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CFP: Orient and Orientalisms in American Poetry and Poetics (12/15/06; collection)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Christian Kloeckner


for our collection of essays on




We are looking for additional contributors to our book project "Orient and
Orientalisms in American Poetry and Poetics", to be published in the series
"Transcription: Cultures - Concepts - Controversies," general editor Sabine
Sielke (Frankfurt: Lang, 2007).


CFP: African Americans and the Environment (1/1/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm

Panel proposal for the upcoming conference of the Association for the Study of
Literature and Environment at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina,
June 12-16, 2007:

African Americans and the Environment

As ecocriticism continues to expand its borders from the study of traditional
nature writing, so too must the perception of the American “nature experience”
extend beyond what has largely been a white pastime. This panel will consider
literary representations of African Americans and nature by black and white
writers, pre- and post-Civil War, which engage issues of ecological ethics,
environmental justice and activism, agriculture, gardening, and beyond.

CFP: Orchard House, Historical and Imaginative (1/12/07; 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Mary Shelden

In addition to our regular annual business meeting, the Louisa May Alcott Society will host two scholarly sessions at the American Literature Association 18th Annual Conference in Boston, 24-27 May 2007. Calls for Papers follow for the first of our two proposed sessions:

Session 1. Orchard House, Historical and Imaginative
In recognition of the 150th anniversary of Orchard House, we invite proposals on such topics as:
* Orchard House in the popular imagination
* Orchard House as home of the Marches in Little Women
* Transcendentalism and the Concord School of Philosophy
* The history and pre-history of the Orchard House home and site

UPDATE: Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference (undergrad) (12/22/06; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Nicholas K Kupensky

"Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference"
March 30-31, 2007
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

What is Love? A crowd of glassy-eyed Greek philosophers famously tackle
this elusive topic in Plato's Symposium, but in the ensuing two-thousand
years, perspectives have changed. The Comparative Humanities Review is now
accepting papers for Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference that examine
Plato's Symposium and its afterlives in multiple disciplines. Submissions
should be comparative in nature and written while the student is/was an
undergraduate. Panels will be chaired by Bucknell faculty and organized
into the following sessions:

CFP: Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market (6/20/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Michael Friedman

Call for Essays
Shakespeare Bulletin - Special Issue
Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market

            Shakespeare Bulletin, a journal of performance criticism and
scholarship incorporating the Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, announces
a special issue devoted to Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen
Market. Essays should address questions concerning the transformation
of Shakespeare's plays from their textual incarnations to cinematic and
video renderings designed for teenage audiences. Subjects that might be
addressed in such essays include:

                        The definition of a Shakespearean teen film

CFP: Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market (6/20/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Michael Friedman

Call for Essays
Shakespeare Bulletin - Special Issue
Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market

            Shakespeare Bulletin, a journal of performance criticism and
scholarship incorporating the Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, announces
a special issue devoted to Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen
Market. Essays should address questions concerning the transformation
of Shakespeare's plays from their textual incarnations to cinematic and
video renderings designed for teenage audiences. Subjects that might be
addressed in such essays include:

                        The definition of a Shakespearean teen film

CFP: Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market (6/20/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Michael Friedman

Call for Essays
Shakespeare Bulletin - Special Issue
Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market

            Shakespeare Bulletin, a journal of performance criticism and
scholarship incorporating the Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, announces
a special issue devoted to Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen
Market. Essays should address questions concerning the transformation
of Shakespeare's plays from their textual incarnations to cinematic and
video renderings designed for teenage audiences. Subjects that might be
addressed in such essays include:

                        The definition of a Shakespearean teen film

CFP: Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market (6/20/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Michael Friedman

Call for Essays
Shakespeare Bulletin - Special Issue
Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen Market

            Shakespeare Bulletin, a journal of performance criticism and
scholarship incorporating the Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, announces
a special issue devoted to Shakespearean Screen Adaptations for the Teen
Market. Essays should address questions concerning the transformation
of Shakespeare's plays from their textual incarnations to cinematic and
video renderings designed for teenage audiences. Subjects that might be
addressed in such essays include:

                        The definition of a Shakespearean teen film

CFP: Cassola Conference on Teaching Communication (12/15/06; 4/13/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Wendy Wagner

The Cassola Conference Committee is accepting proposal for this year's
conference entitled "Controversy and Communication," to be held April
13, 2007 at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI. This year's
keynote speaker is Cherry Arnold, producer of the documentary film
"Buddy," about former Providence mayor Vincent "Buddy" Cianci.=20

CFP: Hauntology, or Spectral Space (2/15/06; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
t mical

Public Domain, Inc. is pleased to announce the call for PERFORATIONS 29.
Guest editor for this issue will be Dr. Thomas Mical, Carleton University
School of Architecture.
As usual with perforations, deadlines are somewhat fluid but please notify
Thomas Mical or Robert Cheatham of your intent by February 15 2007 in order
to be included in the release notification.

Article length is at your discretion. Experimental hypertexts are especially
welcome. Other forms of media, video, etc., may have length restrictions,
please cc media editor Chea Prince or technical editor, Jim Demmers.
If you have any questions please query one of the editors.

CFP: Hauntology, or Spectral Space (2/15/06; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
t mical

Public Domain, Inc. is pleased to announce the call for PERFORATIONS 29.
Guest editor for this issue will be Dr. Thomas Mical, Carleton University
School of Architecture.
As usual with perforations, deadlines are somewhat fluid but please notify
Thomas Mical or Robert Cheatham of your intent by February 15 2007 in order
to be included in the release notification.

Article length is at your discretion. Experimental hypertexts are especially
welcome. Other forms of media, video, etc., may have length restrictions,
please cc media editor Chea Prince or technical editor, Jim Demmers.
If you have any questions please query one of the editors.

CFP: Hauntology, or Spectral Space (2/15/06; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
t mical

Public Domain, Inc. is pleased to announce the call for PERFORATIONS 29.
Guest editor for this issue will be Dr. Thomas Mical, Carleton University
School of Architecture.
As usual with perforations, deadlines are somewhat fluid but please notify
Thomas Mical or Robert Cheatham of your intent by February 15 2007 in order
to be included in the release notification.

Article length is at your discretion. Experimental hypertexts are especially
welcome. Other forms of media, video, etc., may have length restrictions,
please cc media editor Chea Prince or technical editor, Jim Demmers.
If you have any questions please query one of the editors.

CFP: The Development of Rhetoric (South Africa) (1/31/07; 6/21/07-6/23/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm


The Seventh Biennial Symposium of the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa

Cape Town, South Africa
21-23 June 2007

The Development of Rhetoric

>From 21st to the 23rd of June 2007, the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa will host its Seventh Biennial Symposium in Cape Town, South Africa.

CFP: The Development of Rhetoric (South Africa) (1/31/07; 6/21/07-6/23/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm


The Seventh Biennial Symposium of the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa

Cape Town, South Africa
21-23 June 2007

The Development of Rhetoric

>From 21st to the 23rd of June 2007, the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa will host its Seventh Biennial Symposium in Cape Town, South Africa.

CFP: The Development of Rhetoric (South Africa) (1/31/07; 6/21/07-6/23/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm


The Seventh Biennial Symposium of the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa

Cape Town, South Africa
21-23 June 2007

The Development of Rhetoric

>From 21st to the 23rd of June 2007, the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa will host its Seventh Biennial Symposium in Cape Town, South Africa.

CFP: The Development of Rhetoric (South Africa) (1/31/07; 6/21/07-6/23/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm


The Seventh Biennial Symposium of the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa

Cape Town, South Africa
21-23 June 2007

The Development of Rhetoric

>From 21st to the 23rd of June 2007, the Association for Rhetoric and Communication in Southern Africa will host its Seventh Biennial Symposium in Cape Town, South Africa.

CFP: Re-examining Migration (1/10/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Nash, Will

The African-American Literature and Culture Society invites proposals
related to the following topic, for a session at the American Literature
Association meetings in Boston [May 24-27, 2007].


Re-examining Migration

In recent years, historians like Darlene Clark Hine have called for a
more nuanced look at African American experiences with migration,
highlighting issues such as gender and geography as important focus
points. How have African-American writers responded to this call? What
new types of concerns or themes emerge in contemporary representations
of migration?


 Please send 1-2 page proposals by January 10th to


William R. Nash

CFP: Re-examining Migration (1/10/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Nash, Will

The African-American Literature and Culture Society invites proposals
related to the following topic, for a session at the American Literature
Association meetings in Boston [May 24-27, 2007].


Re-examining Migration

In recent years, historians like Darlene Clark Hine have called for a
more nuanced look at African American experiences with migration,
highlighting issues such as gender and geography as important focus
points. How have African-American writers responded to this call? What
new types of concerns or themes emerge in contemporary representations
of migration?


 Please send 1-2 page proposals by January 10th to


William R. Nash

CFP: Re-examining Migration (1/10/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 10:46pm
Nash, Will

The African-American Literature and Culture Society invites proposals
related to the following topic, for a session at the American Literature
Association meetings in Boston [May 24-27, 2007].


Re-examining Migration

In recent years, historians like Darlene Clark Hine have called for a
more nuanced look at African American experiences with migration,
highlighting issues such as gender and geography as important focus
points. How have African-American writers responded to this call? What
new types of concerns or themes emerge in contemporary representations
of migration?


 Please send 1-2 page proposals by January 10th to


William R. Nash
