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Call for Abstracts: Doğuş University 2nd International Conference on English Language and Literature on 21st Century English Literature
We are pleased to announce the International Conference on 21st Century English Literature, an engaging platform for scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts to explore and discuss the dynamic landscape of literature in the contemporary era. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, English literature continues to evolve, reflecting the multifaceted nature of our global society.
Conference Theme: "Digital Narratives: Shaping the Future of 21st Century English Literature"
Fantasy and the supernatural, broadly defined, shape many popular narratives and universes—from Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones, from World of Warcraft to The Witcher, from classical and medieval tales of monsters and dragons to the worlds of N.K. Jemisin, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Nnedi Okorafor, and Ursula K. Le Guin. As a genre, fantasy engages with questions of rhetoric, identity, and power in multiple ways, across media, subgenres, and cultural traditions; the enchantment of fantastic and supernatural narratives casts a persistent and global spell.
Call for Chapters
This panel considers a range of topics related to popular music defined and considered broadly. Though not limited to such inquiries, papers might address questions such as
· How do we see cultural forces at work in the inspiration of popular musical songs, albums, tours, artists, texts, and memes?
· How has popular music influenced, supported, challenged, and otherwise complicated cultural practices, beliefs, and norms?
· Where and how do we see the gravity of popular music extended to the domain of other arts and media?
· How does popular music manifest the intertextual and intersectional realities of (post)modern life?
Announcing: “Notes On…” for the Edith Wharton Review (the official refereed journal of the Edith Wharton Society)
We kindly invite Authors to submit proposals to a special issue of The Polish Journal of Aesthetics - "Rhythms of Artwork and Beyond: Humanity, Sociality, and Nature" Vol.
Call For Papers for Somatechnics 16.1
Eco-horror’s Minor Intimacies: Affective Embodiments, Ecological
Issue editors: Lynn Kozak and Alanna Thain (McGill University) Publication date: Winter 2026
Horror is an affect, genre and epistemology relevant to our current condition, signaled by a resurgent interest in horror media in popular culture and in high art. A re-coding in horror’s language is widely perceptible across media that serve as a site for commentary and intervention
We kindly invite Authors to submit proposals to a special issue of The Polish Journal of Aesthetics - "Hybrid Landscapes: Experiencing Things, Mapping Practices, Re-construing Ecologies of Entangled Environments" Vol. 74 (1/2025), edited by Helena Elias (University of Lisbon), Jakub Petri (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), and Natalia Anna Michna (Jagiellonian University in Krakow). Submission deadline: 31 December, 2024 In recent decades, the relationship between discourses and materiality has been at the center of theoretical and practice-based debates, permeating numerous artistic, humanities, and social sciences research endeavors.
SEPTEMBER 26-28, 2024
Film screening and Conversation: Dina Amer, director of You Resemble Me (2021)
Keynote: Elsie Walker, Salisbury University, author of Life 24x A Second: Cinema, Selfhood, and Society (Oxford UP, 2023)
Date: 2–4 October 2024
Location: Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Schloss-Str. 2+4, 82327 Tutzing, Germany Conveners: Lijuan Klassen and Christof Mauch
Keynote Speakers:
Ursula K. Heise (University of California, Los Angeles)
Jennifer Gabrys (University of Cambridge)
Malcom Ferdinand (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, National Centre for Scientific Research [CNRS])
Call for Papers Hybridity and Women's Writing in Eighteenth-century Britain
Guest Editors: Francesca Blanch-Serrat and Paula Yurss Lasanta (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
“Looking Back and Ahead: Exploring Uniquely Canadian Cultural Narratives”
Debrecen University Symposium, 2024
This international, in-person conference is organized by the Canadian Studies Centre of the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, as part of the Debrecen University Symposium series.
FROM THE EUROPEAN SOUTH issue 16 - Spring 2025
Call for issue 16 spring 2025: IMAGINATIVE KIN-MAKING. Narrating alternative forms of kinship in survival literature and fiction. Guest editors: Rossella Ciocca and Marta Cariello.
Deadline for article submission: October 15th, 2024
Deadline for submitting final accepted articles: December 15th, 2024
British Fantasy Society Journal – Call for Submissions for Winter Issue 2024
Deadline: 31st August 2024
The Fantasy Worlds of George MacDonald
Proposed Title of the book: Nonfiction in Indian Languages
Concept Note
Deadline for Submission: June 15, 2024
Contact e-mail:
The Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) Disney Studies Area invites submissions for NEPCA’s annual conference to be held online October 3 – 5, 2024, and in person at Nichols College, MA. Virtual sessions will take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning via Zoom. In-person sessions will take place on Friday evening and Saturday morning with broadcast via Zoom.
Brontë Studies is pleased to invite submissions for the 2024 iteration of the Brontë Studies Early Career Research Essay Prize. The prize aims to encourage new scholarship in the field of Brontë studies, recognise and reward outstanding achievement by new researchers, and support the professional development of the next generation of Brontë scholars. The prize was established in honour of Margaret Smith. She remains one of the most important Brontë scholars of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
We invite you to participate in a collaborative writing workshop, “Writing with Thirty Hands,” leading up to and meeting at the PSi conference in London.
vol. 6/2025
Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature is an international multidisciplinary periodical that welcomes for review any innovative and challenging research article encroaching upon the fields of literature, linguistics, philosophy and cultural studies.
The editorial board encourages researchers and young scholars to submit their article proposals that comprise with the profile of the journal. The proposals can be sent in English, German, French, Spanish, Catalan and Polish. The manuscript submitted for publication is to be original and unpublished. It should not have been simultaneously submitted for review in any other journal.
University of Siedlce
Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies
University of the Balearic Islands
Faculty of Philosophy and Art
would like to kindly invite all scholars from across the Humanities to take part in the
9th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues
in Language and Literature
The Spanish Cultural Studies permanent section of the Midwest Modern Language Association seeks proposals for the upcoming MMLA conference in Chicago. Proposals related to any aspect of Spanish Cultural Studies are welcome, but we encourage submissions that explore the conference theme of "Health In/Of the Humanities." Please submit a 250-word abstract and a brief bio to Dr. Kathy Korcheck at by 22 April 2024. Presentations may be in Spanish or English.
ontemporary literary, computer game, and cinematic history are rife with forms of interactive fiction and storytelling. Gamebooks such as the Bantam Choose Your Own Adventure series of children’s books, video games from early text-based games like Zork to more contemporary gaming, and interactive movies of the type becoming increasingly common through streaming technologies, allow for a different kind of relationship between audiences and narratives.
These types of narratives have been read, watched, and played by adults and children alike with increased regularity since the popularization of the form in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Comprehending Comics: Exploring Methodologies and Approaches to Comic Studies in History and the Social Sciences
The conference will take place online September 8-9, 2024.
We are pleased to announce that Rachel Marie-Crane WilliamsandMarcus Weaver-Hightower will be our keynote speakers.
Please submit your proposal by May 1, 2024.
OCTOBER 25, 2024
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Historian and Reproductive Justice Activist Rickie Solinger
Italian Filmmakers Rossella Anitori and Darel Di Gregorio (Surrogacy Underground, 2023)
On November 22-24, 2024, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the University of Dayton will host an academic symposium to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of Fr. Clarence Rivers, the “father of Black Catholic liturgy,” and the 40th anniversary of the Black Bishops of the United States’ pastoral letter, “What We Have Seen and Heard.” In addition to keynote addresses and workshops inspired by Fr. Rivers and “What We Have Seen and Heard,” we will also have opportunities to gather for song and prayer in the traditions of soulful worship called for by Fr.
In regards to this years Midwest Modern Language Association conference theme, Health in/of the Humanities, we invite papers that consider how health materializes in various facets of academia. We’re particularly interested in the discursive modes by which health is defined, represented, and mobilized in and between disciplines. This Science and Fiction panel welcomes papers that interrogate disciplines, exploring how representations change or impact the general notions of health and health outcomes.
Consider the following as generative questions:
Post-Pandemic Imaginaries : Space, Culture and Memory after Lockdown (updated)
A two day conference on the 5th and 6th September 2024
Organised by the Centre for Culture and Everyday Life at the School of the Arts, University of Liverpool, UK
Keynote speakers:
Professor Stef Craps (Ghent University)
“Modern?” CFP
Saint Louis University—Madrid, June 7-8, 2024
The OED defines “modern” as “being in existence at this time; current, present,” but also as something that is “opposed to the remote past.” Given that the concepts of “past,” “present” and “future” are not fixed, but, to paraphrase Einstein, illusory, the meaning of “modern” itself is hard to pin down.
Abstract proposals for 20-minute paper presentations are invited for a two-day conference hosted by Atatürk University in Erzurum, Türkiye. This international conference on ageing and its representations in literature will be held on 18-19 April 2024.