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CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NeMLA 3/1/06 –

Call for Papers

Mommy Lit: Product Placement, "Friendly" Competition, and Gender
Prescriptions for the Thinking Mother

38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
March 1-4, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland

CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NeMLA 3/1/06 –

Call for Papers

Mommy Lit: Product Placement, "Friendly" Competition, and Gender
Prescriptions for the Thinking Mother

38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
March 1-4, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland

CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NeMLA 3/1/06 –

Call for Papers

Mommy Lit: Product Placement, "Friendly" Competition, and Gender
Prescriptions for the Thinking Mother

38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
March 1-4, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland

CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

CFP: Mommy Lit and Gender Prescriptions (9/15/06; NeMLA 3/1/06 –

Call for Papers

Mommy Lit: Product Placement, "Friendly" Competition, and Gender
Prescriptions for the Thinking Mother

38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
March 1-4, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland

CFP: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Nowell Marshall

CFP: Before the Foucaultian Divide: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; =
NeMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)


38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland


Despite the increasing acceptance of LBGT/Q studies within academia, =
much of the research within this field centers on late Victorian society =
and post-Wildean articulations of gender and sexuality. However, =
scholars in earlier periods (Bray, Halperin, Trumbach, Haggerty, =
Elfenbein, Lacquer) have begun to identify alternative sexual =
communities before what may be loosely termed the Foucaultian divide. =20


CFP: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Nowell Marshall

CFP: Before the Foucaultian Divide: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; =
NeMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)


38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland


Despite the increasing acceptance of LBGT/Q studies within academia, =
much of the research within this field centers on late Victorian society =
and post-Wildean articulations of gender and sexuality. However, =
scholars in earlier periods (Bray, Halperin, Trumbach, Haggerty, =
Elfenbein, Lacquer) have begun to identify alternative sexual =
communities before what may be loosely termed the Foucaultian divide. =20


CFP: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Nowell Marshall

CFP: Before the Foucaultian Divide: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; =
NeMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)


38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland


Despite the increasing acceptance of LBGT/Q studies within academia, =
much of the research within this field centers on late Victorian society =
and post-Wildean articulations of gender and sexuality. However, =
scholars in earlier periods (Bray, Halperin, Trumbach, Haggerty, =
Elfenbein, Lacquer) have begun to identify alternative sexual =
communities before what may be loosely termed the Foucaultian divide. =20


CFP: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Nowell Marshall

CFP: Before the Foucaultian Divide: Queer Cultures, 1780-1870 (9/15/06; =
NeMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)


38th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 1-4, 2007

Baltimore, Maryland


Despite the increasing acceptance of LBGT/Q studies within academia, =
much of the research within this field centers on late Victorian society =
and post-Wildean articulations of gender and sexuality. However, =
scholars in earlier periods (Bray, Halperin, Trumbach, Haggerty, =
Elfenbein, Lacquer) have begun to identify alternative sexual =
communities before what may be loosely termed the Foucaultian divide. =20


UPDATE: Teaching the Middle Eastern Novel (7/1/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Lahoucine Ouzgane

New: Revised Deadline

Contributions are sought for a collection, being prepared for Oxford UP,
on teaching the Middle Eastern and North African novel. The volume is
divided into two main sections: the first devoted to theoretical
approaches and the second to the different course and institutional
contexts in which the novels are taught; the volume will also include a
resources section. One-page abstracts and brief bios are invited by July
1, 2006, although I encourage potential contributors to contact me well in
advance; selected contributors will then be asked to submit complete
essays by February 1, 2007. Queries welcome:

UPDATE: Teaching the Middle Eastern Novel (7/1/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Lahoucine Ouzgane

New: Revised Deadline

Contributions are sought for a collection, being prepared for Oxford UP,
on teaching the Middle Eastern and North African novel. The volume is
divided into two main sections: the first devoted to theoretical
approaches and the second to the different course and institutional
contexts in which the novels are taught; the volume will also include a
resources section. One-page abstracts and brief bios are invited by July
1, 2006, although I encourage potential contributors to contact me well in
advance; selected contributors will then be asked to submit complete
essays by February 1, 2007. Queries welcome:

UPDATE: Teaching the Middle Eastern Novel (7/1/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Lahoucine Ouzgane

New: Revised Deadline

Contributions are sought for a collection, being prepared for Oxford UP,
on teaching the Middle Eastern and North African novel. The volume is
divided into two main sections: the first devoted to theoretical
approaches and the second to the different course and institutional
contexts in which the novels are taught; the volume will also include a
resources section. One-page abstracts and brief bios are invited by July
1, 2006, although I encourage potential contributors to contact me well in
advance; selected contributors will then be asked to submit complete
essays by February 1, 2007. Queries welcome:

UPDATE: Teaching the Middle Eastern Novel (7/1/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm
Lahoucine Ouzgane

New: Revised Deadline

Contributions are sought for a collection, being prepared for Oxford UP,
on teaching the Middle Eastern and North African novel. The volume is
divided into two main sections: the first devoted to theoretical
approaches and the second to the different course and institutional
contexts in which the novels are taught; the volume will also include a
resources section. One-page abstracts and brief bios are invited by July
1, 2006, although I encourage potential contributors to contact me well in
advance; selected contributors will then be asked to submit complete
essays by February 1, 2007. Queries welcome:

CFP: Form and Genre in the Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century (10/1/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

Collection: Form and Genre in the Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1660-1830
  Articles (6000-7000, including notes) are invited for a collection on form and genre in the literature of the long eighteenth century. While the novel has traditionally received sustained critical analysis, non-fictional prose and poetic genres have usually been neglected. It is hoped that a wide variety of genres and (poetic) forms will be explored. Papers that deal with hybridisation of genres are especially welcome. Also, contextualisations of genres such as the ode in European terms are encouraged.

CFP: Form and Genre in the Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century (10/1/06; collection)

Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 5:26pm

Collection: Form and Genre in the Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1660-1830
  Articles (6000-7000, including notes) are invited for a collection on form and genre in the literature of the long eighteenth century. While the novel has traditionally received sustained critical analysis, non-fictional prose and poetic genres have usually been neglected. It is hoped that a wide variety of genres and (poetic) forms will be explored. Papers that deal with hybridisation of genres are especially welcome. Also, contextualisations of genres such as the ode in European terms are encouraged.

CFP: The African American West (6/7/06; WLA, 10/25/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm

Panel Title: The African American West

Conference: Western American Literature Association, Boise, Idaho,
October 25-28, 2006.

This panel will examine the various ways that African American
experience in the American West has been depicted and imagined. We will
emphasize the wide range of those experiences, from the earliest black
pioneers to contemporary writers who have lived in or written about the
West. Papers that focus on the depiction of African American experience
in other media (film, television, etc.) than literature are also

Please send 250-300 word abstract with name, address, affiliation,
email, phone, fax, and A/V requests by June 7, 2006 to:

UPDATE: Morgan Spurlock (8/1/06; Film &amp; History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm

Call for Papers=20
The Documentary Tradition:=20
Contemporary Documentary Maker =E2=80=93 Morgan Spurlock

The Documentary Tradition - 2006 Film and History Conference
Dallas, Texas, United States

8th=E2=80=9312th November 2006
Deadline for Proposals - 1st August 2006
The Documentary Tradition and its many permutations will be the topic of th=
Fall, 2006 Film and History Conference. =20
Proposals are now being accepted for The Documentary Tradition looking=20
specifically at the contemporary documentary maker Morgan Spurlock.
Listed below are some suggestions for possible proposals, but all other=20
perspectives and aspects will be considered.

CFP: The African American West (6/7/06; WLA, 10/25/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm

Panel Title: The African American West

Conference: Western American Literature Association, Boise, Idaho,
October 25-28, 2006.

This panel will examine the various ways that African American
experience in the American West has been depicted and imagined. We will
emphasize the wide range of those experiences, from the earliest black
pioneers to contemporary writers who have lived in or written about the
West. Papers that focus on the depiction of African American experience
in other media (film, television, etc.) than literature are also

Please send 250-300 word abstract with name, address, affiliation,
email, phone, fax, and A/V requests by June 7, 2006 to:

CFP: The African American West (6/7/06; WLA, 10/25/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm

Panel Title: The African American West

Conference: Western American Literature Association, Boise, Idaho,
October 25-28, 2006.

This panel will examine the various ways that African American
experience in the American West has been depicted and imagined. We will
emphasize the wide range of those experiences, from the earliest black
pioneers to contemporary writers who have lived in or written about the
West. Papers that focus on the depiction of African American experience
in other media (film, television, etc.) than literature are also

Please send 250-300 word abstract with name, address, affiliation,
email, phone, fax, and A/V requests by June 7, 2006 to:

CFP: Popular Culture and Activism (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm
alison smith

CFP for Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association, October
26-28, 2006, Baltimore, MD (Wyndham
Inner Harbor Hotel) –
Popular Culture and Activism

We invite submissions for several sessions on topics surrounding Popular
Culture and

CFP: Popular Culture and Activism (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm
alison smith

CFP for Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association, October
26-28, 2006, Baltimore, MD (Wyndham
Inner Harbor Hotel) –
Popular Culture and Activism

We invite submissions for several sessions on topics surrounding Popular
Culture and

CFP: Flow Conference 2006 (6/15/06; 10/26/06-10/29/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm
kyle barnett

The Flow Conference (Oct. 26 -29, 2006; Austin, TX) -- a series of roundtable
discussions with topics created by Flow (,
organized around the future of television and media culture -- is now accepting
submissions to join a roundtable. Deadline for submission is: June 15, 2006

The goal of the Flow Conference is conversation. There are no plenary sessions
and participants are asked to submit short position papers (not full-length
essays). We want to promote discussion amongst scholars, members of the media
industries, media activists, fans, and policy-makers over crucial issues
related to television and media.

CFP: Flow Conference 2006 (6/15/06; 10/26/06-10/29/06)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 2:09pm
kyle barnett

The Flow Conference (Oct. 26 -29, 2006; Austin, TX) -- a series of roundtable
discussions with topics created by Flow (,
organized around the future of television and media culture -- is now accepting
submissions to join a roundtable. Deadline for submission is: June 15, 2006

The goal of the Flow Conference is conversation. There are no plenary sessions
and participants are asked to submit short position papers (not full-length
essays). We want to promote discussion amongst scholars, members of the media
industries, media activists, fans, and policy-makers over crucial issues
related to television and media.
