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CFP: Journal of Lesbian Studies: The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture (3/20/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
CJonnor Trebra

  A special volume of The Journal of Lesbian Studies entitled "The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture" is seeking essays that explore a wide variety of lesbian images in a global context. No more essays on the United States or Spain are needed. Projects dealing with any other nations/cultures will be considered, but submissions that look at lesbian images in India, Africa, and China are of particular interest.

CFP: Journal of Lesbian Studies: The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture (3/20/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
CJonnor Trebra

  A special volume of The Journal of Lesbian Studies entitled "The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture" is seeking essays that explore a wide variety of lesbian images in a global context. No more essays on the United States or Spain are needed. Projects dealing with any other nations/cultures will be considered, but submissions that look at lesbian images in India, Africa, and China are of particular interest.

CFP: Journal of Lesbian Studies: The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture (3/20/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
CJonnor Trebra

  A special volume of The Journal of Lesbian Studies entitled "The Lesbian Image in International Popular Culture" is seeking essays that explore a wide variety of lesbian images in a global context. No more essays on the United States or Spain are needed. Projects dealing with any other nations/cultures will be considered, but submissions that look at lesbian images in India, Africa, and China are of particular interest.

CFP: Crossroads: Interdisciplinary Journal (grad) (5/30/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Helen Farley

Crossroads is an interdisplinary,online journal published by graduate
students from the School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at
the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. We are currently seeking
articles up to 6000 words or book reviews within the disciplines of history,
philosophy, religion and/or classics. The deadline for the next issue will
be 30 May 2007. Submissions are to be sent (with a short bio) to

For more information see the Crossroads website at:


CFP: Crossroads: Interdisciplinary Journal (grad) (5/30/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Helen Farley

Crossroads is an interdisplinary,online journal published by graduate
students from the School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics at
the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. We are currently seeking
articles up to 6000 words or book reviews within the disciplines of history,
philosophy, religion and/or classics. The deadline for the next issue will
be 30 May 2007. Submissions are to be sent (with a short bio) to

For more information see the Crossroads website at:


CFP: New Queer Cinema in the 21st Century (4/13/07; MMLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Jones, David M.

CFP: New Queer Cinema in the 21st Century (4/13/07; MMLA; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Midwest Modern Language Association Conference
November 8-11, 2007
The Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
Cleveland, OH

"Coming Out to the Mainstream?: The Mainstreaming of New Queer Cinema in the 21st Century"

CFP: New Queer Cinema in the 21st Century (4/13/07; MMLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Jones, David M.

CFP: New Queer Cinema in the 21st Century (4/13/07; MMLA; 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Midwest Modern Language Association Conference
November 8-11, 2007
The Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
Cleveland, OH

"Coming Out to the Mainstream?: The Mainstreaming of New Queer Cinema in the 21st Century"

CFP: Media Studies: Realism Revised (4/16/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Terence Brunk

49th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association
November 8-11, 2007 in Cleveland, Ohio

Media Studies
Realism Revised: Media Contexts for Realist Praxis
(This is a permanent section of MMLA and is already on the conference

CFP: Media Studies: Realism Revised (4/16/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Terence Brunk

49th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association
November 8-11, 2007 in Cleveland, Ohio

Media Studies
Realism Revised: Media Contexts for Realist Praxis
(This is a permanent section of MMLA and is already on the conference

CFP: John Gardner (3/28/07; 4/21/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Sandy Hiortdahl

Call for Papers, Workshops and Roundtables


We are seeking one-page abstracts of proposals for the Tenth Annual John =
Gardner Conference, to be held in Susquehanna, PA on Saturday, April 21, =
2007. Topics concerning his fiction, non-fiction, operas, drama, =
poetry, or teaching will be considered. Also, sessions on teaching his =
fiction, his methods of teaching, or using his work for creative writing =
are encouraged. All abstracts must be received by March 28, 2007. =
Presentation length may vary between fifteen and twenty minutes. =
Abstracts may be published on the John Gardner Society website at


CFP: Journal of Drama Studies call for reviews (5/1/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Brajesh Sawhney

Journal of Drama Studies: An International Journal of European and
Anglo-American Drama continues to accept book reviews on an
ongoing basis on works relating to European and Anglo-American drama and
theatre. In order to be considered for the next issue
the deadline is 1 May, 2007.

Submission guidelines:

CFP: Journal of Drama Studies call for reviews (5/1/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Brajesh Sawhney

Journal of Drama Studies: An International Journal of European and
Anglo-American Drama continues to accept book reviews on an
ongoing basis on works relating to European and Anglo-American drama and
theatre. In order to be considered for the next issue
the deadline is 1 May, 2007.

Submission guidelines:

UPDATE: Teaching Material Culture (4/30/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Edvige Giunta

> Teaching Material Culture
> Deadline Extended: 30 April 2007
> The editors of Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and
> Pedagogy seek articles (5,000 - 10,000 words) and media reviews (books,
> film, video, performance, art, music, etc. - 3,000 to 5,000 words) that
> explore the significance and uses of material culture in a variety of

UPDATE: Teaching Material Culture (4/30/07; journal issue)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Edvige Giunta

> Teaching Material Culture
> Deadline Extended: 30 April 2007
> The editors of Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and
> Pedagogy seek articles (5,000 - 10,000 words) and media reviews (books,
> film, video, performance, art, music, etc. - 3,000 to 5,000 words) that
> explore the significance and uses of material culture in a variety of

CFP: Documentary (5/1/07; MPCA, 10/12/07-10/14/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Heather McIntosh


Midwest Popular Culture Association
Friday-Sunday, October 12-14, 2007, Kansas City, MO
Deadline: May 1, 2007

I am seeking papers, abstracts, and panel proposals in documentary for
the 2007 Midwest Popular Culture Association conference to be held
October 12-14, 2007, in Kansas City, MO.

All topics related to documentary are welcome. Some possibilities
include the following:

CFP: English Literature Post-1700 (3/15/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Heather Anne Wozniak

Seeking papers for English Literature post-1700 session at the Pacific
Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) conference, to be held
in Bellingham, Washington, November 2-3, 2007.

Papers should be 15-20 minutes long and may address any topic in the
period. Please send 500-word proposals and 50-word abstracts by March
15 to (or address below). Accepted presenters must be
members of PAMLA by April 15. See for more

Heather Wozniak
UCLA Department of English
149 Humanities Bldg
Los Angeles, CA 90095

CFP: English Literature Post-1700 (3/15/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Heather Anne Wozniak

Seeking papers for English Literature post-1700 session at the Pacific
Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) conference, to be held
in Bellingham, Washington, November 2-3, 2007.

Papers should be 15-20 minutes long and may address any topic in the
period. Please send 500-word proposals and 50-word abstracts by March
15 to (or address below). Accepted presenters must be
members of PAMLA by April 15. See for more

Heather Wozniak
UCLA Department of English
149 Humanities Bldg
Los Angeles, CA 90095

CFP: English Literature Post-1700 (3/15/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Heather Anne Wozniak

Seeking papers for English Literature post-1700 session at the Pacific
Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) conference, to be held
in Bellingham, Washington, November 2-3, 2007.

Papers should be 15-20 minutes long and may address any topic in the
period. Please send 500-word proposals and 50-word abstracts by March
15 to (or address below). Accepted presenters must be
members of PAMLA by April 15. See for more

Heather Wozniak
UCLA Department of English
149 Humanities Bldg
Los Angeles, CA 90095

CFP: Suzan-Lori Parks (3/28/07; MLA '07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Gregory Miller

For a proposed panel on Suzan-Lori Parks's 365 Days / 365 Plays project at the Modern Language
Association Convention to be held December 27-30, 2007.

Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV by March 28, 2007 to Gregory Miller, University of
California at Davis (

Dr. Gregory Leon Miller
Department of English / University Writing Program
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

CFP: Suzan-Lori Parks (3/28/07; MLA '07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Gregory Miller

For a proposed panel on Suzan-Lori Parks's 365 Days / 365 Plays project at the Modern Language
Association Convention to be held December 27-30, 2007.

Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV by March 28, 2007 to Gregory Miller, University of
California at Davis (

Dr. Gregory Leon Miller
Department of English / University Writing Program
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

CFP: Suzan-Lori Parks (3/28/07; MLA '07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Gregory Miller

For a proposed panel on Suzan-Lori Parks's 365 Days / 365 Plays project at the Modern Language
Association Convention to be held December 27-30, 2007.

Please email 200 word abstracts and a CV by March 28, 2007 to Gregory Miller, University of
California at Davis (

Dr. Gregory Leon Miller
Department of English / University Writing Program
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

CFP: Global & Local Women's Studies: Going on Forty (6/11/07; 10/19/07-10/20/07)

Friday, March 9, 2007 - 3:44am
Yi-Chun Tricia Lin

  Southern Connecticut State University
  Women's Studies Program
  The Seventeenth Annual Women's Studies Conference
  Global & Local Women's Studies:
  Going on Forty
  To be held on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University
  Friday and Saturday, October 19 and 20, 2007
