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UPDATE: Men and Madness (UK) (2/1/07; 6/28/07-6/30/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Berthold Schoene

MEN AND MADNESS: Representing Male Psychopathology and Mental Disorder in
Modern and Contemporary Culture
English Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
28 - 30 June 2007
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Susan Bordo, University of Kentucky
Elisabeth Bronfen, University of Zurich
Richard Collier, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Mark Micale, University of Illnois
Sally Shuttleworth, University of Oxford
Traditionally it has been women and other social groups marked by an alleged
Œdifference¹ from standards of sanity and reason who have been most
vulnerable to designations of Œmadness¹. The twentieth-century rise of

UPDATE: Men and Madness (UK) (2/1/07; 6/28/07-6/30/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Berthold Schoene

MEN AND MADNESS: Representing Male Psychopathology and Mental Disorder in
Modern and Contemporary Culture
English Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
28 - 30 June 2007
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Susan Bordo, University of Kentucky
Elisabeth Bronfen, University of Zurich
Richard Collier, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Mark Micale, University of Illnois
Sally Shuttleworth, University of Oxford
Traditionally it has been women and other social groups marked by an alleged
Œdifference¹ from standards of sanity and reason who have been most
vulnerable to designations of Œmadness¹. The twentieth-century rise of

UPDATE: Men and Madness (UK) (2/1/07; 6/28/07-6/30/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Berthold Schoene

MEN AND MADNESS: Representing Male Psychopathology and Mental Disorder in
Modern and Contemporary Culture
English Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
28 - 30 June 2007
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Susan Bordo, University of Kentucky
Elisabeth Bronfen, University of Zurich
Richard Collier, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Mark Micale, University of Illnois
Sally Shuttleworth, University of Oxford
Traditionally it has been women and other social groups marked by an alleged
Œdifference¹ from standards of sanity and reason who have been most
vulnerable to designations of Œmadness¹. The twentieth-century rise of

UPDATE: Men and Madness (UK) (2/1/07; 6/28/07-6/30/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Berthold Schoene

MEN AND MADNESS: Representing Male Psychopathology and Mental Disorder in
Modern and Contemporary Culture
English Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
28 - 30 June 2007
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Susan Bordo, University of Kentucky
Elisabeth Bronfen, University of Zurich
Richard Collier, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Mark Micale, University of Illnois
Sally Shuttleworth, University of Oxford
Traditionally it has been women and other social groups marked by an alleged
Œdifference¹ from standards of sanity and reason who have been most
vulnerable to designations of Œmadness¹. The twentieth-century rise of

UPDATE: Literatures in English (1/17/07; 6/6/07-6/9/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Jonathan Hill

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Proposals accepted through Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Department of English, Saint Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota,
will host a conference on "Literatures in English," June 6-9, 2007. We
invite proposals for papers, panels, discussion sessions and other
formats through which the conference topic might be addressed.

CFP: Pathologies in Literature, Arts and Science (2/28/07; 8/20/07-8/21/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Willis M \(HASS\)


Questions of embodiment in literature, arts and sciences


The Inaugural International Conference of the=20

Glamorgan Research Centre for Literature, Arts and Science


August 20-21, 2007


Plenary Speakers:

Tim Armstrong, Kelly Hurley & Jonathan Sawday


UPDATE: Literatures in English (1/17/07; 6/6/07-6/9/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Jonathan Hill

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Proposals accepted through Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Department of English, Saint Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota,
will host a conference on "Literatures in English," June 6-9, 2007. We
invite proposals for papers, panels, discussion sessions and other
formats through which the conference topic might be addressed.

CFP: Pathologies in Literature, Arts and Science (2/28/07; 8/20/07-8/21/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Willis M \(HASS\)


Questions of embodiment in literature, arts and sciences


The Inaugural International Conference of the=20

Glamorgan Research Centre for Literature, Arts and Science


August 20-21, 2007


Plenary Speakers:

Tim Armstrong, Kelly Hurley & Jonathan Sawday


CFP: Pathologies in Literature, Arts and Science (2/28/07; 8/20/07-8/21/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Willis M \(HASS\)


Questions of embodiment in literature, arts and sciences


The Inaugural International Conference of the=20

Glamorgan Research Centre for Literature, Arts and Science


August 20-21, 2007


Plenary Speakers:

Tim Armstrong, Kelly Hurley & Jonathan Sawday


CFP: Reinventing Paulo Freire (4/1/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Richard Van Heertum

Call for Essay, Media Production, Poem or Play

"Reinventing Paulo Freire"


Paulo Freire Institute
University of California Los Angeles
Graduate School of Education and Information Studies

Proposals are invited for a unique essay contest sponsored by the Paulo
Freire Institute, UCLA. The theme is "reinventing Paulo Freire."


CFP: A Book on Indian Literature (12/20/06; collection)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Hrishikesh Ingle

We are publishing a book on Indian Literature (Indian Writing in English)
dedicated to our teacher and head Dr B S Valke by the end of December.

We invite papers of high literary standards by scholars who would especially
like to present Poststructuralist Perspective on Indian Literature.

The papers must be maximum 3500 words in length, written in 12 font size
with double line spaces and enough margins on all the sides.

Works quoted must be duly acknowledged and reflected in the bibliography.
Please follow the MLA Style of writing, and ensure that your paper consists
of end notes.

The deadline for submission has been extended till the 20th of December.

UPDATE: Angela Carter and Love (1/15/07; collection)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Yong Wern Mei

The deadline for the submission of proposals has been extended to 15th =
January 2007.=9A =9A


Papers are invited for a collection of essays on the theme/notion of =
love in (relation to) the work of Angela Carter. =20


UPDATE: Children's Literature Association International Conference (India) (1/15/07; 3/26/07-3/28/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Anto Thomas

  "The Child and the Fantastic: Readings in children's fantasy literature",
  Children's Literature Association India (CLAI) International Conference
  Hotel Trichur Towers, Thrissur, Kerala, Southern India
  March 26, 2007 to March 28, 2007
  Conference Organizer, Anto Thomas, St. Thomas College, Calicut University, Kerala, India

UPDATE: Children's Literature Association International Conference (India) (1/15/07; 3/26/07-3/28/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Anto Thomas

  "The Child and the Fantastic: Readings in children's fantasy literature",
  Children's Literature Association India (CLAI) International Conference
  Hotel Trichur Towers, Thrissur, Kerala, Southern India
  March 26, 2007 to March 28, 2007
  Conference Organizer, Anto Thomas, St. Thomas College, Calicut University, Kerala, India

CFP: Byron at the Theatre (UK) (12/31/06; 5/11/07-5/12/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Davies, Keri

Call for papers


Byron at the Theatre


Friday-Saturday 11th-12th May 2007

Clifton Campus, Nottingham Trent University


A one-and-a-half day conference held by the English Department, Nottingham Trent University, in association with the Newstead Abbey Byron Society, and the Midlands Romantic Seminar.


"I am acquainted with no immaterial sensuality so delightful as good acting"


Of the Romantics, Byron was the most committed to writing plays: Manfred; Marino Faliero; Sardanapalus; The Two Foscari; Cain; The Deformed Transformed, to name but a few. We welcome papers addressing any aspect of Byron at the Theatre. Subjects could include


CFP: A Book on Indian Literature (12/20/06; collection)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Hrishikesh Ingle

We are publishing a book on Indian Literature (Indian Writing in English)
dedicated to our teacher and head Dr B S Valke by the end of December.

We invite papers of high literary standards by scholars who would especially
like to present Poststructuralist Perspective on Indian Literature.

The papers must be maximum 3500 words in length, written in 12 font size
with double line spaces and enough margins on all the sides.

Works quoted must be duly acknowledged and reflected in the bibliography.
Please follow the MLA Style of writing, and ensure that your paper consists
of end notes.

The deadline for submission has been extended till the 20th of December.

UPDATE: Angela Carter and Love (1/15/07; collection)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Yong Wern Mei

The deadline for the submission of proposals has been extended to 15th =
January 2007.=9A =9A


Papers are invited for a collection of essays on the theme/notion of =
love in (relation to) the work of Angela Carter. =20


CFP: Byron at the Theatre (UK) (12/31/06; 5/11/07-5/12/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Davies, Keri

Call for papers


Byron at the Theatre


Friday-Saturday 11th-12th May 2007

Clifton Campus, Nottingham Trent University


A one-and-a-half day conference held by the English Department, Nottingham Trent University, in association with the Newstead Abbey Byron Society, and the Midlands Romantic Seminar.


"I am acquainted with no immaterial sensuality so delightful as good acting"


Of the Romantics, Byron was the most committed to writing plays: Manfred; Marino Faliero; Sardanapalus; The Two Foscari; Cain; The Deformed Transformed, to name but a few. We welcome papers addressing any aspect of Byron at the Theatre. Subjects could include


CFP: Byron at the Theatre (UK) (12/31/06; 5/11/07-5/12/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Davies, Keri

Call for papers


Byron at the Theatre


Friday-Saturday 11th-12th May 2007

Clifton Campus, Nottingham Trent University


A one-and-a-half day conference held by the English Department, Nottingham Trent University, in association with the Newstead Abbey Byron Society, and the Midlands Romantic Seminar.


"I am acquainted with no immaterial sensuality so delightful as good acting"


Of the Romantics, Byron was the most committed to writing plays: Manfred; Marino Faliero; Sardanapalus; The Two Foscari; Cain; The Deformed Transformed, to name but a few. We welcome papers addressing any aspect of Byron at the Theatre. Subjects could include

