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UPDATE: Race and the Americas (4/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Barbara Ladd


South Atlantic Modern Language Association

Call for Papers: "Race and the Americas"


Scholars working in Latin American Studies, North American (including =
U.S. or American) Studies, and creole languages and literatures are =
encouraged to submit proposals for 20-minute papers on the above topic =
for presentation at the 2006 South Atlantic Modern Language Association =
Convention in Charlotte, N.C.=20


UPDATE: Race and the Americas (4/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Barbara Ladd


South Atlantic Modern Language Association

Call for Papers: "Race and the Americas"


Scholars working in Latin American Studies, North American (including =
U.S. or American) Studies, and creole languages and literatures are =
encouraged to submit proposals for 20-minute papers on the above topic =
for presentation at the 2006 South Atlantic Modern Language Association =
Convention in Charlotte, N.C.=20


CFP: Ethics and Asian American Studies (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Chen, Tina Y

Ethics and Asian American Studies
In what ways has the field been informed by ethical questions regarding
knowledge production and, in turn, how has Asian American studies contributed
to contemporary debates about ethical practice?

Please submit a 1-page abstract and 1-page cv by March 15 to Tina Chen

This panel is one of three sponsored by the Division on Asian American
Literature and has already been approved for inclusion in the program of the
2006 MLA convention.

CFP: Ethics and Asian American Studies (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Chen, Tina Y

Ethics and Asian American Studies
In what ways has the field been informed by ethical questions regarding
knowledge production and, in turn, how has Asian American studies contributed
to contemporary debates about ethical practice?

Please submit a 1-page abstract and 1-page cv by March 15 to Tina Chen

This panel is one of three sponsored by the Division on Asian American
Literature and has already been approved for inclusion in the program of the
2006 MLA convention.

UPDATE: Race and the Americas (4/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Barbara Ladd


South Atlantic Modern Language Association

Call for Papers: "Race and the Americas"


Scholars working in Latin American Studies, North American (including =
U.S. or American) Studies, and creole languages and literatures are =
encouraged to submit proposals for 20-minute papers on the above topic =
for presentation at the 2006 South Atlantic Modern Language Association =
Convention in Charlotte, N.C.=20


CFP: Poets on Appropriative Writing (4/15/06; AWP, 2/28/07-3/3/07)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Camille Martin

Raphael Rubinstein says "appropriative writing." Michael Davidson says "palimtexts." Gregory Betts says "plunderverse." Purists say "plagiarism." This panel of the AWP will feature poets whose writing incorporates source texts as a compositional process and perhaps also with the intention of challenging the idea of textual ownership. Poets in this panel will discuss methods of appropriation in their own work and suggest theoretical issues underlying their use of source texts. Please send abstracts (300-500 words) and a brief biographical statement by email to Camille Martin: <>. Deadline: April 15, 2006. The 2007 AWP will be in Atlanta, February 28 - March 3.

CFP: Poets on Appropriative Writing (4/15/06; AWP, 2/28/07-3/3/07)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Camille Martin

Raphael Rubinstein says "appropriative writing." Michael Davidson says "palimtexts." Gregory Betts says "plunderverse." Purists say "plagiarism." This panel of the AWP will feature poets whose writing incorporates source texts as a compositional process and perhaps also with the intention of challenging the idea of textual ownership. Poets in this panel will discuss methods of appropriation in their own work and suggest theoretical issues underlying their use of source texts. Please send abstracts (300-500 words) and a brief biographical statement by email to Camille Martin: <>. Deadline: April 15, 2006. The 2007 AWP will be in Atlanta, February 28 - March 3.

CFP: Poets on Appropriative Writing (4/15/06; AWP, 2/28/07-3/3/07)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Camille Martin

Raphael Rubinstein says "appropriative writing." Michael Davidson says "palimtexts." Gregory Betts says "plunderverse." Purists say "plagiarism." This panel of the AWP will feature poets whose writing incorporates source texts as a compositional process and perhaps also with the intention of challenging the idea of textual ownership. Poets in this panel will discuss methods of appropriation in their own work and suggest theoretical issues underlying their use of source texts. Please send abstracts (300-500 words) and a brief biographical statement by email to Camille Martin: <>. Deadline: April 15, 2006. The 2007 AWP will be in Atlanta, February 28 - March 3.

CFP: Renaissance Medievalisms (3/15/06; 10/6/06-10/7/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm

Call for Papers

"Renaissance Medievalisms"

An interdisciplinary conference to be held at
The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
Victoria College, University of Toronto
6-7 October 2006

CFP: Renaissance Medievalisms (3/15/06; 10/6/06-10/7/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm

Call for Papers

"Renaissance Medievalisms"

An interdisciplinary conference to be held at
The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
Victoria College, University of Toronto
6-7 October 2006

CFP: Beckett Centenary (Ireland) (4/13/06; 5/26/06-5/27/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Michael O' Sullivan

  100 Years a Dying
  A Post-Mortem on the Work of Samuel Beckett
  An International, Interdisciplinary Conference in
  Beckett Studies,
  University College Cork,
  26-27 May 2006

CFP: Beckett Centenary (Ireland) (4/13/06; 5/26/06-5/27/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Michael O' Sullivan

  100 Years a Dying
  A Post-Mortem on the Work of Samuel Beckett
  An International, Interdisciplinary Conference in
  Beckett Studies,
  University College Cork,
  26-27 May 2006

CFP: Beckett Centenary (Ireland) (4/13/06; 5/26/06-5/27/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Michael O' Sullivan

  100 Years a Dying
  A Post-Mortem on the Work of Samuel Beckett
  An International, Interdisciplinary Conference in
  Beckett Studies,
  University College Cork,
  26-27 May 2006

CFP: Beckett Centenary (Ireland) (4/13/06; 5/26/06-5/27/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Michael O' Sullivan

  100 Years a Dying
  A Post-Mortem on the Work of Samuel Beckett
  An International, Interdisciplinary Conference in
  Beckett Studies,
  University College Cork,
  26-27 May 2006

CFP: Film &amp; Literature Panel (3/15/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Dr. David M. Pollio

Papers are invited for a "Film and Literature" panel at The Pacific
Ancient and Modern Language Association's annual meeting (Nov. 10-11
at Riverside, CA). Papers that treat aspects of English and American
Literature and Culture are especially welcome, provided that they
conform to the panel's overall theme of film and literature.

CFP: Southern Crossroads Storytelling Conference (no deadline noted; 10/13/06-10/14/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Owen Elmore

Southern Crossroads Storytelling Conference

LSU Alexandria (Alexandria, Louisiana)

October 13 and 14, 2006


Alice Walker's story "Everyday Use" uses quilts as a symbol for her
characters' familial past. These quilts, though certainly valuable
artistically, must still be of everyday use to the family. The quilts
will wear out from use, certainly, but these worn squares would be, as
they've always been, replaced with new squares; the piece from
great-great-grandma's sundress might be replaced with a patch from
daddy's overalls.


CFP: Southern Crossroads Storytelling Conference (no deadline noted; 10/13/06-10/14/06)

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 5:19pm
Owen Elmore

Southern Crossroads Storytelling Conference

LSU Alexandria (Alexandria, Louisiana)

October 13 and 14, 2006


Alice Walker's story "Everyday Use" uses quilts as a symbol for her
characters' familial past. These quilts, though certainly valuable
artistically, must still be of everyday use to the family. The quilts
will wear out from use, certainly, but these worn squares would be, as
they've always been, replaced with new squares; the piece from
great-great-grandma's sundress might be replaced with a patch from
daddy's overalls.

