six issues are currently online at and we are now looking for submissions for the seventh edition to be launched in May 2006. We welcome papers from postgraduates working in all areas.

The theme of the seventh edition is:

Faith, Belief and Community

Topics may include but are not limited to:

CFP: Intersections: Literature, Science, Nature (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Barbara Cook

Abstracts are invited for the MLA 2006 panels sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. MLA will be held in Philadelphia in December 2006 and all presenters must be member of MLA at the time of acceptance of their proposals for the panel, i.e. April 2006.

Intersections: Literature, Science, Nature.

Abstracts (250-300 words) are invited that discuss relationships between literature, science, and nature and/or scientific theory and literary theory. Submit by March 1, 2006 to

CFP: University of West Georgia Literature Conference: Fear and Awe (5/30/06; 11/2/06-11/4/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
J Agan

The University of West Georgia



Suggested theme: FEAR AND AWE

For the 2006 conference, papers and sessions may be presented on any
conception of fear and awe in literature, visual arts, and/ or cinema.
Papers may be in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish.

We welcome also proposals for papers on _any topic_ of interest to
literature, culture, and art scholars.


When: *November 2-4, 2006 <>
*Where*: Sheraton Colony Square Hotel-Midtown, Atlanta, Georgia <>
*Deadline for one-page abstracts*: May 30, 2006 <>

CFP: University of West Georgia Literature Conference: Fear and Awe (5/30/06; 11/2/06-11/4/06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
J Agan

The University of West Georgia



Suggested theme: FEAR AND AWE

For the 2006 conference, papers and sessions may be presented on any
conception of fear and awe in literature, visual arts, and/ or cinema.
Papers may be in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish.

We welcome also proposals for papers on _any topic_ of interest to
literature, culture, and art scholars.


When: *November 2-4, 2006 <>
*Where*: Sheraton Colony Square Hotel-Midtown, Atlanta, Georgia <>
*Deadline for one-page abstracts*: May 30, 2006 <>

CFP: Intersections: Literature, Science, Nature (3/1/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 2:46pm
Barbara Cook

Abstracts are invited for the MLA 2006 panels sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. MLA will be held in Philadelphia in December 2006 and all presenters must be member of MLA at the time of acceptance of their proposals for the panel, i.e. April 2006.

Intersections: Literature, Science, Nature.

Abstracts (250-300 words) are invited that discuss relationships between literature, science, and nature and/or scientific theory and literary theory. Submit by March 1, 2006 to
