CFP: Mechademia: new anime/manga/fan culture journal(1/5/07; journal issue)
MECHADEMIA 3: Limits of the Human
Editor: Frenchy Lunning
Associate Editors: Thomas LaMarre, Michelle Ollie, Christopher Bolton
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MECHADEMIA 3: Limits of the Human
Editor: Frenchy Lunning
Associate Editors: Thomas LaMarre, Michelle Ollie, Christopher Bolton
MECHADEMIA 3: Limits of the Human
Editor: Frenchy Lunning
Associate Editors: Thomas LaMarre, Michelle Ollie, Christopher Bolton
MECHADEMIA 3: Limits of the Human
Editor: Frenchy Lunning
Associate Editors: Thomas LaMarre, Michelle Ollie, Christopher Bolton
American Literature Association
Boston, May 24-27, 2007
Proposed Panel: Teaching American Regionalism/Local Color
Over the past two decades, literary critics--Richard Brodhead, Donna
Campbell, June Howard, Amy Kaplan, Judith Fetterley, Marjorie Pryse, and
Stephanie Foote, to name but a few--have opened up new and compelling (and
often competing) ways of understanding regional and local color writing of
the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, but as has been the case
with critical re-evaluations of the generic categories of realism and
naturalism, these reappraisals have left us in a certain flux as to what
makes a text an example of regionalism and/or local color and what such
American Literature Association
Boston, May 24-27, 2007
Proposed Panel: Teaching American Regionalism/Local Color
Over the past two decades, literary critics--Richard Brodhead, Donna
Campbell, June Howard, Amy Kaplan, Judith Fetterley, Marjorie Pryse, and
Stephanie Foote, to name but a few--have opened up new and compelling (and
often competing) ways of understanding regional and local color writing of
the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, but as has been the case
with critical re-evaluations of the generic categories of realism and
naturalism, these reappraisals have left us in a certain flux as to what
makes a text an example of regionalism and/or local color and what such
The Elizabeth Madox Roberts Society will hold its IX Annual Conference in beautiful Harrodsburg and Springfield (Saint Catharine College), Kentucky, April 21-23, 2007. The conference headquarters -- site of the opening banquet, keynote session, and annual business meeting -- is the lovely and legendary Beaumont Inn (, in historic Harrodsburg. Academic paper sessions will be held at Saint Catharine College, just outside of Springfield, Roberts's hometown.
Call for Papers
"Making Publics: Media, Markets, and Association
in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800"
An Interdisciplinary Conference Sponsored by
the Early Modern Center at
the University of California, Santa Barbara
March 9-10. 2007
What were early modern publics? How were they formed? What needs did
they serve for those who participated in them? And how did they
relate to the emergence of a cultural formation that we recognize as
distinctly early modern? These are among the questions we seek to
address in this conference.
Call for Papers: Culture and Identity Issue
Call for Papers: Culture and Identity Issue
Call for Papers: Culture and Identity Issue
Call for Papers: Culture and Identity Issue
Edwin Arlington Robinson?s (1869-1935) most popular poems consistently
appear in numerous American poetry anthologies and high school
textbooks, his Collected Poems are carried by ?big box? bookstores, and
one of his poems was even the subject of the Simon and Garfunkel song
?Richard Cory.? Scott Donaldson?s forthcoming biography demonstrates
that Robinson remains a figure of literary interest. However, the
scarcity of recent critical work is remarkable; Donaldson?s biography
is the first in more than sixty years. So why does Robinson?s poetry
encourage so little critical attention if he was and is still a public,
published poet? This proposed ALA panel is soliciting 400-600 word
Edwin Arlington Robinson?s (1869-1935) most popular poems consistently
appear in numerous American poetry anthologies and high school
textbooks, his Collected Poems are carried by ?big box? bookstores, and
one of his poems was even the subject of the Simon and Garfunkel song
?Richard Cory.? Scott Donaldson?s forthcoming biography demonstrates
that Robinson remains a figure of literary interest. However, the
scarcity of recent critical work is remarkable; Donaldson?s biography
is the first in more than sixty years. So why does Robinson?s poetry
encourage so little critical attention if he was and is still a public,
published poet? This proposed ALA panel is soliciting 400-600 word
Edwin Arlington Robinson?s (1869-1935) most popular poems consistently
appear in numerous American poetry anthologies and high school
textbooks, his Collected Poems are carried by ?big box? bookstores, and
one of his poems was even the subject of the Simon and Garfunkel song
?Richard Cory.? Scott Donaldson?s forthcoming biography demonstrates
that Robinson remains a figure of literary interest. However, the
scarcity of recent critical work is remarkable; Donaldson?s biography
is the first in more than sixty years. So why does Robinson?s poetry
encourage so little critical attention if he was and is still a public,
published poet? This proposed ALA panel is soliciting 400-600 word
African Literature Association Conference
March 14-18, 2007
Panel: "Telling Otherwise: Re-Writing / Re-Visioning in Africa and the
African Diaspora"
African Literature Association Conference
March 14-18, 2007
Panel: "Telling Otherwise: Re-Writing / Re-Visioning in Africa and the
African Diaspora"
African Literature Association Conference
March 14-18, 2007
Panel: "Telling Otherwise: Re-Writing / Re-Visioning in Africa and the
African Diaspora"
African Literature Association Conference
March 14-18, 2007
Panel: "Telling Otherwise: Re-Writing / Re-Visioning in Africa and the
African Diaspora"
Call for Papers
Annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association,
Calgary,Alberta, Canada, October 3-6, 2007.
Session: The Cinema of Alfred Hitchcock
Call for theoretically informed papers focusing on any aspect of
Hitchcock's canon
Please send a one-page abstract or 12 page paper and vita to:
Professor Liahna Armstrong
Central Washington University
Professor Liahna Armstrong
Department of English
Central Washington University
400 E. University Way
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7558
Office phone: 509-963-1738
Dept. phone: 509-963-1546
Fax: 509-963-1561
Call for Papers (CFP)
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
A Critical & Creative Graduate Student Conference
Hosted by the Students of the Joint Graduate Programme
in Communication and Culture, York and Ryerson Universities
CFP Deadline: January 12, 2007
Conference Date: March 23-25, 2007
Location: Ryerson University - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
The Ethics and Ethoi of Critical Thought and Practice in the 21st Century
Call for Papers (CFP)
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
A Critical & Creative Graduate Student Conference
Hosted by the Students of the Joint Graduate Programme
in Communication and Culture, York and Ryerson Universities
CFP Deadline: January 12, 2007
Conference Date: March 23-25, 2007
Location: Ryerson University - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
The Ethics and Ethoi of Critical Thought and Practice in the 21st Century
Call for Papers (CFP)
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
A Critical & Creative Graduate Student Conference
Hosted by the Students of the Joint Graduate Programme
in Communication and Culture, York and Ryerson Universities
CFP Deadline: January 12, 2007
Conference Date: March 23-25, 2007
Location: Ryerson University - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
The Ethics and Ethoi of Critical Thought and Practice in the 21st Century
Call for Papers (CFP)
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
A Critical & Creative Graduate Student Conference
Hosted by the Students of the Joint Graduate Programme
in Communication and Culture, York and Ryerson Universities
CFP Deadline: January 12, 2007
Conference Date: March 23-25, 2007
Location: Ryerson University - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Intersections 2007: What's Right / Right Now?
The Ethics and Ethoi of Critical Thought and Practice in the 21st Century
UPDATE: "Music and Tradition" at SW/TX-PCA/ACA 14-17 Feb 2007 (Dec 1)
The 28th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
February 14-17, 2007
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The SW/TEX PCA/ACA annual conference represents one of the nation's largest gatherings of interdisciplinary scholars, with a particular interest in critical examinations of non-traditional or cross-disciplinary topics. The deadline for proposals has been extended to December 1.
Extended Deadline for SASA Paper Proposals: December 20, 2006.
(Re)Locating Borders: Negotiating & Constructing Identities
University of Arizona
March 3-4, 2007
Southwest and Texas Popular Culture Association=20
February 14-17, 2007=20
Topics might include Pulp Westerns, Recent Paperback Westerns, Silent=20
Film Westerns, Classic Film Westerns, Recent Film Westerns, Feminist,=20
Structuralist and other critical perspectives on Westerns. =20
Proposals should include a one-page abstract with a short vita and=20
should be emailed or mailed by December 1, 2006 to:=20
Paul Varner=20
Department of Language and Literature=20
Oklahoma Christian University=20
PO Box 11000=20
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-1100=20
Phone: (405) 425-5333=20
Email: paul.varner@
(Re)Locating Borders: Negotiating & Constructing Identities
University of Arizona
March 3-4, 2007
Southwest and Texas Popular Culture Association=20
February 14-17, 2007=20
Topics might include Pulp Westerns, Recent Paperback Westerns, Silent=20
Film Westerns, Classic Film Westerns, Recent Film Westerns, Feminist,=20
Structuralist and other critical perspectives on Westerns. =20
Proposals should include a one-page abstract with a short vita and=20
should be emailed or mailed by December 1, 2006 to:=20
Paul Varner=20
Department of Language and Literature=20
Oklahoma Christian University=20
PO Box 11000=20
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-1100=20
Phone: (405) 425-5333=20
Email: paul.varner@
(Re)Locating Borders: Negotiating & Constructing Identities
University of Arizona
March 3-4, 2007