all recent posts

CFP: Amitav Ghosh (4/15/07; collection)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

Call for Papers for a Collection of Essays on

Deadline: 15 April, 2007

CFP: Amitav Ghosh (4/15/07; collection)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

Call for Papers for a Collection of Essays on

Deadline: 15 April, 2007

CFP: Cormac McCarthy & Southern Literature (2/15/07; 4/25/07-4/28/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

Cormac McCarthy's Imaginative Return To The South – Hosted By The English
Department At The University Of Tennessee, Knoxville.

 Conference Dates – April 25th –April 28th 2007

Cormac McCarthy is one of the major authors of contemporary Southern and
American literature. After twenty years of novels set in the southwest
borderlands, McCarthy has revisited the Appalachian setting of his first four
novels in his new work The Road. In response, this conference will reconsider
the relationship of the McCarthy canon to the contemporary Southern and
American literary tradition. Please note that the conference will be held at
the UT conference center in downtown Knoxville.

CFP: Leisure and the Making of Knowledge in 18th-century Europe (Germany) (2/28/07; 10/31/07-11/2/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Felix Sprang

Call for Papers:
“Leisure and the making of knowledge in 18th-century Europe”
31 October â€" 2 November 2007, University of Hamburg, Germany

“Leisure and curiosity might soon make great advances in useful knowledge, were they not diverted by minute emulation and laborious trifles.”
Samuel Johnson “Rambler” 177 (November 26, 1751)

CFP: Leisure and the Making of Knowledge in 18th-century Europe (Germany) (2/28/07; 10/31/07-11/2/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Felix Sprang

Call for Papers:
“Leisure and the making of knowledge in 18th-century Europe”
31 October â€" 2 November 2007, University of Hamburg, Germany

“Leisure and curiosity might soon make great advances in useful knowledge, were they not diverted by minute emulation and laborious trifles.”
Samuel Johnson “Rambler” 177 (November 26, 1751)

CFP: Re-telling Tales (grad) (UK) (3/16/07; 5/19/07-5/20/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Brian Rock

Re-telling Tales

Postgraduate Conference


Department of English Studies, University of Stirling

19th - 20th May 2007


With a plenary lecture by Professor Stephen Knight who will speak on the hi=
storical recurrence of Merlin and King Arthur.


Call for Papers

CFP: Re-telling Tales (grad) (UK) (3/16/07; 5/19/07-5/20/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Brian Rock

Re-telling Tales

Postgraduate Conference


Department of English Studies, University of Stirling

19th - 20th May 2007


With a plenary lecture by Professor Stephen Knight who will speak on the hi=
storical recurrence of Merlin and King Arthur.


Call for Papers

CFP: Re-telling Tales (grad) (UK) (3/16/07; 5/19/07-5/20/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Brian Rock

Re-telling Tales

Postgraduate Conference


Department of English Studies, University of Stirling

19th - 20th May 2007


With a plenary lecture by Professor Stephen Knight who will speak on the hi=
storical recurrence of Merlin and King Arthur.


Call for Papers

CFP: Canadian Literature and Film (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Grenier-Winther, Joan

CFP ~ Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association - 61st annual convention,
Oct. 4-6, 2007

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


RMMLA Session: Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Seeking papers on all topics related to Canadian literature and/or film.

Depending on submissions, papers may be grouped into two or more
thematic sections.

See <> for complete CFP and
membership information.


Please send 300-word abstracts (email submission OK) by March 1, 2007

CFP: Canadian Literature and Film (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Grenier-Winther, Joan

CFP ~ Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association - 61st annual convention,
Oct. 4-6, 2007

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


RMMLA Session: Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Seeking papers on all topics related to Canadian literature and/or film.

Depending on submissions, papers may be grouped into two or more
thematic sections.

See <> for complete CFP and
membership information.


Please send 300-word abstracts (email submission OK) by March 1, 2007

CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Katie Musgrave


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.

CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Katie Musgrave


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.

CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Katie Musgrave


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with &quot;nature writing.&quot; In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with &quot;nature writing.&quot; In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.
