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CFP: Hetero-Textual Guilt (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am

Hetero-Textual Guilt
Call for papers for 2007 MLA, Chicago, December
This proposed special session of the MLA seeks to
explore intersections between guilt
(psychological, religious, social and legal) and
literary and visual texts. This session hopes to
include both analysis of texts expressing or
investigating guilt and consideration of
narratives that consciously or not aid in the
expiation of guilt on the individual or societal
level. This session is interested in papers that
examine guilt as both an individual and a
communal phenomenon. Preference will be given to
papers that contain a strong theoretical
component in addition to sensitive textual

CFP: Hetero-Textual Guilt (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am

Hetero-Textual Guilt
Call for papers for 2007 MLA, Chicago, December
This proposed special session of the MLA seeks to
explore intersections between guilt
(psychological, religious, social and legal) and
literary and visual texts. This session hopes to
include both analysis of texts expressing or
investigating guilt and consideration of
narratives that consciously or not aid in the
expiation of guilt on the individual or societal
level. This session is interested in papers that
examine guilt as both an individual and a
communal phenomenon. Preference will be given to
papers that contain a strong theoretical
component in addition to sensitive textual

CFP: Hetero-Textual Guilt (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am

Hetero-Textual Guilt
Call for papers for 2007 MLA, Chicago, December
This proposed special session of the MLA seeks to
explore intersections between guilt
(psychological, religious, social and legal) and
literary and visual texts. This session hopes to
include both analysis of texts expressing or
investigating guilt and consideration of
narratives that consciously or not aid in the
expiation of guilt on the individual or societal
level. This session is interested in papers that
examine guilt as both an individual and a
communal phenomenon. Preference will be given to
papers that contain a strong theoretical
component in addition to sensitive textual

UPDATE: Christopher Marlowe (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Brandt, Bruce

The Marlowe Society of America still has openings for quality papers on
any aspect of Christopher Marlowe's plays, poetry, or biography
(including performance-based criticism and theater history, ) for an
open-topic session to be held at the MLA Convention in Chicago on
Dec.27-30, 2007. Send detailed abstracts or papers of 15-minute reading
length by e-mail, e-mail attachment, or hard copy to Bruce Brandt,
( <> )
President, Marlowe Society of America, English Dept., Box 504, South
Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007. Deadline: March 1, 2007.

UPDATE: Christopher Marlowe (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Brandt, Bruce

The Marlowe Society of America still has openings for quality papers on
any aspect of Christopher Marlowe's plays, poetry, or biography
(including performance-based criticism and theater history, ) for an
open-topic session to be held at the MLA Convention in Chicago on
Dec.27-30, 2007. Send detailed abstracts or papers of 15-minute reading
length by e-mail, e-mail attachment, or hard copy to Bruce Brandt,
( <> )
President, Marlowe Society of America, English Dept., Box 504, South
Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007. Deadline: March 1, 2007.

UPDATE: Christopher Marlowe (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Brandt, Bruce

The Marlowe Society of America still has openings for quality papers on
any aspect of Christopher Marlowe's plays, poetry, or biography
(including performance-based criticism and theater history, ) for an
open-topic session to be held at the MLA Convention in Chicago on
Dec.27-30, 2007. Send detailed abstracts or papers of 15-minute reading
length by e-mail, e-mail attachment, or hard copy to Bruce Brandt,
( <> )
President, Marlowe Society of America, English Dept., Box 504, South
Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007. Deadline: March 1, 2007.

CFP: Culture, Aesthetics, and the State (3/7/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am

Proposed Panel for the 2007 Modern Language Association Conference

Chicago, Illinois

Culture, Aesthetics, and the State

We invite proposals for papers that explore the relation between
aesthetics and the emergence of the modern state. We are open to
papers from a wide range of national cultures and historical
periods. Possible themes might include political fantasy, political
rhetorics and/or discourses, state fictions, citizenship and
literacy, and representations of sovereignty.

Please submit half-page abstracts (500 words maximum) and a short
c.v. electronically by March 7, 2007 to:

Andrew Hebard

Assistant Professor

Department of English

Miami University

CFP: Culture, Aesthetics, and the State (3/7/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am

Proposed Panel for the 2007 Modern Language Association Conference

Chicago, Illinois

Culture, Aesthetics, and the State

We invite proposals for papers that explore the relation between
aesthetics and the emergence of the modern state. We are open to
papers from a wide range of national cultures and historical
periods. Possible themes might include political fantasy, political
rhetorics and/or discourses, state fictions, citizenship and
literacy, and representations of sovereignty.

Please submit half-page abstracts (500 words maximum) and a short
c.v. electronically by March 7, 2007 to:

Andrew Hebard

Assistant Professor

Department of English

Miami University

UPDATE: Orientalism and Terrorism (3/10/07; 5/26/07-6/2/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Pavan Kumar

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

      Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, May 26 - June 2,
      2007, Saskatoon, Canada.

      Session title: Orientalism and Terrorism

      Organizer: Pavan Kumar Malreddy, Department of Sociology, University of

      Discussant: Dr. Ron Wheeler, Department of Political Studies, University
      of Saskatchewan.

                (for Canadian Association of Geographers)

Session Description:

UPDATE: Orientalism and Terrorism (3/10/07; 5/26/07-6/2/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Pavan Kumar

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

      Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, May 26 - June 2,
      2007, Saskatoon, Canada.

      Session title: Orientalism and Terrorism

      Organizer: Pavan Kumar Malreddy, Department of Sociology, University of

      Discussant: Dr. Ron Wheeler, Department of Political Studies, University
      of Saskatchewan.

                (for Canadian Association of Geographers)

Session Description:

UPDATE: Orientalism and Terrorism (3/10/07; 5/26/07-6/2/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Pavan Kumar

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

      Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, May 26 - June 2,
      2007, Saskatoon, Canada.

      Session title: Orientalism and Terrorism

      Organizer: Pavan Kumar Malreddy, Department of Sociology, University of

      Discussant: Dr. Ron Wheeler, Department of Political Studies, University
      of Saskatchewan.

                (for Canadian Association of Geographers)

Session Description:

UPDATE: Orientalism and Terrorism (3/10/07; 5/26/07-6/2/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Pavan Kumar

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

      Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, May 26 - June 2,
      2007, Saskatoon, Canada.

      Session title: Orientalism and Terrorism

      Organizer: Pavan Kumar Malreddy, Department of Sociology, University of

      Discussant: Dr. Ron Wheeler, Department of Political Studies, University
      of Saskatchewan.

                (for Canadian Association of Geographers)

Session Description:

CFP: M/MLA Convention (3/1/07; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Midwest Modern Language Association

The Midwest Modern Language Association is soliciting panel proposals for
its annual convention, to be held in Cleveland from November 8-11, 2007.

Proposals on any theme can be submitted by completing a Special Session
Proposal Form, available at Forms should be
returned by email to or mailed to the M/MLA at the address
below by March 1, 2007.

Please direct any questions to:
Carolyn Jacobson
Midwest Modern Language Association
302 EPB
Univ. of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1408

CFP: Reconsidering Realisms (3/1/07; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Midwest Modern Language Association

The Midwest Modern Language Association is soliciting individual paper
abstracts on the topic of "Revisiting Realisms" for its annual convention,
to be held in Cleveland from November 8-11, 2007. 250-word abstracts should
be emailed to by March 1, 2007. Accepted abstracts will be
assembled into panels by the M/MLA president.

Possible paper topics might include:

CFP: Reconsidering Realisms (3/1/07; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Midwest Modern Language Association

The Midwest Modern Language Association is soliciting individual paper
abstracts on the topic of "Revisiting Realisms" for its annual convention,
to be held in Cleveland from November 8-11, 2007. 250-word abstracts should
be emailed to by March 1, 2007. Accepted abstracts will be
assembled into panels by the M/MLA president.

Possible paper topics might include:

CFP: Reconsidering Realisms (3/1/07; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Midwest Modern Language Association

The Midwest Modern Language Association is soliciting individual paper
abstracts on the topic of "Revisiting Realisms" for its annual convention,
to be held in Cleveland from November 8-11, 2007. 250-word abstracts should
be emailed to by March 1, 2007. Accepted abstracts will be
assembled into panels by the M/MLA president.

Possible paper topics might include:

CFP: Reconsidering Realisms (3/1/07; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Midwest Modern Language Association

The Midwest Modern Language Association is soliciting individual paper
abstracts on the topic of "Revisiting Realisms" for its annual convention,
to be held in Cleveland from November 8-11, 2007. 250-word abstracts should
be emailed to by March 1, 2007. Accepted abstracts will be
assembled into panels by the M/MLA president.

Possible paper topics might include:

CFP: Testimony &amp; Witness in Holocaust &amp; Ethnic American Lit. (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Joy Viveros

Call for Panel Submissions:
Literature and Trauma: Testimony and Witness in Holocaust and Ethnic American Literature Panel,
RMMLA Conference,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
October 4-6, 2007
Please Email abstracts or full-length papers, along with a c.v. by March 1, 2007 to: Joy Viveros, University of the Pacific,
Papers invited on intersections between Holocaust literature-fiction and non-fiction and ethnic American literatures.
Of particular interest are papers that engage these questions:

CFP: Testimony &amp; Witness in Holocaust &amp; Ethnic American Lit. (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Joy Viveros

Call for Panel Submissions:
Literature and Trauma: Testimony and Witness in Holocaust and Ethnic American Literature Panel,
RMMLA Conference,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
October 4-6, 2007
Please Email abstracts or full-length papers, along with a c.v. by March 1, 2007 to: Joy Viveros, University of the Pacific,
Papers invited on intersections between Holocaust literature-fiction and non-fiction and ethnic American literatures.
Of particular interest are papers that engage these questions:

CFP: CrossRoads: A Southern Culture Annual (5/31/07; annual anthology)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Olson, Ted

CALL-FOR-SUBMISSIONS: CrossRoads: A Southern Culture Annual, Volume Five


CrossRoads: A Southern Culture Annual is a publication dedicated to the
interdisciplinary study and artistic appreciation of the South (broadly
defined) and Southern culture.=20


CFP: CrossRoads: A Southern Culture Annual (5/31/07; annual anthology)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Olson, Ted

CALL-FOR-SUBMISSIONS: CrossRoads: A Southern Culture Annual, Volume Five


CrossRoads: A Southern Culture Annual is a publication dedicated to the
interdisciplinary study and artistic appreciation of the South (broadly
defined) and Southern culture.=20


CFP: MELUS Panels at MLA (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Wenxin Li

MELUS is now accepting proposals for the following two panels at MLA
(December 27-30, 2007, Chicago):

1. Multi-ethnic Literature and Ecofeminism: Intersections

Ecofeminism sees a relationship among nature, women, and people of color.
How have multi-ethnic texts contributed to the ecofeminist or eco-political
agenda? What theoretical and practical issues are involved?

2. Trans/nation: Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship and the State of American

How have current studies on globalization/transnationalism impacted
our conceptions of American ethnic literatures? How have globalization
and transnationalism redefined 21st-century multi-ethnic American
literary studies?

CFP: MELUS Panels at MLA (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Wenxin Li

MELUS is now accepting proposals for the following two panels at MLA
(December 27-30, 2007, Chicago):

1. Multi-ethnic Literature and Ecofeminism: Intersections

Ecofeminism sees a relationship among nature, women, and people of color.
How have multi-ethnic texts contributed to the ecofeminist or eco-political
agenda? What theoretical and practical issues are involved?

2. Trans/nation: Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship and the State of American

How have current studies on globalization/transnationalism impacted
our conceptions of American ethnic literatures? How have globalization
and transnationalism redefined 21st-century multi-ethnic American
literary studies?

CFP: MELUS Panels at MLA (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Wenxin Li

MELUS is now accepting proposals for the following two panels at MLA
(December 27-30, 2007, Chicago):

1. Multi-ethnic Literature and Ecofeminism: Intersections

Ecofeminism sees a relationship among nature, women, and people of color.
How have multi-ethnic texts contributed to the ecofeminist or eco-political
agenda? What theoretical and practical issues are involved?

2. Trans/nation: Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship and the State of American

How have current studies on globalization/transnationalism impacted
our conceptions of American ethnic literatures? How have globalization
and transnationalism redefined 21st-century multi-ethnic American
literary studies?

CFP: MELUS Panels at MLA (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Wenxin Li

MELUS is now accepting proposals for the following two panels at MLA
(December 27-30, 2007, Chicago):

1. Multi-ethnic Literature and Ecofeminism: Intersections

Ecofeminism sees a relationship among nature, women, and people of color.
How have multi-ethnic texts contributed to the ecofeminist or eco-political
agenda? What theoretical and practical issues are involved?

2. Trans/nation: Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship and the State of American

How have current studies on globalization/transnationalism impacted
our conceptions of American ethnic literatures? How have globalization
and transnationalism redefined 21st-century multi-ethnic American
literary studies?

CFP: Literature, People of Color and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic (grad) (3/15/07; 4/21/07)

Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 12:27am
Dr. Kenneth Florey

From: Yesod-Fredrick Douglas Knowles < >

Panel Title: Literature, People of Color and the HIV/Aids Pandemic
Conference: The Eighth Annual SCSU Graduate English Conference, Michael
J. Adanti Student Center, Southern Connecticut State University, New
Haven, CT, Saturday, April 21, 2007, 9:00 am-4:30 pm

Call For Papers:
