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CFP: Henry James (beg. scholars) (11/1/04; journal)

Monday, October 4, 2004 - 5:04pm
Service Account hjamesr

Call for Papers


The Leon Edel Prize is awarded annually for the best essay on Henry
James by a beginning
scholar. The prize carries with it an award of $150, and the
prize-winning essay will be
published in HJR.

The competition is open to applicants who have not held a full-time
academic appointment
for more than four years. Independent scholars and graduate students
are encouraged to

Essays should be 20-30 pages (including notes), original, and not under
elsewhere or previously published.

Send submissions (in duplicate, produced according to current MLA
style, and with return
postage enclosed) to:

CFP: Gendered Bodies, Religious Spirits: Performance and Power in the Faiths of Abraham (12/1/04; collection)

Monday, October 4, 2004 - 5:03pm
Julia E. Whitworth

My colleague Gwendolyn Alker and I wanted to let you know about an=20
anthology we are co-editing. We would be very grateful if you could=20
forward our call for contributions to any listserves, groups, or=20
individuals you think appropriate.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or=20
comments about our project.

With best regards,
Julia Whitworth


Gendered Bodies, Religious Spirits:
  Performance and Power in the Faiths of Abraham

Gwendolyn Alker and Julia Whitworth, editors

CFP: Gendered Bodies, Religious Spirits: Performance and Power in the Faiths of Abraham (12/1/04; collection)

Monday, October 4, 2004 - 5:03pm
Julia E. Whitworth

My colleague Gwendolyn Alker and I wanted to let you know about an=20
anthology we are co-editing. We would be very grateful if you could=20
forward our call for contributions to any listserves, groups, or=20
individuals you think appropriate.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or=20
comments about our project.

With best regards,
Julia Whitworth


Gendered Bodies, Religious Spirits:
  Performance and Power in the Faiths of Abraham

Gwendolyn Alker and Julia Whitworth, editors

CFP: The Ugly Couch: A Journal/Zine (ongoing, journal)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 7:57pm
Shahin Ismail-Beigi

_The Ugly Couch_ is seeking submissions for its inaugural and subsequent
issues. This journal intends to link the interdisciplinary, dialogue-based,
academic journal to the do-it-yourself, community-based, unpretentious zine.
Instead of providing special issues that may manipulate and prematurely edit
the potential contributions, the journal allows for the submissions to
dictate the makeup and foci of each issue. That said, dialogue about certain
subjects may occur and percolate several issues. Instead of providing
another space for rant-heavy, not thoroughly researched/ non-dialectic
articles one finds in several zines, the editor seeks well articulated

CFP: American Memory (11/26/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 7:07pm

Xchanges â€"
From: Joy Burnett, Editor (
Date: 24 September 04

***Call for Papers***
Issue 4.2 â€" American Memory
Submission Deadline: Friday, November 26, 2004

The next issue of Xchanges, an e-journal encouraging
exchange between all areas of the humanities, will appear in
February 2005. The editors invite submissions of scholarly
articles (up to 4000 words) on any theme relating
to "American Memory." We encourage scholars from all
humanities-related fields to submit work. Scholars from
certain branches of the social sciences may also find the
journal well-suited to their interests.

CFP: American Memory (11/26/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 7:07pm

Xchanges â€"
From: Joy Burnett, Editor (
Date: 24 September 04

***Call for Papers***
Issue 4.2 â€" American Memory
Submission Deadline: Friday, November 26, 2004

The next issue of Xchanges, an e-journal encouraging
exchange between all areas of the humanities, will appear in
February 2005. The editors invite submissions of scholarly
articles (up to 4000 words) on any theme relating
to "American Memory." We encourage scholars from all
humanities-related fields to submit work. Scholars from
certain branches of the social sciences may also find the
journal well-suited to their interests.

CFP: Inside English (11/15/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 7:05pm
Darren Chiang-Schultheiss


inside english: Journal of the English Council of California Two-Year

Editor: Darren Chiang-Schultheiss

Journal's Homepage: <>

Deadlines for Future Issues:

        Winter 2005 15 November 2004
        Spring 2005: 15 February 2005
        Fall 2005: 15 July 2005

CFP: Gender and the Body (11/12/04; e-journal)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 6:55pm
Lynda L. Hinkle

Meowpower feminist online journal ( is looking for
papers for its inaugural issue as a quarterly journal. We are seeking
papers from a variety of approaches and topics including but certainly not
limited to: body image, pop culture, music, television, film, spirituality,
sexuality, literature (classic or popular), theory, politics, LGBT, violence
and the body, historical approaches personal narratives, creative writing,
academic papers, journalistic writing. Please send your completed paper and
a CV or writing resume to by November 12. Any
attachments must be compatible with Microsoft Word.

CFP: Robert A. Schanke Theatre Research Award (2/1/05; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 6:49pm
Mark Cosdon

The Mid-America Theatre Conference
Proudly Announces the
Robert A. Schanke Theatre Research Award

The Theatre History Symposium of the Mid-America Theatre Conference is
proud to announce an exciting new opportunity for tenure-track theatre
historians. Through a generous donation, Dr. Robert A. Schanke, Professor
Emeritus of Theatre at Central College in Iowa, Former Editor of Theatre
History Studies, and long-time leader of MATC, has established a theatre
research competition among those scholars whose work is accepted for
presentation at the Mid-America Theatre Conference, beginning with the
March 2005 conference in Kansas City, MO.

CFP: Asian and Aboriginal Literature (ongoing; e-journal)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 6:44pm

Call for Papers

Kui Xing: The Journal of Asian/Diasporic and Aboriginal Literature invites
articles about Asian, Asian Diaspora, and Indigenous literature being
written in or translated into English. Articles focusing on single authors
or multiple authors are welcome, as are comparative studies that bring
together various authors, topics, theoretical approaches or genres for
critical consideration. Interviews and book reviews are also welcome.

CFP: Asian and Aboriginal Literature (ongoing; e-journal)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 6:44pm

Call for Papers

Kui Xing: The Journal of Asian/Diasporic and Aboriginal Literature invites
articles about Asian, Asian Diaspora, and Indigenous literature being
written in or translated into English. Articles focusing on single authors
or multiple authors are welcome, as are comparative studies that bring
together various authors, topics, theoretical approaches or genres for
critical consideration. Interviews and book reviews are also welcome.

CFP: Mapping Women's Poetries at the fin de siecle (11/1/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 6:43pm
Dr M. Thain

CFP: Journal edition: Mapping Women's Poetries at the fin de siecle*** =

Journal of Victorian Literature and Culture=20

Editors' Topic: Mapping Women's Poetries at the fin de si=E8cle=20

Edited by Marion Thain and Ana Vadillo=20

CFP: Mapping Women's Poetries at the fin de siecle (11/1/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 6:43pm
Dr M. Thain

CFP: Journal edition: Mapping Women's Poetries at the fin de siecle*** =

Journal of Victorian Literature and Culture=20

Editors' Topic: Mapping Women's Poetries at the fin de si=E8cle=20

Edited by Marion Thain and Ana Vadillo=20

CFP: Intersections: African-American and Latino Studies (11/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 4:12pm
Enrique Morales-Diaz

The editors of Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critiques seek
essays for an issue on the intersections of Africana (African-American,
African Diaspora) and Latino Studies.

Deadline: 1st November 2004 (completed essays)

If interested, please send a 300 word abstract ASAP to the editors at

Topics include but are not limited to:

-Gender / Sexuality / Identity

-Comparative cultural, historical, or political analysis

-English-language =93representations=94 of literatures and cultures of
the Americas

-The Arts/Popular Culture (i.e., music, visual art, film/television,

CFP: Intersections: African-American and Latino Studies (11/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 4:12pm
Enrique Morales-Diaz

The editors of Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critiques seek
essays for an issue on the intersections of Africana (African-American,
African Diaspora) and Latino Studies.

Deadline: 1st November 2004 (completed essays)

If interested, please send a 300 word abstract ASAP to the editors at

Topics include but are not limited to:

-Gender / Sexuality / Identity

-Comparative cultural, historical, or political analysis

-English-language =93representations=94 of literatures and cultures of
the Americas

-The Arts/Popular Culture (i.e., music, visual art, film/television,

CFP: Intersections: African-American and Latino Studies (11/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 4:12pm
Enrique Morales-Diaz

The editors of Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critiques seek
essays for an issue on the intersections of Africana (African-American,
African Diaspora) and Latino Studies.

Deadline: 1st November 2004 (completed essays)

If interested, please send a 300 word abstract ASAP to the editors at

Topics include but are not limited to:

-Gender / Sexuality / Identity

-Comparative cultural, historical, or political analysis

-English-language =93representations=94 of literatures and cultures of
the Americas

-The Arts/Popular Culture (i.e., music, visual art, film/television,

CFP: Florida Literature (12/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 2:59pm
Danielle Janine Lambraia

CFP: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Journal (rolling deadline)

        The journal invites submissions of articles, reviews, short
ficiton, creative non-fiction, and poetry whose focus, locale, or
subject is Florida.

CFP: The Rawlings Journal of Florida Literature
   (deadline: 12/1/04 for vol. XIV 2005)

        The journal invites submissions of articles, reviews, shor
fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry whose focus, locale, or
subject is Florida.

Manuscripts should be submitted on disk and paper using MLA style. All
submissions should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Submissions sent to Jill C. Jones, Dept. of English, 1000 Holt Ave. Box
2666, Winter Park, FL 32789.

CFP: Florida Literature (12/1/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 2:59pm
Danielle Janine Lambraia

CFP: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Journal (rolling deadline)

        The journal invites submissions of articles, reviews, short
ficiton, creative non-fiction, and poetry whose focus, locale, or
subject is Florida.

CFP: The Rawlings Journal of Florida Literature
   (deadline: 12/1/04 for vol. XIV 2005)

        The journal invites submissions of articles, reviews, shor
fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry whose focus, locale, or
subject is Florida.

Manuscripts should be submitted on disk and paper using MLA style. All
submissions should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Submissions sent to Jill C. Jones, Dept. of English, 1000 Holt Ave. Box
2666, Winter Park, FL 32789.

CFP: New Texas: A Journal of Literature and the Arts (ongoing; journal)

Friday, September 24, 2004 - 3:48am

New Texas: A Journal of Literature and The Arts

Call For Papers.

New Texas: A Journal of Literature and The Arts is a print journal that, in
addition to poetry and fiction, publishes creative non-fiction as well as
critical and cultural essays on the subject of Texas. The journal seeks
submissions that reflect the broad, eclectic entity that is modern Texas.
Creative non-fiction pieces on any aspect of Texas are welcome, as are
critical and cultural essays that tackle any aspect of Lone Star culture.

Papers of 16-25 pages might address (but are not limited to) literature,
music, history, society, interviews with those prominent in Texas culture

CFP: New Texas: A Journal of Literature and the Arts (ongoing; journal)

Friday, September 24, 2004 - 3:48am

New Texas: A Journal of Literature and The Arts

Call For Papers.

New Texas: A Journal of Literature and The Arts is a print journal that, in
addition to poetry and fiction, publishes creative non-fiction as well as
critical and cultural essays on the subject of Texas. The journal seeks
submissions that reflect the broad, eclectic entity that is modern Texas.
Creative non-fiction pieces on any aspect of Texas are welcome, as are
critical and cultural essays that tackle any aspect of Lone Star culture.

Papers of 16-25 pages might address (but are not limited to) literature,
music, history, society, interviews with those prominent in Texas culture

CFP: Discipline in Literature and Literary Studies (2/28/05; journal issue)

Friday, September 24, 2004 - 3:48am
R. Teeuwen

Essays are invited for a special issue of the Sun Yat-sen Journal of
Humanities (a peer-reviewed journal published in Taiwan) on DISCIPLINE in
literature and literary studies. Discipline (the breakdown, imposition,
subversion, lack, or embrace of it; returns to it and departures from it)
forms an important element in the dynamics of literary form, history,
stylistics, and reflection. Discipline can be considered an intellectual,
ideological, moral, philosophical, religious, artistic, or stylistic
category, and can be related or opposed to such qualities as creativity,
sentimentality, excess, rhapsody, (self)-indulgence, freedom, passion,
openness, gibberish, romanticism, laxness, protest, innovation, or

CFP: Outer Banks Writers/Literature (10/15/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 2:50pm
Bauer, Margaret

Call for Submissions for the 2005 issue of the NORTH CAROLINA LITERARY =

We still have plenty of room in our 2005 issue special feature section =
Writers and Literature of the Outer Banks.

Send a proposal for an article or interview IMMEDIATELY (and no later =
than October 15) to the editor (you can also send a relevant =
dissertation chapter or conference paper that might be revised into an =

Margaret Bauer, Editor (
Department of English
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
(252) 328-1537

CFP: Outer Banks Writers/Literature (10/15/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 2:50pm
Bauer, Margaret

Call for Submissions for the 2005 issue of the NORTH CAROLINA LITERARY =

We still have plenty of room in our 2005 issue special feature section =
Writers and Literature of the Outer Banks.

Send a proposal for an article or interview IMMEDIATELY (and no later =
than October 15) to the editor (you can also send a relevant =
dissertation chapter or conference paper that might be revised into an =

Margaret Bauer, Editor (
Department of English
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
(252) 328-1537
