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CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Linguistics (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"En(compass)ing Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Linguistics (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"En(compass)ing Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: (En)compass(ing) Language in Linguistics (grad) (12/18/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Brandon Hernsberger

Call for Papers from Graduate Students


"En(compass)ing Language: Interplay Within English Studies"


Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

March 31st through April 1st


Sponsored by: Texas Tech University's Graduate English Society

Co-Chairs: Brandon Hernsberger and Elizabeth Porter


Address: GES Conference

                                    Texas Tech University

                                    Department of English, Box 43091

                                    Lubbock, Texas 79409-3091

CFP: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm
heather mcalpine

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006
This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature,
which will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.


Much Depends on Dinner: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century

CFP: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm
heather mcalpine

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006
This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature,
which will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.


Much Depends on Dinner: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century

CFP: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm
heather mcalpine

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006
This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature,
which will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.


Much Depends on Dinner: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century

CFP: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm
heather mcalpine

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006
This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature,
which will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.


Much Depends on Dinner: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century

CFP: Regional Book Awards in Children's Literature (no deadline noted; ChLA, 6/7/06-6/11/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm
Carol Vogt

    Prepare and plan to be a panel member at the ChLA (Children's Literature
Association) conference at California State University at Northridge on June
7 to 11, 2006. The topic is: Regional Book Awards such as the Golden Sower
Award from Nebraska. Compare and contrast books from your geographical area
that are nominees for the regional award or have won the award/honor medal.
Interested persons should contact Carol Vogt at
Respond promptly.

Feel free to contact me for further information. Thank you for your
assistance in this matter. Carol Vogt

CFP: Regional Book Awards in Children's Literature (no deadline noted; ChLA, 6/7/06-6/11/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm
Carol Vogt

    Prepare and plan to be a panel member at the ChLA (Children's Literature
Association) conference at California State University at Northridge on June
7 to 11, 2006. The topic is: Regional Book Awards such as the Golden Sower
Award from Nebraska. Compare and contrast books from your geographical area
that are nominees for the regional award or have won the award/honor medal.
Interested persons should contact Carol Vogt at
Respond promptly.

Feel free to contact me for further information. Thank you for your
assistance in this matter. Carol Vogt

CFP: Roundtable on Adjunct Professors (12/1/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm

Northeast Modern Language Association Conference=20
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania=20
March 2-5, 2006=20
Abstracts are invited for a roundtable on adjuncts in the teaching of writi=
ng. Participants will have 5 minutes for preliminary remarks before a gener=
al discussion. Preference will be given to panelists with adjunct status, =
those who hire and supervise adjuncts, and independent scholars seeking to =
acquire adjunct positions.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: pedagogical challenges fo=
r part-timers; scholarship; access to resources; salary and unions; seguewa=
ys into the tenure track; "permanent" part-timers; adjunct teacher as hobby=
