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CFP: Faith and Spirituality in World Cinema (8/1/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:10pm
Kenneth R. Morefield

Institutional grant funding has been secured to custom publish an anthology
of new essays dealing with the depiction of religious faith or spirituality
in world cinema. The editors seek proposals for critically informed,
previously unpublished essays that explore the representation of faith and
spirituality in canonical works of film. Although all proposals are
welcome, essays dealing with one or more of the following directors are
especially solicited:

CFP: Faith and Spirituality in World Cinema (8/1/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 8:10pm
Kenneth R. Morefield

Institutional grant funding has been secured to custom publish an anthology
of new essays dealing with the depiction of religious faith or spirituality
in world cinema. The editors seek proposals for critically informed,
previously unpublished essays that explore the representation of faith and
spirituality in canonical works of film. Although all proposals are
welcome, essays dealing with one or more of the following directors are
especially solicited:

UPDATE: Early Female Cultures (4/6/07; PAMLA,11/2/07-11/3/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:55pm

Call for Papers:
Proposals for presentations are invited for the Female Cultures session at the
2007 PAMLA Conference in Bellingham, WA on Nov. 2 and 3, 2007.
The session will feature papers concerning societies in which women's power is
celebrated. Presentations may reflect a broad area of interest from cultures
earlier than the Greco-Roman patriarchy to later more contemporary societies.
Submit proposals to Sarah Schuetze at by April 6, 2007 (new

UPDATE: Early Female Cultures (4/6/07; PAMLA,11/2/07-11/3/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:55pm

Call for Papers:
Proposals for presentations are invited for the Female Cultures session at the
2007 PAMLA Conference in Bellingham, WA on Nov. 2 and 3, 2007.
The session will feature papers concerning societies in which women's power is
celebrated. Presentations may reflect a broad area of interest from cultures
earlier than the Greco-Roman patriarchy to later more contemporary societies.
Submit proposals to Sarah Schuetze at by April 6, 2007 (new

UPDATE: Early Female Cultures (4/6/07; PAMLA,11/2/07-11/3/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:55pm

Call for Papers:
Proposals for presentations are invited for the Female Cultures session at the
2007 PAMLA Conference in Bellingham, WA on Nov. 2 and 3, 2007.
The session will feature papers concerning societies in which women's power is
celebrated. Presentations may reflect a broad area of interest from cultures
earlier than the Greco-Roman patriarchy to later more contemporary societies.
Submit proposals to Sarah Schuetze at by April 6, 2007 (new

CFP: Animals and Agency (5/1/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:50pm
Sarah McFarland

Animals and Agency

Edited by Sarah E. McFarland and Ryan Hediger

Scholars increasingly consider the presence and function of animals in
literature, film, art, and philosophy, while hugely popular documentary
films like _March of the Penguins_ and _Grizzly Man_ and a significant
number of animated films show this interest in film and popular culture
as well. Some scholars focus on how representations of "the animal" as
an "other" help to construct the human, whereas others examine the
relationships between humans and other animals and how human and animal
subjectivity are articulated.

CFP: Animals and Agency (5/1/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:50pm
Sarah McFarland

Animals and Agency

Edited by Sarah E. McFarland and Ryan Hediger

Scholars increasingly consider the presence and function of animals in
literature, film, art, and philosophy, while hugely popular documentary
films like _March of the Penguins_ and _Grizzly Man_ and a significant
number of animated films show this interest in film and popular culture
as well. Some scholars focus on how representations of "the animal" as
an "other" help to construct the human, whereas others examine the
relationships between humans and other animals and how human and animal
subjectivity are articulated.

CFP: Animals and Agency (5/1/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:50pm
Sarah McFarland

Animals and Agency

Edited by Sarah E. McFarland and Ryan Hediger

Scholars increasingly consider the presence and function of animals in
literature, film, art, and philosophy, while hugely popular documentary
films like _March of the Penguins_ and _Grizzly Man_ and a significant
number of animated films show this interest in film and popular culture
as well. Some scholars focus on how representations of "the animal" as
an "other" help to construct the human, whereas others examine the
relationships between humans and other animals and how human and animal
subjectivity are articulated.

UPDATE: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (4/15/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Nnoromele, Salome

CFP: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (collection)


Abstract deadline extended to April 15th, 2007.


I am looking for personal narratives and essays (short poems welcome)
for an edited collection on the Contemporary African Immigrant
experience in the United States, and other parts of the Diaspora.


UPDATE: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (4/15/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Nnoromele, Salome

CFP: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (collection)


Abstract deadline extended to April 15th, 2007.


I am looking for personal narratives and essays (short poems welcome)
for an edited collection on the Contemporary African Immigrant
experience in the United States, and other parts of the Diaspora.


UPDATE: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (4/15/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Nnoromele, Salome

CFP: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (collection)


Abstract deadline extended to April 15th, 2007.


I am looking for personal narratives and essays (short poems welcome)
for an edited collection on the Contemporary African Immigrant
experience in the United States, and other parts of the Diaspora.


UPDATE: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (4/15/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Nnoromele, Salome

CFP: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (collection)


Abstract deadline extended to April 15th, 2007.


I am looking for personal narratives and essays (short poems welcome)
for an edited collection on the Contemporary African Immigrant
experience in the United States, and other parts of the Diaspora.


UPDATE: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (4/15/07; collection)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Nnoromele, Salome

CFP: Contemporary African Immigrant Experience (collection)


Abstract deadline extended to April 15th, 2007.


I am looking for personal narratives and essays (short poems welcome)
for an edited collection on the Contemporary African Immigrant
experience in the United States, and other parts of the Diaspora.


UPDATE: Mester (grad) (4/9/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Mester Literary Journal

Please note that our new deadline for submissions is April 9, 2007.

Mester, the graduate student journal of the Department of Spanish and
Portuguese at UCLA, invites scholarly articles for its Special Issue
XXXVI devoted to:

          Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving

We welcome all submissions that address questions or ideas related but
not limited to the following concepts in language, literature and
visual expressions of the Luso-Hispanic world:

CFP: M/MLA Call for Papers (4/16/07; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Midwest Modern Language Association

The Midwest Modern Language Association has posted many sessions soliciting
abstracts for the upcoming M/MLA Convention, held November 8-11 in
Cleveland. Please see, where
details and contact information for each session is provided. The deadline
to submit an abstract to most panels is April 16, but some sections list
different dates.

Please direct any questions to:
Carolyn Jacobson
Midwest Modern Language Association
302 EPB
Univ. of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1408

UPDATE: Mester (grad) (4/9/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Mester Literary Journal

Please note that our new deadline for submissions is April 9, 2007.

Mester, the graduate student journal of the Department of Spanish and
Portuguese at UCLA, invites scholarly articles for its Special Issue
XXXVI devoted to:

          Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving

We welcome all submissions that address questions or ideas related but
not limited to the following concepts in language, literature and
visual expressions of the Luso-Hispanic world:

UPDATE: Mester (grad) (4/9/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Mester Literary Journal

Please note that our new deadline for submissions is April 9, 2007.

Mester, the graduate student journal of the Department of Spanish and
Portuguese at UCLA, invites scholarly articles for its Special Issue
XXXVI devoted to:

          Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving

We welcome all submissions that address questions or ideas related but
not limited to the following concepts in language, literature and
visual expressions of the Luso-Hispanic world:

UPDATE: Beowulf and Related Topics (4/6/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Amanda Uvalle

UPDATE: Submissions deadline extended to April 6, 2007
  Beowulf and Related Topics
  Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Annual Conference, 2007
  November 2-3, 2007
  Western Washington University
  Bellingham, WA
  Paper proposals are requested for any aspect of Beowulf or the writings of the Anglo-Saxon period.
  Please send 500-word proposals and a brief academic bio to by April 6, 2007 (in body of email, please no attachments).
  For more information visit the PAMLA website at

CFP: Peace and Pedagogy Panel II: Banned Books in the Classroom (4/15/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Lisette Gibson Diaz

Peace and Pedagogy Panel II: "Banned Books in the Classroom." This panel
will focus on censored literature, broadly defined, as a site of
transgression, power, and social challenge. Teaching works that have
been banned, as well as the issues surrounding them, can be fraught with
difficulty for both teachers and students, particularly in an era of
brittle attitudes about cultural and political difference. The aim of
the panel is to consider the pedagogical implications of teaching and
studying international works that have been censored and/or censured for
political and social reasons are invited. Papers dealing with the
following topics are invited: 1) specific cases of censorship and

CFP: Lollard Affiliations (UK) (9/1/07; 7/11/08-7/13/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Patrick Hornbeck

[Apologies for cross-posting.]


Lollard Affiliations: Historical, Literary, Theological
Oriel College, Oxford, 11-13 July 2008

Plenary speakers: Anne Hudson, Alastair Minnis, Peter Marshall

CFP: Lollard Affiliations (UK) (9/1/07; 7/11/08-7/13/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Patrick Hornbeck

[Apologies for cross-posting.]


Lollard Affiliations: Historical, Literary, Theological
Oriel College, Oxford, 11-13 July 2008

Plenary speakers: Anne Hudson, Alastair Minnis, Peter Marshall

CFP: Lollard Affiliations (UK) (9/1/07; 7/11/08-7/13/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Patrick Hornbeck

[Apologies for cross-posting.]


Lollard Affiliations: Historical, Literary, Theological
Oriel College, Oxford, 11-13 July 2008

Plenary speakers: Anne Hudson, Alastair Minnis, Peter Marshall

CFP: Modern/Contemporary Poetry, Performance: (no deadline; scholarly website)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Kenneth Sherwood, seeks critical essays, commentaries, and reviews on
oral and aural poetries with an emphasis on the 20th- and 21st
centuries. Contributions related to American Modernist poetry,
Ethnopoetics, the Black Mountain School, New York School, and more
recent experimental poetry are particularly welcome. Featured authors
at Audibleword include: Cecilia Vicuna, Charles Bernstein, Rachel Blau
DuPlessis, John Taggart, and Martin Espada.

CFP: Modern/Contemporary Poetry, Performance: (no deadline; scholarly website)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Kenneth Sherwood, seeks critical essays, commentaries, and reviews on
oral and aural poetries with an emphasis on the 20th- and 21st
centuries. Contributions related to American Modernist poetry,
Ethnopoetics, the Black Mountain School, New York School, and more
recent experimental poetry are particularly welcome. Featured authors
at Audibleword include: Cecilia Vicuna, Charles Bernstein, Rachel Blau
DuPlessis, John Taggart, and Martin Espada.

CFP: Modern/Contemporary Poetry, Performance: (no deadline; scholarly website)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Kenneth Sherwood, seeks critical essays, commentaries, and reviews on
oral and aural poetries with an emphasis on the 20th- and 21st
centuries. Contributions related to American Modernist poetry,
Ethnopoetics, the Black Mountain School, New York School, and more
recent experimental poetry are particularly welcome. Featured authors
at Audibleword include: Cecilia Vicuna, Charles Bernstein, Rachel Blau
DuPlessis, John Taggart, and Martin Espada.

CFP: Evelyn Waugh (4/1/08; 5/21/08-5/24/08)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Wilson, John H. -3

The Evelyn Waugh Conference will be held at the Harry Ransom Humanities
Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin. The center will
provide a reception on May 21, 2008, a display of Waviana from their
collection, and tours of Waugh's library. The theme is Waugh in His
World. To propose a paper, please submit a 250-word abstract by April
1, 2008 to=20

Professor Joseph V. Long=20
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR 97207

To register, please visit

CFP: The Church Fathers and Early Modern English Culture (5/1/07; 10/19/07-10/21/07)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - 7:49pm
Mitchell M. Harris

CFP: Resurrecting the =93First Five Hundred=94: The Fathers and Early =20=

Modern English Culture, 1500-1660

In his =93Challenge Sermon=94 delivered at St. Paul=92s Cross on =
November =20
26, 1559, Bishop John Jewel argued that the English divines would =20
assert as foundational the underlying belief that the ancient Fathers =20=
