CFP: Faith & Film Festival, Images of Evil (11/30/05; 2/10/06-2/11/06)
2005 Boston Faith & Film Festival
"Images of Evil"
February 10-11
Call for Papers
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2005 Boston Faith & Film Festival
"Images of Evil"
February 10-11
Call for Papers
2005 Boston Faith & Film Festival
"Images of Evil"
February 10-11
Call for Papers
Paper proposals including but not limited to the following "regions" in
science fiction studies: the feminine, the male gaze, women in media (film, comic
book covers, television), women authors (Joanna Russ, Ursula LeGuin), female
Paper proposals including but not limited to the following "regions" in
science fiction studies: the feminine, the male gaze, women in media (film, comic
book covers, television), women authors (Joanna Russ, Ursula LeGuin), female
Northeast Modern Language Association: 2-5 March 2006 in Philadelphia
I am now seeking papers for the following panel; please note the deadline has now changed to 23 September 2005.
Northeast Modern Language Association: 2-5 March 2006 in Philadelphia
I am now seeking papers for the following panel; please note the deadline has now changed to 23 September 2005.
Paper proposals including but not limited to the following "regions" in
science fiction studies: the feminine, the male gaze, women in media (film, comic
book covers, television), women authors (Joanna Russ, Ursula LeGuin), female
Call for papers: Crossings: A Counter-Disciplinary Journal
Issue # 9: The "Work" of Art
DEADLINE: December 1, 2005
The ninth issue of Crossings aims at addressing the ambiguous
relationship between the aesthetic and the ethical. The binary between
ethicism (the notion of art as a guide to morality) and aestheticism
(the notion that art and morality are autonomous spheres) has
historically framed the thinking about art and ethics, but what is at
stake in limiting our thinking to this framework? We invite people to
think beyond and across this gulf and to imagine other possibilities
of art's power.
CFP: Film Sequels (11/30/05; collection)
Film Sequels: New Theories of Remaking and Sequelization
Eds. Carolyn Jess (University of Sunderland, UK) and Constantine
Verevis (Monash University, Australia)
The Drama Specialization and the Performance and Communications Media =20=
Diploma of Memorial University of Newfoundland, in association with =20
the Magnetic North Theatre Festival, will be hosting a theatre =20
conference from June 27th to June 29th, 2006.
The Magnetic Forces theatre conference is being held in conjunction =20
with the Magnetic North Theatre Festival, taking place in St. John=92s, =20=
Newfoundland, Canada between June 28 and July 8, 2006.
Cultural Studies in an Age of (In)security
3rd Annual Emporia State University Student Literary and Cultural Studies Conference
February 10-11, 2006
Emporia Kansas
Cultural Studies in an Age of (In)security
3rd Annual Emporia State University Student Literary and Cultural Studies Conference
February 10-11, 2006
Emporia Kansas
Papers of 5-8000 words are requested for a volume on any of the many varied
uses of the voice-over in the cinema. From 'The Voice of God' to an actor's
internal monologue, papers that draw upon established theorists and/or refer
to particular films or practitioners are encouraged. Some provision will be
made for accompanying film stills photography provided permission is
obtained. All contributions will be fully refereed and peer reviewed. Please
send manuscripts to;
Dr. James Barnes
Papers of 5-8000 words are requested for a volume on any of the many varied
uses of the voice-over in the cinema. From 'The Voice of God' to an actor's
internal monologue, papers that draw upon established theorists and/or refer
to particular films or practitioners are encouraged. Some provision will be
made for accompanying film stills photography provided permission is
obtained. All contributions will be fully refereed and peer reviewed. Please
send manuscripts to;
Dr. James Barnes
The Drama Specialization and the Performance and Communications Media =20=
Diploma of Memorial University of Newfoundland, in association with =20
the Magnetic North Theatre Festival, will be hosting a theatre =20
conference from June 27th to June 29th, 2006.
The Magnetic Forces theatre conference is being held in conjunction =20
with the Magnetic North Theatre Festival, taking place in St. John=92s, =20=
Newfoundland, Canada between June 28 and July 8, 2006.
CFP: Modern Greece in 20th c. Travel Narratives (11/20/2005; Italy, =
Borders & Crossings VI, the sixth International Conference on Travel =
Writing 7-9 September 2006
University of Palermo, Italy.
Panel Title:
Writing Hellas: Modern Greece in 20th century Travel Narratives
Panel Chair:=20
Dr Anastasia Logotheti, Deree College, The American College of Greece
CFP: Modern Greece in 20th c. Travel Narratives (11/20/2005; Italy, =
Borders & Crossings VI, the sixth International Conference on Travel =
Writing 7-9 September 2006
University of Palermo, Italy.
Panel Title:
Writing Hellas: Modern Greece in 20th century Travel Narratives
Panel Chair:=20
Dr Anastasia Logotheti, Deree College, The American College of Greece
CFP: Modern Greece in 20th c. Travel Narratives (11/20/2005; Italy, =
Borders & Crossings VI, the sixth International Conference on Travel =
Writing 7-9 September 2006
University of Palermo, Italy.
Panel Title:
Writing Hellas: Modern Greece in 20th century Travel Narratives
Panel Chair:=20
Dr Anastasia Logotheti, Deree College, The American College of Greece
Back to the Medieval Future, or, Medieval Performance as the Vision of
The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2006 Conference
Chicago, August 3-6, 2006
Back to the Medieval Future, or, Medieval Performance as the Vision of
The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2006 Conference
Chicago, August 3-6, 2006
Back to the Medieval Future, or, Medieval Performance as the Vision of
The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2006 Conference
Chicago, August 3-6, 2006
Back to the Medieval Future, or, Medieval Performance as the Vision of
The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2006 Conference
Chicago, August 3-6, 2006
Please post
Western Regional Conference for Christianity and Literature
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
March 10-11, 2006
The Word in the World: Christianity's Encounter with Other Cultures
Keynote speaker:
Alan Jacobs, Wheaton College, "Nietzsche or St. Basil: Paganism and
Poetry reading:
Brigit Pegeen Kelly, author of The Orchard, Song, and To the Place of
>From the beginning, Christians have encountered cultures whose values they
found alien or even hostile. Yet such cultures are precisely the ones in
Please post
Western Regional Conference for Christianity and Literature
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
March 10-11, 2006
The Word in the World: Christianity's Encounter with Other Cultures
Keynote speaker:
Alan Jacobs, Wheaton College, "Nietzsche or St. Basil: Paganism and
Poetry reading:
Brigit Pegeen Kelly, author of The Orchard, Song, and To the Place of
>From the beginning, Christians have encountered cultures whose values they
found alien or even hostile. Yet such cultures are precisely the ones in
Call for Essays: Human Rights & Latin American/U.S. Relations
Call for Essays: Human Rights & Latin American/U.S. Relations
Call for Essays: Human Rights & Latin American/U.S. Relations
The 37th Annual College English Association Conference, San Antonio, TX,
April 6-8, 2006. "Reading the Regions/Writing the Regions/Teaching the
Panel: Blake's Visionary London
Keeping with the conference theme of "Reading the Regions/Writing the
Regions/Teaching the Regions," this panel, "Blake's Visionary London,"
will focus upon Blake's imaginative reconstruction, critique, and
interpretation of the London of his times in his mythological works.
Papers reflecting a rigorous and critical historical methodology will be
given special consideration.
Please submit your proposal to by October 15th,
2005. Word, WordPerfect, and .rtf formats accepted.
The 37th Annual College English Association Conference, San Antonio, TX,
April 6-8, 2006. "Reading the Regions/Writing the Regions/Teaching the
Panel: Blake's Visionary London
Keeping with the conference theme of "Reading the Regions/Writing the
Regions/Teaching the Regions," this panel, "Blake's Visionary London,"
will focus upon Blake's imaginative reconstruction, critique, and
interpretation of the London of his times in his mythological works.
Papers reflecting a rigorous and critical historical methodology will be
given special consideration.
Please submit your proposal to by October 15th,
2005. Word, WordPerfect, and .rtf formats accepted.
Call For Papers for Shakespeare, the journal of
the British Shakespeare Association
Contributions are invited for the 2006 and 2007 issues
of the new journal entitled Shakespeare being published
Routledge. The journal brings together Shakespeare
scholarship and Shakespeare in performance in order
to open newly emergent debates across disciplines,
and is published online twice a year and in a bound paper volume
comprising two issues once a year. Contributions on all
topics and approaches to Shakespeare will be
considered. The articles selected will be peer-reviewed.