all recent posts

CFP: Poetics of Globalisation (UK) (3/26/07; 5/2/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Nicky Marsh

Workshop: The Poetics of Globalisation=20


May 2, Centre for Contemporary Writing, University of Southampton


The implications of the ubiquitous languages of 'globalization' for literar=
y and cultural critique are far from clear. The term is deeply ambivalent, =
suggesting both a political critique of the neo-liberal agenda and an acces=
sion to the universalizing assumptions of its corporate entities. This work=
shop offers literary critics the opportunity to assess and openly debate th=
e significance of the theoretical and political frameworks of globalization=
 for the study of literature.=20


Specific issues to be addressed include:=20=20

CFP: Poetics of Globalisation (UK) (3/26/07; 5/2/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Nicky Marsh

Workshop: The Poetics of Globalisation=20


May 2, Centre for Contemporary Writing, University of Southampton


The implications of the ubiquitous languages of 'globalization' for literar=
y and cultural critique are far from clear. The term is deeply ambivalent, =
suggesting both a political critique of the neo-liberal agenda and an acces=
sion to the universalizing assumptions of its corporate entities. This work=
shop offers literary critics the opportunity to assess and openly debate th=
e significance of the theoretical and political frameworks of globalization=
 for the study of literature.=20


Specific issues to be addressed include:=20=20

CFP: Poetics of Globalisation (UK) (3/26/07; 5/2/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Nicky Marsh

Workshop: The Poetics of Globalisation=20


May 2, Centre for Contemporary Writing, University of Southampton


The implications of the ubiquitous languages of 'globalization' for literar=
y and cultural critique are far from clear. The term is deeply ambivalent, =
suggesting both a political critique of the neo-liberal agenda and an acces=
sion to the universalizing assumptions of its corporate entities. This work=
shop offers literary critics the opportunity to assess and openly debate th=
e significance of the theoretical and political frameworks of globalization=
 for the study of literature.=20


Specific issues to be addressed include:=20=20

CFP: Poetics of Globalisation (UK) (3/26/07; 5/2/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Nicky Marsh

Workshop: The Poetics of Globalisation=20


May 2, Centre for Contemporary Writing, University of Southampton


The implications of the ubiquitous languages of 'globalization' for literar=
y and cultural critique are far from clear. The term is deeply ambivalent, =
suggesting both a political critique of the neo-liberal agenda and an acces=
sion to the universalizing assumptions of its corporate entities. This work=
shop offers literary critics the opportunity to assess and openly debate th=
e significance of the theoretical and political frameworks of globalization=
 for the study of literature.=20


Specific issues to be addressed include:=20=20

CFP: Linguistics (no deadline noted; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Nancy Antrim

There's still room for papers in the general linguistics section of the =
South Central Modern Languages Association conference to be held in =
November. If you are interested please send an abstract to:

Nancy Antrim

The conference will be in Memphis from Nov. 1-3.
For additional information visit the website at


CFP: Trauma in the Works of Doris Lessing (6/15/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Jeanie E. Warnock

CFP: Trauma in the Works of Doris Lessing (15/06/07; Doris Lessing =
Studies Special Issue)


Doris Lessing Studies seeks papers studying the representation and =
treatment of trauma in the works of Doris Lessing. Possible approaches =


-exploration and possible resolution of traumatic experience through =

-ethical and artistic challenges in representing trauma;

-autobiographical treatment of trauma in the life of Lessing or her =

 -inter-generational cycles of trauma;

-relationship between healing traumatic experiences and spirituality;

CFP: Trauma in the Works of Doris Lessing (6/15/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Jeanie E. Warnock

CFP: Trauma in the Works of Doris Lessing (15/06/07; Doris Lessing =
Studies Special Issue)


Doris Lessing Studies seeks papers studying the representation and =
treatment of trauma in the works of Doris Lessing. Possible approaches =


-exploration and possible resolution of traumatic experience through =

-ethical and artistic challenges in representing trauma;

-autobiographical treatment of trauma in the life of Lessing or her =

 -inter-generational cycles of trauma;

-relationship between healing traumatic experiences and spirituality;

CFP: M/C Journal 'complex' Issue (5/4/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Axel Bruns


                          M/C - Media and Culture
           is calling for contributors to the 'complex' issue of

                                M/C Journal

M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a crossover journal
between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and peer-reviewed
journal. In 2007, M/C Journal celebrates its tenth year in publication.

CFP: Tiresian Poetics, Sex Change and Modernism (3/16/07; MLA '07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Ed Madden

CFP: Tiresian Poetics, Sex Change and Modernism (3/16/07; MLA '07)
Proposal for Special Session
Tiresian Poetics: Modernism and Sex Change.
Narratives of sexual or gender metamorphosis; sexual dissonance and
artistic power; sexual difference and voice. Sexology and myth.
Transgender rhetorics, poetics, narrative structures.
Abstracts by March 16 (extended deadline); Ed Madden
Ed Madden


Dr. Ed Madden
Associate Professor of English
Department of English
University of South Carolina
Columbia SC 29208
(fax: 803.777.9064

CFP: Romanticism & Transatlantic Contract (3/15/07; KSAA, MLA '07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Tilar J. Mazzeo

CFP, Keats-Shelley Association, MLA (Chicago) 2007

Title: Romanticism and the Transatlantic Contract

Description: Abstracts invited for papers on the legal, economic, and
representational "agreements" that constituted transatlantic
relations for Romanticism and the (broadly construed) Keats-Shelley
circle. Topics might
include the social contract; trade, finance, and commodity history;
slavery and abolition; piracy; copyright; emigration and the
regulation of national identity. Abstracts by March 15 to Tilar
Mazzeo, Colby College,

CFP: Tiresian Poetics, Sex Change and Modernism (3/16/07; MLA '07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Ed Madden

CFP: Tiresian Poetics, Sex Change and Modernism (3/16/07; MLA '07)
Proposal for Special Session
Tiresian Poetics: Modernism and Sex Change.
Narratives of sexual or gender metamorphosis; sexual dissonance and
artistic power; sexual difference and voice. Sexology and myth.
Transgender rhetorics, poetics, narrative structures.
Abstracts by March 16 (extended deadline); Ed Madden
Ed Madden


Dr. Ed Madden
Associate Professor of English
Department of English
University of South Carolina
Columbia SC 29208
(fax: 803.777.9064

CFP: Tiresian Poetics, Sex Change and Modernism (3/16/07; MLA '07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Ed Madden

CFP: Tiresian Poetics, Sex Change and Modernism (3/16/07; MLA '07)
Proposal for Special Session
Tiresian Poetics: Modernism and Sex Change.
Narratives of sexual or gender metamorphosis; sexual dissonance and
artistic power; sexual difference and voice. Sexology and myth.
Transgender rhetorics, poetics, narrative structures.
Abstracts by March 16 (extended deadline); Ed Madden
Ed Madden


Dr. Ed Madden
Associate Professor of English
Department of English
University of South Carolina
Columbia SC 29208
(fax: 803.777.9064

CFP: Journal of Creative Work Calls for Submissions, Reviewers and Editorial-Advisory Board Members (no deadline noted; journal

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Journal of Creative Work

Journal of Creative Work Calls for submissions, reviewers and
Editorial-Advisory Board members

Every artist or author deserves a fair consideration to be published.
Scientific Journals International (SJI) provides an efficient forum
for publishing research and creative work from all disciplines. SJI
has assembled an extensive and prestigious Editorial and Advisory
Board (

CFP: Foreign Language Linguistics (3/25/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Fify Juliana

Call for Papers
Foreign Language Linguistics Session
2007 RMMLA Convention
Calgary, Alberta, Canada ~ October 4-6, 2007

The 61st Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association convention will be
held at the Westin in Calgary, Alberta from October 4-6, 2007. We have a full
slate of sessions on a variety of topics relating to language, literature,
film, technical and professional communication, cultural studies and pedagogy.
We hope that you will propose a paper for this convention and join us in

Proposals relating to Foreign Language Linguistics are welcome.

Send you paper proposal by March 25 to:

UPDATE: The Politics of Cultural Programming (4/15/07; 9/28/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Robert Gehl

The deadline for the first Cultural Studies PhD program annual graduate
conference, "The Politics of Cultural Programming," has been extended.
It is now April 15, 2007. Graduate students interested in the topic
(which is explained at are encouraged
to submit 300 word abstracts to Vicki Watts Speakers
scheduled to present at this event include Dr. Sue Taylor (anthropology,
American University) and Matt Borlick, editor of the City Lights section
of the Washington, DC City Paper.

CFP: Medievalism Transformed (grad) (UK) (4/20/07; Medieval Expression, 6/16/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Maggie Parke

Call for Papers

Medievalism Transformed:
Medieval Expression

An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference, June 16, 2007, University of
Wales, Bangor. This year's plenary speaker will be Professor Steve Ellis,
from the University of Birmingham.

Inviting abstracts for the third annual Medieval Studies conference, a
two-day interdisciplinary event, at the University of Wales, Bangor. We
will be convening to explore the medieval world and its sustained impact on
subsequent culture and thought.

This year¡¦s theme is Medieval Expression. All topics within the general
scope of the conference will be considered, including:

CFP: Medievalism Transformed (grad) (UK) (4/20/07; Medieval Expression, 6/16/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Maggie Parke

Call for Papers

Medievalism Transformed:
Medieval Expression

An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference, June 16, 2007, University of
Wales, Bangor. This year's plenary speaker will be Professor Steve Ellis,
from the University of Birmingham.

Inviting abstracts for the third annual Medieval Studies conference, a
two-day interdisciplinary event, at the University of Wales, Bangor. We
will be convening to explore the medieval world and its sustained impact on
subsequent culture and thought.

This year¡¦s theme is Medieval Expression. All topics within the general
scope of the conference will be considered, including:

CFP: Medievalism Transformed (grad) (UK) (4/20/07; Medieval Expression, 6/16/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Maggie Parke

Call for Papers

Medievalism Transformed:
Medieval Expression

An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference, June 16, 2007, University of
Wales, Bangor. This year's plenary speaker will be Professor Steve Ellis,
from the University of Birmingham.

Inviting abstracts for the third annual Medieval Studies conference, a
two-day interdisciplinary event, at the University of Wales, Bangor. We
will be convening to explore the medieval world and its sustained impact on
subsequent culture and thought.

This year¡¦s theme is Medieval Expression. All topics within the general
scope of the conference will be considered, including:

CFP: Intervals (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:33am
Delville Michel

Guest editors sought for Interval(le)s (University of Liège, Belgium):

Interval(le)s, the online journal of the Interdisciplinary Center for
Applied Poetics of the University of Liège, Belgium, seeks guest editors
and proposals to develop special issues dedicated to fostering research
across the various disciplines of the humanities. For a full description
of the Interval(le)s project, click here :

The guest editors will be responsible for the production and dissemination
of a call for papers, for the final selection of manuscripts for
publication, and for writing an introduction to the volume.

CFP: Journal for the Academic Study of Magic (6/21/07; journal issue)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:32am
David Green

The Journal for the Academic Study of Magic (JSM)


Call For Papers for Issue 5, deadline 21-6-2007


Issue 5 of the JSM, due to appear late in 2007, is now seeking
contributions. Scholarly articles in English about any aspect of
magic/occultism are welcome up to 8000 words in length.=20


Drs. Susan Johnston Graf (Penn State, Mont Alto, USA) and Amy Hale
(University of Maryland University College) are the new co-editors of
the journal.=20


CFP: Cultural Containers / Containment Culture (grad) (4/15/07; SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:32am
Jeremy Justus

CFP: Cultural Containers / Containment Culture (Graduate Student Forum),
(4/15/07 SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

In his book Containment Culture, Alan Nadel explores the relationship of
American postmodernism and the pervasive cultural force of Cold War
containment narratives. While the trope of containment continues to
proliferate in contemporary culture, this panel seeks to explore containment
in all of its various historical epochs and cultural manifestations. Some
topics to consider:

CFP: Cultural Containers / Containment Culture (grad) (4/15/07; SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:32am
Jeremy Justus

CFP: Cultural Containers / Containment Culture (Graduate Student Forum),
(4/15/07 SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

In his book Containment Culture, Alan Nadel explores the relationship of
American postmodernism and the pervasive cultural force of Cold War
containment narratives. While the trope of containment continues to
proliferate in contemporary culture, this panel seeks to explore containment
in all of its various historical epochs and cultural manifestations. Some
topics to consider:

CFP: Cultural Containers / Containment Culture (grad) (4/15/07; SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 1:32am
Jeremy Justus

CFP: Cultural Containers / Containment Culture (Graduate Student Forum),
(4/15/07 SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

In his book Containment Culture, Alan Nadel explores the relationship of
American postmodernism and the pervasive cultural force of Cold War
containment narratives. While the trope of containment continues to
proliferate in contemporary culture, this panel seeks to explore containment
in all of its various historical epochs and cultural manifestations. Some
topics to consider:
