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CFP: Edward FitzGerald and the Rubaiyat (1/15/07; journal issue)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Erik Gray


Special issue of Victorian Poetry:
"Edward FitzGerald and The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám"

Victorian Poetry announces a special issue to celebrate the bicentennial
of the birth of Edward FitzGerald (1809) and the sesquicentennial of the
publication of his masterpiece, The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1859).
Submissions are invited, particularly on the Rubáiyát, although articles
dealing with FitzGerald's other works, his life, his influence, or his
relationship to his contemporaries are also welcome.

CFP: Early Canadian Women Writers (1/30/06; ACQL, 5/28/06-5/30/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Jen Chambers

Paper Proposals are requested for a panel on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
for the Association of Canadian and Quebec Literatures
at this spring's Congress of the Canadian Federation
for the Humanities and Social Sciences being held at
York University in Toronto, Ontario (Canada).

CFP: Early Canadian Women Writers (1/30/06; ACQL, 5/28/06-5/30/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Jen Chambers

Paper Proposals are requested for a panel on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
for the Association of Canadian and Quebec Literatures
at this spring's Congress of the Canadian Federation
for the Humanities and Social Sciences being held at
York University in Toronto, Ontario (Canada).

CFP: Early Canadian Women Writers (1/30/06; ACQL, 5/28/06-5/30/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Jen Chambers

Paper Proposals are requested for a panel on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
for the Association of Canadian and Quebec Literatures
at this spring's Congress of the Canadian Federation
for the Humanities and Social Sciences being held at
York University in Toronto, Ontario (Canada).

CFP: Early Canadian Women Writers (1/30/06; ACQL, 5/28/06-5/30/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Jen Chambers

Paper Proposals are requested for a panel on
"Diversity and Change: Early Canadian Women Writers"
for the Association of Canadian and Quebec Literatures
at this spring's Congress of the Canadian Federation
for the Humanities and Social Sciences being held at
York University in Toronto, Ontario (Canada).

CFP: Understanding the New Academy (3/15/06; collection)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Gregory Giberson

Call for Proposals (edited collection)

Knowledge Economy: The Commodification of Knowledge and Information in the Academic System

Tomas R. Giberson, Ph.D. Oakland University, Michigan
Gregory A. Giberson, Ph.D. Salisbury University, Maryland

CFP: Understanding the New Academy (3/15/06; collection)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Gregory Giberson

Call for Proposals (edited collection)

Knowledge Economy: The Commodification of Knowledge and Information in the Academic System

Tomas R. Giberson, Ph.D. Oakland University, Michigan
Gregory A. Giberson, Ph.D. Salisbury University, Maryland

UPDATE: Secrets & Lies (Puerto Rico) (1/31/06; CEA-CC, 3/24/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter=20
Spring 2006 Conference: 24-25 March 2006=20
"Secrets and Lies"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez=20

Deadline for proposals extended to 31 January 2006

The CEA-CC invites proposals (for 20-minute paper) on any aspect of the =
topic, including, but not limited to the aesthetics of lies/secrets; =
Public vs. Private Secrets, Secret Histories; Political Secrets; Secret =
Agents, Espionage, Treason; Secret Identities; Secret Societies; Secret =
Codes; Gender Codes; Family Secrets, White Lies; Institutional Lies; =
Lying under oath; Cultural Perceptions of Lies; Lies vs. Truth; =
Constructions of Truth; Half-Truths; Hidden Truths, etc.=20

UPDATE: Secrets & Lies (Puerto Rico) (1/31/06; CEA-CC, 3/24/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter=20
Spring 2006 Conference: 24-25 March 2006=20
"Secrets and Lies"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez=20

Deadline for proposals extended to 31 January 2006

The CEA-CC invites proposals (for 20-minute paper) on any aspect of the =
topic, including, but not limited to the aesthetics of lies/secrets; =
Public vs. Private Secrets, Secret Histories; Political Secrets; Secret =
Agents, Espionage, Treason; Secret Identities; Secret Societies; Secret =
Codes; Gender Codes; Family Secrets, White Lies; Institutional Lies; =
Lying under oath; Cultural Perceptions of Lies; Lies vs. Truth; =
Constructions of Truth; Half-Truths; Hidden Truths, etc.=20

UPDATE: Secrets & Lies (Puerto Rico) (1/31/06; CEA-CC, 3/24/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter=20
Spring 2006 Conference: 24-25 March 2006=20
"Secrets and Lies"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez=20

Deadline for proposals extended to 31 January 2006

The CEA-CC invites proposals (for 20-minute paper) on any aspect of the =
topic, including, but not limited to the aesthetics of lies/secrets; =
Public vs. Private Secrets, Secret Histories; Political Secrets; Secret =
Agents, Espionage, Treason; Secret Identities; Secret Societies; Secret =
Codes; Gender Codes; Family Secrets, White Lies; Institutional Lies; =
Lying under oath; Cultural Perceptions of Lies; Lies vs. Truth; =
Constructions of Truth; Half-Truths; Hidden Truths, etc.=20

CFP: Literature and Psychology (3/15/06; SCMLA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
John Morris

      Interested individuals are encouraged to submit 500-word abstracts =
or completed papers to the Literature and Psychology session at the =
South Central Modern Language Association Conference to be held 26-28 =
October in Ft. Worth, Texas.=20
      The session will be an open topic; papers addresssing any and all =
issues pertinent to the intersection between literature and psychology =
will be considered.
      If interested, please send a 500-word abstract or the completed =
paper to John G. Morris, Professor of English, Cameron University, 2800 =
W. Gore Blvd, Lawton, OK 73505. If you prefer, you send either the =
abstract or paper via e-mail attachment (WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or =

CFP: Literature and Psychology (3/15/06; SCMLA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
John Morris

      Interested individuals are encouraged to submit 500-word abstracts =
or completed papers to the Literature and Psychology session at the =
South Central Modern Language Association Conference to be held 26-28 =
October in Ft. Worth, Texas.=20
      The session will be an open topic; papers addresssing any and all =
issues pertinent to the intersection between literature and psychology =
will be considered.
      If interested, please send a 500-word abstract or the completed =
paper to John G. Morris, Professor of English, Cameron University, 2800 =
W. Gore Blvd, Lawton, OK 73505. If you prefer, you send either the =
abstract or paper via e-mail attachment (WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or =

CFP: Literature and Psychology (3/15/06; SCMLA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
John Morris

      Interested individuals are encouraged to submit 500-word abstracts =
or completed papers to the Literature and Psychology session at the =
South Central Modern Language Association Conference to be held 26-28 =
October in Ft. Worth, Texas.=20
      The session will be an open topic; papers addresssing any and all =
issues pertinent to the intersection between literature and psychology =
will be considered.
      If interested, please send a 500-word abstract or the completed =
paper to John G. Morris, Professor of English, Cameron University, 2800 =
W. Gore Blvd, Lawton, OK 73505. If you prefer, you send either the =
abstract or paper via e-mail attachment (WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or =

CFP: English V Panel: Multicultural Britain (3/13/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
James Campbell

The English V section (20th Century) at SAMLA seeks papers on=20
"Multicultural Britain."

The UK in the past hundred years has become an increasingly=20
multicultural society: how has this caused us to read Britishness=20
differently? Topics for papers in this panel might include but are not=20=

limited to:

The literature of Black Britain
Multiculturalism and governmental devolution
Multiculturalism, Britain, and the =91new Europe=92
Imperial hangover
Britain as an island in the Black Atlantic
The Irish in Britain
=91British=92 versus =91English=92 cultural identity
Scottish and Welsh writing
The British literary canon and the politics of anthologies

CFP: Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art (3/31/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Ana Pano

Call for Journal Submissions

RiLUNe - Review of Literatures of the European Union
RiLUnE ( is a refereed bilingual journal publishing scholarly articles which examine the development of a European cultural and literary conscience.


For its 5th monographic issue, we are now calling for articles on the topic "Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art". Articles can be in any of the following languages of the European Union: French, German, English, Italian and Spanish.


Deadline for abstracts (500 words): March 31, 2006
Deadline for articles: June 15, 2006



Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art

CFP: The Erotic Woman Reader (grad) (2/10/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Maggie Gover

        The Erotic Woman Reader
  (dis)junctions: lost in translation
  April 7-8, 2006
  University of California, Riverside
  This panel will discuss any and all issues concerning the contemporary romance and erotic literatures genres. Approaches from all disciplines are welcome, including literature, social science, history, cultural studies, and gender studies. Multi-disciplinary approaches are especially welcome.
  Possible topics include but are not limited to:
  -issues in committing sexual experience to the written word
  -the appeal of romance or erotic fiction to modern women readers
  -changes in the genre throughout the last several decades

CFP: English V Panel: Multicultural Britain (3/13/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
James Campbell

The English V section (20th Century) at SAMLA seeks papers on=20
"Multicultural Britain."

The UK in the past hundred years has become an increasingly=20
multicultural society: how has this caused us to read Britishness=20
differently? Topics for papers in this panel might include but are not=20=

limited to:

The literature of Black Britain
Multiculturalism and governmental devolution
Multiculturalism, Britain, and the =91new Europe=92
Imperial hangover
Britain as an island in the Black Atlantic
The Irish in Britain
=91British=92 versus =91English=92 cultural identity
Scottish and Welsh writing
The British literary canon and the politics of anthologies

CFP: Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art (3/31/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Ana Pano

Call for Journal Submissions

RiLUNe - Review of Literatures of the European Union
RiLUnE ( is a refereed bilingual journal publishing scholarly articles which examine the development of a European cultural and literary conscience.


For its 5th monographic issue, we are now calling for articles on the topic "Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art". Articles can be in any of the following languages of the European Union: French, German, English, Italian and Spanish.


Deadline for abstracts (500 words): March 31, 2006
Deadline for articles: June 15, 2006



Digital Literatures in Europe: State of the Art

CFP: The Erotic Woman Reader (grad) (2/10/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
Maggie Gover

        The Erotic Woman Reader
  (dis)junctions: lost in translation
  April 7-8, 2006
  University of California, Riverside
  This panel will discuss any and all issues concerning the contemporary romance and erotic literatures genres. Approaches from all disciplines are welcome, including literature, social science, history, cultural studies, and gender studies. Multi-disciplinary approaches are especially welcome.
  Possible topics include but are not limited to:
  -issues in committing sexual experience to the written word
  -the appeal of romance or erotic fiction to modern women readers
  -changes in the genre throughout the last several decades

CFP: English V Panel: Multicultural Britain (3/13/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Monday, January 16, 2006 - 7:39pm
James Campbell

The English V section (20th Century) at SAMLA seeks papers on=20
"Multicultural Britain."

The UK in the past hundred years has become an increasingly=20
multicultural society: how has this caused us to read Britishness=20
differently? Topics for papers in this panel might include but are not=20=

limited to:

The literature of Black Britain
Multiculturalism and governmental devolution
Multiculturalism, Britain, and the =91new Europe=92
Imperial hangover
Britain as an island in the Black Atlantic
The Irish in Britain
=91British=92 versus =91English=92 cultural identity
Scottish and Welsh writing
The British literary canon and the politics of anthologies
