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CFP: Composing and Revising the Professional/Technical Writing Program (1/10/04; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:09pm
Alex Reid

As Professional and Technical Writing grows at the undergraduate level from
a narrow pre-professional track to a discipline, complete with its own
undergraduate degree and certificate programs, faculty administrators often
seek grounded and detailed descriptions of how to picture, develop, promote
and sustain their programs. A strong need exists for a volume of reflective
discussion aimed at explaining the context and specifics of running a PWT
program, one grounded in specific institutional contexts and yet ³portable²
to other sites and situations.

CFP: Women in U. S. Race Riots (12/22/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:09pm
Julie Cary Nerad

CFP: Rage, Resistance, and Representation: Women in U. S. Race Riots

Atlanta, GA. Washington, DC. Wilmington, NC. Chicago, Philadelphia,
Ocoee, New York, Tulsa: cities – among many others – that have been home
to race riots in the United States over the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. This collection of essays will investigate the various active
roles women, and particularly minority women, played in such riots,
paying specific attention to exposing the cultural fallacy of women’s
passivity in the public realm of violence, especially in relation to the
construction of racial identity and cultural race relations.

CFP: Women in U. S. Race Riots (12/22/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:09pm
Julie Cary Nerad

CFP: Rage, Resistance, and Representation: Women in U. S. Race Riots

Atlanta, GA. Washington, DC. Wilmington, NC. Chicago, Philadelphia,
Ocoee, New York, Tulsa: cities – among many others – that have been home
to race riots in the United States over the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. This collection of essays will investigate the various active
roles women, and particularly minority women, played in such riots,
paying specific attention to exposing the cultural fallacy of women’s
passivity in the public realm of violence, especially in relation to the
construction of racial identity and cultural race relations.

CFP: Women in U. S. Race Riots (12/22/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:09pm
Julie Cary Nerad

CFP: Rage, Resistance, and Representation: Women in U. S. Race Riots

Atlanta, GA. Washington, DC. Wilmington, NC. Chicago, Philadelphia,
Ocoee, New York, Tulsa: cities – among many others – that have been home
to race riots in the United States over the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. This collection of essays will investigate the various active
roles women, and particularly minority women, played in such riots,
paying specific attention to exposing the cultural fallacy of women’s
passivity in the public realm of violence, especially in relation to the
construction of racial identity and cultural race relations.

CFP: Women in U. S. Race Riots (12/22/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:09pm
Julie Cary Nerad

CFP: Rage, Resistance, and Representation: Women in U. S. Race Riots

Atlanta, GA. Washington, DC. Wilmington, NC. Chicago, Philadelphia,
Ocoee, New York, Tulsa: cities – among many others – that have been home
to race riots in the United States over the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. This collection of essays will investigate the various active
roles women, and particularly minority women, played in such riots,
paying specific attention to exposing the cultural fallacy of women’s
passivity in the public realm of violence, especially in relation to the
construction of racial identity and cultural race relations.

CFP: Studies about Languages (11/20/03; journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:07pm
Ruta Veteryte


Kalbu studijos/Studies about Languages: a biannual journal for
all involved in the field of theoretical and empirical languages studies. It
is released in two versions (paper and electronic (URL:

Papers are invited for issue no. 5 of this journal (January 2004) for a
deadline of 20 November 2003.

Researchers are welcome to submit papers concerning any aspect of the
problems of linguistics, sociolinguistics and other types of language
All papers are refereed by members of our editorial board before being
accepted for publication, and should conform to MLA guidelines in

CFP: Sound/Music in TV & Multimedia (11/15/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm

Major international volume:

'The Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media'

seeks proposals from scholars and/or practitioners for chapters of between
4,000 and 10,000 words on topics relating to sound and/or music for
television and/or multi-media.

Chapters can be technical, historical, theoretical, textual, cultural . ..
As this is a 'Companion' the main criteria for proposals is that the
chapter topic is essential to students/researchers working in the area.
Needless to say, the volume seeks expert input from lively informed

CFP: Sound/Music in TV & Multimedia (11/15/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm

Major international volume:

'The Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media'

seeks proposals from scholars and/or practitioners for chapters of between
4,000 and 10,000 words on topics relating to sound and/or music for
television and/or multi-media.

Chapters can be technical, historical, theoretical, textual, cultural . ..
As this is a 'Companion' the main criteria for proposals is that the
chapter topic is essential to students/researchers working in the area.
Needless to say, the volume seeks expert input from lively informed

CFP: Philament: Offbeat (grad) (1/9/04; e-journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in the
fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, now invites contributors for
its third edition, to be themed off-beat.

Submissions should be sent to and must be received
by Friday 9 January 2004. Earlier submissions are encouraged.

Included below are dictionary and textual ideas for how off-beat might be
incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no means

CFP: Philament: Offbeat (grad) (1/9/04; e-journal)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in the
fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, now invites contributors for
its third edition, to be themed off-beat.

Submissions should be sent to and must be received
by Friday 9 January 2004. Earlier submissions are encouraged.

Included below are dictionary and textual ideas for how off-beat might be
incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no means

CFP: Zombie Culture (12/1/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm
Marc Leverette

CALL FOR PAPERS: Zombie Culture: Studies of the Monster that Won't Go =
Away edited by Shawn McIntosh and Marc Leverette.

We are seeking proposals for a collection tentatively entitled Zombie =
Culture: Studies of the Monster that Won't Go Away.

Zombies have held a unique place in popular culture throughout most of =
the 20th century. Rare in that this enduring monster type originated in =
a non-European folk culture rather than the Gothic tradition from which =
monsters such as vampires, werewolves, and Frankenstein have emerged, =
zombies nevertheless have in many ways superseded these Gothic monsters =
in popular entertainment.=20

CFP: Zombie Culture (12/1/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm
Marc Leverette

CALL FOR PAPERS: Zombie Culture: Studies of the Monster that Won't Go =
Away edited by Shawn McIntosh and Marc Leverette.

We are seeking proposals for a collection tentatively entitled Zombie =
Culture: Studies of the Monster that Won't Go Away.

Zombies have held a unique place in popular culture throughout most of =
the 20th century. Rare in that this enduring monster type originated in =
a non-European folk culture rather than the Gothic tradition from which =
monsters such as vampires, werewolves, and Frankenstein have emerged, =
zombies nevertheless have in many ways superseded these Gothic monsters =
in popular entertainment.=20

CFP: Early American Nature Writers (no deadline noted; dictionary)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm
Jason Horn

Call for Contributors

     Contributors wanted to write entries for a new volume of
the Dictionary of Literary Biography: Early American Nature Writers:
      As the editor for this series, I am calling for contributors
for the following names:

CFP: Early American Nature Writers (no deadline noted; dictionary)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm
Jason Horn

Call for Contributors

     Contributors wanted to write entries for a new volume of
the Dictionary of Literary Biography: Early American Nature Writers:
      As the editor for this series, I am calling for contributors
for the following names:

UPDATE: Text and Ethics (12/15/03; collection)

Friday, October 24, 2003 - 1:01pm
Anna Fahraeus

This call for papers was earlier sent out under the rubric "Literature
and Ethics".

TEXT AND ETHICS: This is an open call for submission proposals of
300-400 words for a book to be published in the fall of 2004.. We aim
to clarify further the continuum that exists between descriptive and
interpretive criticism of the treatment of issues that can be termed
ethical in texts and in production (including the production of
criticism itself), and ethical criticism as a reader or cultural
response practice, whether the focus is on e.g. fiction, autobiography,
biography, poetry, microhistory, etc. The texts can be theoretical or
based on closer readings of specific texts.

CFP: Postmodern Culture: Call For Reviews (11/15/03; journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:22pm
Claire Chantell

Postmodern Culture Call for Reviews: Deadline 15 November 2003

_Postmodern Culture_ is looking for reviews of recent books, films, CDs,
plays, TV shows, concerts, sporting events, performances, exhibitions,
conferences and conventions, happenings, and so forth, for the January
2004 issue. Reviews should be approximately 2000-3500 words long and
should follow the journal's format guidelines below.

CFP: Multiple Literatures in America (grad) (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:20pm
Julianne Newmark

CFP: Xchanges (on-line journal)

From: Julianne Newmark, Editor (
Date: 17 October 2003
Submission Due Date: December 1, 2003

***Call for Papers***
Issue 3.2: =93Multiple Literatures in America: Hybrid, Homogeneous, or=20=

CFP: Multiple Literatures in America (grad) (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:20pm
Julianne Newmark

CFP: Xchanges (on-line journal)

From: Julianne Newmark, Editor (
Date: 17 October 2003
Submission Due Date: December 1, 2003

***Call for Papers***
Issue 3.2: =93Multiple Literatures in America: Hybrid, Homogeneous, or=20=

CFP: Multiple Literatures in America (grad) (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:20pm
Julianne Newmark

CFP: Xchanges (on-line journal)

From: Julianne Newmark, Editor (
Date: 17 October 2003
Submission Due Date: December 1, 2003

***Call for Papers***
Issue 3.2: =93Multiple Literatures in America: Hybrid, Homogeneous, or=20=

CFP: Multiple Literatures in America (grad) (12/1/03; e-journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:20pm
Julianne Newmark

CFP: Xchanges (on-line journal)

From: Julianne Newmark, Editor (
Date: 17 October 2003
Submission Due Date: December 1, 2003

***Call for Papers***
Issue 3.2: =93Multiple Literatures in America: Hybrid, Homogeneous, or=20=

CFP: Irish Spaces(s) (4/30/04; journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:17pm
Pascale Amiot

Irish space(s): zones and margins

        Etudes Irlandaises invites submissions for a special issue on
"Irish space(s): zones and margins", to be published at the end of
2004. The guest editors are Claude Fierobe and Sylvie Mikowski
(University of Reims, France).

        Possible topics, broadly defined, include (but are not
limited to): The Pale and beyond: civilisation versus the wilderness;
In-between space(s), no-man's lands, marginal space(s);
Border-crossings, gaps and borders; Passages and passengers;
Space(s): reality and fantasy; Cultural space(s):
perception/reception of another's space.

CFP: Irish Spaces(s) (4/30/04; journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:17pm
Pascale Amiot

Irish space(s): zones and margins

        Etudes Irlandaises invites submissions for a special issue on
"Irish space(s): zones and margins", to be published at the end of
2004. The guest editors are Claude Fierobe and Sylvie Mikowski
(University of Reims, France).

        Possible topics, broadly defined, include (but are not
limited to): The Pale and beyond: civilisation versus the wilderness;
In-between space(s), no-man's lands, marginal space(s);
Border-crossings, gaps and borders; Passages and passengers;
Space(s): reality and fantasy; Cultural space(s):
perception/reception of another's space.

CFP: Free Kick: Understanding Simulated Soccer (11/30/03 & 2/15/04; collection)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:16pm
matteo bittanti

“Ludologica. Videogames d’Autore” is pleased to announce its call for
papers for a book on soccer games that will be published in Spring 2004
in Italy.

Provisionally titled “Free Kick. Understanding Simulated Soccer”, this
interdisciplinary volume will explore a range of topics regarding the
aesthetics, politics and logics of the sport simulation. The editors are
looking for original contributions from a variety of fields, including
new media studies, game studies, cultural studies, sociology, and

CFP: Free Kick: Understanding Simulated Soccer (11/30/03 & 2/15/04; collection)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:16pm
matteo bittanti

“Ludologica. Videogames d’Autore” is pleased to announce its call for
papers for a book on soccer games that will be published in Spring 2004
in Italy.

Provisionally titled “Free Kick. Understanding Simulated Soccer”, this
interdisciplinary volume will explore a range of topics regarding the
aesthetics, politics and logics of the sport simulation. The editors are
looking for original contributions from a variety of fields, including
new media studies, game studies, cultural studies, sociology, and

CFP: (Dis)Integration (12/31/03; journal issue)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:10pm

Call for Papers

Topic: (Dis)Integration

Portals: A Journal in Comparative Literature is a graduate student
run journal coordinated by the Comparative Literature Student
Association at San Francisco State University.

CFP: Taiwan Journal of English Literature

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:02pm
Brian David Phillips, Ph.D., C.H.


Taiwan Journal of English Literature

CFP: Taiwan Journal of English Literature

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 6:02pm
Brian David Phillips, Ph.D., C.H.


Taiwan Journal of English Literature

CFP: Delirium Journal: Holidays and Culture (12/3/03; e-zine)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 5:59pm
Pitts, Jonathan

CFP: Delirium (webzine;12/3/03)
Delirium Journal, the cultural studies webzine of Ohio Northern University,
seeks submissions from all disciplines on the themes of holidays
across/within/around/outside culture (domestic, linguistic, aesthetic,
ethnic, political, social, sexual, national, etc). E-mail submissions to
Rebecca Storbeck, Managing Editor ( Submission
Deadline: 12/3/03.

Jonathan D. Pitts
Associate Professor of English
Ohio Northern University
Ada, Ohio 45810
(419) 772-2108
Fax: (419) 772-3007

CFP: Sid Meier's Civilization: Virtual History/Real Fantasies (11/20/03 & 1/31/04; collection)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 5:57pm
matteo bittanti

“Ludologica. Videogames d’Autore” is pleased to announce its call for
papers for a book on Sid Meier’s series “Civilization”.

Provisionally titled “Civilization and its discontents. Virtual history.
Real fantasies”, this interdisciplinary volume will explore a range of
topics regarding the aesthetics, politics and logic of the simulation,
its (v)ideological implications and possible uses for educational
purposes. The editors are looking for original contributions from a
variety of fields, including new media studies, game studies, history,
sociology, philosophy, art history, and anthropology.

Possible topics may include (but are not limited to):

CFP: Sid Meier's Civilization: Virtual History/Real Fantasies (11/20/03 & 1/31/04; collection)

Friday, October 17, 2003 - 5:57pm
matteo bittanti

“Ludologica. Videogames d’Autore” is pleased to announce its call for
papers for a book on Sid Meier’s series “Civilization”.

Provisionally titled “Civilization and its discontents. Virtual history.
Real fantasies”, this interdisciplinary volume will explore a range of
topics regarding the aesthetics, politics and logic of the simulation,
its (v)ideological implications and possible uses for educational
purposes. The editors are looking for original contributions from a
variety of fields, including new media studies, game studies, history,
sociology, philosophy, art history, and anthropology.

Possible topics may include (but are not limited to):
